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Posts posted by NinjaWarriorPoet

  1. This would be cool. Maybe there's two spells here. One for a single illusion summon, and a second for an illusionary army. I wonder about the AI. Maybe you'd have to build that into the spell. Mirror image mage, mirror image assassin, mirror image warrior.

  2. Basically if you add the hangers on the sheaths for the katana it now hangs blade down as appropriate for a tachi, and how Skyrim naturally orients swords. I've been told that a katana is painful to wear with armor, and that's why the tachi has those hangers to begin with.




    I think it needs to be an Armor skill and an Athletics skill which has branches for hand to hand, evasion and movement. If you wear heavy armor it's all about the armor and your Armor skill, clothes it's all about your evasion, and light armor is half and half.

    Ok, but that goes beyond simple fix. In fact, i don't know if adding new skill trees is even possible. It makes new problems, for example, there are 6 skills for combat, 6 for magic, 6 for stealth. Where to put a new one, and what threes you should put to other categories? What about trainers and voiceacting for them? I think that's too complicated.


    Or I misunderstood you, and you are just talking about new branches in existing trees? If so, that is much better idea.


    Let's talk about this in a context of leveling system balance. Luckly for us, in vanilla Skyrim you can spend only 74 perk points for sneak skills, which is lower than magic (86) or combat (91) skill categories. In each skill tree in Skyrim you can use from 10 to 21 perk points. In Sneak skill category the best candidate for extra perks is, obviously, Sneak tree with 13 perk points to spend (vanilla), which is slightly below average.


    What do you think about extra 3-perk branch, going from "Stealth" perk? First, at 30 pts. in Sneak would give you 100 pts. carry weight, second at 50 pts. would give you 50% fortify stamina regeneration, and third one, at 70 pts - 100% magicka regeneration?


    The only problem i have with this solution, is that there are already perks that gives you similiar bonuses, like fortify carry weight (pickpocket), stamina regeneration (light armor) and magicka regeneration (restoration).



    For now, I think we should not overcomplicate matters. After all, no mod creator is interested in this idea yet.


    Personally, I would like this ability to be available from the beginning, without investing any perk points. It seems to be more logical and better balaced option.





    From what I understand you can't really add trees. I'd just combine light and heavy armor into heavy armor's slot. 75% of those perks should work for both (Agile Defender merges with Juggernaut, Custom fit merges with Well Fitted, Matching Set merges with ...Matching Set, You have Conditioned just add Carry Weight and perhaps has two levels, I still don't know what to do with Cushioned). Wearing armor can't be that different. The Light Armor tree I'd do a total conversion. You could keep the stamina regen, light foot and deft movement in the new tree. Perk wise it would probably spread people out a little more. A brawling warrior would want the HtH, and a Thief would want the basics of the Armor tree for the perks that affected light armor.

  4. The way Skyrim wears the blades sword has always bothered me. If you've spent any time around a katana it probably bothers you too. Katana's are supposed to be worn blade up, and Skyrim forces you to wear it blade down. I hear that this is impossible to change. I think I have an easy work around. The tachi is the Japanese war sword and hangs blade down from two hangers on the sheath.


  5. Or maybe the health/stamina/magicaka meters no longer work right. If your health meter read 1, but didn't actually reflect your health. Or it could ravage your stamina and magicka. Frenzy could even boost your stamina and keep your health meter reading 100% even as you get hit, and even killed.

  6. A couple ideas:


    2.1 flogging, where you'd end up 25-75% health down. You'd have a little cutscene, show the flogging, then "wake up" in jail and be let out.


    2.2 Executions for the player (part deux). This time, no dragon, but you'd have to think about a few ways to escape, add a little variety for stealth, magic, and muscle, and then some variety for followers, and location....


    3.1 Other NPCs that should move in and out of jail


    Town Drunks

    Roving Thieves Guild Members



    Random Merchants (maybe unjustly imprisoned)


    Then you could add a couple high end freelance thieves.

  7. In art class (more than a decade ago) I was told you had to be at least 20% different. To be safe, and avoid lawsuits, I'd ditch the name, and at least 50% different, but it's been a long time since I've worked with anything like that.

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