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Posts posted by NinjaWarriorPoet

  1. I'd take a little different take on it. RN&D would work pretty much the same, you'd have to keep them in food and water and they'd eat with you, or you can set it so that they always eat and drink with you (so you don't have to micromanage). You could set it so you take turns watching the camp, a good reason to use a multiple follower mod, and you'd never be surprised, eg. you'd never start the Dark Brotherhood until you slept at an inn or home, or forgot to set a watch. For Frostfall, I'd like to see it set up where if your followers succumb to the cold you need to set up camp and revive them or they die, and if you succumb first there are a few options which you could run randomly or based on skills and resistances of the follower, 1. you die, with a message that your follower didn't make it back, or didn't make it at all, 2. if you are close to a town the follower goes for help and you wake up with a nice bill at an inn, 3. if you have all the equipment, e.g. firewood and camping gear, the follower sets up camp and revives you, 4. If you don't have all the equipment your follower uses your horse to keep you warm while he collects firewood, starts the fire and all that, as in The Empire Strikes Back, 5. A patrol finds you, and you might wake up in a camp, trapped by bandits, in jail (if you have a bounty and are found by a town).

  2. I'd love to see mods that bring in the equipment of the different cultures, including armor, clothes and weapons. Perhaps even amulets of their different gods. There are pieces of this in game, the Redguard robes and scimitar, Imperial, Altmer and Orsimer armors and weapons, and there are some mods that add parts too, like Unexpected Blades and Redguard Knight Armor (though I feel it's a little op, it seems to me you need something really special, like a daedra heart or dragon bones, to craft something equivalent to those top tier items). So I'd like to see lore-friendly collections of a few clothing sets, both everyday and expensive varieties, a set of armor (preferably both light and heavy unless the author feels a race wouldn't have one set, say light Orsimer or heavy Altmer?), and a few weapons. I'd also like to see them added to the leveled list for the different races, so all the Bosmer have a chance to be wearing Valenwood leathers.

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