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Everything posted by Sajuuknights

  1. strange any texture mods, i cant install. any other mods seems to work just fine. just textures modes.
  2. not into the style of animations and combat found in ESO. i quit MMO years ago. i do look forward to open world games. and by open world i mean singleplayer open world
  3. In response to post #12588875. your mistaken the only think you will be able to mod is the icons or the UI.
  4. HI been having a problem with nif files. check out my video to see the steelbolt.nif bug am having a very strange one at that. http://youtu.be/vJ9cw9fm4xw
  5. oh planning on getting a blue snowball today so that should help for future uploads.
  6. will if your looking for nord I maybe able to help. I did a little series about a year ago. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDEAFC488F85D256F. still need to buy myself a new mic lol
  7. I have almost the same and its overclock a bet but I have not seen any real improvement. and I see your working on something interesting. any chance you can help me out with a bug am experiencing. the bolt quiver I moved to the back of the player is showing up in first person on the forehead lol any idea how I can make it so it does show in first person ?
  8. Hi am working on a mod called bow and quiver re position. so far I had no problems in creating new position and uploading them to nexus. however these pass few days I have ran into a bug. in my latest work the Bolt quiver show up in FIRST PERSON. as to why this happen I have no idea. I have tried using from scratch a new steelbolt.nif and started over and everything looks good in 3rd person. but still have the same darn problem in 1st person. my mod does not use any ESP so I have no idea why it showing up please help if you now what I need to do thank. for example the bolt quiver is located on the back yet in 1st person the quiver is sticking out of the forhead ! lol.
  9. the lvl list problem is very random I have that in my file as will. there is no real fix other then going back or try to sleep 48 hours and see if it goes away.
  10. Hi am working on a mod called bow and quiver re position. so far I had no problems in creating new position and uploading them to nexus. however these pass few days I have ran into a bug. the Bolt quiver show up in FIRST PERSON. as to why this happen I have no idea. I have tried using from scratch a new steelbolt.nif and started over and everything looks good in 3rd person. but still have the same darn problem in 1st person. my mod does not use any ESP so I have no idea why it showing up please help if you now what I need to do thank. for example the bolt quiver is located on the back yet in 1st person the quiver is sticking out of the forhead ! lol.
  11. try running it in compatibility mode go to tools select compatibility , refresh should work for most cases
  12. i would like to see a mod that makes the crossbow a standard equable weapon. and does not share the same as the bow. because Bethesda attached it to the same nodes as the bow making any modification to the bow in the skeleton effect the crossbow position. however if say someone were to make a skeleton that added a node that was for crossbows only and attach the crossbow to that node i could come out with some crazy ! combination of bow and quiver location. as it stand now if i edit one item it will effect the other. so a new weapon node for the crossbow would really come in handy.
  13. i been trying to edit the crossbow for some time. i wish to move it a bet lower however nothing i do helps i can move stuff around in nifeskope however none of the change show when in game. i was able to add ninode to the ninode 5 which is the crossbow pool and this way i can move it around and see the change in game however.. now the animations play off. in other words the crossbow is further away from the arms making the crossbow float. i know i most of forgotten a step. however i don't no what i must change in order to get a new center point were the trigger is. :wallbash:
  14. would like to now if any animator is interested in making some new equip and unequip animatons for bows and quiver.
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