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Everything posted by mkborgelt13

  1. People like to hate things, especially new and popular things. I think Fallout 4 is a step up from Skyrim. They found a nice balance that has details more involved players can appreciate, and is still enjoyable for less-involved players. The main plot (find Shaun) is kind of stale and uninteresting, but I rarely play games for the main plot. If you want a story read a book. Games have to be written so the player feels involved and this is difficult to do. On one hand, it can feel like watching from the sidelines, or being pandered to by the game world. Player should feel like one of the NPCs that has "free will" if that makes any sense, not the center of the universe. Fallout 4 accomplished this in my opinion. I still don't understand why the Institute is so hell-bent on making synths, for example. Like... it seems like the last thing on the list of things to do when civilization collapses. "Let's start making lots of fake people, and dribbling them out into the up-world." Why? This needs to be clearer, the game is very focused on synths, which themselves felt like a borrowed obligatory moral dillemma from Bladerunner. There are lots of entertaining "off the books" stories in the Commonwealth. I spent a long time searching for the remains of the wife of that guy who made the radio beacon in West Everett Estates. The random encounters are delightful surprises. I wish they would have done more with Super Mutants and ghouls. The Super Mutants are clearly intelligent enough to operate machines, I want to know what their world is like, how they think, etc. For example why do they despise humans so much? Etc. Gun modification! How cool is that? The voiced protagonist is great. Sorry, haters. Yes it does limit your role playing options, but honestly, I feel like the Sole Survivor has the most developed personality out of all Bethesda titles. previous player characters were silent loot-collectors who ran around completing quests with nothing to say outside your head. I feel like the Sole Survivor has a (predetermined) but quality personality... another thing I like, is how different the male/female version of character is. The dialogue is different in subtle ways, reflecting unique personalities. Nora seems more witty and sarcastic than Nate, for example. If you have played the Witcher games you know how powerful and entertaining an RPG with a specific, pre-set player character can be. Settlement building is not SIMS, it is a good choice for a post apocalypse game. In previous Fallouts I wanted to help rebuild civilization and leave a mark on the world that didn't have to do with me clearing out the NPC vendor's funds selling junk. Now I can. I can help rebuild the peoples' milita and defend the few survivors of the wasteland.
  2. How do I make an activator have a sound when turned on, looping, and turned off? I am trying to make machines for settlement building. Is it the "NiControllerManager?"
  3. --What are they? It looks like these were used to supply neighborhoods with electricity. We can see them going beneath the ground, for example Concord Civic Access, among other places. http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fallout/images/0/01/FO4_MPW_logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20151215160336&path-prefix=ru
  4. I am using ReShade and it does not impact my performance. And performance is an issue for me, I only have 1Gb GPU. What do you not like about ReShade?
  5. Thank you. =)Theme world, first of a few themed oversized and makeshift weapons (cigarette on a stick, toothbrush, fork, etc). Will do fire damage also eventually (was supposed to do DOT increasing with exposure, ala stacking, but lack of knowledge and time...) But anyways, I appreciate this thread...was about to give up and think of an alternative to the Melee Cigarette...very good job, indeed. =) No Problem! Glad I was able to help you. I was stuck on it for a while too and figured, why not try using the body slide magicks.
  6. Whoa, that's quite a weapon!!
  7. After much obnoxious endeavors, I have made progress. What I did was, import both things I was trying to combine into BodySlide. Then Export as nif. Then open in NifSkope and rearrange the pin, bolt, and spring.
  8. Bump Edit: All I want to do is combine the mesh of the bolt with the mesh of the tin can, as you can see in the OP's pic. No animations, nothing. They can both share the same material, even. The bolt is the thing stuck to the bottom of the cylinder. I am using this mesh to replace Fragmentation Mine with a homemade bomb. The Bolt makes the tin can mesh look more like an explosive device and less a 5 minute hack job.
  9. Hi all, I am trying to combine 2 meshes (copy/paste branch) in nifskope to form an improvised explosive device: 1.) A tin can, and 2.) The "bolt" from the pipe gun. (Ideally the spring too but that can come after I do this). I am copying the bolt branch and pasting it onto the "0 NiNode" of the tin can. The resulting .nif crashes the CK when I try and use it. Can someone please point me in the right direction to doing this correctly?
  10. I don't know how to make quests... but if you take care of that part, I can add personality to an NPC, no problem.
  11. Excellent! Yeah, I find the CK is easier to interpret and use than FO4edit. OK. There is a thing in NifSkope called "bhkNPCCollisionObject" which allows objects to drop to the ground. Without it, they will be stuck in the air as you described.
