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Everything posted by Hardwaremaster

  1. Thanks. I have no idea how I missed that one, I'll check it out, but so far, I like what I'm seeing.
  2. I'm right with you. I can't think of anything they've done right in the last few years either. When the Xbone launches it may become the next Dreamcast if everything continues to follow the trends. Most people I know have no confidence left in Microsoft products, with some even heading to competitors like Apple, Linux, etc. Yeah, don't even get me started on Windows 8, I have no idea what Microsoft was even attempting to do with that thing. It almost seemed as if they were trying to make a Tablet OS for the PC, by imitating a Android, then they decided what would be even better was to get rid of everything that made previous Windows good. I've also noticed Microsoft seems to rotate on quality, every time, they release a new edition of Windows: 95: Bad. 98: Good. ME: Bad. XP: Good. Vista: Bad. 7: Good. So it wasn't exactly doing well when here was there, but, there also wasn't as many problems in a as there is now. This article sums up only a fraction of what I feel is wrong with that amalgamation of computer parts: Link. Who ever is currently running that company, now, really needs to get his stuff together. :pinch:
  3. I happened to catch your comment and I had just finished the article, excellent timing, I was laughing the hole time while I was thinking this. :laugh: Yeah, anyone who completed High School will tell you that. And trust me, I spend a lot of my free time around the back alleys of the Internet, and as a general rule of sanity. I carry this with me where ever I go, in case I run across anything, that might damage my Human Social Standing. :cool:
  4. Hello everyone, not sure where this topic should go, as its not really a request as its more of a concept. By all means, if a moderator feels the need, please, move it to a more appropriate section. So I've been playing Crusader Kings II for a couple of weeks now. And I came to realize out of all the modifications for this game. The one that is basically none existent is a Medieval Style Conversion Mod. What I mean by that is something to make it look and feel like the Medieval Europe around the War of the Roses time frame. Now, in Crusader Kings II there is a mod for the Elder Scrolls, its still in beta however, and in this mod. Skyrim is, obviously, ruled by the Highking who has Jarls as vassals, which means they are pretty much Norse Earls or Dukes. Which have a standard design of Tabards, Surcoats, Harbruk, Gambersons, Plate, Mail, etc. But in Crusader Kings II this is only a King Tier Title, meaning it can be a vassal of an Empire, which is why this game is awesome, anyway, that would explain how come Cyrodiil rules over a King because an Emperor is a higher Tier Title. This is where is gets interesting, the Cyrodiil Empire is actually a vassal to a much larger empire, the Aldmeri Dominion after it conquered it, which explains a lot if you think about the situation. :wink: And I got to thinking, how hard, would it be to create such a mod, with there being tons of Realistic and Fantasy Armour's already created and available on the Nexus. The only problem of course, would be able to get permission, and maybe material and time for stuff that doesn't already exist, which is why, I would have done it myself, but I stay so busy, plus I don't have the skill for large projects, which is why for the life of me, I cant figure out where you guys get the time. Anyway my guess is you would mostly be doing reskins. :smile: It would be cool to completely replace the all Hold Guards Armour, with actual Medieval or Realistic Armour. Then totally replace the Imperial Legions Armour, with something suitable for an Empire like Cyrodiil, such as the Holy Roman Empire, and England or France. Finally you could take the Elven Armour, and Fantasy Armour, and make it look like the Bosmer Elven Armour's grittiness with the appropriate colored Heraldry for each faction. Maybe something could eventually even be done about the Bandits Armour and Weapons as well. :happy: That's the one thing that's always bugged me about the Elder Scrolls, series, is how it appears to be set in the Dark Ages: 300-1000 AD. :laugh: There have been a few mods, I've found on the Nexus, that have attempted this with limited to no success. With them ending up dead, abandoned, with some users banned for a reasons I cant recall. And I'm wondering why, considering, that most other mods on the Nexus are theoretically more complex, and time consuming such as the Helgen Reborn Mod, and countless other setups. :thumbsup: So my question is why hasn't this been done already, considering some of the other, mods around here?
