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Everything posted by Dmitrias
Frosty Tools Suite documentation?
Dmitrias replied to jj1239's topic in Dragon Age: Inquisition's Discussion
Hi, it really depends on what you are trying to achieve. Padme has a lot of tutorials based around swapping characters here, and making your own presets here, wavebend usually includes fbprojects in their files, this is not specifically for frosty but this is the nexus page for all dragon age games with links to tutorials and resources for modding, Padme's youtube page where other tutorials are uploaded, daimodder tumblr sometimes reblogs other peoples tutorials, a lot of them will be for DAIMM though but it will have similar-ish concepts (I don't think that's all of them but you can browse through the blog). You can also check files on nexus tagged with modders resource and tutorials or just searching tutorial into the search bar, sapphim has a few tutorials on character swapping with frosty too and I think also supplies fbprojects in mods and give tips on tumblr sometimes. You might also want to consider joining the frosty or dai modding discord to ask about making mods for frosty. I think nightscrawl might have some tutorials on their tumblr about textures and changing hair colour though I can't find them rn. But yeah, experimenting on your own can also help you find out how to do stuff if you can't find any tutorials. -
Mods Issue: Dragon Age Inquisition
Dmitrias replied to IyasuQueen's topic in Dragon Age: Inquisition's Troubleshooting
For future reference, daimod retextures can go kinda wonk (VERY wonk sometimes and mess up the game a lot) if you load them through frosty mod manager instead of dai mod manager. I've had the same happen with textures before. Had saves corrupted by it completely. x_x Some daimod retextures can be okay, others not so much. So try to load fbmod retextures through frosty where you can. (saying this as I read the whole post and did not see which mod was specified to be causing the issue so I thought I'd just make a general comment on what could cause issues like that) oh, actually went back and read that "Solas" part - yeah, Solas outfit textures do noooooot play well with frosty, if you were loading any of those. at all. unfortunately. D:- 3 replies
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It's here. The mod author changed their url to josephinemontilyet-blog.tumblr.com. They have an account on nexus too, called "appleschnapple", they aren't hosting that particular mod there though but they do have some other DAI mods over on nexus too, and this is their tag on tumblr for their DAI mods.
A lot of the daimods you are loading through dai mod manager can be loaded through frosty mod manager instead. It won't necessarily solve your problem, I just pointed it out because when you're doing that workaround to use both the mod managers together, if you want to uninstall or install any new mods via dai mod manager, you have to start the entire workaround process all over again. I'm gonna spoiler how redo the workaround process if you've already done the workaround once and want to add more daimods via dai mod manager, because I'm guessing you already know how to do this since you've already done it but I thought I'd just note it to show that it's kind of a lengthy process if you're having to do it consistently. You don't obviously have to do it all the time, but if you do load all your daimods through dai mod manager and you change your mind about what mods you want installed through it a lot, then it does become time-consuming redoing the workaround all the time. Whereas if you load more mods through frosty mod manager, you won't have to redo the workaround as much because you don't have to start it all over again to add mods through frosty, only through DAIMM. So it just makes it more efficient if you load as many daimods as you can through frosty mod manager instead of dai mod manager, because some daimods can actually be loaded through frosty. You don't have to stop using dai mod manager all together if you don't want to, it's just less time-consuming if you minimize the amount of daimods you load through DAIMM where you can. You load daimods through frosty as you would any other mod through frosty, just be sure to extract the mods first as frosty does not automatically detect .daimods in archive files like .RARs or .zips or .7z files or whatever. You may receive a message "this mod was not made for this patch version", but all you have to do is hit okay and apply the mod as normal. As I was saying, you can continue to load your daimod retextures through dai mod manager with the workaround, because frosty mod manager does not load daimod retextures so well. So I wouldn't reccomend loading daimods like your Calpernia complexions, eyebrows 4 women, HD eye textures, longest fuller lashes, Shantia's qunari makeup, ornamental horns, qunari skyhold retexture, Shantias qunari face texture, SK hair retexture 4k, the horns of plenty, Kieta's new vitaar, Shantia's qunari eyebrows through frosty mod manager, but the rest of the mods might work okay through frosty if they're not retextures. I'm not sure of what all your other mods do and I might have missed some retextures in that list but yeah. So long as they have the .daimod extension, and are not a retexture, then it should theoretically work okay through frosty, configurable mods seem to have mixed reports, some say they work but can only be configured once, some people get errors, so might struggle with configurable daimods where it allows you to customize the settings, but the rest of the stuff will be okay. Beyond that, all I could really suggest is a) check you have no other conflicts and b) disable your mods in halves to root out what mod could be possibly causing this issue. So disable half your mods, see if the issue persists, if it doesn't, enable the other half of your mods, see if issue persists, continue halving the amount of mods you have installed until you root the mod in question out. You could also repair your game via origin and see if that helps which i detailed a bit in the spoiler. Personally I have never seen that happen before so idk what would cause that. I know editing the talktables can do some funky stuff sometimes. But don't me ask me what talktables are bc I have like, no idea lol, just know that some people have had weird experiences editing them.
