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Tiber Septim

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Everything posted by Tiber Septim

  1. @Illiad86 Your lucky, man! For me, if it isn't because of the Marine Corps, i would never ever find the most beautifulest, kindest girl i've met at the Customer Service Building in Camp Pendleton. Alas, she rejected my date offer. Now, i'll have to find a way to fix it... Regards, GySgt. Tiber Septim
  2. @ Dezdimona Thank you, a blessing from God is the most valuable thing if you ask me. @ Harabec Weathers Ohh! Nice! Which MCRD will you go to? Regards, GySgt. Tiber Septim
  3. Hey, guys! It's nice to be back online again. For almost a month, i didn't touch the computer. Well, bad news.. She didn't want to go out with me :( .. And throughout the month, she ignores me. There is something wrong, but i can't tell what it is.. Because of this, I nearly committed suicide in the armory, but i got stopped by the Major and he decided to comfort me in his office. I feel a lot of better when i talk it out to him. He's always kind to me. @Uncle Roe I really can't handle shouting to innocent, young kids. That's always be a DI's Job. But it kinda troubles me, if i shout to them :yucky: . Besides, if one of my squadmates did a mistake, i never get mad at him. Nice! Official a civilian again! :thumbsup: It must be really good now, free as a bird... But it's ok, you can tell me bout it, being in the Marine Corps is always been my ambition since i was still a young kid.. The only thing that's depressing me is the current problem i'm having now.. :( @Dezdimona That was a really nice work, you wrote. I showed your work to the guys up at the Customer Service in Camp Pendleton, they seem to like it. I showed your work to the new recruits, they instantly said, "Oorah!" :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Regards, GySgt. Tiber Septim
  4. This is nice! I'll be telling my squadmates to see this.... I'm leaving for my 4th Tour at December. Yeah.... Christmas and New Year's eve at the front..... Thanks for making this beautiful poem, dez! SEMPER FI! Best, Warm Regards GySgt. Tiber Septim
  5. @Dezdimona Thanks! I hope she'll accept it! I'll see your little dedication in the druids, tell me if your done! Regards, GySgt. Tiber Septim
  6. Ohh, hey Guys! Paperwork is keeping me tight these days, and my laptop got corrupted coz of my Fallout 3... Good work, u guys! I though this Poll is already long abandoned! Thanks for keepin' it alive guys! @Uncle Roe Long time no talk, Roe! The Major's keepin' me tight these days. I was offered to go to DI School, but I didn't want too... But should I? So, what's up with ur world now? Btw, i found my first photo with my Dress Blues! Back when i was a Private in MCRD San Diego. Sometimes, i miss the days when i mess around with the DI..... But yeah, time goes on... I found a Beautiful Girl up at Camp Pendleton... Turns out she was a Sergeant. We both talked often and i'm goin' to ask her out. So, pray for me guys :D ! Best, Warm Regards GySgt. Tiber Septim
  7. Haha, Nice! :biggrin: Semper Fi, man! :thumbsup:
  8. Your lucky you can modify your rifle like that. I ain't allowed to do such things. The only thing changed in my M16 is I changed my scope(apparently they shot past my scope Thank God it stopped at the middle of the scope) and i put "Avenge my Brother and all my Friends" in the butt stock. Couple of people noticed it and say, "What the hell happened to your brother?" I'd never want to answer that kind of question.
  9. Whaa!!! That's cheatin' man! first time i was shot and i was brought to hospital, and they had no entertainment system. No TV, No PC but worse of all NO XBOX 360!!! Well, the only entertainment was this nurse..... uhh... Nevermind about that :P Anyway, sad i didn't bring along my Xbox 360 to Camp Pendleton, which i don't think i can. Exercise, ehh? Yeah, we did that. infinite time of exercises. Heck, we even do some mini olympics. Long Jump, Relay Race and those stuff. Still didn't work for my squad. I just saw Bored Marines peeling boxes in YouTube. Ahh!! Good Idea!! Peeling Boxes would be Nice! Oh, some Mini Flamethrowers would be Nice too. But good thing is, we're not really isolated from the world. Now, Marines and Soldiers like us can use internet in the fronts. I don't know what provided the signal but whoever made it, i'll thank him.
  10. The worst vacations i've ever had was 1 year ago, when we're sent to Al-Anbar, the boring-est places to visit. We did couple of fun things(see my post about it) but that fun doesn't last long. I ended up poking my squadmate with a stick. Fair enough, though.
