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Posts posted by Pevey

  1. You want to get rid of children you already adopted!? :O Noooooooooo!!!!!


    I had the same exact thought. Even though I know it's just a game, where we kill random bandits down in their luck and cavort with daedra and such, and and I know the OP just wants a do-over, but still...somehow...it just seems so wrong.

  2. Kualan,


    I have a mod with a lot of music, so I can share how I went about finding stuff I liked. First, jamendo.com is an excellent resource. It has tons of stuff that is free to use for non-commercial purposes (attribution required, of course). Secondly, the youtube search filter has a really handy checkbox that will allow you to search only through stuff that is available for reuse (Creative Commons license). You can easily convert from mp4 to wav to xwm, which is the best music format for Skyrim. Thirdly, do a regular youtube search and reach out directly to the artists. The response rate is pretty low, but higher than you might expect, especially for artists who aren't well-known. Soundcloud.com is also a possible resource, but it's much more difficult to search just for stuff that is available for use. Sometimes, the song pages don't say anything at all about permissions, which is frustrating.


    If it sounds like this method takes forever...you are correct. It's a whole project in and of itself. But it also has the benefit of giving exposure to some relatively unknown artists, and when you find something in the neighborhood or what you were looking for and that you really like, it's exciting.


    One tip: Adding "traditional" or "trad" or "original" or "orig" to your search terms on youtube can help exclude songs that might be available for use except that they are covers of songs originally by other artists. Sometimes uploaders mark covers as Creative Commons, but that's not really possible.

  3. You've attached this to the object itself, so it will only unequip and then re-equip every time you equip this particular item--which is circular, and I think not what you really want. You want to unequip and re-equip every time you equip any OTHER item. To capture those events, you could place a small script on the player using a quest alias that catches the OnObjectEquipped event.
  4. When you click on the item to edit it, on the right-hand side, there is a small window for keywords. Right-click, select Add, and choose ArmorMaterialDaedric. This keyword will cause it to show up under Daedric at the forge. Delete any other Material keywords, but don't delete keywords like ArmorHeavy (or Light), ArmorCuirass (or Helmet, etc.), or VendorItemArmor.

  5. I had this bug once when I did a fresh reinstall of Skyrim, and I wish I knew for certain how I got it resolved! Totally legit Skyrim installation, the right ini settings, but no joy. If you generally play with Steam offline, try going online and subscribing to a mod from Steam--any old mod. Then, open your Skyrim launcher and see if it is un-grayed. For this launch, don't use SKSE, just use the regular Skyrim launcher. If it works, you'll probably then want to unsubscribe to avoid automatic mod updates from Steam.

  6. On the Creation Kit wiki, there is a Papyrus scripting reference with lists of all the functions available for different scripts (Game, Utility, Actor, etc.) On these lists, the additional functions available with SKSE are listed at the bottom, so you can tell exactly what it is that SKSE allows you to do. Here is an example: http://www.creationkit.com/Game_Script As a modder, once you get used to having SKSE, trying to code without it starts to feel like having your hands tied behind your back. ;)

  7. I have a mod that does a lot with sound, and I used the get this problem a lot. Strangely, I don't get it much anymore. Perhaps it was a bug that was fixed, so make sure you are using the latest version of the CK.


    My work-around when I was hit with the bug was to duplicate an existing sound descriptor and NOT CHANGE THE FILE NAME OF THE SOUND. You can change the Editor ID and some other things, but don't touch the file selector in any way. Then, you can fix the filepath later using TES5Edit.

  8. Also, just to give you further comfort, there are many mods available on Steam itself that explicitly state that SKSE is required. Those mods include SkyUI, the mod downloaded TES mod of all time. Steam supports it. You will not have any ramifications with your Steam account. (Otherwise, at this point, the majority of PC Skyrim players would have issues, because the majority use SKSE.) :thumbsup:

  9. This was reposted here in an attempt to gain more sympathy than was gotten when this was posted in the mod authors' forum.


    The Nexus staff is incredibly tolerant, as evidenced by the fact that they actually let you do these things, attempting to stir up trouble. That tolerance allows people to post pretty much whatever mods they please, so long as it does not infringe on copyright and so long as it is tagged appropriately so that people like you (and me--I don't really understand the need for nude mods either) can avoid seeing adult mods if we don't want to. With very few, extreme exceptions, the Nexus does not attempt to be the arbiter of good taste, and that sort of open modding forum is in the best interest of all users and mod authors. It's a pretty great community that we have here, and you are throwing your toys out of the pram because other people have the freedom to make the types of mods they want to make without worrying about whether or not they meet with your approval.


    As Dante did, I will repost what I said in the other thread: If a child is truly mature enough to play Skyrim, he/she is mature enough to navigate the Nexus and avoid questionable content. The filters are very good, and they only have to be set once. But I think your real concern is not specifically what your children see, but the moral issue of "supporting" a site where those other mods are even allowed to exist. Which is a tolerance issue, which is deeply ironic, given the tolerance the Nexus staff are showing you.

  10. This is by no means an advanced tutorial, but this works for me:


    Step 1) Install Gimp.


    Step 2) Install the Gimp DDS Plugin so that you can save images as DDS files.


