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Everything posted by Arimikami

  1. @EnaiSiaion All the examples I listed that you quoted are capable in the game so, it does apply to Skyrim and magic users were capable of doing much much more in older TES games before they dumbed down magic. In Morrowind I had a spell that was made in game, not a hack or a mod, that would cast a 60 foot fireball that lasted for a full minute and did 100 damage per second. They've been dumbing down the magic system with every new Elder Scrolls that comes out but, it was possible for a magic user to do some extremely powerful things.
  2. While it's true that eugenics can alter a species, it's also a very gradual process that takes multiple generations before it has any real noticeable impact on a species. To highlight this, stop and consider that even as we sit here typing these messages that there are humans on this planet that are a direct result of eugenics programs that were carried out on their ancestors and the end result is so small that the vast majority of people would never even stop to notice it unless it was pointed out to them and explained in detail.
  3. After looking at your initial post again, I'm not really sure what your issue is with this matter. You point to blacksmiths in particular and menial labor in general but, I can only think of three female blacksmiths off the top of my head. One works alongside her husband, one is apprenticing to a man, with only the last of the three running a forge all by herself. Are you saying there should be no female blacksmiths at all? As far as general labor goes, such as farming, I've already pointed out that there were just as many female farmers as there were male farmers in the real world so, this should be a non issue and the majority of middle and lower class female characters I see in game are engaged in merchant professions such as running small market stalls, alchemy shops, or inns. While I will concede that in a straight up one on one fight where both people are wearing heavy armor and using heavier two handed weapons that the on average greater muscle mass a man has will give them an advantage, it's very rare when I'm playing where I come across such a situation. I would also point out that muscle alone is very rarely the deciding factor in who wins in a fight with situational awareness, reflexes, being able to maintain composure, and skill with weapon of choice all factoring in as well. Unless you're trying to say that no women at all should be involved in what are traditionally considered to be manly jobs, I really don't see where this perception of them trying to make the game too politically correct even comes from.
  4. What you described right here is actually very similar to what Is already in game. When I had the option to rob people, I basically talked to someone that was walking on an open road and one of the dialogue options was something like, "I'll be taking that off your yhands.", or something along those lines. I don't remember exactly but, if someone took that dialogue option and made it more common, perhaps only becoming available when outside of cities, you could basically mug anyone you came across when not inside a walled city.
  5. After reading your post, it sounds like you might just have too many mods. I don't remember the number but, Skyrim does have an absolute limit to how many esms and esps you can add to it before it just collapses under the weight. I'd suggest going through your mods and deciding which ones you absolutely have to keep and which ones are just taking up space.
  6. Would that really be needed? Everything in SkyUI can be navigated through WASD. Wouldn't mapping a controllers buttons to those keys allow the same?
  7. When it comes to fantasy, there kind of has to be equality between the genders for one simple reason. Magic. It's kind of hard to say that one gender isn't as capable as the other when members of the 'inferior' gender are capable of summoning monsters, setting you on fire with a thought, or ripping out your soul. Not only that, the level of power a mage has scales much differently than that of a warrior. No matter how good a warrior gets with a sword, it's always a sword and they're limited by what can be done with it. A person needs to be within arms reach for them to be able to use their tool. A mage that has become a master of their craft has far fewer limitations on what they can accomplish and the scale that they can work at. In such a situation there are essentially three choices. Allow equality, attempt to relegate the 'inferior' group to the type of work that is deemed fitting for them, such as becoming magic users, with the end result being that one avenue to power is almost completely dominated by the group that was being repressed, or attempt to make them slaves. I think it can be agreed that the first choice is the most sensible of the three. It's also worth noting that, even in the real world, there were exceptions to the common perception that women did not perform 'manly' tasks in times past. The wife of a farmer didn't stay at home and not do anything simply because it was menial. She was out in the field, tending the crops, alongside her husband. Inequality of distribution of labor between the genders was primarily among the upper classes where a majority of men were soldiers and a majority of women spent their time learning to entertain guests through oratory or other performance arts and received training as chirurgeons in addition to overseeing the running of the household when men were away from home at war and even this was not true in all cultures. In Irish and Scottish tales, a number of famed warriors received their training in combat from Scathach, a woman. It was actually a common trend, in Ireland and Scotland, that men receive training in the combative arts from women and that women receive their training from men.
  8. Good to hear. Just out of curiosity, did it require Chargen or did you get it to work with ECE?
  9. If you mean you're right at the very beginning, as in, you haven't even gotten away from the Dragon and escaped the dungeon of Helgen, you won't be able to go into third person view until after you're inside the dungeon and the bindings on your hands are cut. If you've already done that, then I would suggest making sure your controls are mapped properly. I don't use a controller but, I'm pretty sure the game does offer support for it.
  10. It probably wasn't listed as a Fable spell mod because something along these lines was already in the game. Someone did make it into a spell though. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9649//? Here's a race that basically has it as their once a day racial ability as well. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/8583//?
  11. They came into being the same way all races did in Elder Scrolls. They were made by the Aedra. It's specifically Azura that made the Khajiit, according to their myths (I know, she's not an Aedra. She's a Daedra but, that's what the Khajiit believe.) Things like evolution and science have no real bearing in a world of myth, magic, and gods that walk the earth.
  12. I saw this and thought an explanation was in order. It's not that Redguards aren't allowed into the city. It's that those Redguards are no longer welcome in Whiterun. The guard mentions that they're lucky before they leave and the reason they're lucky is because the Whiterun guards didn't kill all three of them after one of them killed a Whiterun guard. I think the reason the price you have to pay for his bail is only 100 gold is simply because that's early enough in the game that it's expected that you won't have the money to pay it but, if you look around the city after meeting the Redguards at the city gate, and I mean really look because it's almost always in an out of the way place, you'll find a dead guard somewhere in the city.
