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Everything posted by CasperTheLich

  1. i guess the char i use the most is a dunmer. my breton is a close second.
  2. i create a background & personality for each of my characters and act as he or she would. i try to avoid fast travel, sometimes i'm in a hurry, or i have too much gear and don't feel like dropping 50 weight points of gear for a fight i don't need. i guess each of my characters have their own quarks. my characters go swimming regularly. they try to eat at least one meal a day & will try to sleep regularly. my thief likes to steal a food item or 3 and eat it as she walks out the door. my spellsword likes to equip her legion medium (i guess it's counted as light in the grand scheme of things) armor even though she has much better light armor. my two-handed swordsman in heavy armor doesn't like to use shouts (that usually turns out bad... damn that markus. lol). my dunmer stealthy melee fighter is a drunkard... i mean a DRUNKARD (sanguine would be proud). my newest character hasn't picked up any quarks yet, only time will tell. i guess i'm not as much an rp-holic as i thought... i hope.
  3. as far as the opening scene goes, the only flaw i see is why would anyone follow the "nice" legionnaire through the fort after they were just seconds from beheading you. frankly, i have a hard time joining the empire even after i hear the speeches, rants, and see the lore books about the imperials, stormcloaks, & dominion. i find it hard to get over the whole off with his\her head thing. for instance... i can picture how skyrim would be under ulfric's rule, and i don't really like what i'm seeing. also i can see a few pictures of skyrim under the empire's rule. most are markedly better, some not so much. but i... er, my characters have a hard time carrying a "candle" for the jerks who wanted to separate my character's head from his or her body. ---edit as for why my character was dressed in rags and totally unarmed or armored in the beginning. i figured the ambush happened just before my character crossed the border, and happened to be carrying his\her belongings in a cart, and was wearing a suit of armor with a weapon etc. and some imperial patrol was conducting a mop up operation and came across my toon, they ordered him\her to surrender (and not knowing s\he walked into a war zone) my character obliged, thinking it was some kind of boarder inspection or some such. and my character was stripped of arms armor and possessions confiscated before being loaded on a prison wagon. Not too hard to accept, right?
  4. damn, wish i'd thought of that. i just used them on necromancers. (i figured i'd do to them what they did to everyone else) edit--- that seems fair... no?
  5. my first wow moment was the opening scene. my second, third & fourth holys**t moments were when i was battling an ancient dragon near whiterun, the dragon swooped down and picked up an archer guard then dropped him #2. then after a close battle got his health low enough for the crash landing. before i could get up to it the dragon ate another guard #3 (ate him, not used him as a chew toy and tossed him) then the insta-kill dragon death cam #4. all in one fight. i guess there were other wow moments before and after, but those are the ones that seem to stick to my mind. (if you're wondering... with all 4 of my characters i've killed about 200 dragons, and that's only happened once)
  6. for me it would be the glitches. followed by the dialogue (NPC interaction, lack of pc responses, lack of NPC response form your character's actions, etc.), finally ending with the linier feeling of the quests, all quests. with all this i still enjoy playing skyrim. it's a good game, but it could have been beyond fantastic & mind-blowing. (which always seems to piss me off) ps- don't mind the spelling issues (if any), my glasses are busted, so i can't really see what i'm typing all that clearly.
  7. morroblivion is finally finished? i had no idea.
  8. some of the crafting mods will let you make it, if i recall those armor variations can't be upgraded without such mods.
  9. if i managed to get behind one with my darkelf character she could sneakattack kill a dragon. with 2 legendary enchanted daedric swords base damage is 72 + the +40% 1h damage enchantment (might even have two) + shock + frost enchant combo on one, health + fire on the other. makes one dead dragon with the 7X stealth kill modifier. if i can get behind it, usually i have to come in from the side as i can't hit a dragon from directly behind as the boundary for the object (dragon) seems to be larger than the hit location. So I can only hit the wings or it’s face with blades.
  10. that's just what i thought. i figure we're morag tong assassins then?
  11. i think you do have more choices then in oblivion too, and maybe nearly as much as morrowind had... with one exception. making a choice doesn't exclude you from making a second and opposite choice that you should no longer be able to make. IMHO as always. I guess morrowind was kind of like that too. however it was harder to work it like that. much harder.
