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Tiber Septim

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Everything posted by Tiber Septim

  1. "The deadliest weapon in the world is a MARINE and his Rifle!" General Pershing, US Army
  2. Religions Conflict..... I hated that. Makes us think that there are two God. I'm Catholic, I'm Religious and i'm proud. You don't need to be an extremist. Are there Christian extremist?? Where? I'm sure the Pope will come to them a smack they're faces.
  3. @ Jaysus I know your not suggesting me getting into the job, but i'm just explaining why i don't like the job. The OSS did sabotaged a couple of Shore guns and the pistol petes, and of course, they gathered Intel. Probably took it from a Sleeping SS Officer.
  4. @Ed Whoa...Whoa.. Whoa! Pakistan's nuclear arsenal may not reach the US, but they can improve it. I suppose the future will be dangerous. Maybe. So i think you should think more widely. Anyway, a happy news for me: The Major was really confident of the poll. Just now, he's shouting, "Navy's goin to win, son. you and your 200 bucks are goin' down!!". And yeah he changed the bet to $200. So wish me luck for 200 bucks!
  5. Anyway, if i'm right this is my question: Who is the Septim Emperor that ordered the Legions to do an Expedition to Akavir. And was killed in Action at Ionith? Hard enough, i think.
  6. I think it's Molag Bal, am i right?
  7. @MajKrAzAm I actually hate talkin' about the Gov't but, i always think that sometimes CIA has gone to far. But, hey... none of my business! Still, the OSS is better than the CIA. I think they should reform it again. I'd love to join the OSS Regards, Staff Sergeant Tiber Septim
  8. @ Jaysus About the Military Intelligence: We really don't need it, Generals do. Some of the Squad Leaders do, i have a little Military Intelligence about Squad Tactics but not Recon. Sometimes, when our platoon is going for a patrol route, the Officers just point it to the map and we do what he says. Simple. About OSS: Oh, i thought the OSS weaken the Defenses in the Atlantic Wall. I know they perform operations in Italy, though. About Recon: Who likes gathering Intel? Nobody in my squad likes it. When we were told to gather intel, my squadmates kept forgetting what part of the intel we needed and so on. Man, i do wish the Raiders still exist. Those guys are the Balls of the Marine Corps.
  9. @myrmaad Must be the long posts or the Argument. Well, don't look at it if you don't like it
  10. @MajKrAzAm The OSS is more to the Combat Intel Gathering, i think. I do think that the OSS actually are First Allied Soldiers to land on the Atlantic Wall. Sabotaged couple of defenses in the Atlantic Wall. The only Difference i know between the OSS and the CIA is the OSS recruits Allied Soldiers(Which means British, Poland, China etc....) The CIA only recruits American Citizen.
  11. @Jaysus Yeah, i don't, i have no interest on such things, at least i have combat intelligence, so i can fight properly with my squad. But, really... If the OSS is not disbanded, the world maybe would not be like this. And of course, i will join the OSS if they still exist.
  12. @Jaysus Recon is done by the Air Force of course. And CIA is not part of the Armed Forces. Unlike the OSS. Shame they got disbanded.
  13. @Jaysus The Same ol' bet, due until next week. I could see that my Major's losing again. LOLOL! Anyway, i'm not the Force Recon Team, if i were, i would still be operating today, well maybe... :wacko: Spetznaz: I thought Spetznaz is disbanded :ohmy: . They're from the Soviets, right? Air Force: Nice! :thumbsup: These flyboys helped our platoon from heavy fire! I'll never forget them.
  14. Hey, guys! Good thing, they allow me to bring a laptop to Camp Pendleton, so i can check on you guys. @Jaysus Got my 100 bucks in my hand :thumbsup: . I waved it to the Major last night while he was with the other officers. His face turned red and other officer laughed at him. LOLOL!! Then he went crazy! But, this doesn't meant the end of this thread. My Major wants a re-bet and i'm keeping the thread because, i kinda like arguments. well, Uncle roe's right, I hate talkin' about the Government, makes my morale low sometimes. Well well, you want to join the CTU? Well, none of my business. OFF TOPIC?? No, no it's ok. I like my thread full and crowded. Anyway, what's with the whole "Terrorist and CIA" thing anyway?? I'm too lazy to read sometimes, especially long posts. :pinch: @Uncle Roe I agree with guns don't kill people. We "Humans" kill people. We could kill each other in anyway, anytime and everywhere. I've got good news: E-7..... I overheard the Major talkin' about promotion back at the Recruit Depot. Well i don't know if its me or not. But if its me, well E-7 here i come. Bad news is: I have to watch new recruits exercise. Which is boring :down: . Well at least i'm not the Drill Sarge :D Anyway, while i brought my laptop. I still can work on my new mod: Here, check it out: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5653 If you want to help me on my mod, just give me a PM Regards, Staff Sergeant Tiber Septim
  15. I forgot to put this again..... I'm not involved on this argument, i don't want no trouble. Please no mocking to Serviceman or Civilians. if you do, there will be consequences from the moderators/admin. EDIT: I'm going to Camp Pendleton tommorow to help some of our boys from San Diego to be transferred there, so maybe i haven't have a chance to reply or answer any questions. :thanks: Staff Sergeant Tiber Septim