    Step 3) Install the Gimp Normal Map Plugin


    Step 4) Open your main texture in Gimp. If it is already a dds file, great. If not, export it as a dds file now. File->Export. In the options, select DXT1 for Compression and Generate mipmaps. I just leave the others as default.


    Step 5) Create your normal map by going to Filter->Map->Normal Map. Set the scale depending on the bumpiness you want. I usually use 3 or 4 for most things.


    Step 6) Export as a dds file. This time, select DXT5 for Compression (needed because of the alpha channel) and again Generate Mipmaps. (And yes, it is purple. Don't worry about that.)


    Step 7) In Nifskope. open your BSShaderTextureSet block. The second texture slot, right under the main one, is the one you use for normal maps. Point it to the dds you just made.


    Step 8 ) Profit! (Not really, of course)

  11. Yes, in the CK you would make it an Activator. Use can use static nifs as Activators. In the CK, duplicate an existing activator, rename it, and then change the mesh file location to the cannon mesh. Then, just add your script and put whatever you want the cannon to do within an OnActivate() event.

  12. Real shelter is now on Workshop.

    It was moved to there/ removed from nexus because the author said it was not safe for kids to be in touch with mod site like Nexus. (you know, all the sexy stuff and so)

    That's really a shame. I think anyone mature enough to play Skyrim is mature enough to navigate the Nexus and avoid anything they personally find objectionable.

  13. If you look at the keywords attached to the magical effects themselves, you will see that the effects covered by the Physician perk are also covered by the Benefactor perk, but not necessarily the other way around. By design, Physician only applies to restore health, restore stamina, and restore magicka. Benefactor applies to those effects as well as all other beneficial effects.

  14. You'll need to utilize copius numbers of occlusion boxes to make that style o' architecture playable.


    Good work by the way.


    SkoomaBoy, I think he is referring to the performance hit. You can see a good example of how to use occlusion boxes for large or graphics-intensive places in the Riften Black-Briar Meadery. They control what renders in a single cell based on where a player is standing rather than the default rule of "always render everything." There's also a page about it on the Creation Kit wiki, under Optimization. I think it was mostly necessary just for the consoles, but now with some mods pushing the limits, you might want to consider trying it out even for PC users.


    Great work, BTW.

  15. Another Sleep Mod has been released!


    What does this mod do?
    A: This mod causes your character to play the default sleep animations in Skyrim for going to bed and waking up (just like NPCs).

    Why another sleep mod?
    A: There are a couple of sleep mods already available on the Nexus, but this one works a bit differently. Both of those earlier mods made great strides, and they work well for many users. However, some users (including me) have had trouble with them. This mod takes a slightly different approach, and in my experience so far, it works more reliably. It also has a low script load.

    How do I use this mod in-game?
    A: Just press the activate button ("e" by default) to use a bed as you normally would. Press the same button to get up.

    Will I get the notorious Eyes-Stuck-Shut Bug with this mod?
    A: No, this mod handles opening the player's eyes when getting out of bed SO LONG AS YOU HAVE SKSE installed.

    How do I install?
    A: Install with NMM or unzip the archive and manually place the two files in your Data folder.

    Where should I put this in my load order?
    A: It really doesn't matter. Just leave it wherever NMM installs it.

    Are any DLC required?
    A: No, they are not required, but all of the DLC are supported if you do have them.

    How do I uninstall?
    A: Unlike other sleep mods so far, this mod can be uninstalled without causing beds to be unusable. Simply go to a cell without any beds, save, and then deactivate the mod.

    Why not more options, for auto-removing clothes, etc?
    A: I may add those sorts of things eventually, but probably not. That said, this mod is available for others to modify and build upon (under Creative Commons-Non-Commercial-Share Alike license), so other mod authors (including the authors of the currently-available bed mods) are free to build upon this framework if they choose.

    Will this mod work if I already have beds that are corrupted/unusable from other mods?
    A: Yes, and this mod will make those beds usable again.

    Whoa, explain that last part again? Does that mean I can use this mod to fix beds made unusable by other mods?
    A: Yes. Even if you no longer want any sleep animations, you can use this mod temporarily to fix unusable beds, which cannot be fixed by the Skyrim Save Cleaner or SKSE's ClearInvalidRegistrations() feature. First, make sure the other mod is completely uninstalled, with no loose scripts left over. Next, install this mod. Next, load your game, visit all cells with unusable beds, then go to a cell with no beds, and then save. If you wish, you can then safely uninstall this mod, and those beds will be returned to their default Skyrim functionality.

    For mod authors:
    Your mod will automatically be compatible so long as any bed or coffin in your mod uses a base form that is from the vanilla game, Dawnguard, Hearthfire, or Dragonborn. The only real reason to create a brand new base form is if you have a custom .nif or texture set. If you aren't sure what this means, feel free to PM me. Also, if your mod does have custom beds or coffins with new base forms that you want to be auto-magically compatible with this mod, just PM me.

    - Brodual for the video
    - Chesko for his mods and for always including his source scripts. I used his compatibility method to detect and adapt to the DLC.
    - Bethesda, of course. It takes a strong focus on the user and a rare lack of ego to let us mod their games so freely.

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