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Posts posted by Pevey

  1. I am actively developing a mod with merchant-related questlines. It is called Bards & Merchants. It should be released by the end of March.


    The first release will contain the following stores:


    White River Trader (Fishmonger/General Goods)
    Northland Creamery (Creamery)
    The Golden Sheaf (Bakery)
    Prairie Foods (Butcher/Traditional Foods)

    Each store has a storyline available that will allow you to work there. You can make a little money, and you will get ownership of a small room where you can sleep and store your things. If you continue the storyline, and if you save up enough money, you may be allowed to buy the enterprise. Buying is a big investment, but then you get to keep 100% of the profits. You also get ownership of the entire residence and can move your family there.

    The basic design is that the NPC who owns the store will hire you to do certain jobs, which escalate. Eventually, you've worked there long enough that they will let you buy the place if you have the gold.

    You can also marry two of the shopkeepers, in which case you become the owner of the store (along with the NPC). The two NPC shopkeepers you can't marry are Ronan Gray-Mane (who owns Prairie Foods) and Tilda Battle-Born (who owns The Golden Sheaf).

    When you own the store, you have to keep it stocked, and then you can go to the counter and choose to work for a set amount of time. The time passes instantly (like supernastypants did it in the BYOH mod), and the script calculates what you sold and how much you earned based on your inventory.


    The second release will contain two more enterprises:

    Riften Distillery (yet to be named)

    Storyline: Have you ever wondered why there is plenty of mead but no hard liquor anywhere in Skyrim? Well, it seems spirits are frowned upon. Sort of a mini-prohibition. But, if you become influential enough in Riften by becoming a thane or progressing far enough in the Thieves Guild questline, you can reopen the Riften Distillery and make aquavit. If you become a thane in other holds, you can try to use your thane status to convince each jarl to let you export your aquavit to their hold.

    The Blind Dragon
    Storyline: A large inn/tavern near Whiterun that sits majestically atop a hill on the road that leads north toward Dawnstar. The Blind Dragon is so named because it was well-known that the tavern has a special room in the back where illegal liquor from Riften was served, but everyone turned a blind eye. The place was quite famous for a while, and some of Skyrim’s most renowned bards performed in that very room in the back. It is rumored that the previous owner crossed the jarl in some way. For whatever reason, the guards started doing raids. Eventually, the place was shuttered. If you can convince the jarl to allow you to restore the Blind Dragon to its former glory, you can own the premier tavern/inn in Skyrim. There is a workshop within where you can craft and sell musical instruments.

  2. On the navmesh, this is probably not the best method, but it's a method I've used:


    First, delete any changes to navmesh data using TES5Edit. Once there is no navmesh data at all in the esp, then the default is to use the info in the masterfiles (Skyrim.esm and Update.esm). So then, when you open the mod in the creation kit again, it will recalculate the navmesh using the default Skyrim navmesh. Then just save, and you should be all set. if you open the mod in TES5Edit again, you should see lots of navmesh data has been added back by the CK automatically. This reverts everything to vanilla, so you'll have to make all your custom tweaks again.

  3. If you are interested, I am working on a similar mod, originally to be called "Become a Merchant" (to go with my Become a Bard mod) but now named Bards & Merchants. it will be a combo of both mods and is meant to flesh out those two class options in Skyrim.


    Here is part of the mod description:


    White River Trader (Fishmonger/General Goods)


    Northland Creamery (Creamery)


    The Golden Sheaf (Bakery)


    Prairie Foods (Butcher/Traditional Foods)


    Each store has a storyline available that will allow you to work there. You can make a little money, and you will get ownership of a small room where you can sleep and store your things. If you continue the storyline, and if you save up enough money, you may be allowed to buy the enterprise. Buying is a big investment, but then you get to keep 100% of the profits. You also get ownership of the entire residence and can move your family there.


    Coming soon:


    Riften Distillery (yet to be named)

    Storyline: Have you ever wondered why there is plenty of mead but no hard liquor anywhere in Skyrim? Well, it seems spirits are frowned upon. Sort of a mini-prohibition. But, if you become influential enough in Riften by becoming a thane or progressing far enough in the Thieves Guild questline, you can reopen the Riften Distillery and make aquavit. If you become a thane in other holds, you can try to use your thane status to convince each jarl to let you export your aquavit to their hold.


    The Blind Dragon

    Storyline: A large inn/tavern near Whiterun that sits majestically atop a hill on the road that leads north toward Dawnstar. The Blind Dragon is so named because it was well-known that the tavern has a special room in the back where illegal liquor from Riften was served, but everyone turned a blind eye. The place was quite famous for a while, and some of Skyrim’s most renowned bards performed in that very room in the back. It is rumored that the previous owner crossed the jarl in some way. For whatever reason, the guards started doing raids. Eventually, the place was shuttered. If you can convince the jarl to allow you to restore the Blind Dragon to its former glory, you can own the premier tavern/inn in Skyrim. There is a workshop within where you can craft and sell musical instruments.



    The basic design is that the NPC who owns the store will hire you to do certain jobs, which escalate. Eventually, you've worked there long enough that they will let you buy the place if you have the gold.