Tattoo mod and cutscenes
Dmitrias replied to otherworldofdeep's topic in Dragon Age: Inquisition's Troubleshooting
Some texture mods can have this issue, ironically in my experience texture mods can be one of the most problematic. I have never used this mod so I cannot say it is that mod in particular causing your issue. Because companion outfit textures loaded through frosty (not advisor ones) have been known to cause issues like this as well, so look out for that if you have any textures like this too in FMM. I would suggest that you try downloading a character generation bundle mod and seeing if your issues persist. There is one in the optional files of this mod. I cannot guarrantee it will fix your issues, but if it is the tattoo texture causing this issue, it may help? Because basically, what bundles do is it tells the game what assets i.e textures, 3d models etc to load in which areas. A character generation bundle will tell the game to load the textures from the assets that you can put on your inquisitor from character creation like hairs, tattoo textures, face textures, hair textures, makeup textures, etc. It will tell the game to load these assets everywhere. For whatever reason, sometimes this can fix texture glitches of frosty mods for textures that are included in the character creation bundle (not all textures will be in this bundle.) So I would try that. And also make sure you don't have any conflicting tattoo mods, because sometimes I know at least with scalp textures those can go fuzzy if you have conflicts. I don't think(??) it's the same for tattoo,s but you never know. -
I don't know what your issue is, but you don't need both the daimod and the fbmod versions of the black emporium dlc hair mesh visibility fix - install one or the other, otherwise they will conflict, and conflicts between the 2 mod managers can result in infinite loads. Also worth noting you don't need to load all your daimods through dai mod manager - the daimod retextures you will want to keep in dai mod manager as those don't play so well with frosty, but the rest of the stuff you have in your mods folder currently besides the retextures I believe should be able to be loaded directly through frosty mod manager. Some configurable mods can struggle when imported through FMM though, I don't know if any of those are. Also I would check your conflicts tab in frosty mod manager, checkmarks and cross marks means there are conflicts, no such marks means no conflicts.
Story save editor file for ps3
Dmitrias replied to Justarandombrazilianguy123's topic in Dragon Age: Inquisition's Mod Ideas
Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible to transfer PC saves to the console. There is a save game editor for the PC, but, I don't think it will be of much use to you if you want it for console. -
Story save editor file for ps3
Dmitrias replied to Justarandombrazilianguy123's topic in Dragon Age: Inquisition's Mod Ideas
You can't mod console. -
So what mod manager do I use
Dmitrias replied to wayneout's topic in Dragon Age: Inquisition's Discussion
^^^ as Thandal said, you can use either, and I'll just link this reply I normally link where I compare the differences between the 2 mod managers and what each MM can load and can't load. -
Once you've merged your mods, dai mod manager doesn't really keep a record of what's enabled and what's disabled, or at least, not in the actual mod list that you see when you open it up. Cross marks next to a mod indicate that it will be enabled when you next merge, and empty boxes with no cross marks indicate the mod will not be enabled when you next merge, but I believe DAIMM's normal behaviour after closing is to just show all the mods with a cross mark next to them, regardless of whether you currently have these mods enabled or not. So that's just how it is for that. RE configurable mods, I've only ever used one so I could be wrong but as far as I know, configurable mods settings reset to default every time you remerge your mods. The only solution I have seen myself for this was to actually manually open the mod with notepad++ and type in your desired values and then save the document and it will always remember that until you change it again. But Idk how you would translate doing this for other mods because I only did this with the eye colour configuration mod which will obviously not have the same exact coding as with other configurable mods. However somebody who knows about configurable mods may be able to correct me.
