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Tiber Septim

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Everything posted by Tiber Septim

  1. Ever felt you lost your most best, trustable friend? Or even lost your brother? I do. Really, i actually don't want to talk about it, it has given me flashbacks, but i feel better when i talk it through. My brother served in the same division as me and my friend. But they got to a different platoon when we're sent to Iraq. I didn't clearly remember what happened but i was trying to forget it ever since. My Platoon are patrolling in a city and our platoon met my brother's platoon. We gathered near the streets. I was happy in that moment, cause i haven't seen my bro for a long time. And there was my friend. Me, my friend and my brother talked so long until we forgot the surrounding environment and situation. Then it happened. A Squad of enemies ambushed us, I immediately took cover to a nearby shop. And i saw my brother and my friend charged at them. They were killed instantly. That was the most disturbing scene i had in the frontlines and i leaked my pants. My adrenaline rose up when i saw them both killed. I charged at them, took a suppresive fire on those fools. I don't think they got hit. Then a bullet struck at my foot. My first Purple Heart. At that part i forgot everything I don't want to describe the violence, that's the thing giving me flashbacks. Please do pray for our boys and myself. Because if you want the world free of terrorists, you'll have to support us. By praying, you have given us the most powerful support. I beg you to pray for us. I'm sorry for rambling all the time but that makes me feels better. Tiber Septim
  2. The option to change your title comes when you reach 500 posts, and can be accessed from your account control page. I doubt Wikinger will enlist in the U.S. forces... I believe that user is auf Deutscheland; if male, I think the Bundeswehr still has a compulsory service obligation of two years (which is frequently waiverable for most college students). If it's a he, and he does have to serve, I hope it opens his eyes to some of the good things that service can bring. Still have some fond memories of good times at various fests with our sister unit, the 36th Panzerbrigade. Well, he will enlist not to the U.S. Forces. but to the German Army. Since i'm actually from Indonesia but moved citizenship to the U.S. So i enlisted to the Marines. I nearly got to the Singaporean Army because of the National Service Program in Singapore.(My Dad is a permanent residence in Singapore, which apply the National Service, causing me to serve the armed forces of Singapore) But really, i do think that he will have to enlist. If he does Enlist, well i'll see you around in Afghanistan. Anyway, check my new signature characters. I laughed when i found it, so i decided to put on my signature. LOL!
  3. Yeah, iknow your talking to PureSnipe but im saying that's too late for me. In the Navy, i got college friends who is an Officer. So I advance rank quickly. Heck, i've been offered to be a Pharmacist's Mate(Corpsman) I too have lots of friends that is an Officer of the Corps. I've earn three field promotion.(First, Corporal. Second, Sergeant. Third, Staff Sergeant) I don't want to talk about why i got those Promotions.
  4. Too late for me, Ethre. I used all my privilges on the Navy.( In a week, i'm already Chief Petty Officer) It's gone I serve the Marine Corps. But I'm already Staff Sergeant. So, yeah it's too late.
  5. Thanks for explaining, bud! Anyway, how do you change your title(Example: Veteran)
  6. @PureSnipe Yeah, but Battle Fatigue is easier to remember. I'll see you 2 years later. If you'll get lucky you ended up in the 1st Marine Div. And one thing, Don't get to many Puurple Hearts, i'm sick of em' @Wikinger9048 Maybe your next to enlist, wikinger.
  7. I don't think you can be send to Afganistan with that sickness. If you do, your sickness will get worse, why? Because you'll get Battle Fatigue. Which worsen your sickness. I do have Battle Fatigue from Afganistan, and i'm having a theraphy.(I don't think its effective).
  8. No S@it! You can do that, but its too late to do that and i've just got promoted to Staff Sergeant months ago. Anyway what's the problem with ya? P.S. I've added you as a friend, PM me if you need me.
  9. @PureSnipe Well, Good luck for that. But after that 2 years of Medication, just try the Marine Corps first, If you'll get lucky and ended up in the same division as i am, I can guide you with some things and stuff. Stick with me and you'll get a quick promotion.(I bond well with Officers, lol)
  10. @PureSnipe Well, maybe if you don't get accepted in SWAT, Try the Marine Corps, and make sure you'll go to the "Old Breed". No luck on the Corps, try the Army. Didn't get accepted? Try the Navy as a Sailor, and you'll get excited seeing the payrolls(I did get excited seeing the payrolls, that was 4 yrs ago when i served the Navy). Didn't get accepted on any of those jobs. Bah! Just keep dreaming. LOLZ! But i really expect you to go to the Marine Corps. And hope you'll go to the "Old Breed" with me. P.S. Old Breed is a nickname for 1st Marine Division. About the Avatar: Your quite a patriot, eh? Nice Avatar, anyways.