  12. I want to know this too. Intuition convinces me to believe it is something in Nifskope but I have yet to find anything. I have a serious problem with the casing ejection from the Assault Rifle. If you notice, the casings are fired "up" from the ejection port, not to the side. So when you are in 1st person the casings are flying in your face and it is obnoxious.
  13. Glad I'm not the only one... that said, I think the use of specular in Fallout 4 is improved over Skyrim. This was such a problem in Skyrim it prevented me from playing. Take for example the texture of steel items in Skyrim versus Fallout 4. The reflective surface of turret drums is much much nicer than the yucky grey plastic of the steel Nord armor plates. I have been using Reshade and that has made the textures even more "dry" and crisp. I also have wet textures turned off. I think the usage of BGSM materials has done a lot to improve this.
  14. What do you mean by standalone? Also, why are you using FO4edit and not CK? Make sure you are assigning the material to the mesh in nifskope, not the .dds textures. I'm not sure what you are trying to do. It sounds like you want two separate gas masks with two separate textures. In that case you need 2 sets of textures and 2 materials, like this: Gas Mask 1 Material (mask1_d.dds, mask1_n.dds, mask1_s.dds) --> Mask1.nif --> {Gameobjec in CK} Gas Mask 2 Material (mask2_d.dds, mask2_n.dds, mask2_s.dds) --> Mask2.nif --> {Gameobjec in CK} Your directory structure should be like this: Textures/YourMod/mask1/mask1_d.dds, mask1_n.dds, mask1_s.dds /mask2/mask2_d.dds, mask2_n.dds, mask2_s.dds Materials/YourMod/GaskMaskMaterial1, GasMaskMaterial2 Meshes/YourMod/GasMask1.nif, GasMask2.nif There is also some kind of finnicky behavior with textures, I am having a problem where a mesh refused to accept a modified texture, and even reverts the .dds back to the vanilla state. So it could be you have done everything correctly and for some reason it is just not working.
  15. I am retexturing the Plasma gun to appear rusting and old. So far I have the receiver, as well as flamer and spin muzzle attachments. Now I am working on the magazine, and sad to say it is not behaving! I have edited diffuse, normal, and specular DDS files for the plasma cartridge, used materials editor to combine these into a material, and assigned the mesh the material in NifSkope. This process worked 3 times for the other 3 parts I have retextured, but suddenly is not working for the plasma cartridge. What gives?? It feels like some kind of archive invalidation thing, like the textures are stuck on the old neon green ones instead of my replacements. Edit: What I am trying to do, is replace the green specular parts of the cartridge with plain metal, like the rest of the model.
  16. Maybe the texture you are trying to apply to the mask is not formatted properly for the mask's UV mapping?
  17. Recoil only effects follow up shots, muzzle climb as well. Bullet spread is like how a musket or shotgun works, it is the range off of center a projectile can go. So if you want 100% accuracy you remove spread/reduce it. if you want no kick you remove climb and recoil/reduce them. Thanks. Do you know what RecoilArcDegree and RecoilArcRotateDegree are?
  18. Hi, How do you even see the contents of the quest fragments?? My CK will not load/display fragments of any kind. I've been de-compiling the .pex into papyrus script which is an obnoxious workaround and I feel there must be a better way built into the CK.
  19. Hi Guys, This might be a better forum to post this. I recently discovered the "FIlters" in CK support regular expressions. I haven't heard of this feature before, so I am assuming it is not common knowledge. This feature has saved me a lot of time so far and I want to share it so others may benefit, too. Example: Say you want to display all receiver mods for all 3 types of pipe weapon. The object mod prefixes are; pipegun_receiver(...), pipeboltaction_receiver(...), piperevolver_receiver(....) Normally you would have to find all these separately, which is time consuming and hard on the eyeballs. In the "Filter" box of item window, you can enter "pipe*_receiver" where * is the wild-card used in regular expressions. The CK will return a list of all receivers for all pipe weapons. Example: If you use a prefix to denote items added by your mod, for example "gn_newitem" where "gn_" is the prefix you use. You can use "gn_*" to find all items you have added. Hope this helps and sorry for repost.
  20. It looks like the "accuracy" rating in-game is calculated from a number of variables applying to the weapon itself. As others have said, bullet spread, recoil, muzzle climb, etc. I am still learning what each of these do, myself.