Frosty texture glitch
Dmitrias replied to IPhaedraI's topic in Dragon Age: Inquisition's Troubleshooting
Be sure that you aren't loading daimod retextures through frosty mod manager. Daimod retextures don't load gret through frosty. And just to be sure, is this the section of the troubleshooting post that you followed? Because that's the most relevant to this post. n MEA there has been occasions where textures Glitch this can be due to bundle mods. Sadly other than turning off the bundle mod there is no fix. But if you don’t mind occasional texture Glitch in MEA you should be fine.Below is now mainly for DAICompanion texture mods are the most common to glitch and cause infinite load along with the elvhen texturesBut Inquisitor complexions have been known to Glitch as well, those that glitch are better applied to Slot 1 texture or you use this Aileani’s Hair Replacer Bundle file as it can fix the texture issues for the Inquisitor’s complexions in Frosty. Alternatively you can use the file called Chargen Bundle found in this mod page and if you’re just having issues in the DLC with textures and/or hair this mod can fix your issues The texture mods for companions are best used in DAIMM using the workaround to use both programs together. If the bundle mod isn't working for you, ensure that you have no conflicts in the conflicts tab of frosty. If you see any cross and check marks, it means that resource is being overriden by whatever mod has the check marks. If you see no cross or check marks, you have no conflicts. Plus, complexions should be okay in DAIMM, so if you can find a DAIMM version of the mod instead you could utilise that as an alternate solution and then follow the steps in the second post of this tutorial here to use both mod managers together if you so wish. Be sure though however to delete any ModData or Patch_ModManagerMerge folders you may have beforehand and make sure you start with a vanilla/unedited, unmodded ddai.exe folder location before you begin that. Beyond that, there's not much you can do. -
No Dirt buildup mod for Frosty
Dmitrias replied to Rxanne's topic in Dragon Age: Inquisition's Mod Ideas
No, I meant to load it with frosty mod manager! With the import buttonload it like you would any .fbmod. You don't need to use dai mod manager and frosty mod manager together just to run that mod. Frosty can load some daimods, not all, but this is one of the daimods that it can load, so there's no need to convert it to frosty at all since the daimod works fine through frosty anyways. If you still want to use dai mod manager and frosty mod manager together for other mods (as it's not required for this mod), you need to make sure you don't have daimods and frosty mods that edit the same files, because if they do, that will be what's giving you infinite load. I wrote a reply about daimods and frosty mods and what can and can't be loaded through frosty here. -
No Dirt buildup mod for Frosty
Dmitrias replied to Rxanne's topic in Dragon Age: Inquisition's Mod Ideas
Hi! There's no need. Just simply unzip the daimod and it will load fine with frosty. May tell you it was made for a different patch but you can just hit okay and apply it as normal. -
Is Mesh Editing possible?
Dmitrias replied to BlackZero500's topic in Dragon Age: Inquisition's Discussion
It is possible to edit meshes with dai mod maker, however it has limitations, such as you cannot change the polygon count at all. Most people "get rid" of unwanted pieces of armour by shrinking it down in dai mod maker. Unfortunately though for you, this armour is not editable with dai mod maker, some DLC meshes are just not editable at all with DAIMM. Frosty alpha is a much more advanced meshing tool where you can edit the polgyon count, port in brand new meshes, paint new weights which you can't do with DAIMM you have to stick with the original weights with DAIMM. However the frosty alpha is unfortunately not available right now and is a paid thing. I would reccomend instead trying to remove the collar by perhaps adding transparency on the collar via the armour's alpha channel on it's diffuse. -
Mods disappeared after restarting
Dmitrias replied to Miichinn's topic in Dragon Age: Inquisition's Troubleshooting
You need to remerge the mods if you haven't already, I think. And be sure that the patch number of your package.mft of your Patch_ModManagermerge is one higher than the original Patch folders package.mft file. I'm unsure if that's needed, but, by default the Patch_ModManagerMerge (folder DAIMM generates when merging mods) has it's own package.mft file which is normally a patch higher than the original games, to trick them game into thinking it's a new patch. Also be sure your settings are running at ultra if you are trying to run hair mesh mods. And if you're at the black emporium, mods don't typically show up there without an additional mod specifically made to fix that. -
Mods disappeared after restarting
Dmitrias replied to Miichinn's topic in Dragon Age: Inquisition's Troubleshooting