  11. @Wikinger9048 Don't take it too seriously, If this is the order of a General, I would already spread the polls around the internet with the permission of the censorship guys. But this one is from my Major. It's not really an order, I'm boasting with my Major about this. So i'm sorry i didn't say that on the first time. @PureSnipe No probs, just relax. About the Militia thing, yes you are right. During World War II, I do think that Local Militias in Europe are called Partisans. And the French Maquis too. @Skree000 Tell your friend this, I'll see you on the sky, bud! since the Marines have their own Planes. And we don't toil in mud, since we are trained at Land, Air and Sea. But God Bless the U.S. Air Force. They saved my platoon from getting blasted into pieces. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. @wikinger9048 I'm tasked by my Major to make people convinced into the Corps. And yeah, that is kind of a propaganda. About the milita. Usually Militias are form by a groups of citizen who volunteered to fight. That's what i know. After all, i'm no General or any other Officer ranks that knows everything. @Humanbean234 LOLOL! Nice! I even told my friend about this. LOLOLOL! I can't stop laughing LOL! And i do think that the whole Division heard me laughing!
  13. @Wikinger9048 It's different training than the Army. the Marines have more heavier training than the army, The army's training is much more to the land training. the Marines are trained to fight anywhere and anytime, which means training in Land, Air and Sea. About the Militia, You mean the National Guard? The National Guard protects the mainland. @Evilkoal Yeah, it is. After a million tries to join the Corps, I successfully join the Corps, that day was one of the most happiest days of my life. That was 3 or 4 years ago. @Sin911 There is no such thing as a former Marine, only Non-Active Duty Marine. Remember: Once a Marine, Always a Marine! "From the Halls of Montezuma To the shores of Tripoli We fight our country's battles In the air, on land, and sea First to fight for right and freedom And to keep our honor clean We are proud to claim the title Of United States Marine."
  14. @gdark Yeah your right, before I went to the Corps. I served at the Navy as a Sailor. I've see someone chosen the Army but didn't give the reason why? Whoever it was, please give the reason why. Anyway, lets sing the Marines Hymn From the Halls of Montezuma To the shores of Tripoli We fight our country's battles In the air, on land, and sea First to fight for right and freedom And to keep our honor clean We are proud to claim the title Of United States Marine. Here's health to you and to our Corps Which we are proud to serve In many a strife we've fought for life And never lost our nerve. If the Army and the Navy Ever look on Heaven's scenes, They will find the streets are guarded By United States Marines. Our flag's unfurled to every breeze From dawn to setting sun We have fought in every clime and place Where we could take a gun. In the snow of far-off Northern lands And in sunny tropic scenes You will find us always on the job The United States Marines. Semper Fi, guys!
  15. Thanks to someone who change the File Request into Debates, its much better. Much appreciated!
  16. @Desdimonia I don't know? It says File Request/ Suggestion. In fact this poll is kinda a suggestion
  17. United States Marine Corps. Of course! I'm proud to be one! And once a Marine always a Marine! Semper Fi! Tiber Septim P.S.: Make sure you guys tick the polls up on the page
  18. Hiya guys! I'm Tiber Septim. I'm here to host a poll about the military branches would people serve. Ok, here's the story(Note this is not a true story): WWIII has happened, the Soviet Union has caused trouble and waged war against the Allied Forces. You are an ordinary citizen living in the United States. The Call of Arms have spread throughout the states. Many citizen answered the call including you. But you are confused. What Military branch will you serve in? List of Military Branches: 1. United States Army 2. United States Marine Corps. 3. United States Air Force 4. United States Navy After you tick the Poll, write your favorite branch and your reasons why would you serve in that branch. Example: I choose the United States Marine Corps. Because i feel proud and strong with them. Feel free to comment and choose your favorite branch! P.S. You can comment everywhere you want. I'll be hosting this topic. Regards, Tiber Septim
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