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Everything posted by Galandil

  1. Well, speaking from the direction of having absolutely no clue of how to implement this- It is most definitively possible. Bethesda managed to add certain animations to furniture, sitting on a chair, pulling lever, etc... If in any way this is locked off (or something). I don't suppose one could script this? Animation activates when player activates referenced object- and go from there. Rowboats I believe have been attempted before, so it is most likely possible, though they have a habit of taking in a lot of water. I am posting this knowing full well that I got absolutely nothing worthwhile to add on the topic of 'how to' implement, but just to state to the obvious, it is 'Likely' possible :)
  2. Glad you like it! And well.. Yes and No. It did not occur to me when I began the project, but much later on that it may have been a good idea to release it in bits. However by that time I had already come quite far ahead and I had everything on one ESP. I do plan on separating the content for those who want to pick and choose what towns and cities they want to have in their game. However I also plan to add systems like banking, ship travel, and quests which will occasionally ask you to travel in between cities. For this reason it may be necessary to use all of the cities to get those features. I do understand though that not everyone wants this, and that some of the added villages may conflict with other mods, so once I am finished with step 1, which is to create all of the interiors and all of the exteriors I will make sure to get a hold of some of the more experienced modders here on the Nexus and hope they will give me a hand and hopefully offer some guidance on what I should do. Worst case scenario, if you only want some of the cities, you will get the interiors and the exteriors, and all of the NPC's. And that with time I will add the systems and the quests(Those that do not require you to travel to other added towns).
  3. :thumbsup: I hope you will take your time with this. Please do not rush it. Your content looks amazing, and it is clear to me that this will be an amazing "DLC-like" mod. I've seen many people on various forums telling the mod-author to rush their product, or.. hurry up and finish it. I personally hope you will take your sweet time with this, so that when it is released, finally, the various experiences we will have with Issgard will be all the more amazing for it!
  4. Sorry I missed the part with constructive feedback You need to read what he said one more time. He explained the plausible cause to as to why the mod-author isn't presently active on the forum page. He even answered your question. In case you didn't understand it, let me summarize it: Activity goes up and down depending on so many variables that it is pointless to argue which one it is that keeps our mod author away. Have patience, or even better! Try modding yourself! Mod authors have absolutely no obligation to give you what you want, when you want it. So if waiting is too much of a pain for you, try making it yourself.
  5. "We have" - Whats your part in this Mod? I don't think you need to be part of the mod project to have a RL :psyduck:
  6. One can easily tell that there has been put a lot of work into this project. I cannot wait to try this out upon its release! :) Well Done!
  7. A'ight if you say so! Yes they do look great! :) Do you have any ETA on your mod by the way?
  8. I don't think I can recall seeing your interior work. However I think you should consider releasing with your work, and allowing compatibility for other modder's interiors. That way people can fix and match by their personal preference, and it will give people a more options ;)
  9. This sounds very interesting. I wouldn't worry too much about any clashes with the lore, I personally couldn't see anything wrong with it. I'm very excited for this project, the screenshots in your announcement thread, and now I've gotten a good sneak-peak into what this is all about, and it looks very promising! Good luck! :smile: They don't? Isn't it Bethesda who writes the lore? I've heard this said before but I've never actually heard where people are getting it from. The only Bethesda self-made lore-mess-up I can think of, was in the Elder scrolls Online (WHICH NEVER HAPPENED!), but beyond that! I can't think of any.... Or.. well.. maybe it was a little odd bumping into Mannimarco in Oblivion... Hu'uh... O'well :D
  10. And? I enjoy modding. I enjoy sharing what I know. Is there something wrong with that? I'm sure he meant nothing by it. Your doing fantastic work and you are noticeably active; Which is a good thing! The more you do, the more content you get to share with the community. For someone in the community to discredit or fault you for that would be going full retard. ;)