  16. @ Jaysus I don't want to fight about it, though. I meant no advertising the Corps. That goes to the media. "I Boasted with my Major" meant that he placed a bet that most of the people will join the Navy. He hates the Corps for some reason. I bet for the Marine Corps, because i'm proud of it. Just now, i showed him this thread. And he lost his bet and gave me $100. I knew i was goin' to win. I'm planning to quit the Corps. But some of my friends didn't agree with that so I'm thinking right now. About the Arguments, just keep it short. Because it is kinda disturbing for me, but keep it goin' i love some arguments goin' on in my forum! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: @Buddah :Salutes: I'm sure you served with pride and honor. But still have have memories you don't want to remember like i do...... :( Anyone who's been in service or still in service, please do leave a post here and share some experiences. :) @ Uncle Roe I always agree with you, Brother in Arms. We are in a separate unit or Division, still we are Brothers in arms. :thumbsup: P.S. If something do offended you, please do tell it to me. I deeply apologize. Best, warm Regards, Staff Sergeant Tiber Septim
  17. Ok, guys! I think you should shortened your posts here, i'm a little bit confused. @Flogginmolly I don't think so. Purple Heart is only awarded once. Anyway, the "I've got to many Purple Hearts" expression is used mostly by my squadmates to explain they got shot a lot or injured by an enemy. @Jaysus If you have read the earlier post. You should know why, i opened this topic, because i boasted with my major Iam not trying to recruit people! Oh yeah, serving as a military unit is bad and blah blah blah. Son, do you ever heard the word "Patriotism"? Or ever heard of "Avenge his brother and his friend"? I'm completely disgusted and insulted by your words. Really, you should read earlier post before you even say something. Your words, there could have disappoint lots of thousand enlisted men out there. Lucky you just disappoint a squad, not the whole armed forces. Consider this the First warning, buddy! Then your outta here. EDIT: If a person decided to serve in the Armed Forces, let him do. It's that person's rights. And you guys should stop discuss things that aren't encouraging and lets stick to the topic.
  18. @FloggingMolly Well you are right, now i've got many purple hearts from Baghdad.
  19. And i forgot to put this in.... @Uncle Roe Your avatar is from First to Fight, am i right? For training when i was a Private, i was told to play that. Pretty Nice actually. About the Tour of Duty, I was mostly deployed in Afganistan, and i do think it's 3 times. same as you, I'm stuck at Street Patrol, Good thing is i'm always with the same ol' squad. Our squad was maybe the most friendliest squads ever. We damn laugh out loudly on the streets. Until lots of other squads staring at us. That's the only bright memories inside a dark, hellish place. The rest of the memories are nightmares.. Best, Warm Regards, Staff Sergeant Tiber Septim
  20. Well, Guys. I'm back. I've got lots of paperworks from Officers in the San Diego Recruit Depot. So yeah, i've done them half though. Humanbean, Dezdi, all of you. Thank you for keeping this forum active. @Uncle Roe Hey, Roe. No one ever enjoys such things. Not even me nor my dead Brother and my dead friend. and yeah, i agree with you. Iraq is one of the worst hellhole I've ever been. I don't want to explain this again, just see my post about it. @Humanbean Hey, i do know something about my proud branch. But i'm just a mere Enlisted Men and just care about my men and my family. Ask Pentagon or Wikipedia. But... Force Recon are the one of the best, if you ask me. and Marines can move to the SEALs if they are elected to do so. @floggingmolly22 I've served the Navy for 1 year before enlisting into the Marines. Sure, you got a nice bed in Pearl Harbor, but it's quite boring. I was looking for action at that time of Age(because i didn't know anything at first).
  21. @TheOutlander From what i know that the Delta Force is inside the U.S. Army. So i do think you should vote for the Army for that. :biggrin: @Javalin Nice Choice :thumbsup:
  22. @PureSnipe No, because I haven't heard of him since in Afghanistan. None of my squadmates bothered asking, but i'm still finding out. @Dezdimona It's ok, that's what we're talkin' about. I have a long furlough, 2 year. That's why i'm here in this forum. Anyway, thank you for your pleasant words, Dezdimona.
  23. @UK 47 Nice, but did you see the story first of all? It tells you if you are an US Citizen, what branch would you serve in, you should read properly. @PureSnipe Did you take a peek in his service dress or ask him what division he's from? Maybe he's one of my men who lost a leg. Never seen him again at the front.
  24. @ Dezdimona Marine Blues Dress uniform is one of my favorite Dress in the Corps. In fact, all of the dress are my favorties. @PureSnipe You are right, We all experience it, but in a different event. Your's in the States, Mine's in the front. @humanbean234 For me, people who supported us by praying means a lot for me. Because by praying, God may help us in every step we do in the front. And I forgot to ask you somethin'. Are you an Army Medic or a Navy Corpsman? and about those "I Support our troops" magnetic yellow ribbons, my friend in the college has plenty of em' and he sticks it everywhere in his house. I asked him one question, "How do you support the troops?" He sais, "Uhh... I don't know, i just like these ribbons." But he does have a lot of War Bonds in his house.
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