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Everything posted by solsikke737

  1. Well, the shot in question doesn't exactly fall under that...I would say. But I really don't know the best way of handling it other than ask people to try to keep it decent. Some skimpiness...no problem.The nude shots will most likely come, though...if I know the nexus.
  2. What is the exact rules of the Nexus site for when it's nudity? No clothes in the obvious areas or very skimpy too? What about putting a line on the front page here on the forum and ask people to please help to keep this relay open for all to see. That if the shot shows too much it might get taken down/moved to adult only (how ever it works) and that would be a shame. But deciding on which shot is too much...that is a tricky one.
  3. That looks really nice, Yagho...I like it a lot :)
  4. I just noticed, I never gave you a kudos...well deserved for great shots and your nice comments here on the Nexus :)
  5. Hi I'm not sure I did a right thing uploading my shot on the Wallpaper page...it got in the users section...just delete it if you have other plans :)
  6. I think JoPineapples68s shot here got overlooked...or he forgot to put a link here.
  7. Someone click the button...a torch on the TI would be great ;D
  8. Hi I've uploaded a picture here. Solsikke
  9. I just checked it and commented. I'm glad it worked.

    And I have to say those bigger ones looks very nice indeed :)

  10. Hi, yourself...did it work?
  11. Hi. I added you to my friends list to keep better track of your wonderful shots :)
  12. Hi...I added you to my friends list...I hope you don't mind.
  13. What's this about a toothache? Nothing too bad I hope...and something easily fixed with a trip to the dentist (one of my least fav people to pay a visit to, I'm a afraid)...hopefully.
  14. Hi. I've tried to make a comment on your latest picture, but the Nexus site won't let me (some bug I guess)...have tried for days...so I came here instead. Really a cool gang you have :) I already endorsed a few days ago.
  15. I added you to my friends list...makes it easier for me to keep track. Hope you don't mind :)
  16. There will be shots coming...if not tonight, then tomorrow...promise :)
  17. Just thought I'd pop by and say hi. You have a lot of great screenshots and it's great that you share them with us...kudos to you. Thank you for your nice comments too :)
  18. Thank you very much for your very nice comments :)

    Great to see your shots as well and looking forward to seeing more. A kudos to you :)

  19. Thank you for the very nice comment :)

    A kudos for the nice shots you've already shared...and hoping to see more :)

  20. I like the group vibe here as well :)

    EnB is an addiction it seems and there is always something one wants to change...hope you achieve what you want with it.

    I'm adding you to my friends list, because it makes it easier for me to keep track...hope you don't mind :)

  21. Really a lot of great shots you have. And your EnBs look great...I will try them sometime. Kudos for being such a positive soul here in the Nexus :)
  22. Hi...just popping in to thank you for helping out on Willows Thaiden companion mod, which I really love. Great people helping each other out. Kudos to you :)
  23. I saw SJs mention of more shots on Flickr and kind of suspected you'd might be on his or Mids contact list. One of these days when I have a little time I'm going to sit down and have a closer look at your and others pics there :)

    I added you to my friends list here as well...hope you don't mind.

  24. Just dropping by to say thank you again for you wonderful comments :)
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