  11. Here are links to the screenshots of the Riften Waterfront District! http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/Images/470287/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/Images/470288/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/Images/470289/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/Images/470290/? I fear to report that for the next two weeks I'll be working on an examination project at school and will therefor have less time to work on the mod, at least for these next two weeks. I do not think it will effect my weekends but the weekdays will definitively have to be spent on schoolwork. Sadly after those two weeks are through I got the winter exams to look forward to. This year I've made amazing progress on this project and I did for a time believe that I could finish this in time for Christmas - New Year. However I do not think that will be possible at this rate. What I have on my machine right now is in my opinion a very playable and enjoyable mod with minor issues. I did some stress testing yesterday and found that there is a slight lag spike about 1 second upon arriving by fast travel to Dawnstar and Falkreath. This only happenes when you turn very fast the moment you've arrived, after that it doesn't happen which tells me its having problem loading everything...... or that perhaps something I'm theorizing a little, is that the multiple civil war event boxes that I have purposely not deleted so that it doesn't mess anything up, may be hissing a little; The more important point, it does not cause a crash, and if you don't fast travel, you do not get a lag spike, so...... Odd! Another issue I found is that at nighttime there is an actual crash to desktop, when you enter the Dawnstar cutthroat alley and try to enter "The Salty Alley" tavern. I have absolutely no clue as to whats causing this, probably one of the AI's that activate at a certain late hour that causes mishaps. I've looked through the papyrus log but I'm unable to understand whats gone wrong, could use a helping hand with this :) These two reasons and the deleted Navmesh needing a good smack in the back of the head is why I will not release this mod before 2015. Hopefully I can get this done early 2015 but I dare not come out with any fixed dates fearing I'll be releasing something unfinished, I feel it is bad enough that the first release will be without dialogues and quests... But if I were to implement that as well before release it is possible we'll all be old and grey before this releases. Hope you like the screenshots! I have yet to clutter them properly but I this is the layout I've designed for the Waterfront. I hope someone out there can give me a hand with these issues I've posted :)
  12. Ah! Good idea! I can't believe I didn't think of that. I did notice how beautifully the windows in the Valunstrand District was lighted. But must've completely forgotten about it when I started adding the cluttter. I will take care of it! Glad you mentioned it, thank you! :smile:
  13. Sorry about that. I am used to uploading one screenshot and adding a bundle in the comment section to get past the restriction here on the Nexus. Sadly Imageshack wouldn't let me upload for some reason. The images I uploaded were taken at midnight, and I noticed this halfway through and tok a few new screenshots during daytime. Sadly of course! I forgot about the five image restriction for non-premium members and uploaded the dark images first. I didn't even have room to upload the overview picture of the new district, the area at the end of the district, nor the new inn, or Fighting Pit gate. Sorry about that. Glad to hear you like what you saw regardless! This project's first stage completion is near! :) I cannot promise a release before Christmas but there is really not that much left to be done now. The cities are designed, the NPC's are written down and all that remains is to furnish up a few remaining interiors add the remainder NPC's, give them proper AI and then finally clean up the Navmesh issues. And then we're done. After that I'll be releasing content like dialogues, quests, and more tech-heavy features (Which I am hoping someone out there will be willing to give me a hand with) like banking and ship travel ;)
  14. I've uploaded five screenshots of some work I started on this weekend. This time it is Windhelm. Here are links to the screenshots I've uploaded here on the Nexus; http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/469964/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/469970/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/469971/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/469972/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/469973/? I've expanded Windhelm to the west, through the marketplace, it always bothered me how small Windhelm felt, and how it had quite the empty area outside of it. The expanded quarter will include a Bank/City Hall/Courier Headquarters, a new general store, a bakery, a Fletcher, and two houses. I've also added doors blocking the otherwise odd tunnel leading from the Palace of King's towards Aventus Arentino's residence. Reason is; I really would like to add the fighting pit! :) I've also added an entrance near the wall close to the dock gate, here I wish to add an inn. I'll be uploading screenshots from Riften's Waterfront district tomorrow. I do feel I need to ask for a little advice on this one as I'm a little unsure how I am going to expand upon Riften within the city. Riften has always felt right to me, and beyond adding a few extra stuff, like... a guard barracks within the main gate (Your normally