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TheVampireDante last won the day on December 16

TheVampireDante had the most liked content!

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About TheVampireDante

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    United Kingdom

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Community Answers

  1. One like that with far too much time on their hands and the sleep pattern of a toddler.
  2. Turned out to be a previously banned user anyway. So dumdum go byebye.
  3. Make sure it's a supported game, there's the list of them: https://www.nexusmods.com/about/vortex/? I see "Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster" on the list, but not any other version that might be available.
  4. Now there's an unnerving thought... Never understood why people idolized that chinless wonder. Then again, I don't have the mind of an insecure jackass, so maybe it's just out of my range...
  5. Nobody ever said pirates were smart...
  6. They're getting caught in the anti-spam system we have set up due to the recent increase in spam attacks across the various site areas. It's likely due to the videos in the descriptions. I've cleared those two, but I'd expect to see it more often until the spam cuts down.
  7. Page was caught by our anti-spam setup, it catches legit mods at times, unfortunate but can't be avoid at the moment. The page has been released from moderation.
  8. Back then we still had spaces in our usernames, but that guy had to make his without them (since he couldn't get away with copying mine exactly). He'd been banned so often he started trying variations of staff names to goad us (among other stupidity). As for the profile page being gone, just down to the changes in site setup and page links since then. His original ban:
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