  5. You know, at this point, I can honestly say, I have no idea what Microsoft is even doing anymore. First they did a launch that was as bad as the PS3 was, if anyone remembers, that travesty to sensibility. Then after a huge public outcry, they decide to go completely in reverse, which basically turned it back into the Xbox 360. Then some people thought it was a good idea to complain about it, so they can bring all those features back, as long as they get the Family Sharing, the Digital Downloads, and so on and so forth. Then Microsoft goes ahead and brings it all back with some changes to the system, meanwhile, Sony at the same time, has not had to do a single blasted thing, at all. I'm actually wondering now, if that was Microsoft's fault, the public's, or what. Because the way Microsoft has been handling this whole situation is, absolutely terrible, they fundamentally look like, gutless turnabouts. Nevertheless they keep doing whatever, it is, someone is gripping about in a weird Public Relations Display to save sales, this would not have happened in my opinion; had Microsoft, had, any notion whatsoever of what their consumers wanted in a Gaming Console to begin with. If I am totally honest, I don't recollect anyone, ever even, asking for the things they shoved into it. :yucky: This is the exact reason I got out of the Console Market a long time ago. :sick:
  6. I checked back after a few days of absence, and I was surprised I missed a thread like this, as for aliens I'm not going to debate that matter. When we simply do not have enough data, to make a solid conclusion, with out it becoming a Circular Logic: yes, no, or somewhere in between. However, I would like to present an article, which I found highly intriguing, and unlike most I've read, this one seems to have more basis in science then most I find into this subject, and seems to be relevant to the topic here. I would like to mention beforehand that I'm not a scientist of any denomination, so I'm not sure how exactly how much of this can be debunked. Also the Basic Science, I know of, is High School to General Collage Knowledge, so nothing specific about anything in particular. Because any talk of extraterrestrials is not complete without the Moon Landing Hoax. While in this case, this is definitely, not the version I'm used to reading. Warning: Wall-of-Text. Hyperlink to the actual Article is below. Therefore without further delay, I present you with the following, Hypothetical Situation. Indisputable scientific proof man never stepped foot on the Moon nor left Earth’s Atmosphere. Edit: I read this sort of stuff when I'm bored, so yes, I'm weird like that. :blush: Make of it what you will, I just finished it, and now I know what I think of it. :teehee: So, let me know what you guys think, I'm bugging out till later. :nuke: The Article Link is Below: Information. A few interesting comments, from the article in question. Which makes this even more complex, and, interesting.
  7. Yes it can, its a game, and I played it as such. The game did not rewrite history, everyone knows the real history, so I don't see the problem. The game is a rudimentary work of fiction, at this point, set into a historical background. Russia has a history of whitewashing history, as does America, England, France, every country does this. Stalin was a dictator in one form or another, take the Holodomor for instance, mention that, and either, someone will dodge it, sidestep, ignore it, or try to justify it, even sometimes outright denying it. The Nazi salute originally came from America, not the National Socialist Party so you should be blaming them for that. Fascism used to be a branch of Socialism, which was all filed under Communism, so literally Russia was fighting a branch of their own ideology during that war. A monster that the world created back during the Bolshevik Revolutions of 1917. Hitler was a soldier during WW1, remember, he saw what was happening to his country, during, and after WW1 which lead to his raise to power a few decades later in 1936. He used the anger the German people felt, about the Treaty of Versailles, because it was destroying Germany's Economy, which was really the only thing Hitler, supposedly, fixed while he was in power. Hitler was a dictator and a tyrant, as well as Stalin, I mean what did people expect was going to happen, when two dictators fight each other. At one point in time even Germany and Russia were allied to split Poland between themselves. :rolleyes: People are Hypocritical when it comes to warfare, go to any place like YouTube and listen to how they talk about Nazis like they are animals that are only good for being slaughtered. People dehumanize their enemy's and are desensitized to violence themselves, they are bloodthirsty and violent when certain keywords show up. That is because the word Nazi is a label that creates certain images, forming the picture they are animals rather then human beings with real emotions. As I said previously Nazi was more of a political ideology then some special religion, reserved more for Politics and Special Forces more then Standard Ground Infantry. I don't see why you brought up Telemarketing either, markets are based on peoples interests and opinions: overreaction and undereaction and sensitivity all effect it because people run on emotion not logic. It doesn't matter whether or not it is correct or not because of peoples emotions and beliefs. :ohdear: What do you think Enai was talking about: haters are going to hate. :dance: I play these type of games, because they are games, and I would rate this one, about a eight to nine out of ten, the graphics are excellent, I get a stable 60 FPS, the sounds pack a punch, I've not had any bugs or crashes, gameplay is streamlined from the last installment. Multiplayer is awesome when you get a bunch of people with mics together for a match. But then again I don't play Strategy Games for the story, I play them to, strategize with friends over Multiplayer, therefore the mechanics of a game are more important to me, then some mysterious, ambiguous, intention by the developers, at telling a narrative I can scarcely define. With all that being said though, it was atrocious the way Relic Entertainment presented it, could have been done much better. I was thinking more along the lines, that they felt the Kremlin had been infiltrated, and Relic Entertainment rewrote the Russian History Documents and captured the Russian Government to brainwash everyone. :pinch: Also see my previous post about Catholic Nazis, because that's what they were, even Hitler was, so, I'll let you figure it out. By the way, for clarification, the alleged Nazi salute came from America, by way of Rome. :hurr:
  8. That's cold Aegrus, get me excited for a moment, to only have my dreams, dashed against a cliff face, curse you. :sad:
  9. That's what I'm saying Jim, I mean for starters I looked at it from a gamer perspective, so, the first things I looked at were the things that make it a good game. Which is gameplay, sound, graphics, etc. Multiplayer is as fun as always but I think that's because its not that different from the first game, they just streamlined everything. As for the tropes I feel as if those were put in there almost for gameplay reasons alone, because that's the only thing that makes sense to me. I am curious though when you said historical accuracy, are you referencing to the way, America teaches it, England teaches it, or the way Russia teaches it? Cause there is a big difference. And as you said supporting a ban is idiotic for the reasons it wont change, alter, or remove the way the game currently is so I didn't see the point in doing so, but that was my opinion anyway. What I was referring to was the fact that the presenter on the video seemed to have been romanticizing it, to the point that it was slightly weird, contrived and was glorifying warfare and combat for the sole reason, that the Soviets, are not as terrible as the game makes them out to be. I've not seen the movie U-571, whats wrong with that one? And Pearl Harbor, yeah, I'm not even touching that one. Movies in general are almost the worst kind of place to get Information about warfare and history because of sensationalism. P.S. I love the part in the video where a Soviet Soldier, shoots a surrendering German, and the Russian in the video mockingly says: poor Nazi. Almost with a murderous enjoyment, without realizing that, the German in question is a what appears to be a Wehrmacht Soldier and not even a high ranking one at that. Yet he called him a Nazi anyway, that is a stereotype itself conjured up from Hollywood and various propaganda mediums. Most of the population of Nazi Germany from 1936-1945 was predominately Roman Catholic, as Nazi was short for National Socialist Party. Nazi was pretty much only the Waffen-SS, Politicians, Bureaucrats, Gestapo and so on and on. Its kind of like saying all American Soldiers are Democrats or Republicans, although, Germany only had a one party system at the time, my point still stands. Take this picture for instance. This one is interesting. As is this one. Here's a good article about Catholicism in Germany: 1936-1945. :huh: I mean it is getting a little ridiculous at this point while Germany is being constantly misrepresented as well as Russia.
  10. While I'm in this area I figured I would post a quick passage here. Hate Crimes can be categorized as a form of Political Correctness and can be used to censor debately sensitive topics for anyone out with an agenda, as, previous posters have no doubt commented on in one form, style, fashion, or shape a person can mix these together to form an excuse for anything they want to be removed for whatever reason but it also has side effects as many others have accurately pointed out because as the quote below suggests its because no one really cares until they have a reason to. Anything can be classified as Hate Speech when cast in a certain lighting. I would like to point out however, has anyone ever wondered where the term "Hate Speech" came from, it did not exist ten years ago. Then all the sudden it shows up in society at large, along with other Interesting Terminology such as "Racial Discrimination, Sexism, Antisemitism, Homophobia." And the list goes on, as does its users because it is endless, and is nothing more then Buzzwords from a minority, who happen to be more vocal then the majority. That is because they themselves, have invented words to try and protect themselves, because they enact actions that are contrary to the definitions they hide behind. To put it another way Political Correctness, is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rapidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to clean up a mess without getting dirty yourself.
  11. Interesting stuff might be useful depending on context but like the poster before me I would add. Here's the thing about information, the more dots you have to connect, the more freedom you have to connect them in anyway you want. The real world is complex enough to tell pretty much any story you please, regardless if the story is relative to each other. This makes the notion of facts a problem because opinion and imagination gets in the way. Now this becomes a right proper mess when someone lies for whatever reason. Blurring the problem even more to the point that you don't know that this or that is true. At best, you know that this person told you that this or that, and he had his reasons for doing so. I'll give it a thorough read through when I have the time. But in my opinion It all comes down to a debate I was having with a colleague of mine once: is data Subjective or Objective?
  12. Edit: Found an excellent overview of the situation about why the Russians are angry about the game in question: Click to 12:23. He makes some interesting points, but I would like to remind everyone, about how bad Germans are portrayed in every single World War 2 game that exists to date, you don't ever hear them complaining about it. I'm beginning to wonder what makes the Russian People think that their case is special, because Relic Entertainment are not exactly known for what I would like to call Realistic Authenticity, because it is in fact a game, that is totally ridiculous, for the reasoning of gameplay and effects. Here is what I wrote earlier, before I found this video by TotalBiscuit and looking at the larger picture and my previous post something does still indeed feel off to me, but, maybe its because I don't really play Company of Heroes for the story because it has always been inaccurate and terrible. Also I didn't know Relic had made those stupid statements which did not help anyone. Here is a portion of what Sun Tzu said about Kill-Boxes and Combat:
  13. I must admit I haven't checked back for a weak or two. Imagine my surprise when most of the comments are talking about how the text is to large, never mentioning once if they read the complete thing or not. Also I will admit as well that it could have been more compact, which I will might be able to fix later, but, I also forgot about: Rule Number One of the Internet: the more you write the more people skim. People tend to have no attention spans anymore and Its slightly annoying because of it. Most people wont read anything larger then a certain amount of characters, they see anything larger and their brains shutdown in response. Well at least you had the decency to comment with some Interesting Information and points unlike some people who shall remain nameless. :dry: That was another point I was trying to make, is it all separate agendas that look connected, or is it an actual agenda that connects to everything else. Reading the quotes I posted above I'm not sure Its really either of them. :sweat:
