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Posts posted by Deleted58783396User

  1. I have looked through about 400 mods for this game. I am, by and large, unimpressed with the variety and quality of the mods. By my count, there are less than 30 mods for this game that actually add anything substantial to this game, things that actually have an impact, changing the game in a way that brings variety and replayability to the game. There are no less than ten mods that increase the settlement cap, where such a mod is not even necessary, so useless.

    i cant wait to see you spend over 1000 hours on a mod only for someone else to jump in and say the mod is rubbish or it should of been catered towards them. an aweful lot of people do not understand what it takes to make a mod, especially a massive mod, baring in mind these mods are made completely free of charge for the end user, yet costs the author a lot of time, time that could of been spent in a real job making real money but no the authors decided to spend that time making free mods for the masses. yes quite a few mods will not appeal to you, but again they cost the author time, while you are reaping the benefits free of charge, you have to respect that. especially for games as old as fallout and skyrim.


    case in point, you have absolutely no entitlement here, you are not doing the authors favors by downloading their mods, and then moaning about the quality of them, especially when you are not benefiting them at all.


    the only gratitude authors get is possitive feedback and endorsements to their mods, many do not even do this, it may seem like an arbitrary number to you, but seeing endorsements means people are enjoying your content, which means you did not make it in vein and all that time you spent was not wasted. especially applicable to massive mods, because why would an author spend thousands of hours on a mod that will only be used by themselves.

  2. The Latest versions of AWKCR makes Concealed Armors Redundant, so if AWKCR does work on Modded Armor, then that will be Conflict, as 2 mods will be attempting to do the same thing. so for testing purposes, disable concealed armors, and see if you can conceal synth armor from said mod.


    as for Duplicate Entries, will also probably be a Mod Conflict (AWKCR + Workbench Mods), or Invalid/Incorrect Load Order.


    also i am pretty sure Both the Latest Versions of AWKCR and Armorsmith Extended make the mods: Legendary Modifications and all them Crafting Workbench mods you have Redundant.


    so you can Delete/Disable the Very Many Esp Files you have for Said Mods.


    also for Live Dismemberment mod It is Completely Not Necessary to have All ESP Active, you only need to Choose 1 and Disable the Others, Read the Mod's Main Page to find out what each individual esp does, and the disable the rest based on your Preference.


    so yea, you can potentially save about 20 esp slots.


    Note: AWKCR = Armor Weapons Keywords Community Resource.


    so yea disable all mentioned mods: Concealed Armors, Legendary Modifications, All Crafting Workbench mods and the 6 Remaining Live Dismemberment Esp Files, and try again.

  3. i would imagine quite a few people most likely have godrays disabled because it is poorly implemented that completely destroys fps (and anything less then ultra godrays, causes pixelation, as in lower quality godrays that is not ultra, causes very visible pixelation), their is a however a mod this supposedly fixes ultra godrays, but at the same time, introduces blatant pixelation, which is kinda redundant in my eyes, because then you are swapping a broken effect for yet another broken affect. for me personally this is apparent, even on a pretty powerful machine. not only does it kill performance, but for me it also introduces input lag (which the game already has for me, so this is even worse., which is 1 thing i hate more then low fps. it is completely not worth the effect. granted it can make for some gorgeous scenes, but fps drops, pixelation, and input lag is completely not worth it (godrays = situational based, input lag and low fps = constantly).


    Input lag as in Mouse input lag.


    nvidia cards are generally more powerful then amd, so i would be surprised if the game even runs with ultra godrays on an amd card. anything less then 60fps is absolutely unacceptable for me, especially on this machine on a now 3 year old game.


    but then saying that certain cards do better then others, so its possible that amd may be able to do godrays better.

  4. pretty sure it will only be hidden to those that have the Extreme Violence / Gore tag selected in their Content Blocking


    i am pretty sure it is on a per tag basis, as it is required that the author adds all required tags to make the mod completely hidden to those that do not wish to see adult content.


    Example, Having Extreme Violence / Gore tag selected in their Content Blocking but not Nudity, would still allow people to see adult content, but not gore

  5. i recommend Msi Afterburner for Hardware Monitoring


    Msi Afterburner: https://www.guru3d.com/files-details/msi-afterburner-beta-download.html <-- scroll all the way to the bottom and download 4.5.0


    now install it and Rivatuner (which is the monitoring program, included with msi afterburner setup) - once done launch it - click on Settings (the Gear icon) - click on the Monitoring Tab - now click on GPU Temperature, GPU Usage, CPU 1, 2, 3 ,4 Temperature and Usage and finally Ram Usage and Framerate (underneath ram usage), after clicking on each of these, be sure to click on Show on Onscreen Display (Box) for each of these. now click on the Onscreen Display Tab, and Set up your desired keys for the Hotkeys. (you will know if their enabled, as under the Properties title for each setting, it will say In OSD)


    now go in game, and press the show hotkey you setup, and report back results.


