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  1. If anyone interested I've released a utility to downgrade Skyrim SE/AE and Fallout 4 to a specific game version. You don't have to care about accidental updates anymore.
  2. If anyone interested I've released a utility to downgrade Skyrim SE/AE and Fallout 4 to a specific game version. You don't have to care about accidental updates anymore.
  3. You can downgrade to 1.6.640.0 relatively easily so you don't have to wait a couple months for mod updates...
  4. I needed some practice before deep diving into my project, so... Scriptname MySummonScript extends ActiveMagicEffect { The whole idea for the mod was to have a summon eat away at your magicka pool as long as its summoned and then is possible unsummon when your pool is empty but id settle for it to just drain the pool. } Spell Property MyMagicDamageSpell Auto ; alchDamageMagicka Spell Property MySummonSpell Auto Actor MySummon ;Auto Actor caster ;Auto float fCost1 float fCost2 float fCost3 Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) MySummon = akTarget caster = akCaster ;MySummonSpell = Self.GetBaseObject() as Spell - cannot cast a magiceffect to a spell, types are incompatible fCost1 = caster.GetActorValue("Magicka") debug.notification("original magicka: " + fCost1 as String) MyMagicDamageSpell.cast(caster, caster) ;caster of the summon spell also casts magic damage on themself fCost3 = caster.GetActorValue("Magicka") fCost2 = fCost1 - fCost3 debug.notification("new magicka: " + fCost3 as String + " magicka cost: " + fCost2 as String) RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.5) EndEvent Event OnUpdate() if ( MySummon == None ) caster.dispelSpell(MySummonSpell) ;to make sure the spell is dispelled when your summon spell has ended debug.notification("spell dispeled - 0") return endif if ( caster.GetActorValue("Magicka") < fCost2 ) MySummon.disable() ; unsummon would be better caster.dispelSpell(MySummonSpell) ;to make sure the spell is dispelled when your summon spell has ended debug.notification("spell dispeled - 1") return endif if ( MySummon.IsDisabled() || MySummon.IsDead() ) caster.dispelSpell(MySummonSpell) ;to make sure the spell is dispelled when your summon spell has ended debug.notification("spell dispeled - 2") return endif if ( caster.GetActorValue("Magicka") >= fCost2 ) if ( MySummon.GetActorValue("Health") > 0 ) MyMagicDamageSpell.cast(caster, caster) ;caster of the summon spell also casts magic damage on themself RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.5) endif endif EndEvent ;Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) ;akCaster.dispelSpell(MyMagicDamageSpell) ;to make sure the spell is dispelled when your summon spell has ended ;EndEvent It's not finished but I'm in a hurry so I post this. (You don't need the debug.notification lines) It basically works but it has some issues. Plugin Usage: help "summon familiar" 0 player.addspell <ID> - it will be sg like xx000d62 Best regards,VikMorroHun
  5. In response to post #75822968. It was better than mine. I've changed my password, logged out, tried to log in, typed in my new password, proved that I'm not a robot, and received an error message that my username/password is invalid. The second iteration went better so I didn't lock myself out from my account.
  6. In response to post #75815913. #75817563, #75818673, #75818978, #75819648, #75823548, #75824603 are all replies on the same post. I didn't receive any notification _why_ I had to change my password.
  7. In response to post #64285051. Vortex should create a different folder for every game in the download folder.
  8. In response to post #64243711. Vortex has an easy to use Import from NMM and MO feature. I think it works fine. Advantage over NMM: one can easily and swiftly switch between games and profiles (different mod setups in the same game).
  9. In response to post #61924237. 72 pages, 10 comments per page that means you have roughly 1:240 odds to win. I wouldn't call this inexistent.
  10. In response to post #60312951. Big deal. Nexus Mod Manger completely corrupted my load order once. And it wasn't an Alpha back then.
  11. Actually I like Vortex. It helped me realize there were two plugins in my mod list that needed to be updated since they were still dependent on USKP. (I don't know how the game worked without it.) There is a small problem though because I couldn't get Skyrim to work with all my mods (sorted with Loot a few times). I've sent some bug reports, hopefully they will be fixed. I'll give it another try a few weeks later. I hope now I can get back to my original setup with the updated NMM. :)
  12. In response to post #35876815. From the Skywind FAQ: 2. Q: What will I need to run Skywind? A: Currently, Skywind is not available for public download due to its alpha state. When it is released you will need the following: TES III: Morrowind, including the Bloodmoon and Tribunal expansions installed correctly on your system. TES V: Skyrim + Dragonborn and Dawnguard expansions (not hearthfire) YOU NEED LEGITIMATE COPIES OF BOTH GAMES - even if you defeat the copy protection somehow, pirated copies of the games DO NOT WORK RIGHT with Skywind and you WILL have problems. Also, please do not post "help me" threads about pirated games; you will be banned from the site.
  13. I don't have SkyTEST, birds of Skyrim, etc. but I get this bug sometimes. I think this bug is introduced in 1.9 patch of Skyrim. It reminds me the "double face bug" from Oblivion because I can see how an NPC's face moving while he is talking, just his lips are not moving. The doubled face covers it.
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