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Everything posted by CasperTheLich

  1. that's one more thing that bugged me about skyrim. you can go to the bards college and attend it; however, you can't wonder around from tavern or inn to tavern or inn and play music for money. i want my character to sing, dance, and play a lute... or even a flute. (green eggs & ham book not intended... ok, maybe a little)
  2. i'm (nearly---edit) 28 and an old guy in a young man's body. or so i'm told.
  3. when i play assassin characters i go to great lengths to seem normal or for my character to seem normal. for instance i'd have a fighter's guild cover identity, or even better no one would suspect that the hero of the oblivion crisis would be the head of the dark brotherhood. or the grand champion of the arena, etc. same thing for the thieves guild
  4. well, i guess i'm one of the young ones here. about 2 months from birthday number 28. i play on master. (mainly because i want to see dragons eating people once in a while, not just chomping on them then tossing them about lol) i do find it a bit difficult at times; however, i do like to smith my own armor & weapons, and upgrade & enchant them as well. i like hearing "i doubt anyone in skyrim could make a better enchantment.". i take pride in my fine armor, blades & enchantments. it doesn't really bother me that with good armor & weapons it gets easier. i mean in real life if you got better equipment it should make things easier right? if i'm a wimp for wearing a suit of legendary enchanted dragonscale armor, and swinging enchanted legendary deadric swords ( two of em'), well so be it. call me driving miss daisy if you wish. (I take it kindly if you didn’t)
  5. when guards catchup with you later is the bounty 1000g? if not it could be that someone saw you committing B&E or some other crime later on. i was caught for trespassing upon exiting houses (well not caught exactly).
  6. i've still got my copy of morrowind installed in my computer, i hardly ever play it though. i downloaded to many mods that just change it too much. and i added my own music and failed to realize until later that i killed the immersion on my own. it wasn't until i installed & played oblivion that i even noticed. as far as doing every single little thing in the whole game. when i make a character i create a personality for each one, that determines what they do, what quests they take etc. i just try to avoid doing stuff they wouldn't. i will say an option to drop quests would be useful. because you don't often get the option to decline to take a quest after they told you what it is. or even if they do you get a quest to accept the quest. lol i find that quite annoying.
  7. @ El`derina no harm done. i might have come off a little harsher then i intended. sorry bout' that. just couldn't come up with a softer version of what i felt i needed to say. i don't need a bugfree release (don't even think i've seen a bugfree game ever besides solitaire or minesweeper), all i really want is a game that's playable with as little game braking nonsense as possible. for 60bucks do you think i'm asking too much?
  8. it could be argued that fact can be opinion, because few facts are completely objective or are able to be viewed as such. it's just that perspective seems to dictate what fact actually means.
  9. @ El`derina: there's a few items i feel the need to respond to. first off, from what i can tell most of the people having issues are in the majority, not minority. it seems to me that bethesda is purging their forums of posts relating to bugs. so it seems that those with issues aren't in the minority at all. and if i read your posts correctly your game is running fairly well, minus a few small bugs. i don't like the fact you're trivializing the issues other people are having. does it seem right to claim issues you're not having are acceptable to deal live with & to stop whining about them? most of the issues i was having involved textures not loading correctly, and ctds everywhere. after that 1.2 patch my fps drops massively for no reason at times, more ctds, and dragons fly around like backwards supersonic jets that don't die no matter how many arrows i put into them. i don't mean to rag on you, i just feel you're being... what’s a good word, just a tad egotistical?
  10. what difficulty setting were you using? master difficulty ditto. maybe that why it eats people once in a while?
  11. i've always wondered if i was enough of a bad*** assassin for the dark brotherhood would i become another nightmother or nightfather like immortal ghostly character?
  12. when you look around franticly for any signs of sanguine before downing a drink at a pub.
  13. does that work for oblivion? if so i lost about 40 characters for nothing.
  14. before 1.2 i've seen this as well. not often though. usually they either fly around untill i get bored, or they make a few laps and go.
  15. i was collecting soulgems, arrows, ingots etc. after a while i had an overflow of such items. so i guess i've been stocking up on coins now. ------edit i find myself thinking damn, wouldn't it be nice to be a b***ss dragonhunter in rl? why, yes... yes it would.
  16. i've killed like 60 dragons with my first char. about 20 or so crash landed, about 30 or so died because they landed for a quick snack (2 ebony or daedric swords can be quite mean), the other 10 or so were dragonrended (so i guess they crashed too). i'd say maybe 15 or so either landed chomped on and tossed stuff (including me), grabbed using their talons and wooshed off, or once i think i saw one eat someone. he, she, it landed... picked up a guard with its teeth, then sort of chomped on him (ala jurrassic park or sharkweek), and i think just... well, finished him in one last big bite. twas at a distance when this occurred. and it only happened once. so i could have missed the toss. however, in retrospect i think the dragon regained some health. oh, and the dragons shouting, i think i've seen an ancient use frost then switch to fire once or twice. if that counts.
  17. my female darkelf is a monster. legendary enchanted dragonscale, 2 legendary enchanted daedric swords, legendary enchanted daedric bow & arrows. i use her as a stealthy melee fighter. in a straight fight she can more than hold her own against most enemies. or mobs of them. however, she still dies from time to time. mostly being surprised by an ancient dragon in a very bad spot. even with resistances if you can't maneuver you're still toast. on master at least. I’ve been playing her for nearly 200 hours. She’s at lvl76 right now (not easy to do I assure you)
  18. my first character was a female darkelf. she felt just fine.
  19. you don't even like hunting down and killing dragons? it's not fun for you? that's like my new favorite thing in the world. i really love being bushwhacked by an ancient and fighting for my life on a flimsy mountain trail that is almost too small for me to walk up or down on my own. (or i used to when dragons still worked)
  20. i'd say i have to agree completely here. and i've tried to avoid becoming master smith, enchanter, alchemist, etc. for rp reasons. and mostly failed. it's just too tempting. i've managed to avoid most of the perks here. except smithing and enchanting. they're just too useful. and if you want enchantments you need to do it yourself (unless you’re lucky enough to find every armor, weapon, misc enchanted object you’re looking for), you can't hire a mage to do it for you, and pay for their knowledge & expertise. which i think is a mistake. where was I going with this? i guess i'll just leave it here
  21. if bethesda is going down the road i think they are; it's more than a case of the flu and temporaty amnesia. more like a psychotic break + sociopathic tendencies. no matter how hot she is or interesting she may be. not worth the risk no matter how much fun she might be. unless i'm wrong. god, do i hope i'm wrong here.
  22. it should be in your update history in steam. open the steam launcher, select library, on the list of games on the left, right click skyrim, click properties, then click updates then update history, then in the menu on the right click product updates.
  23. when it was working i loved it (i think i'm an addict as well). the glitches did annoy me quite a bit, however i could live with it when it was playable. after the 1.2 patch i feel like an addict who is tied to a chair with his fix on a table a few feet away. so right now i hate it quite a bit. so i don't really know how to answer that.
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