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Everything posted by GrimyBunyip

  1. didn't know those settings existing, I'll have to write that down :P They don't work for individual enemies unfortunately =( But still better than nothing.
  2. I'm working on an alchemy overhaul, and I could add something like this to it. http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1454574-wip-vile-concoctions-need-playtesters/ Maybe you'd like to help? I'm kind of having a pain in the rear of a time finding playtesters. The main problem is a lack of a drink potion function. so everything would need to be hardcoded and custom potions wouldn't be affected. Automatic potion drinking at low health is easy thanks to the OnHit event. Magic is so so, because there is an oncast event. stamina is kind of a pain though, because I would need to use animation events. I might do it with magicka and health, just not stamina.
  3. I mean, how would you tweak the AI without hacking the game?There's a few game settings, and the rest you have to do with scripts. How do you distribute the scripts? usually it's done with a cloak. But using cloaks to apply scripts to NPC's is a recipe for disaster, if you don't figure out how to consistently deactivate the AI script. And then you have to figure out how to jerry rig the limited set of papyrus functions and events into something that vaguely resembles "smart AI". It's one of the far more annoying modding endeavors out there. There's a few out there, and they're either very technically impressive, they have bad scripts that might ruin your saves, or they're just placebos and don't actually do much with the AI.
  4. of course its possible, just use the player.addspell console command for example.
  5. both have to be done on the user end. There's no way for you to know what mods your user has afterall.
  6. skyproc and wrye bash are the two main tools. wrye bash is designed for users to bash the levelled lists in different mods together. skyproc can do that and even more, but its mostly a tool for modders and not for general purpose use.
  7. what mod was this patcher for or was this your own project? Either way first thing I'd check is if skyproc is in the right folder.
  8. did you save the game while skyre was deactivated? maybe check an older save if it has that issue? I mean obviously the respec potion won't work if that was the case, deactivating skyre then saving would delete the skyre data from your save. either way all you need to do is add your perks back. Skytweak has a nice feature to add perk points, instead of having to look up the ID codes of all your skyre perks. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/33395
  9. fair enough, thanks for the feedback.
  10. Hey guys, I'm working on a gameplay overhaul right now. And the first thing I want to release is the alchemy overhaul. I was hoping I could get some pre-release playtesters. Send an email to [email protected] if you're interested. The pre-release will be distributed by email, so I'll need the email you'll be using anyways. Full Information Page Overview: - Witcher Inspired Toxicity System The player now has a maximum toxicity level (tweakable through a settings menu) You gain +1 toxicity for each alchemical potion effect. Exceeding your maximum toxicity will cause the player to: vomit, dispel all their beneficial alchemy effects, and incur 5 minutes of potion sickness. There are perks to increase maximum toxicity. - Potion Cooldowns Drinking a beneficial potion incurs a cooldown, during which you cannot drink anymore beneficial potions. There are perks to further customize cooldown mechanics. The base cooldown time can be tweaked through a settings menu Attempting to drink a potion during cooldown will have no effect, and the potion you drink will be refunded, self crafted potions included. - Explosions There are 3 perks for explosives One for grenades, one for explosive arrows, and one for proximity mines. Explosion damage scales with alchemy level. You gain alchemy experience for explosions, whether or not you hit a target. Proximity mines and grenades are quickcast, IE you don't need to equip them, you just press a hotkey and they are thrown immediately. Mines and grenades have a cooldown timer that you can adjust via the settings menu. The improvised explosives ability does not require crafting, instead an item from a list is removed immediately and thrown as an explosive. For example, all that ale you find lying around can now be used as molotovs. And you don't need to run to a crafting table before you can use it as an explosive. - Paired Perks I'll release two versions of this mod, one with the vanilla perk tree and one with one I made. The one I made features paired perks. IE getting one perk prevents you from getting a perk it has been paired with. This is my attempt at making player perk decisions more influencial. A refund/reset perk option will be available via the settings menu in case you mess up.