  14. Chalk up another one to add to the trash can that is Human Reason and Logic. While I was gone for a while to do some personal things, I was browsing the Internet and found this article on Destructoid. And I couldn't believe it was happening again, but yes, it indeed turned out to be true, Its Command & Conquer Generals all over again. The news was originally broke by Polygon. Disclaimer: May contain sensitive topics viewer discretion advised. :excl: Here is a couple of comments from the article, by other posters, that basically states my thoughts. This one was posted by Caimdark who posted: This one was posted by Usedtabe who wrote: My thoughts are as follows: That right there is my pretty much my opinion, Political Correctness is basically censorship. I don't personally understand what the Russian Gamers are complaining about. I thoroughly enjoyed the game just like I did the last one, I thought it was realistic and articulate in such a way that there really was nothing "pretty" about the first or the second game, just like it should be in my opinion. Because I believe, there's is no "heroes" or supposed "good guys" or "bad guys" in warfare. It all depends on which side you are on, or, to coin a phrase: "One mans Terrorist, is another mans Freedom Fighter." Now people can try and look at this from an ethical or moral point of view but that does not change facts, it merely colors them in different lighting, every single country or populace that was involved in that war is guilty on some level of barbarity and savagery. :dry: The main thing I take issue with this, is, why does this kinda of thing keep happening, due to the fact that no one ever goes into war and comes out clean. All things considered I think the Russians made the best out of their situation during WW2. I don't think anyone could ask for more then that, but then again I suppose that's what happens when you become Politically Incorrect. Australia's position I understand a little more due to, hey, that's the law over there. (Even though I think Its stupid.) This apparently started because of a argument, that claimed the first game portrayed the Axis and Allies better then the Comintern Forces. (Even though the Eastern Front is known to be way worse then the Western Front. Instead you ban a game all because someone felt, that there nation was being slandered by a presentation of a war, that there country was in, that happened almost 100 years ago.) :facepalm: I mean all you have to due is look at what happened at Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Dresden, Holodomor, Auschwitz, and countless others cases that I'm not going to bother listing. I would like to say one thing however: Declassified Documents. (Congratulations Russia. You have successfully banned a game nationwide, with that many signatures, in relation to your overall population, regardless of the fact how many wanted it or not, without resorting to piracy they would have bought it to support the developers.) Anyway I'm going to stop now before this post gets any longer: let me know what you fellows think, but this is one of reasons why I feel that Developers and the Industry in general, has stagnated from taking risks because they're afraid of the reaction they may receive. I wonder whats going to happen, when Grand Theft Auto V comes out, it should be interesting to behold. Let the Controversy Commence! I'm bugging out I'll see you guys later. :nuke:
  15. I know exactly where your coming from, I agree with everything thing you've posted, but all I'm saying is what are the chances, that these men, separated by centuries of education, culture, language, and politics. Are all basically arriving at the same thing conclusion, pretty much every one on this list: http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/repute.htm. Was born before Telecommunications was even invented, some before the Printing Press as well. Most of these men also come from university educations. Most of these statements were made before Communism was even invented let alone Fascism. What? Are they all reading from the same book or something? Where is their conclusions coming from? Where is the disconnect? I'm sure if you looked around you could find even more quotes from famous people. Then there's this guy. Unless he is a complete fraud, which is unlikely, given the community he's coming from. And I seriously doubt he's an imposter, he would have been arrested already and sent to prison. Things like this are shut down immediately, because of the information they contain. How is it one of their own is literally, ranting about it, and no ones called him out on it and put to stop to it. The accusations this guy makes are way worse then anything I have, can and will ever write here. Given his background, he is not a Nazi or even a Racist. (Because that would make no sense whatsoever.) He is a Jew himself, and I seriously doubt he doesn't realize where his information is coming from. Jews know more about this subject then anyone else, and keep very good records, and are very smart people. So is he just spouting propaganda or did something rub him the wrong way? I'm sure if you looked around you could find more examples of this kind of thing coming from their own people. Warning Viewer Discretion is Advised: :excl: Edit: Finally I would like to point out something I wonder if anyone else has thought of. This is a list of every country the Jews have ever been expelled from: http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/expelled.htm. That is a drastic response, you literally had to get your soldiers to search your entire nation, looking for a certain minority group in a racially diverse country. That is exhausting and a monumental task to do requiring a lot of money as well. In a time like the Roman Empire, were moving across your nation, would have taken months maybe even years in some cases. An extremely difficult and tedious process to do, all because of simple racism? Not to mention it would have taken years to accomplish the complete removal of these people. And another thing. I'm not 'buying' into anything, again, your calling me a Nazi or Ignorant inadvertently because of what the presupposition implys. And since you don't debate conspiracy's, the only reason, I can assume your posting here is one of two things. Either you are trying to derail this thread, or to inform me of where this material, potentiality, came from. Regardless of the fact I already know. As a consequence this thread has already been derailed slightly. If you actually read the conspiracy I posted, all the way through and multiple times, its is more about Fractional Reserve Banking then it is about any race in particular. It seems to be a conglomerate of people working together. Because if anyone knows anything about Economics and Politics, they would know that Interest, by its very nature is designed to accumulate Debt. And the Jews just happen to be involved because of their history, if you actually read what I posted the Jews are just victims in this theory. It has nothing to do with Jews, it has everything to do with money. They were forcing the Jews to pay whatever these Money Changers demanded. Who ever the money changers were was