just teleported to the top of the gate when you enter the door, I'm going to add a barracks within. This is also the case in Solitude near the Cathedral but I've remedied that in a way that does not mess up the "Assassination" of the bride ;) ), and perhaps a little more to the Riften Keep. Beyond that, there just doesn't seem to be much room for additional content without making it feel stuffed and overdone. Do let me know your opinion on this, as I feel kind of stuck! (maybe the best option is to leave it as it is, add the extra content I mentioned above and thereby make it easy and problem free for you to combine my mod with other Riften Overhauls that suit your fancy?). I've also put a lot of effort this weekend in weeding out the "holes" in the ground. These are amazingly common in Whiterun and in Windhelm. They are essentially these missing portions of a city, could be a hole in the wall, or a hole in the ground. They are most commonly found next to buildings and I have done my utmost to cover them up. I found these in Whiterun by the Warmaidens Blacksmith, by Uthgerd's house, by the stairway to the Halls of the Dead, The exit from Dragonsreach prison, under a small stairway near Ysolda's house, the Drunken Huntsman, the wall leading up beneath the main gate bridge(where one of the many water canal entrances will be), and very often under the walls surrounding the marketplace and stretching all the way down to the Warmaidens, often only revealeble by the shadows looking a little off. I found two area's in Solitude, the stairway down the windmill tower where my entrance to the dock tunnel is located, and by the marketplace. I found some in Windhelm as well, the road up to the market, the low road to the east of Candlehearth hall, ... Too many of these on the rooftops in the Grey Quarter (But I've covered them ;) ), I found two holes in the wall coming into the grey quarter from the Palace of Kings, and I found one near the Blacksmith quarter. If you've encountered any "holes" in your play-through, please let me know! So I can cover them up! And do let me know what you think of these screenshots and its concept! ;)
  15. Here is my fifth trailer for the Mod Project. This time its the Solitude Dock Tunnel. I've divided Solitude into 4 "levels", and each will have its own trailer. At any rate, hope you will enjoy the second trailer in the Solitude series :wink: It always bothered me how you could enter a sort of shabby mine-gate down by the sea and get instantly teleported to the top of the mountain. I felt it gave up a good chance to add some extra layers to Skyrim's Capital. I also felt it gave a good opportunity to actually make use of the rotating windmill that is one of Solitude's landmarks. The windmill makes it possible for the Nord's of Solitude to use a lift to get the heavy crates and barrels from the docks up to the main city level. Within the Dock tunnel you will find a general store, a blacksmith, a tavern, a brothel (No there will be no adult content, get a girlfriend!), a small hallway market with a variation of wares, and a shipping center. Let me know what you think!
  16. Another fletcher shop? Of course I can! Unless of course your referencing your message to samv96UK who is working on a completely different mod called Rochebere, I would suggest you post your question to him there. Anyhow what I've built already is a guildhall in Falkreath known as the Hunter's Guild. When I start implementing quests I hope to make a guild-chain there for those who like to play as a hunter. The point is that inside the guildhall there is a bow and arrow vendor. I've planned on adding a fletcher shop to the Riften dock district, as well as add a fletcher to Windhelm. Does this sound good? :smile: Here is a link to samv96UK's forum page for Rochebere, so if it is him your asking you should post it on his forum page! :smile: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/705069-rochebere-a-brand-new-city-coming-soon/page-49
  17. :sweat: Maybe your right, my bad.
  18. Call me crazy... But... Why wouldn't you freeze? Frostfall is an immersion mod, and unless I'm mixing Scenic carriages with another carriage mod, you can tell the driver to stop, giving you time to warm up. There is absolutely nothing blocking the cold winds or-- supposedly warming the passengers while on the carriage... So its perfectly realistic that you would freeze your thumbs off. With that said, I did take a look and found this statement from the Compatibility site for Frostfall: https://sites.google.com/site/skyrimsurvivorseries/frostfall/compatibility Scenic carriages: Your exposure will not change when traveling in a carriage. In other words you can still freeze to death in a carriage. Which is perfectly realistic. ;)
  19. I have noticed this as well and I get the impression, that if you make a sexy babe with a skimpy outfit, you will get a whole lot more endorsements and praise, over a serious, story driven follower with a decent voice actor with a "non-sexy theme", or any other proper mods. I hate to take a Anita Sarkeesian here, but it seems a bit as though a large portion of gamers are just playing out their fantasies. Personally I think you should just go ahead and do your thing, but, it is still a little sad.