    Note: Msi Afterburner also has a Framerate limiter, and can also Record Footage - (In Full 1080p), and take High Quality Screenshots.


    Note: Msi Afterburner = the Jet Icon, Rivertuner = the Monitor with a red 60 icon.

  6. my mod would not cause this issue, the only way you can increase reload speed is by picking a perk the specifically mentions it (which only increases the reload speed by 20% per rank, that will not make weapons reload rapidly as you so put, they will be much quicker but not ridiculosly fast) also it helps to pay attention to what you are doing. with that said my mod will do nothing on a brand new character without perks


    why you would install an overhaul mod half way through a playthrough is beyond me


    Edit: the mod is now deleted, it should not of been uploaded in the first place, since i made it for personal use, but thought others may want it, judging from stats that is not the case, so it is now gone.

  7. the only thing bethesda changes is the exe file, and sometimes the ba2 archive files every time they update, they do not touch the INI files, and the Fallout4Custom is not included by default, hence the very name Custom which would refer to a user based file. (user input)


    and the file paths will be completely down to the user as well or more specifically where you tell steam to install the game to.


    so if you are having an anomaly where the file paths are being changed, then steam would be the one to be blamed not Bethesda, Bethesda cannot modify file paths via an update to their game (the only possible way, is via remote access your computer, which is extremely unlikely the case. or shady buisness with steam, but this can only happen when you install the game, it cannot happen after the game has been installed already and placed in a specific location). and besides they don't determine where games install to, steam does and that is completely based on where you the user tells steam to install games to.


    the only thing bethesda is screwing with is the fallout 4 script extender, and thats due to creation club content needing to consistently update the fallout 4 executable file to inject new content (as in reading the new ccc file that has the content) xD. bethesda know full well, their games are nothing without mods. and by destroying mods, would destroy their playerbase. not only that but a lot of modders that make free mods are also the same modders who are making creation club content, i do not believe a single mod in the creation club is made by bethesda themselves. and should free mods disappear, this will then put bethesda in a very bad light, as the only way to get mods will be via microtransactions, on a Offline Single Player Game, this would create a lot of hate for them.


    in the end of the day it does not matter how good a mechanic is, if its broken or incomplete it is then in my eyes redundant.


    a massive open world means absolutely nothing if its empty.


    case in point, mods fix the incompleteness of the game, it fixes redundancy and makes the game complete, is basically what i am saying.


    contrary to what my post might suggest, i do actually have a lot of respect for bethesda and love their games, however mods are very much needed rather then wanted, is basically what i am getting at.

  8. did you disable the Ultra HD Esm btw ? (the Bethesda Ultra HD DLC)


    also you do realize that bethesda made this dlc literally for a gtx 1080 and better, which is hell of a lot more powerful then the 960


    ultra hd dlc = 4k textures, which means you want at least 8GB vram for an entire game being in 4k


    as mentioned above, the hd texture mods on the nexus blows the ultra hd dlc out of the water, not too mention said mods greatly increase performance in comparison, and does not require a nasa grade computer


    i have a feeling the dlc is causing or at least part of the issue.


    however since its 100% repeatable crash, this would usually indicate mods, but looking at your mods i cannot see issues their, not too mention how very few mods you have. which then leads to hardware based issues, or windows.


    can you monitor your hardware whilst playing the game, and paste what results you are getting




    CPU, GPU and System Memory usage, as well as Temperatures


    also if you want recommendations for texture mods let us know, i can recommend quite a few that will make the game look amazing. far better then the dlc and with half the requirements to run.

  9. list your mods and we will go from there.

    if using Nexus Mod Manager - launch it - click on Plugins tab - click on the 5th icon down (Export The Current Load Order) - locate said list, open it up and paste it here

    if you have an Excessive Amount of Mods, be sure to put the Mod List in a Spoiler:

    [*spoiler] Mod List [*/spoiler]

    Note: remove the Asteriks from the spoiler tags to create spoilers

  10. Set: ForceVideoMemorySize=True

    and Set: VideoMemorySizeMb=4096

    you only need to set the above to 4096, this will eliminate memory based issues, you should Not need to set it higher then this.

    also windows 10 does matter quite a bit actually, it includes a lot of crapware, which are resource hogs, this effectively gives you much less resources then windows 7 would give you. not too mention it has by defualt considerably more services running, hence less resources for gaming and other activities.

    so if 4096 is not enough, then set it to 8192

    4096 = 4GB

    8192 = 8GB

    16384 = 16GB

    GB = Gigabyte <-- (incase that was not ovbious)

  11. Heather, Cait and Strong


    i have yet to get the companions you listed in them mods, not even started any of them mods yet xD


    cait being my ultimate fave, especially with the mods that change her looks, and her ai.