    You can also marry two of the shopkeepers, in which case you become the owner of the store (along with the NPC). The two NPC shopkeepers you can't marry are Ronan Gray-Mane (who owns Prairie Foods) and Tilda Battle-Born (who owns The Golden Sheaf).


    When you own the store, you have to keep it stocked, and then you can go to the counter and choose to work for a set amount of time. The time passes instantly (like supernastypants did it in the BYOH mod), and the script calculates what you sold and how much you earned based on your inventory.


    Let me know if you are interested in collaborating.

  4. Sometimes the CK won't allow you to add properties to quest scripts by clicking the button. Sometimes, you have to right-click on the script and select "Edit Source." Now you can add your property at the bottom.

    ReferenceAlias Property Alias_patronbook Auto 
    Toward the top, you should see the fragment that you added in the fragment box. But DON'T edit that code here. Only add the property at the very bottom. Make any other changes in the box.


    Now, after you save and the script compiles, you should be able to point the property you just added to your reference alias. Don't forget this last step. It's easy to forget.


    The OnContainerChanged() is set-up like the CK wiki tutorial. I don't understand what you mean. Could you show me an example of the correct way I should do this? Thanks in advance.


    The OnContainerChanged() event should only be valid within an ObjectReference script. Your script seems to be a Quest script, based on the first line:



    Scriptname ItsMeTooLostBladeRelicsNorthwindSpt extends Quest


    I think you need to add new script to your actual object. When you go to add the script, it should default to being the correct type of script.


    I think you are trying to access this event, OnContainerChanged(), from the script added to the quest itself. The Quest will never change containers since it is not an ObjectReference. An ObjectReference is a specific existence of a Form (aka object) within the game.

  6. I think you have several different issues, so it would probably be best to post one small issue at a time to keep it manageable. You haven't laid out your questions in a way that makes it easy to respond.


    For the dialog issue, it seems like what you're saying is that you talk to this NPC, the NPC gives you directions to find some item, and then they immediately offer the next line, which should only be displayed AFTER the item is already found. Is this correct? If so, then you need to move that topic to a new branch. The new branch should have the requirement that a certain quest stage (the finding of the object) be completed.


    For your script, first check to be sure that it is compiling and that you've set all your properties. If neither of those are the issue: I've found that sometimes messageboxes are buggy. Sometimes, even if everything is scripted correctly, messageboxes won't appear until after a clean save, which is obviously a pain while you're in the loop modding, loading, testing, modding, loading, testing, etc. My solution: use Debug.Notification() instead.


    Lastly, your script is confusing to me. You should really post entire scripts using the spoiler tag. A script with OnContainerChanged() seems like it should be attached to the fetch object or the object's reference alias, not to the quest itself.

  7. I know it seems strange at first, but spells are used to apply all sorts of visual effects in this game. The spell applies a magic effect, and the magic effect applies the visual effect. I'm pretty sure the mods Wet and Cold and GetSnowy use this method to apply a visual snow effect to the player. They are actually applying a spell, that in turn applies a magic effect, that in turn applies a visual effect. Hope this helps.

  8. Those don't appear to be actual magic effects. In the creation kit, I only see abFXSprigganMatron and SprigganMatronBugDamageConcAimed when I search for "SprigganMatron."


    Also, I think the way to go is to use actor.removespell to rmove the associated spell, which will also remove the effect.


    Before you remove the spell, you can use Actor.HasMagicEffect(MagicEffect akEffect) to check to see if they have each effect you want to remove before calling RemoveSpell.

  9. Second, on this line, I would simplify to make it sound more conversational:



    * You are currently within a stone's throw of the magnetic pole. It tends to /attract/ quite a few hobbyist helmsmen who can't tell their sextant from their mainsail. No offence.



    * You're within a stone's throw of the magnetic pole. It tends to /attract/ quite a few hobbyist helmsmen who can't tell their sextant from their mainsail. No offence.


    Also, keep in mind that "offence" is UK English. That's fine, I just wanted you to know. "Offense" is the typical US spelling.

  10. About 6 months ago, I put the 2x6950s in Crossfire I had been using for a while in a build I made for my uncle and switched to 2x680s in SLI. No big difference, once I figured out how to tweak them. AMD and Nvidia each have their different quirks in terms of getting to the right settings.

    I was using the 6950s at Skyrim's release, and it did take AMD quite a while to release a driver that made Crossfire play nice with Skyrim, whereas SLI worked much sooner. I think Skyrim looks a little better with Nvdia, but that is (1) very subjective and (2) specific to one particular game and subject to swing the other way with whatever game you're into next. Bottom line, if you buy a high quality card and keep your drivers up-to-date, you'll probably be fine either way, IMO. Go with the best deal you can find.

  11. Here's my experience as a reference point:


    2X EVGA Factory OC GTX 680s 4GB (SLI)


    On the plus side:

    No issues with microstuttering--never even heard of it until I saw this thread.


    On the other side:

    I had a problem with the video card in my HTPC, so I used of my 680s in that computer while I RMA'd the defective card. So, for a while, I was running SKyrim with just one 680. To be honest, I couldn't tell the difference. FPS was still ~60 everywhere. And I have a 30" monitor (2560 x 1600). I use a lot of graphics mods, but not so far as, say, the Texture Pack Combiner. Used that for a while, but a lot of the textures included seemed overdone, IMO. So I scaled it back a little.

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