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Posts posted by Pevey

  1. It's unlikely the mod author doesn't check the comments once in a while. If they consider their mod to be in its final state, there is no obligation for them to respond. The comment section is just that: for comments. Not for messages directly to the author. Posting comments that say "you should do this" or "you should do that" or "this mod just doesn't work" (user fails to mention they are using cracked version of the game) or simply asking the same question for the umpteenth time, especially if it is already answered in the description--all of these may seem like no big deal to most mod users, but they are tiring to many mod authors after a while. You really can't blame them if they protect their sanity by just ignoring the comments all together.

  2. I'm sure if you report this on the proper thread (not here), AJV will look into it. But you're going to have to do a lot better than "game gets all weird looking" for him to have any idea what you're talking about, whether it's an issue with his mod as opposed to some other issue or mod conflict, and if so how to fix it.

  3. If you choose ignore, does it load anyway?


    Also, do you have your language settings set correctly? It seems to be trying to find your localized strings. Try verifying your local game cache through Steam.

  4. I see. Here's an example snipped from one of my scripts:

    scriptname _LP_ConfigQuestScript extends SKI_ConfigBase
    GlobalVariable Property _LP_SettingMusicSpeech Auto
    String[] Pages
    Int MusicSpeechToggle
    Event OnConfigInit()
        Pages = new String[1]
        Pages[0] = "Options"
    Event OnPageReset(String Page)
        If (Page == "")
            LoadCustomContent("skyui/res/mcm_logo.dds", 258, 95)
        If (Page == "Options")
            MusicSpeechToggle = AddToggleOption("Music Increases Speechcraft", _LP_SettingMusicSpeech.GetValue() As Int)
    Event OnOptionHighlight(Int Option)
        If (Option == MusicSpeechToggle)
            SetInfoText("Whether playing music increases your speechcraft skill")
    Event OnOptionSelect(Int Option)
        If (Option == MusicSpeechToggle)
            If _LP_SettingMusicSpeech.GetValue() As Int == 0
                SetToggleOptionValue(Option, 1)
                SetToggleOptionValue(Option, 0)
  5. I think the way the health bar is working is the way it's supposed to work given the way you have it set up. By modding their health higher with the active effect, you're setting it above 100%, not raising what the 100% value is. To do the latter, you would probably need to adjust the base actor health rather than add a temporary health buff.
  6. Okay, as I get down to actually implementing this, I have a couple of more questions:


    How do I make this mod "balanced?" Meaning, if a certain blacksmith (let's say Eorlund) is capable of upgrading weapons to Legendary, what is to prevent a character from saving up his money and taking his weapon straight to Eorlund, making his weapon then overpowered very early in the game? In the base game, this is not an issue since you have to level up quite a bit to get your smithing to 100.


    Do I make a system where different quality upgrades cost you more? So perhaps Eorlund could do all the different levels of upgrades, but Legendary is really, really expensive (thereby making it later-game content)?

  7. Just do this:


    player.additem f 50000


    or some other gold amount. Then buy the house. If you have any left over gold, you can leave it in a respawning barrel somewhere or just player.removeitem f X, where X is the left over amount you want to remove.

  8. I seriously considered adding a bank to Skyrim for an economics-themed mod I'm working on. But then I decided it didn't really fit with Skyrim. The closest thing Skyrim has is the Treasury House, in corrupt Markarth, which hoards all the money and pays pittances to the workers. So, perhaps you could rob the Treasury House? :)


    "And I sincerely believe, with you, that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale."


    Oh, what poor Thomas Jefferson would think of his country today.

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