irrelevant, they could be any race at any point in time, because its a style of credit, a way to acquire lots of currency fast. Apart from the beginning, It never does brings up race, as a matter of fact, all it talks about is politics and economics. The Jews are not the Moneychangers. They are victims here. The only reason Rothschild is even mentioned, is because he created the Modern Banking System as we know it, and his family has a debatable history, you don't see this with any other Jewish family. This is because they literately gained their wealth almost out of the clear blue sky, before that they were nobody's, nobody had heard of them, nobody knew who they were. Nobody cared. Then all the sudden they all show up in history as one of the most wealthy people in the world. Which is how these theories tend to crop up, because it looks kind of suspicious. Then there is this. Pick one then try to decide which one makes more sense, which one explains why the world is financially melting right now. Which one is not Disinformation or Misinformation. And above all which one is not riddled with propaganda from the following sides: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Participants_in_World_War_II Here is the conspiracy version: Here is the accepted version: Here is the Russian & German World War II version: Which if I may was actually going on for, around, thirty years before the start of the actual war. Here is Fractional Reserve Banking explained by what could be considered a Conspiracy Theorist: Here is the same thing explained by a Jew, yes Henry Maklow is a Jew you can look it up if you care to: Fractional Reserve Banking explained by the Federal Reserve itself: And finally here is a server that contains 500+ articles on Economics, from various people of different nationality's around the world: Then you have the website I posted at the top if anyone cares to look at that because that's certainly not normal. :ermm: So you see the only reason why you posted here was because you happened to have a Knee-Jerk-Reaction when you saw that the theory I posted, mentioned various Jewish family names, and then I had wrote I had mentioned Jews and Banking History several times to people and was called a racist for it even though I never made any derogatory statement that anything I wrote was correct or that I condoned, approved or believed any of It. Also, it never says Jews, or any race runs the world, what it does say is different have people have used this throughout history to acquire huge amounts of currency, before the system implodes due in part to that fact, that is unstable and unsustainable over long periods of time. I mean its not like its a secret or even anything special. Then to which you replied. :dry: Who is accusing who of being what exactly. If you had read anything I posted you would have realized this is not the conspiracy that the Soviets made to demonize Jews, then which the Germans picked up, I know the one your talking about this is not Soviet Bolshevism. This one is fundamentally different in the sense that this conspiracy has more to do with the infamous Illuminati then it does anything else. Look at the names of the people it lists, predominately white, wealthy Caucasians, it only mentions a handful of Jewish people who have a questionable history. Now I'm sure this has roots in Bolshevism but if one looks, I think you'll find it mentions, white people are more in on this then anything else. And lastly have you ever wondered where to Russians got the idea for this propaganda? Why does it have this elaborate framework? It might be due to the quotes I've listed above, which they took, and twisted to suit, what ever agenda they were trying to push at the time. Which makes you wonder what our ancestors were on about, given that the Jews, who are supposedly Gods Chosen Race, would be treated this way by Christians? But allow me to ask you something else, if its a Banking Conspiracy, why is it everyone is so hung up on the Jews? Rather then the Banks that are so central to this narrative. I mean does no one wonder were Hitler, Stalin and other dictators get their ideas? Considering they themselves were of Jewish descent. Why would you turn out damaging propaganda against your own race? Did they not know their own ancestry? I find that hard to believe given the fact they were obsessed with racial superiority, or so were told. :confused: To reiterate the point I was trying to make earlier: When is a conspiracy not a theory. I think the answer to this lies in the Human Condition. The Human Brain is in constant struggle between itself, on the left side you have a Difference Engine, computing the difference between data to arrive at a emotional conclusion. In opposition to the right side which is a Computation Engine, computing the similarities between data to arrive at a logical conclusion. The only problem is neither of these are perfectly rational on their own, the Difference Engine is too logical, seeing patterns where there are none. The Difference Engine is to emotional creating reasons or excuses when there is not any to begin with. The Mainframe, the human, person, or whatever it is has to balance these factors, otherwise you got one side ruling the other resulting in a endless loop known as Semantics which is all arguments ever consist of because there is a fine line between a debate and argument. And a extreme difference between comprehending and understanding. I mean you summed it up perfectly even better then I could. However I would contend that information can all so be dismissed if it doesn't fit with your current view of reality. Personally I'm apathetic either way, I mean its none of my business or concern. All I'm doing is pointing out inconsistencies, and what I think the intention is implying. I mean just look at this quote, does that say its a issue of race or an issue of money? And just for reference, here's a few more from what I posted. The following quotes stems from the 1700-1800 A.D. Here's a few more modern quotations that contain what could be considered strange content. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of quotes from powerful people talking about the same thing, and these are only a few. Most of these people are politicians, economists, senators and congressmen. Do all these people not know what they're talking about? Here is a link to Wikiquote to can verify these yourself. For me, personally, the most interesting quotes are from the London Times and the New York Times, do you know how many writers, editors, and staff work at these places. If the information was, on any level, incorrect someone would have caught it before it was published and corrected it. I have a question if the United States can print its own money why do we end up borrowing money instead? As a matter of fact, I don't even think you read anything I had posted, you are in all actuality doing this. :blink: Specifically numbers: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, and 23.
