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TheVampireDante last won the day on December 30 2024

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About TheVampireDante

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Community Answers

  1. Couldn't find the one pictured with a quick search, only thing along similar lines (spikes + cross) was this: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/14269? If I stumble on it and you're still looking I'll drop a link.
  2. Specifically when he was told he couldn't do whatever he wanted with it should it violate the regulations of countries it was being used in. Why'd you think he's so "anti-EU"? He doesn't like the fact they can rule to block his toy out should it become enough of a problem.
  3. My bet? Mix of an ego trip and for information control.
  4. Sometimes the stupid outweighs the cowardace. Not for long, but sometimes just enough to make their day a hell of a lot worse off afterwards.
  5. It's probably better people like that don't encounter others directly. It wouldn't be good for their health, or the blood pressure of anyone that ends up dealing with them.
  6. Unfortunately, there's been a repeated creation of a certain file page (FPS booster) that's the cause of this. It contains a link to download the disguised malware from an off-site source and people keep falling for it. We remove the page and ban the uploader, but as with most annoyances they keep returning with new accounts (newly created, or using a stolen one) to repeat their attempts to spread this trash. If people would be a bit more careful about what they download this wouldn't be as big an issue as it is, but not everyone's as cautious as they should be or know what signs to look for.
  7. Anti CCP rant. Removed, since it's just there to cause more trouble. His comment in the notice looks off because it's missing the non-engllish part, he was posting between two for some reason. Full thing:
  8. I can see the notices you were sent (see attached image) - Why I said you should have read them, the section under the bit you did notice says you should use the forums. As for others doing - they shouldn't be either and they do get removed when we see them.
  9. If you'd read the removal notice that appeared when you next checked in on site, you'd have seen the message left by a moderator telling you to use the forums for mod requests, not the imageshare.
  10. Hell knows. That's twice now I've had to deal with that, from two entirely different people. Edit: Add this to the list of odd uploads.
  11. Annoyingly persistant bunch that sort. Still, no place for them here. Just wish the rest of reality took the same approach.
  12. One like that with far too much time on their hands and the sleep pattern of a toddler.
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