  20. Thank you! I figured the dock district would be full of crates and barrels that have yet to be stored within the Warehouse. The district is actually a bit more bustling then it was when I filmed this, time of day and everything. I have yet to add guards and beggars too, but hopefully it will load alright for even those with low/medium quality computers. Glad to hear you liked it though! The inspiration for this particular district came from Kalzim7878 and his mod: called Solitude Dock District: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22821/? . Hopefully I can make Solitude feel a bit bigger, more shops, and feel imposing without loosing the very open feeling of the layout.
  21. Here is my fourth trailer for the Mod Project. This time its the Solitude Dock District. I've divided Solitude into 4 "levels", and each will have its own trailer. At any rate, hope you will enjoy the first trailer in the Solitude series :wink: Let me know what you think!
  22. The best advice in general I can think of, is to be as helpful and polite as you can to everyone you meet. People will often ask for help, and if you can help you should, after all! You never know when you'll be needing help ;) This kind of goes without saying and you seem like a nice person so I don't think you'll have any problems fitting in ;) I think for the actual modding itself, it really depends on what your doing. If its creating something artistically in the world, then taking a break and doing something else whenever you get stuck or feel little to no productivity can actually be a huge-boost when you finally do come back. Your mind gets to settle on the design your going for, you get to collect inspiration from other games, books, movies etc... And you get to give your mind a bit of a breather before its back to business. If your going for the tech heavy part, I cannot really give any better advice then to go check out the tutorials on youtube. I would also suggest you create a "Test" esp where you test out the features and limitations of the creation kit instead of making a ton of edits to your proper work which will create issues in some way or the other. When your posting your idea's on the nexus there is bound to be people who like and dislike your work. Either its disagreeing with your style, or your story. Your going to end up with people you simply cannot please. You cannot please everyone, and you shouldn't be trying to do so unless your in a team with people with different tastes who can work together and discuss every step of the way. The reason I am saying this is because if your not really into it yourself, its really hard to make a quality product. Create something you think just feels natural and that enhances -Your- gaming experience, do ask for criticism and advice along the way, but in the end, if it works for you, be stubborn and stick with it, but you never know, sometimes people point something out and you find yourself completely swayed to make those changes. While some people will disagree and probably prefer someone else's work, your work will be available to those who agree with your style and taste. Wish you the best and looking forward to seeing what your creativity can produce :)
  23. Thank you! Yes I am going for a ... Tragedy what could've been theme for Winterhold. I still feel as though it needs some icicles hanging here and there though! :D The ruin design really opens up many quest and story possibilities, scavengers looking for artifacts that were lost, ghosts unable to find rest, maybe discovering the "plausible" cause of the collapse. Exactly what I was going for! A city that was growing so far ahead of its time, overshadowing the rest of the land before its ultimate collapse and descent into ruin. I always kind of liked the cozy feeling of Vanilla Winterhold, reminded me sort of a Hogsmead Harry Potter resting place before journeying on to Hogwarts/err- College of Winterhold. However when I read the lore... there was absolutely no way I could phantom that Winterhold had ever been great for anything, and the unique architecture of the college could have had a great design impact upon the area making it very memorable. However I think Bethesda reasoned that after 80 or so years the rubble would've been cleaned up and those that stayed behind would've built new homes for themselves out of the resources made available to them; This sounds very plausible, however it ruins the chance to make the city memorable, sadly the only thing memorable about it, is the college.
  24. Looking good! These screenshot show a grittier take on Solitude :) Hope your going to use these wall resources for the entire thing, the old Solitude walls and the new ones you've used at the gates kind of clash. Well done! :)
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