    she also matches my playstyle perfectly

  12. if the problem is still applicable:


    list your mods and we will go from there.
    if using Nexus Mod Manager - launch it - click on Plugins tab - click on the 5th icon down (Export The Current Load Order) - locate said list, open it up and paste it here
    if you have an Excessive Amount of Mods, be sure to put the Mod List in a Spoiler:
    [*spoiler] Mod List [*/spoiler]
    Note: remove the Asteriks from the spoiler tags to create spoilers
  13. what settlement mods are you using ?


    and also have you made any changes to your Fallout 4 Ini Files, or any console commands ?


    more specfically, have you made any changes to the Papyrus scripting engine, or changed the Timescale at all


    in fact can you list your mods, to get a better understanding on potential issues


    i am going to assume by refreshing you mean, your settlements keep becoming unbuilt/reset


    and lastly have your disabled/deleted any mods in an active playthrough, especially script based mods ?

  14. try right clicking on the mod in question, and select Apply Filter for Cleaning option, then once finished, try again what i said in my previous post.


    also make sure the Actual Esp file is also Not Set to Read Only if it is thats probably why you have no option to remove dependencies


    Right Click on the Esp and Check to see if it is Set to Read Only if it is, Un-tick the Read Only box.


    and also run F04Edit As Administrator.


    if all of the above does not work:


    if you are on windows 10 and these files are in your C:Drive then their is a good chance their is security measures preventing files from being modified.


    a Few Things you can try if that is the case:


    1. disable user account control, simply go to - computer - control panel - user accounts - user account control - drag it to the bottom (Never Notify) - may require a system reboot to take effect, try changing this and try removing dependencies again if that fails then your only other option is below.


    2. Take ownership of all of your Files and Folders on a harddrive, this Grants Full Access but at the same time Greatly Decreases Security.

  15. Left Click on File Header, then on the Right Pane Window, Click on the Word Master File above the Master File you wish to remove - then simply press Delete (Del) on your keyboard - click yes to the warning popup box - then close F04Edit, ensure the box is ticked next the mod in question, and done.

  16. keywords tells the game what to add. parent slot, tells the game where to place it.


    just as constructible objects grants the ability to craft something, such as weapon mods, and then of course you have the weapon mods themselves which will be another item.


    everything works in two(s).



    yes it is absolutely nessarary to place an esp that requires a master below said master file, however it does not necessary have to be directly below it, it can be anywhere. the more important thing is load order. if a mod should be placed in a particular place, then it should be placed their, regardless of where the master file it requires is.

  17. Mod Recommendations:



    1. Fsm Body Textures (strongly recommend Valkyr Face textures for all 3 options, this will create a very nice young looking face) <-- (this as the name suggests actually offers many options for both body and face textures


    2. 8K Body Texture (This combined with the above, seems to eliminate the neck seam, its also very nice body textures) <-- this body texture combined with the above face texture, is the only combination i have every seen that has eliminated or make neck seams almost entirely invisible. i have tried many combinations, and their is always a blatant neck seam, this combination however, is the best you will get to eliminating said seam.

    3. Looksmenu Customization Compendium

    4. Looksmenu

    5. Extended Facial Sculpting (for advanced facial sculpting, offering considerably more defined options)

    6. Ks hairdos (Commonwealth Cuts), hair greatly changes the way the character will look as well.

    7. The Eyes of Beauty

    Deluxe Makeup: https://www.nexusmod...lout4/mods/4398 - high quality makeup, recommend both, eyeliner and makeup files, looks far better then vanilla.

    Deep Spiritual Eyes: https://www.nexusmod...out4/mods/12120 - incase you like the vanilla eye colours, these a very beautiful retextures for vanilla eyes

    HN66 Long Eyelashes: https://www.nexusmod...out4/mods/21978 - long lashes can also look very nice. works with both the above mod, as well as the eyes of beauty.

    Azar Ponytail Hairstyles: https://www.nexusmod...lout4/mods/8126 - love the dread ponytail from this mod, not only that but this mod works perfectly with headwear, unlike common wealth cuts (which clips).


    Mod Links

    -: Fsm Body Textures: https://www.nexusmod...out4/mods/31965

    -: 8k Body Textures: N/A (just noticed the mod has been removed, damn shame) - (FSM Body textures are still very nice, but neck seam)

    -: Looksmenu Customization Compendium: https://www.nexusmod...out4/mods/24830

    -: Looksmenu: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12631

    -: Extended Facial Sculpting: https://www.nexusmod...out4/mods/25087

    -: Commonwealth Cuts: https://www.nexusmod...out4/mods/11402

    -: The Eyes of Beauty: https://www.nexusmod...llout4/mods/133


    i am quoting my other post hence explanations on the recommendations

  18. the address you have for the Game Data Path Field should just be: F:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\


    Exactly as this: F:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\


    Replace what you currently have, with that directly above.


    yes their should be another backslash after the word Data

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