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  1. I didn't take on the title of Master of the Followers for nothing!
  2. Don't worry cotoli, I'm American and I didn't understand a word of it either.
  3. in quest DB01 (innocence lost) Aventus gets put into a quest alias. That alias has a package attached that makes him travel "home" and voice only the one line when stage 30 of DB01 is completed. I would suggest a monitoring script, to remove him from that alias when he's a member of the PlayerFollowerFaction and DB01 stage 30 is NOT complete, and to place him back into that alias when he's BOTH not a follower AND DB01 stage 30 is completed.
  4. I could very well be wrong, I know less about navmeshing than I know about rocket science. It was something I read somewhere, and I may have even misunderstood it then... I do know that the follower teleports like the one provided by summon followers or aft's catch up on weapon draw should work to bring them to you wherever you are. Another possibility exists that the "portal" could be "locked" somehow? if it's locked, followers can't use it even if the navmash says they can. I've had followers lock themselves in jail cells before (due to a relax mod usually) and they stay there until you find and rescue them, or summon them... but I don't know for sure what I'm talking about, just throwing out ideas.
  5. I don't know the answer myself, but figured I'd give you a bump and a suggestion to contact @AlexanderJVelicky (author of Falskaar) or perhaps @muppetpuppet (author of Moonpath to Elsweyr) Good luck!
  6. I believe it has something to do with the navmesh, there's no path into (OR OUT OF) the cairn that a (normal) follower can use, so when they try to path to you they can't. Serana is scripted specifically to travel/teleport with you there, and you may find Vilja and other off-vanilla followers with a catch-up feature following you there as well.
  7. I could be wrong, but I think when a quest "ends" it's no longer running, thus none of its scripts are running, thus the update event would never fire. You might need to extend out to another quest stage, and then set the (new) end quest stage in the update event.
  8. change: ObjectReference Property gold001 auto to: MiscItem Property gold001 auto It should then auto-fill and work properly.
  9. Not being a voice actor myself, I wholeheartedly endorse anything to do with voiced companions. +1 and I hope some of the awesome voice actors/actresses come calling! Anduniel, I'm not sure if you'd fit the mold here, but an audition would be awesome. C'MON!
  10. I agree with what "seems" to be the norm these days, but there are LOADS of people wanting to get back to the basics. Take Inigo for example. He's just another companion mod, right? Heck, he doesn't even have a quest in game yet. He's even blue. Why do so many people fall in love with a blue khajit? He has personality. He has backstory. He comments on things as though he's your friend, not like some brainless body with long flowing hair. He's going to be getting at least the first parts of his quest released in a month or so, and there are already people dying to learn more about this follower-become-friend. People like really well-told stories. If they want pixel porn they can get it anywhere, they don't need Skyrim for it. I'd say work on that questline, make sure it fits into the world, and people will love it. As far as HD Fur Hoods... I play first person and my followers tend to not wear fur... so wouldn't do me much good personally *grin*
  11. Starting to sound (to me) like the serverside QoS limiting the bandwidth usage. It's like the connection gets dropped between bursts, possibly due to a syn/ack getting dropped somewhere. I know one of the UK servers does (did) this to me, I think it's the London server, but the rest of the servers seem fine. I know it's probably not what you want to hear (especially after having such issues) but I'd bet the premium level would eliminate your problem. £2.99 for a month to test it out, and Robin may even refund that if it doesn't solve your problem.
  12. I agree with Faelrin. The worst that most modders would do is delete single posts, and they wouldn't resort to a block unless the user continued to post seriously bad remarks.
  13. @bluedanieru -- I actually tend to agree with you in principle, but I think you're severely overestimating the impact of the current implementation also. Maybe in 3 months or so when the whole thing is revisited, it can be changed if needed. I personally doubt there will be much need. Time will tell. I disagree about explicitly stating that you would NOT ban users from your mod(s) being frowned on. Nobody cares what you put in your description/readme. I also am rather jaded, and believe that the users who needed to read it most, wouldn't read it anyway. This is Murphy's Law as applied to Mod Descriptions. Let it be known to the masses reading this thread, that I am entirely neutral. I don't care one way or the other. I could get rid of problem users previously, by going through the (sometimes overworked) moderator team, and I can do the same thing now. The only difference is, the moderators are only going to be seriously involved when someone disputes it and/or appeals something. Even then, a mod creator should have the final say whether a (perceived) abusive user has any access to their files. If a mod creator were so inclined, they could (and have in the past) eliminate the mod from the nexus entirely, just because one or two users were being abusive in some way. All this has been hashed out I'm sure, by the staff. I'm done with this thread. I'm done with this topic. I'm pretty sure most (if not all) of the Nexus staff would agree. The feature is there, and it's not going anywhere for a while. Live with it, or move on to another site, I care not which. If this came off as being too harsh, I apologize. It's been a rough day, and I'm tired of seeing people :wallbash: on this feature. To make this a bit less grumpy-sounding, a word from our sponsor. http://pics.lolme.org/2013/08/happy-grumpy-cat-14.jpg
  14. So, the thing you must ask yourself is, what's different between your computer and 99.997% of the other users of the nexus and NMM? When you figure that out, maybe you can post a helpful thread for that 0.003% to read when they have the same problems as you.
  15. Possibly related: http://invisionmodding.com/topic/49209-resolved-sect-parsing-to/
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