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Posts posted by KnorKater

  1. Scrap Everything goes to the very bottom of your load order, Homemaker to the top. For the rest I recommend you to use a program called LOOT. It automatically sorts your load order and warns you of any issues it recognizes (like missing dependencies). It's not perfect, but it's all you need most of the time.
  2. You like to help people to fix their issues regarding mods, but aren't patient enough to explain every single step again and again, or just don't have time for long conversations? Wish you could just run Teamviewer and fix it yourself? Why not add a feature to the Nexus to do just that? Imagine a team of volunteers people could come to, explain what the problem is, and then just let them fix it via Teamviewer.


    If you want to participate as a NFF, opt in for it (maybe limit this function to user with a minimum amount of posts/mods/kudos/whatever) on your profile page. There you'd be able to enter your experience level, set the timeframe in which you're available, or just go for the "whenever online"-option. People could then browse a list of NFFs and see which are available right now and just write them, resulting in a pop-up on the NFFs site. You exchange Teamviewer data and go for it. Of course this can only be based on trust. If people think letting a complete stranger on the internet fiddle with their computer is too dangerous, there's still the forum to go to. Don't like it? Don't use it. An indicator value on the profile for the success rate and trustworthiness of a volunteer should be helpful for people considering to use this. You'd rate your helper after finishing the session.


    NFF's misconduct would be punishable with a ban, which would make misconduct less likely the more time and energy a member already has invested on the Nexus. I would be wary of new people, but someone with 4k posts and several own mods here wouldn't be much of an issue. As indicator for the status of a Fix-it-Fairy little fairy wings could be added around the profile picture.


    Most people just want to play the game and don't bother with complicated modding issues. Providing fast and competent help with that would be a huge advantage for the Nexus in comparison to other *cough*modpirating*cough* sites. I wouldn't recommend it, but it would even be an option to only let premium members engage with the most competent and experienced volunteers, or let the NFFs decide each for themself whether they want to be available for all, or just premium members. I personally wouldn't have a problem with that, but I bet my left hindquarter that others will.


    Initially I intended to mark this thread as [schnapsidee] (an idea that only sounds good when you're drunk) in the title, but I couldn't find an adequate english translation for that word. :-/

  3. Someone recently had a problem with his textures, too, and it turned out that the NMM only put links to the real textures into the game's Data folder. The real textures were "installed" into the NMM's own folder somehow. Maybe check if it's the same problem here. Open your game's data folder and dive into the texture files to see if the actual textures are even there.


    Other mods could work because they use archived textures.

  4. Been looking into this thread several times now, but didn't think the fact that I like the new design (and functionality) would add anything of value to the conversation, but yeah, I do like the new design.


    I don't think just flat out going back to the old design is a good idea, and I suspect that the human tendency to resist changes plays into this to some degree. But on the other hand the wish of what seems like quite a number of users shouldn't be ignored, either. Or let's just say I don't see any benefit for the Nexus in alienating users over a design debate. A compromise could be the implementation of a template system, which would also complement the very nature of this site quite nicely: Let's mod Nexus Mods. At least colors and layout where possible. Just the .css stuff.


    A temporary solution could be browser plugins that enable you to alter websites on the client site (Greasemonky or something). Someone just has to modify it to look as similar to the old version as possible and provide the info for copy&paste here. If nobody is willing to do this, I can look into it when I'm back at home.


    Would be nice, tho, if Dark0ne told us if this is allowed or not. Don't wanna earn a ban for altering the layout on the client side.^^

  5. You could use a program called LOOT to check for load order issues. If it doesn't find anything, I'd try to deactivate mods and see if the issue persists. If not, activate them a couple at a time and see if the problem returns. That way you can find the perpetrator and look for solutions. Btw, Scrap Everything should be at the bottom of your load order.
  6. I have been through site redesigns of the Nexus before and this is the first one I absolutely hate. I feel like I need to take Tylenol every time I finish looking it over.

    Why tho? It doesn't look much different and has some useful new functions. Or are you merely talking about color?

  7. If you waited for the download for 30min, the problem is on your end, since this is NOT normal on the nexus. It normaly starts right away, even for free users.


    "Your download should begin in a few seconds" is NOTHING like the artificial file hoster waiting time and something you see on every single site offering free stuff. The speed limit of 1MB/sec is very generous considering that the vast majority of mods is only a couple of KB large. Premium is just a couple of bucks, and I personaly just buy it to support a site that I like. You can use the Nexus perfectly fine without it, I did so myself for a long time. If you think that's anywhere close to sites like rapidshare, then the problem is your attitude.

  8. What if Tamriel was as technologically advanced as we are? What would the music be like? Re-envision songs of our world as music from Tamriel. Post a title, a refrain, or an entire songtext. Funny or serious is your choice. Limit it to one song per post, so others can shine, too.




    "Prankster's Paradise - by Sheogorath" (orig. Gangsta's Paradise by Coolio)


    "As I walk through the bit of Dementia that's left

    I take a look at my serfs and realize they're pretty daft

    Cause I've been mutilating and torturing so long, that

    even the folks in Mania think that's weird and wrong


    But then I also nick adventurers who didn't deserve it

    So them calling me a madman is totally perfect

    Hidden in the bushes I watch them walking and watch them talking

    Soon they and their brethren will be happily squawking


    I love to make them trip because it's fun, ouch

    As I quickly rise and turn one of them into a pouch, fools

    I'm the kind of prankster YouDovah's wanna be like,

    Bringing others to their knees, while babbling nonsense in the streetlight


    Been spending most their lives, livin in a prankster's paradise

    Been spending most my life, turning others into cheese I like"

  9. The mighty magical sword of mighty magical mightiness

    iCut Swivel

    Dirt Sword (for when you run out of wood in minecraft)

    The rusty argonian blade



    99 red puncture wounds

    Poke you smooth skin one more time

    The 12 pains of cutlery

    Does it have a name?

    I won't tell you

    Stop asking for the name

    It has no name

    Your mom


    Expecto Ouchiosum


    Mite Slayer

    The Sword of Dullness

    Pointy Metal Stick


  10. If you have a fast connection, you could move the fallout 4 game folder and the folder in your user documents elsewhere (as a quick backup method), export your load order via NMM, and then reinstall it via Steam. If the vanilla version still doesn't work, the update likely caused similar issues for other people and you have to wait for a windows update fix.
  11. I might remember it wrong, but shouldn't the "sResourceDataDirsFinal=" entry be in the fallout4.ini or the prefs.ini? As in "just delete everything behind the = in the existing entry". Never saw it as a customs entry before.
  12. You could try to verify the game files via Steam (right click on the game in the library->properties->local files->verify integrety or something similar). It'll download any missing or corrupted files again. Since the savegames are synchronized with the steam cloud you don't lose them. If you're in doubt, make a backup (c:\users\username\documents\my games\fallout 4). Maybe copy the Data directory in the game folder, too, if you installed any mods and fear losing them, even tho this shouldn't happen.
  13. I don't think so. My own character's max. carry weight is currently ~1500, and I tend to move huge piles of stuff around often (40.000+). Still, try if it keeps happening without any mods installed. If you still have the problem in a few days (not at home atm), I could try to replicate the issue by using your config and mods and see if I can find something out.
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