  11. @MidnDavis You've got the same name as my favorite recruit. Anyway, Aguilar, eh? Hmmm... Heard his name before but i've been a lot longer in Diego than in Pendleton. But i think i heard that name. Is he your cousin or somethin'? @Uncle Roe Oh, damn. You haven't play with those Marine flyboys before? They're nice! Sometimes, when i'm bored in the fronts i talk with em' and help carry missiles or whatsoever. GOD BLESS THE NAVY AND THE AIR FORCE. Those Navy flyboys saved me and the whole platoon from death. Still remember the explosion of an F-22 blasted those fu@#ers out like a meat!
  12. It's simply booooorrrrrrriiing in there :wallbash: . Really nothin' to do. Well...Except when we spot an insurgent. Then we'll get to action. Heck, i'll be happy if we dance. I've dance in the streets of Baghdad with my squadmates(that wasn't the silliest things we've done there) We're wackos :wacko: you know.
  13. My Broken Steel is now "Fixed Steel" somehow. Davis, a recruit played my Fallout 3. (I allowed him to sleep late) And i was damn surprised when he played it without a single crash or whatsoever. Heck, he's battlin' the Enclave at Adams Air Force Base. About that Pink Boxer Accident, i was watchin' the recruits. My pants are too big for me and i forgot to use my belt. I wasn't even realized that my pants slipped down. I just noticed it when their Drill Sergeant left to take a leak, and the whole platoon laughed at me. I laughed too, because i could do nothin'. Even the Captain(forgot his name) slapped my ass and laughed at me. Oh.. and my Pink Boxer got holes on it because that's what i'm wearing in Baghdad. Good thing it didn't slipped in combat. Well i f i see someone staring at me like that, i'll stare at you back too. Then i went to the toilet to take a leak with you following and staring at me. Then I go to the shooting range with you still following and staring at me. Then i'll start follow you and stare you back. The Results: :wacko: and we're kicked out of the Corps. However, this makes me remember when all 5th Regiment was rallied in Al Anbar Province. Me and Darren played some staring to eyes game(BOREDOM IN THE FRONTLINES). whoever Closes the Eyes First loses. I always won, but lose when Joe got lucky. A wind blow straight to my eyes. Then we played tag. But those who are in the game must run like gay people. Some Happy memories in the front.....
  14. Hi y'all! I'm back! I'm caught with 3 frustrating things right now. If you followed my US Armed Forces Fort Tenpenny Mod, you'll know what my problem is. Broken Steel is "Broken Still", Patch v1.5 is destroying my Fallout 3 and I've been asked to do some snipin' for the recruits, which I can't snipe... Maybe i'll call ya, Roe. LOL! About the Bet, the Major stopped givin' me 200 bucks each week. Heck, i don't think he ate somethin' yesterday So far i just spend 20 bucks for a nice boxers, the recruits and the officers always laughed at my old boxer(It's rather embarrassing wearing pink heart boxers, y'know. Especially when your pants slipped down) . The Drill Sarge who went for a "Holiday" just came now. It's really late for him. And now i'm free to walk around the camp just like the old days.... Oh yeah, With my new boxer of course :D Hey, Roe! What "Orders" did you gave to that Chick at Craigs List..... Anyway who doesn't like givin' orders to someone? Well one of my squadmates does but Nevermind him! That's why i'm Squad Leader at Baghdad! Oh, yeah! Some additional questions to ask. I don't know this but People said that getting into the 1st Marine Div is hard. I don't know because it was my First Div since i was still a Private and never had a transfer before.
  15. @Dezdimona Thanks! :biggrin: and i agree with ya! 101st Airborne Division is the best. Well... the 82nd Airborne Division too. The Screaming Eagles and the All Americans. If only the Paramarines wasn't disbanded.....
  16. @Uncle Roe It is most likely because i'm in a long furlough, i'm staying in Camp Pendleton for a while, and i like to talk to Officers. I hate shouting on kids, though... But it's only for a week, so i'm not a Drill Sarge. and yeah, it is a rare chance to do this, so I'm lucky to experience it. I still carry my favorite weapon, my old buddy M16. This Rifle saved my life many times. It's like my mother, y'know. But if the Gov't didn't declare that WWII Weapons is obsolete, I'll be carrying the Thompson(Gangster Style) or the M1 Garand(Marines' Best Friend). Anyway, i'm thinking about if your still an MP, then you find me drunk in the street, what will you do to me? @Birrii Well, you better go to the navy, then. Rather the Marines. @Armyguy88 Well, you should go to the Corps. But it's your choice.