What mod manager are you running? You need to launch with frosty mod manager every time you wanna see mods in game, not origin, if you are using that MM. -
Triss Robes for HF
Dmitrias replied to Karakulak's topic in Dragon Age: Inquisition's Troubleshooting
Hey, ShepShy has not released that mod yet. -
Savadrin, you need to install an unzipping program to open up the archive, the exe will be inside of it. Such a program is required to download all dragon age: inquisition mods on nexus since we cannot upload the .daimod and .fbmod files directly since those are not supported files on nexus, however archives such as .7z, .zip, .RAR, etc are. Here you can download winRar. Go to the section where it says last updated: [date] and then underneath that it says WinRAR and RAR 5.90 release. There you will see a list of languages it is available in and you just need to find your language, in blue it will say 64 bit, 32 bit, click on one of those depending on your system, for me it is 64 bit and then it will start a download. It will say it is a free trial but you can continue to use it and it doesn't disappear or have any restrictions or anything, just has popups when you open it to say well you can buy it and it will get rid of popups. Alternatively you could get 7zip or peazip which you can find online, personally I use winRAR and the frosty .archive download was made with WinRar as it is a .RAR file so you can try it. What you want to do once you got WinRar, paste your frosty mod manager .Rar thing into a free folder, doesn't matter where except some certain drives have issues with it, I don't know much about this but I have it on my D Drive on my computer and it works okay. Also I would refrain from putting it directly into your game folder, Idk would it be an issue, but I like to keep it out of that folder just in case. So once you've done that, right click on it and a menu will come up, press extract here, then it will extract a load of files, including the .exe for the frosty mod manager. Go right click on the exe > properties > compatibility > tick run this program as administrator, because frosty needs admin privileges to access your game folder, and then hit okay and apply. Then double click on the exe, press yes to letting it run, I think it will come up with "select configuration" and then what you want to do is press the "new" button in the bottom right corner, then navigate to where your DAI.exe folder is located, for many this would be C: > Program Files > Origin Games > Dragon Age Inquisition, and then select the .exe file, click okay, whatever. Now you will have dragon age: inquisition listed as a configuration, double click, now you can add your mods. You don't need to make a specific folder in a specific place for your frosty mods because frosty mods makes a mods folder for you out of the mods you apply, so you don't need to put them in any certain place, you just need to go to import mods button in bottom left corner > navigate to where you have installed a mod you want, if it is in a compressed file such as .rar, .zip, it is okay, frosty can automatically find the mods inside these unless it is daimod or in 7.z or there is multiple compressed files in one, then you do the same thing you did to unzip the frosty mod manager.exe. Then hit okay, and in bottom middle press "apply mods" button, the mod should go to the applied mods list to the right now, those are the mods that will be showing in game, if they have a tick mark next to them in the applied mods list. Click the checkmark next to mod name again to disable it if needed. So then all you do is press launch in the top middle button, it will ask there is a new installation, we need to make symbolic links, you have to say yes otherwise it won't have permission, then it will launch the game with your mods, remmeber you must launch with frosty, not origin, every time you want to see your mods. Also for mods you can also click and drag them onto the mod manager as well, instead of navigating to specific folder. One more thing that may be confusing: older frosty mods used to come with a .archive file, this does NOT need unzipping. It is required for older frosty mods to work. Newer frosty mods don't have it.
Hey, sorry but that is not possible ATM. It requires editing the head meshes and the head meshes aren't editable in frosty alpha or in dai mod maker yet. :sad: Closest you can get is sectoral hetetorchromia with this mod from Kalahira.
None bundle hair on Solas?
Dmitrias replied to Vinalsideup's topic in Dragon Age: Inquisition's Mod Ideas
Theoretically if you want DB and don't mind Solas only having hair at skyhold then I imagine you could just load Kittentails hair mod for him and then the character swap mod BELOW it in your frosty load order, the bundles should be overridden. -
None bundle hair on Solas?
Dmitrias replied to Vinalsideup's topic in Dragon Age: Inquisition's Mod Ideas
There is a non bundle swap version of hairs for Solas here but it only works in skyhold due to the lack of bundles. It won't work everywhere without bundles since bundles are what tells the hair it has to load in what area.