  12. i first started playing videogames in... 1991, gosh that's a heck of a long time ago. i was 7-8. was playing ah-1 cobra (can't recall what the game was actually called, those of you who know helicopters know it i bet) on nintendo. got my first computer + computer games 1992 or 3. very first computer game i played "panzer general", on a Packard 386. starcraft was the very first game i modded. i was a wiz with scripting maps, and map events... creatively (if you find starcraft maps by Casper_the_Ghost those are mine, unless someone sniped my name). i'd been playing tabletop/bookshelf + dnd games since 1988 (i was 4, thank my dad for that, lol) how often do i play? weekly i have no clue, by the day? somewhere between 6-12 h/p/d. i have a social interactive disorder. can't hold a job, and on ssi. so i have lots of free time on my hands. started watching movies & tv shows to help keep me somewhat disconnected from my computer... otherwise fairly soon you'd likely hear me assimilated, and i'd do that scary borg drone speech thing. lol (yes I’m a sci-fi freak too, total trekkie to boot)
  13. you disagree with me being morag tong? or with the whole surprise thing? ---edit figured i'd be blue, but i guess white works though.
  14. What… this never happened to me! i feel cheated. i want my multi dragon encounters. or i would if dragons were working.
  15. my first character a level 76 darkelf. started as a stealthy type, but morphed into a stealthly dual sword melee fighter , then stealthy fighter + pocket mage. second char started as a nord in heavy armor wealding a claymore and at level 40 something... still is mostly. added master enchanter too him. (stopped using him cause he's at the point in the main quest where you start killing dragons, my dragons are broke) my newest char is a female brenton, resembling a spellsword in light armor. she's just hit lvl 20 (i'm avoiding the MQ with her till dragons aren't broke) i stopped using my first char too because she lives for dragon hunting, not quite so fun when the dragons don't die. lol
  16. i'm a rouge, tactical & strategic surprise is the way most likely to secure victory. ---edit and my color is white. lol i guess i'm morag tong then.
  17. oh, btw Pushkatu. Happy birthday. i missed that. lol just don't drink too much.
  18. didn't recall that in oblivion, or maybe it was bugged for me. cause once i went starving people would remember that i was a vampire. or at least for 3 days. could be a mod perk though.
  19. my best guesses. either they're in the animations section of the skyrim nexus, or someone took one of the many pose mods from oblivion and reworked it for skyrim (as to how i have no idea)
  20. i started with tabletop & bookshelf games in the late 80s early 90s. DnD type stuff, including DnD. so story is just as important to me as shiny things are, if not more so. if a game i like is lacking in story, i'll write my own in my head. i do agree that gaming seems to be missing in story elements, more so lately. i do find it sad. so not all young whelps are unimaginative, just quite a lot of em' are. Makes me feel sorry for the younger generations, and everyone else as a result.
  21. so i need to totally remake my character's background. it worked very well before this too. *sigh* ----edit I can’t decide how plausible this is so I’d like some input on my character’s new background. Katriin (plz don’t steal her name) is 60 years of age (I figure that’s less than middle-aged for a dunmer, right?) Her parents were high ranked retainers for the house redoran, they were forced into exile and moved to the imperial city after the oblivion crisis (for unknown reasons, family secrets) and at her mid-teens to early 20s she was a freelance mercenary, by 30 she was a hardened veteran merc, specialty: hunting and killing rogue necromancers. During the thalmor war/s the legion hired her for her expertise in killing wizards. during a battle with altmer wizards in the imperial city she was thrown from a second story battlement and nearly killed. She spent a year in and out of a coma. And another decade recuperating. At which time her skills had completely left her and she decided to retire. Ten more years passed, and she grew restless with a simple life, and took to drinking knowing she no longer had the skills to return to a life of adventure. During one of these binges someone in a jocular fashion suggested that she should head up to skyrim, “if living there didn’t kill her, it would bring her old self back in no time.” Oddly enough at the time it seemed like a good idea to her, and after the ale wore off she was to stubborn to realize it was a bad idea. And now she’s where she is. What’d you guys think? Need any work? (I always have to find ways to explain why my character started at lvl 1. Lol)
  22. wasn't there an oblivion mod that attempted this and didnt turn out very well? i do recall it vaguely. it used a modified mask of nocturnal script right?
  23. So the entire continent was destroyed, or is some of it is still left? other than 4e we don’t know what year, right? This doesn’t help me much. But thanks for the info.
  24. could the pants thing be optional, i don't think it would look right on imperial armor? however, i would like to redo the light imperial armors. i think a light chainmail covered by a leather tunic would work better. (like in that movie centurion) with a chainmail leather hood too. that would look great, IMHO as always.
  25. a character or two mentioned something about red mountain exploding. a few others and a lore book mentioned that red mountain exploded and the entire province sank into the ocean. does anyone know exactly what happened or when? i can't seem to find details, anywhere. normally it wouldn't be this troublesome; however, my first character in skyrim was a darkelf (err... dunmer) . i need to know the details so i can rework her background, and adjust her personality accordingly. (i'm a big RPer, i give every character i make a back-story & personality) can anyone give me a few answers? it'd be appreciated. thanks
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