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Everything posted by solsikke737

  1. Not true, but very sweet of you to say ;)
  2. Hi. You have a lot nice shots and I think it's wonderful that you share them with us...kudos to you :)
  3. Thank you for your very nice comments and for your nice pictures...kudos to you :)
  4. A very nice story you have going...wonderful pictures. A kudos for sharing :)
  5. Congratulations on your finale :)
  6. A really nice gallery you got there...you have so mane wonderful shots :)
  7. I'm really loving your story, Willow. The pictures are all so well done. You've managed to keep the theme in them in a very impressive way. Looking forward to the finale :)
  8. Thanks for the link...will have a look when I get a chance :)
  9. Just stopping by and saying hi and thanks for sharing you wonderful pictures. I think that deserves a kudos :)
  10. About the eyes...I've blended together one I think will do...BUT, I would really like to test out yours since you so kindly offer :)
  11. I like a lot of different music myself...rock, blues, alternative rock, pop, classical, some jazz...I'm open to any kind. Now I'm listening a lot to Soulsavers and PJ Harvey :)
  12. She's nearly there...just need to get her eyes sorted again (tried something that didn't look quite right after all). So you're into jazz?
  13. Cute panther ;)
  14. You have a lovely weekend too :)
  15. Thank you yourself...quite a compliment coming from someone with such amazing shots. I should have kudo'd you a long time ago for sharing them with us to enjoy...so kudos and welcome as a friend :)
  16. Art has it's price ;)

    But don't forget to step outside and enjoy the real world once in awhile as well :)

  17. Wow, this must have taken quite a lot of work. Amazing picture...really epic :)
  18. Was inspired by your game list to dig it out again. I played it a few times years ago and I really loved it...now to think of it I would actually count it as a favourite...just haven't thought about it for years. This time it took me some getting used to the graphics, but when I got over that; it's such a great game.

    Thanks for the tip (always appreciated), but yeah I already found that :)

  19. Oo, that is so sweet of you :) And don't be sorry that you don't have the time to get at every picture...I understand so well and I enjoy the comments you have time for very much. And I'll keep them coming :)

    I'd give you a kudos more, but it won't let me ;)

  20. to come...is how that should read. Sometimes the fingers fly a little too fast ;)
  21. Glad there will be more pictures to some :)
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