@bluedanieru -- I actually tend to agree with you in principle, but I think you're severely overestimating the impact of the current implementation also. Maybe in 3 months or so when the whole thing is revisited, it can be changed if needed. I personally doubt there will be much need. Time will tell. I disagree about explicitly stating that you would NOT ban users from your mod(s) being frowned on. Nobody cares what you put in your description/readme. I also am rather jaded, and believe that the users who needed to read it most, wouldn't read it anyway. This is Murphy's Law as applied to Mod Descriptions. Let it be known to the masses reading this thread, that I am entirely neutral. I don't care one way or the other. I could get rid of problem users previously, by going through the (sometimes overworked) moderator team, and I can do the same thing now. The only difference is, the moderators are only going to be seriously involved when someone disputes it and/or appeals something. Even then, a mod creator should have the final say whether a (perceived) abusive user has any access to their files. If a mod creator were so inclined, they could (and have in the past) eliminate the mod from the nexus entirely, just because one or two users were being abusive in some way. All this has been hashed out I'm sure, by the staff. I'm done with this thread. I'm done with this topic. I'm pretty sure most (if not all) of the Nexus staff would agree. The feature is there, and it's not going anywhere for a while. Live with it, or move on to another site, I care not which. If this came off as being too harsh, I apologize. It's been a rough day, and I'm tired of seeing people :wallbash: on this feature. To make this a bit less grumpy-sounding, a word from our sponsor. http://pics.lolme.org/2013/08/happy-grumpy-cat-14.jpg