  21. Don't see how it is 'easy money' Nothing about making mods is really easy. And some modders already make plenty of money already without paid mods. Also, paid modding is not a scam... I do not know where you get that idea. I know people who make paid mods and I hear it is very lucrative. I am satisfied with with my career. No one is "drooling." No one "gets rich quick" from royalties. I don't understand your "lottery" and "illegal gambling" thing. This stuff is a hobby. Why would anyone *not* want to get paid for a hobby? I do not care either way about the paid mods argument, I am just annoyed people get so butt hurt about it. It seems like the only people complaining aren't the authors but the consumers. Beth/Zenimax is not some kind of evil group seeking to crowdsource and exploit modders, that makes no sense and is just paranoid. Anyone who thinks this please remove the tin foil hat. But that is EXACTLY Bethesda and Zenimax's plan. If it wasn't, they wouldn't have jumped right in last year with paid mods... Of which they get majority of the profit, throwing you some scraps for your effort to make you feel special. Like the myth where a leech injects numbing saliva as it sucks your blood... It's not scraps, man... it's Royalties. That is the proper term. Same concept as how publishing houses work. Authors get paid dirt for writing books. Without the publishing house, who's going to print and distribute the book? Call it a racket if you want... but that's just how it is. The great thing about sites like Nexus... is it provides a distrubition platform that is not royalty-based. I think it is the other way around. Without Zenimax/Beth there would be no game to mod. Trust me, we are insignificant to their revenue. They have an entire marketing and sales dept to handle that and a few hobbyists don't factor in. I'm amazed they even launched bethesda dot net at all. If anything it is a proof-of-concept to the entertainment industry that multi-platform mod support can be done. Edit: Other guys are spot on with the 10-30% and deduction for using Beth's property. That is what I was getting at with royalties.
  22. Don't see how it is 'easy money' Nothing about making mods is really easy. And some modders already make plenty of money already without paid mods. Also, paid modding is not a scam... I do not know where you get that idea. I know people who make paid mods and I hear it is very lucrative. I am satisfied with with my career. No one is "drooling." No one "gets rich quick" from royalties. I don't understand your "lottery" and "illegal gambling" thing. This stuff is a hobby. Why would anyone *not* want to get paid for a hobby? I do not care either way about the paid mods argument, I am just annoyed people get so butt hurt about it. It seems like the only people complaining aren't the authors but the consumers. Beth/Zenimax is not some kind of evil group seeking to crowdsource and exploit modders, that makes no sense and is just paranoid. Anyone who thinks this please remove the tin foil hat.
  23. This shouldn't even be a thing. Thoughts on the general conversation: Console mods is a good thing. Larger audience, more exposure. More technically innovative! Cross-platform mods, come on! That is pretty neat. There is no reason to hate on Bethesda dot net apart from PC elitism. Donating does not make you a better person. It makes you a person who gave someone money for something that was free. Telling someone you donated to them, or complaining about your donations being unnoticed, is very George Costanza/Larry David. Don't be like George Costanza. 'Community' is nice but it doesn't help you pay your rent. I spent most of my adolescence learning how to use Oblivion Construction Set because I wanted to, because I enjoyed the challenge and I enjoyed customizing my own game. I started putting things up here on Nexus recently because perhaps others will like it, too. Why not? But if I can make money off it? Great, another source of income. It takes up enough time to be considered a part-time job. If you want a mod that the author charges for, but don't want to pay, go and make it yourself. We are all using Bethesda's tools and assets anyway, so insulting and griping doesn't make sense. Their release games aren't ever "Unplayable." They have bugs, yes, many of them. What doesn't? Software is not a product, it is a process. It's like some of you guys have this juvenile understanding of what companies do. Despite all this touting of "Free market capitolism." "Boycotting" especially just sounds like some kind of child-like pouting. Games are software, and software is a thing that is bought and sold. If it wasn't I and many more would be out of a job. People charge for aftermarket car parts, why not game mods? So on. Lastly, Nexus is not under any threat from Bethesda. Many people don't seem to grasp the 'Nexus' is a COLLECTION of mod-hosting sites for a grouping of games by different manufacturers. Bethesda games are a small amount of these other games.
  24. Hi Guys, Not sure if you already knew this... but the CK item filter works with regular expressions. This means you can type this into the items tab filter, under object mods category: "pipe*_scope" It will match your pattern and display all scope mods for all 4 types of pipe guns. It's made my job a lot easier so hopefully it helps you all, too.
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