  16. I was playing a game for a few hours I come back to see this. I knew this would come up eventually. So I'm posting Nazi Propaganda now am I? I knew I shouldn't have removed that disclaimer. But I did not want to derail this thread with religious debates because its Circular Logic which causes an argument that consists of nothing more then Semantics and Pedantics which is why I never get involved in them. I actuality edited entire sentences that contained religious undertones because I was trying to avoid this very thing. Nevertheless I'm sure a moderator can look up the edit logs of this thread. I had originally put in a warning in the original post about the material of this thread and how it could be considered offensive to some people and I did not want to start an argument. Anytime you mention Jews and Conspiracy in the same sentence all the sudden you walk into a Politically Incorrect Minefield. But I did not invent this theory, I did not write this conspiracy. I thought I made this rather clear. All I did was copy and paste information drawn from conspiracy websites such as Above Top Secret and put it into a readable timeline of a theoretically plausible history. But your presupposition reveals all I need to know. Because you say your not accusing me of being Nazi. However you are saying the material I posted is used by Anti-Semites. Which inherently means racist material which assumes that either: (1) I didn't know it, meaning, I'm ignorant of the topic I had posted. (2) I support it or condone it. Do not for a minute, think I posted this material lightly, I know full well that this thread could be locked down at a moments notice, and I could possibly be banned for what might be seen as discrimination. Which is also known as slander, which is what you are now ironically trying to do to me although unintentionally I'm sure. And if i didn't respond to your comment that could be taken any number of ways, so please don't mistake me for being angry cause I'm not. I am well aware of what I posted I would not have posted it otherwise. I posted this here because its not a conspiracy about any race. Its a conspiracy about currency. As the poster before you wrote. I'm not sure how much you actually know or how much you think you know. Allow me to reiterate: I. Never. Said. I. Believed. In. Anything. I. Had. Posted. Or. That. Any. Of. It. Was. Remotely. True. I posted this information here for consumption, for people to read and make up their own opinions, and look into the relevant data from all sides of the debate, regardless of where it came from, that way you have a full panorama of history otherwise, you get a very slanted picture. You call it nonsense which is funny, because you yourself, seem to have bought into propaganda as well, although from the United Kingdom side of it. When you get into information, the classic mistake every single person always makes, is Cognitive Dissonance, and because people make this mistake they have to decide what information to reject, because they're incompatible with each other in their current view of reality, whether or not its correct. If you had really read about these issues, you wouldn't have blamed the Soviets for inventing it, and the Nazis for stereotyping it. It has been around way before we have had documents to accurately depict it, and this is just my opinion: I want to know why. And to elaborate. I suppose all these guys are Nazis and Racist Anti-Semites. :rolleyes: And these must be the Soviets who started this mess. Keep in mind the following article was wrote by a Jew. As well as this one. Human beings do not instinctively hate anything, there is causes and reasons for racism and hatred, whether or not they are right or wrong. That is an excellent post and was the type of comment I was wanting when I created this thread. Information in general seems to sometimes suffer from what writers call Story Contrivance. If i can remember correctly, I believe I saw something that explained this concept, which was Social Diagramming. And I think the basics go something like the following. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information: Correct data spread with the honest intention to inform. Disinformation: Incorrect data Intentionally spread with the dishonest intention to misinform. Misinformation: Incorrect data Unintentionally spread with the honest intention to inform. Truth: A series of Data that reflects information. False: A series of Data the deflects information. Data: A series of events. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But I think that's the problem, not with conspiracy's so much, as it is how do you figure out whats true and false. Especially when you get all your data from one source. You have to trust that source to be accurate and if its not you end up with the exact same scenario as above. To add on to that problem if you didn't see or hear the event you have to take their word for it and it could be like that diagram I made. So what is truth really? Then you have this stuff people attempt to do which makes matters even worse. Words of wisdom right here. "I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing." -Plato. :yes:
  17. Well I'm gone for a few week's to work on a few personal projects of mine, and I come back to find the forums has completely rearranged. And because of that I missed a few threads i would have liked to put my input into, but, oh well they're now locked. :P Anyway i think the problems with Robotics are still to arrive, and personally I don't think the problems will manifest until Cybernetics and Nanotechnology really kicks off. However we are already starting to see the beginning of this transition, and Robotic Technology will have more of an effect on society then Telecommunications did. Like drones pilots being immoral or lacking the ability to make ethical decisions because killing has become a Video Game, do due the inherent nature of Robotic Combat, because they are so removed from the violence. I also do realize this resembles the problem soldiers face after they return home, however this is different in the sense they don't really care. They don't seem to regret their actions unlike Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. In about thirty to fifty years I figure well start to see Augmentation maybe a little longer, and all the wonderful little disasters that will inevitably accompany it. If I maybe so bold as to direct your attention to the following articles. Then you can decide what can we realistically call Science Fiction anymore. Humanity must be very careful this will all be a reality in the future at some point, genetics is not something you can repair if something goes wrong. Where losing sight of what ethics and morality is, it is being replaced in the name of progress and science, hidden under various names to hid its intention. When it is really nothing more then Eugenics and Trans-Humanism dressed in a masquerade and promoted through various forms of mass media. All in the quest of the proverbial Tree of Knowledge. By any chance, has anyone read the story of Icarus or Prometheus? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taLw2LhPoTU (Information related to Genetic Engineering from all sides of the argument.) Which was based off of this, or this was based off of Surrogates, I can never get that part right. :rolleyes:
  18. Yeah that's what I'm talking about, it reminds me of the movie Inception, a conspiracy inside a conspiracy. ;D But you know I think I've seen this one before, and it makes a lot of sense if one thinks about it. Allow me to pull a quote from an article called: The Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation. So you see, there is in all actuality, a literal guide to the: Art of Trolling. :ermm: Which makes one wonder how much of this is fake, given the level detail around some of this stuff. I mean all of it can't be made up, there's just to much detail for someone to make this up on the fly. Its also interesting to see why and how, different people spend their time on this subject, and I believe I've already mentioned my reasoning several times. :whistling: The Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation. Preface: This handy set of rules covers most of the games which disinformation artists play on the Internet (and offline). When you know the tricks, you’ll be able to spot the games. Even if you’ve read this list before, you might be surprised at how useful it is to brush up on these tricks. This Article talks about a guy who was paid by either, a, Group, Corporation or a Government to troll threads and derail them. The weird thing is he doesn't seem to know who really hired him, but the money was good, I'll let you figure it out. Edit: And the plot thickens! :wacko:
  19. Why not it makes more sense then most theories I've heard. Given certain world leaders, who will remain nameless, have tried to do that exact same thing in human history although by military means. In this theory they're doing the exact same thing except it's economic conquest. But if you think that doesn't make sense you should check out this Wall-of-Weird. Man there are somethings even I wont touch. (Go on I dare you. :devil: ) To be honest I read to hole thing, top to bottom, a couple of times. I should know I edited the blasted thing. If I understood the mess I copy and pasted together correctly, it was along the lines of generational. So it definitely wasn't the same people doing it but rather style of system, that according to the theorists, has been tried and tried time and again usually ending the same results as the last time. I'm going to let my imagination run wild for a bit, and think about motives, so, humor me. Now, as for the money, I don't quite think the care about money, at least that was not the intention I got from all the data. In fact they seem in retrospect, to be as I was when I made this post. Which in a word was: bored. I mean lets say, hypothetically, that you were the richest person in the world. And you want something to do, carnal pleasures no long suffice for whatever reason, you've read so many books they all blend together. Modern Entertainment has no interest to you, being raised in a high class family that is way more archaic then the rest of society. Focusing on blood lines, marriage, dynasty and all the Aristocratic things. What would you do for entertainment you wouldn't torture people for fun, your not that kind of person. You can buy things that cost millions of dollars like video game sales on Steam, so, you decide to put your money to productive use something to occupy your time. Buying nations and controlling them to shape them way you want it to go, then suddenly you realize that by doing this you can effectively shape the future into any fashion you want. So, you gather like minded people, and you invite them into your little club, that's only for mega-rich or influential people. World Leaders, CEOs, Executives, Celebrates, Corporations, etc. Some of these people think they're going to make the world a better place, maybe some don't, maybe some are in it for themselves. But it doesn't matter to you, these are the underlings, your vassals so to speak, they cant do anything with out your funding and the system that is now in place. If they try to rat you out you threaten them, or even kill them, because if the masses ever find out about what you plan to do, you'll be the one on the chopping block and you don't want to die, because your plan ain't complete. As your influence climbs there is now a system in place that is so megalithic, that it has the capability to manipulate people, not to hurt them, not to torture them, but to manipulate them. Make them think the ways you want, implement social ideas, change the way people view good and evil, turn society on its head, make things that were taboo, socially acceptable even trendy, so your degenerate friends in your little club can finally come out of the closet. You now hold the world in the palm of your hand, you no longer care about money you have more then you could ever use. Its a tool now, to get what you want. The ability to make the future what ever you want, but, something went wrong during your families rise to power and subsequent generations that sprang from it. You became more and more degenerate as you climbed, not because you where sadistic, or evil. But because there was never any consequences for your actions, everything felt right, so it must be right, you could hear people complain, but you never experienced what they have. Neither do you care anymore, and the masses have no idea of the great plans you have for the future. And sacrifices must be made for the greater