  13. If you're still doing voice dialogue for her, you should consider having her make a comment about the merchants that say everything you can see is for sale.
  14. How can you be 100% sure it's a mod. Regardless, if you're really having this much trouble with it, I would suggest clicking on this link and following the instructions. Once done with that, go through your mods and decide which ones you absolutely have to have in your game and instal them one at a time, paying careful attention to your load order and possible conflicts between mods. http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Make_Skyrim_Vanilla_Again
  15. I can tell you right now that if you want to make all new armors that you're going to need a 3D rendering program to make the meshes. Blender 3D and 3DSMax are the two most popular from what I can tell. If you go to youtune and do a search for skyrim nightasy, you'll come across some very helpful videos. He kinda operates on the assumption that the viewer has never done anything like this in his tutorials and takes the time to explain things fairly in depth instead of glossing over details.
  16. It probably does. I'm kinda surprised that no one has tried converting them, or at least making aproximations. Aion had a lot of problems when I played it but, had some of the coolest looking armors I've come across in a MMO.
  17. You should try to get someone to convert the mage armors from Aion. I distinctly remember someone saying in the mage channel to another player, "Pants?! Oh no... You have to earn pants, son. Now, you put that frilly pink dress on. We got a war to win."
  18. Go to this page and download the follower on it. As far as I know, it's the most unique follower mod around when it comes to combat. Instead of charging in and wailing away, she tries to get around to the side or back of enemies when the two of you are fighting and uses a combination of spriggan magic and unique spells. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30175//?
  19. As much as I like Skyrim, I kinda feel like Bethesda has been dumbing their games down further as well as trying to make the players follow a specific path in their gameplay with each iteration. So far, my favorite TES game has been Morrowind and my dream mod would take the mechanics of that game and reintroduce it to Skyrim. Bring back all the spells (with the possible exception of levitate since it would break dungeons with the way a lot of them seem to have a ledge you can jump from once you've completed it to get right back to the entrance). Bring back spellcrafting and scrolls. Bring back medium armor as well as now missing weapon types. Remove essential status from the game completely and allow people to break quests. Let them kill kids too. Bring back racial tensions and slavery. Bring back character stats like strength and personality. There's more differences between the two games but, you get the jist of it. The first thing I'd do with a mod like that is go kill Maven and trap her in soul gem then go toss that soul gem into the sea of ghosts. There's a few other characters I'd do that to but, she'd be at the top of the list.
  20. I'm very much looking forward to that update too. I posted this thread before I was aware of it.
  21. Glad that worked for you. I'm still really new to all this and wasn't aware of the problem with changing the slot an item takes but... if you wanted to have a scarf and an amulet because the amulet can be enchanted, you could always just set the scarf to be enchantable too.
  22. I'm not sure how you would make it so a player could join a group of bandits but, I do know that it's possible to rob a select few NPCs because I've had that dialogue options come up, though it's very rare. If someone were to take that dialogue option and the accompanying NPC reactions and make them regular options, you could very easily play a highwayman.
  23. This is actually something you could do very easily on your own in the creation kit. You could even make a whole new version of it so you can have this outfit as cloth and armor in your game. 1) Open the kit and click on the top left button. 2) Double click Skyrim.esm, the mod that adds this armor, and esms that this mod requires. If it does require any other esms, it'll list them on the right side of the little window that popped up. 3) Click on this mod and then click on Set as Active File before clicking on Ok. 4) Open the Items tab and click on Armor. 5) If you know the Editor ID then you can use that to find your armor. If not, there's a column to the right of the Editor ID column that shows the name an armor is called in game. Clicking on that will organize armors alphabetically by what they're called in game making it easier for you to find the one you want. Double click on it once you find it. 6) If you want to make a whole new version of it while keeping the current one as is in game, add something like Revised at the end of the Editor ID in the window that pops up and then click Ok. It'll ask if you want to make a new form. Click yes. Double click on the new one you just made. If you just want to change the current one you already have in game, ignore this step. 7) Below the Editor IDs are listings called Weight, with another, unnamed listing to the right of that, and another called Armor Rating. Set the weight to whatever you think would be appropriate for an unarmored version of your outfit and then click on the dropdown to the right of that and select None. Adjust the Armor Rating as you see fit. :cool: To the right of that is a list called Biped Object. That will allow you to designate which slot a given item goes into when you equip it and will let you set the scarf to a slot other than the one amulets use so you can have both equipped at the same time. 9) If the item is craftable and you made a whole new version of it, you'll have to make a new recipe too. Look for the item in the Constructible Object tab and double click on that recipe, rename It just like you did with the armor, and then link it to the new version through the Created Object dropdown. Click Ok once you've done that and click yes when it asks if you want to make a new form. 10) Click the save button which is directly to the right of the very first button you pushed. It's way easier than it might sound and if you follow these steps, you'll be able to adjust items to fit your game better, or make all new versions that use the same mesh and textures, much quicker than you would by waiting for another person to adjust the mod for you. Hope that helps!
  24. The first thing I wonder is if your character is wearing armor or clothes when you notice this. If they are, reread the description to make sure weight slide is supported. Some armor and clothes don't support that and will cause gaps when you equip them if your character isn't the correct weight for that armor.
  25. Ah. Mine asks twice for some reason if I want to DL a mod and if NMM isn't already open there's been times when it starts to and just kinda hangs so, I open it up before I even start looking for new mods now.
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