  17. @Jaysus Many Iraqi, Afganistan people done that. I don't know why, but i think Doctors or researcher would like to have it. Anyway, thanks for your advice on Drill Sergeant. I'm only doing that for a week, so it won't be long until i watch and see the recruits' asses kicked by another Drill Sergeant. I'm goin' to jog a little with the recruits later and maybe sleep a lil' cause i haven't slept easy last night... @DukeNukem2 I see, fly high with the flyboys. Not my style though, but good!
  18. @ Uncle Roe Thanks, Mac! Rank doesn't matter, Roe. What matters is fight for your country and your buddies. Anyway, LOLOL! Sell your body in the streets! LOLz! I saw a person selling his feet when were going back home on long furlough. Heck, he even asked a Marine if he wants it our not..... Anyway, maybe you should be an MP. Most MPs are tasked in the homeland, rather than the front. Well... that's what i know. I've been doin' a little research at Wikipedia, I just known that a Marine like us and the Navy can act as a Law Enforcements while the Army and the Air Force can't. I really just known that. If your looking for cash. Just do it like me... lol, open a poll in the Nexus... :biggrin:
  19. Thanks, Mac! I did! And thanks for your advice. Since i'm only a replacer for a week. Then everything's back to normal, back to watching the recruits. Many of my friends from college are Officers in the Old Breed, not my major though, he's kind of my mentor. I got fast promotions because of them, good training and loyal. Now, i'm celebrating a little party with the recruits(They deserve it after a long, hard day) Got my laptop and played CoD 5 and 4(This is for training as well) and gave the recruits a chance to bother my laptop as well. U'll make a good Drill Sarge this week they say. Well, i don't know truthfully. I'm just doin' what the officers told me. So might get a lil' rough and them. The Recruits are young and inexperience. I'm starting to think, will they be successful?? I hope so..... If you are a recruit or an Military Personnel or a former Military Personnel. Please, give some stories from the front or solve your problems here. A Proud Marine, GySgt. Tiber Septim
  20. 1st Marine Div. "The Old Breed" Probably the most best division since WWII. Home to the disbanded Marine Raiders. I'm very proud to be with them. Guadacanal.... And Surprise is a Surprise! I'm over-excited right now. As you said, Uncle Roe. I think the Major's givin' up. Rather than giving money again for Every week. He gives a surprise for me! I was watchin' the recruits singin' while stretching and as always, with my laptop in my lap. I was looking for comments in my newest mod. Then, someone touched my hand. It was my Major, he changed the my insignia to E-7 or Gunnery Sergeant. Then officers and the recruits clapped. One of my happiest days of my life. But, my ass will go back to combat probably next year. I hope it's just for a while. And yeah, tommorow, i'm replacing the "Drill Sgt who went for a holiday". Thing is, i think i'm to soft to be a Drill Sgt. So, thanks to the Nexus for this thread. @Uncle Roe Hey! I played Sand tic-tac-toe with my squadmates, with knives... I did remember a stupid thing. Y'know there's a school somewhere in Baghdad. That's when combat stress reacted, I played in the Playground with the kids. Beg your recruiter or Officer to reassign to the Old Breed and make sure you go to the 5th Regiment. It's easy to find me. I have an Indonesian Face and i always laugh loud. Best, Warm Regards GySgt. Tiber "Gunny" Septim :biggrin:
  21. @ Buddah This is kinda exciting, y'know. Well... It does make me sick sometimes because i don't like talkin' about the gov't but this is a good debates. Both two of these people are good debaters. They would be good if they're lawyers. Regards, Staff Sergeant Tiber Septim
  22. This is a nice argument to watch. It's detailed too...
  23. I'm getting rich!! Rich!! RICH!!!!, and the Major's getting bankrupt. <evil laugh> oh, and then i'll buy a new computer, then a Mansion, then a helicopter then...<keeps on goin'> @hootz7 Yeah, but the Marines becomes a different, seperate branch. Marines have tanks of course. And they have they're own planes, supported by the Navy. So, yeah the Marines and the Navy are brothers!
  24. Uhh... there's no SAS in the US. If you want to vote, you'll have to pick one of the polls.
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