  11. can anybody answer this or what?
  12. er... remake it from scratch? There isn't actually a tool to just convert mods is there?
  13. Is there one for just a shout cooldown in general? So instead of changing the cooldown time for each shout individually you would just have one option that changes the cooldown time for all of the shouts by a percentage? Kind of like the amulet of talos? yes, you can use this for that
  14. that's a gamesetting, those are easy to tweak with SKSE. there isn't one for shout cooldown of each shout
  15. It depends on what settings you're tweaking. Things like XP rate and damage etc, a lot of them are perks. And perks will play well with each other. What you need to keep an eye out for is game settings. (Anything that's a slider on SkyTweak) It's harder to say what is a gamesetting in BYOG, I'd have to take a look at the features. SkyTweak sets game settings immediately after loading a save (when the SkyTweak message has pops up) it doesn't change gamesettings at any other time unless you change the settings. I'm not sure when BYOG changes game settings. But whichever one does it second, that one overrides. Edit: took a quick look at BYOG. it doesn't look like BYOG actually lets you change any game settings, looks like everything is just rebalancing perk.
  16. *something* would need to trigger the cooldown change. Maybe there's an animation event for shouting for example. And of course you could just force the game to check if you changed your shout every 2 seconds, but that would be bad. It's just since this isn't my own project I'm not going to put anymore thought into it than that XD sorry. There just so happens to not be a convenient onshoutequipped event.
  17. SKSE does not have a function for editing spells dynamically yet. I suppose I could make a slider and have the script recognize what spell you have equipped, and then manipulate shoutcooldownmult But I'm not sure how to detect when the player is equipping a new shout. And scanning constantly isn't a great option. Anyways I can make a slider, but you would need to make a spell for each tick in the slider. So if you want from 0 to 100% by intervals of 10% You need to make a -10% cooldown spell, then a -20% spell, etc to a -100% spell. then rinse repeat for all the shouts. here's the relevant information: http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Condition_Functions http://www.creationkit.com/Spell http://www.creationkit.com/Magic_Effect the rest is just imitating the enchantment from the amulet of talos. Just use the condition function to make it only take effect depending on certain spells.
  18. I msg'd actus without realizing that he doesn't really work on this mod anymore or something. Never got a response or anything. Anyways, I'm a scripter, so if you guys want a feature that lets players toggle the of models of individual armor pieces from vanilla models to Credo models in game, through an MCM menu, let me know. I am working on my own gameplay overhaul right now, so I'd appreciate if anybody could help me make some small clutter models though. I don't have any experience making nif's right now, and while I could learn, I was hoping I could get someone else to do it in exchange for some scripting.
  19. For individual shouts? Sure it's possible, although making a bunch of new records for each shout would be really time consuming and tedious. if you're talking about for all shouts you could always use SkyTweak: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/33395/ Do you know how to make spell effects that change cooldown times for individual shouts? If you made all the spell effects for me and put them into formlists, one formlist for each shout. Then I could finish up the SkyUI menu for you. But I'm not doing the manual labor, that would probably take well over an hour.
  20. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859 tes5edit is definitely the best way to remove any edits, not just world space stuff
  21. definitely sounds like a mod feature, specifically something from a perk entry point. I would double check the descriptions of your combat rebalance mods. In the mean time, perhaps you might consider using SkyTweak in place of some those mods in your huge list XD
  22. check for heavy gauntlets: http://www.creationkit.com/WornHasKeyword check for unarmed: http://www.creationkit.com/GetEquippedItemType now if you want to get heavy armor xp for punching someone, you will either need on animation events or a script that is distributed to enemies via a cloak.
  23. isn't getheadingangle also a console command? have you tried messing with that?
  24. its possible, but you will need scripts. SKSE isn't necessary in this case, vanilla scripts should be sufficient.
  25. you probably just need to remove and add the spell/perk again. the game won't always update to your new changes immediately.
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