good. So in your climb you have become: degenerate, arrogant, greedy, and a mass murder all the while you never realize the monster you've become, because in your mind, you believe your doing the right thing. Anyway that is what this theory it suggesting by the look of it. No one is ever born evil they become evil without realizing it. All excellent points, that's the thing with conspiracy's in general, how do you prove them because the documents that might, no longer exist. And not to mention the fact that if it was a conspiracy, then there is no way they'd be willing to let that kind of information go to the public without their permission. I would like to point out something though, how is it in this particular instance they are referencing Julius Caesar, i mean where is the information that says that's why he was killed? Not to mention why did the entire Roman Empire fall, no seems to really know. I mean what kind of banking system did Rome actually have? Surely it couldn't have been similar to ours? Or did it even have a banking system given that were talking BC here. I haven't actually looked yet, given i did not write this, I just pasted it together from various Conspiracy Websites to see what kind of picture I could get. And it certainly is an interesting one, kind of like a Rubik's Cube, a brain teaser that makes you think. Its a shame whats happened in the past, makes you wonder if it wasn't done on purpose, were a race with collective amnesia. Yeah that was my thinking to, to be honest I'm surprised you know about the Jews and their banking history, anytime I mention It I get called a racist even if I'm just linking articles. But they do in fact have a very long and storied history with money, take for instance in the Medieval Ages they where the miners digging up gold for Christians, because it was a dangerous and extremely dirty task a thousand years ago and the Christians didn't want to do it. That's actually how they got started in banking because they were mining gold for the Christians, the local Lords decide to make them their bankers because they were good administrators. With regards to banking, i feel as if people are looking for answers to the problems they see around them, and i guess they arrive at the conclusion that their government cant seem to fix the problem, or wont as the appearance maybe, they assume it must be else where. And I guess they follow the trail long enough and see the banks are literally attached to everything and assume that must be the problem. However I do have a question, how much research would someone have to do, to get the information that is in my original post? It took me a hour to copy and past it together, edit it, then post it, I'm curious as how long it would take to get of all of that data.
  20. I hope you guys like Conspiracy's Theories, a while back on a previous post I had made, I stated I would make a thread about this subject, and since I'm bored I figured I'll do something to alleviate my condition. My goal here is not to convince you that this is real or fake, my goal is simply to list information for your digestion, because I am bored. Also keep in mind everything I've written here, is all available on the Internet if one knows where to look. With this post having it all condense in one place, with everything from; declassified government documents, to archaic writing, and works, and various other sources of data. I've attempted to remove my affiliations from this post as much as humanly possible, with out messing up the data. Unfortunately because this discussion is so massive there exists no single object I can reference my facts to besides the internet although I shall attempt to. The point of this post is the following. (1): To alleviate my boredom. :D (2): To start a debate on how much of this is information is accurate and inaccurate or down right completely fraudulent. :blink: (3): What is a Conspiracy and when is it not a Theory. :huh: (4): The Human Condition in Conspiracy's Theories. :ermm: (5): To try and see if people can debunk it and how. :cool: (Related to number 4: Why do certain people believe in Conspiracy's Theories.) Edit: Okay I was just informed by a friend of mine, after showing him this post, and asking what he thought of the matter. That after reading it, he told me that he swore he had seen something similar, to this exact same thing. I told him I got this article from another website and I posted it here, and tried to edit it to fit into the layout of the forum. Because for some reason or other it was giving me trouble posting it. (I think it was due to the size.) After a few hours of digging, because it was annoying him, he found the original article and where it came from. (Apparently the website I got it from neglected to mention where it got it from.) And another article which is basically the same thing as the original but wrote by a completely different guy. He also found two good website on money. (From the Conspiracy side and the normal side I'll let you read them and make up your mind.) The Article in question was wrote by a man of the name Andrew Hitchcock. I'll create Hyperlinks to them at the bottom of this post and you can read them if you like. Also I'd like to add if anyone else feels the need to comment on the origin of this Conspiracy Theory. I'd like to refer you to Page Two and the First Post where I attempted to explain a bit of where I think this was going and what I think this particular hypothetical situation was implying. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1040226-the-human-condition-conspiracy-theorys/page-2 Here's the preface: By Andrew Hitchcock, 26 Feb 2006. He also wrote the Rothschild timeline. (Which I will put a direct link below) Here is an illustrated version of this timeline. Economists continually try and sell the public the idea that recessions or depressions are a natural part of what they call the “business cycle”. This timeline below will prove that is simply not the case. Recessions and depressions only occur because the Central Bankers manipulate the money supply, to ensure more and more is in their hands and less and less is in the hands of the people. Central Bankers developed out of money changers and it is with these people we pick the story up in 48 B.C. below. Read at your leisure. DISCLAIMER: THREAD MAY CONTAIN SENSITIVE TOPICS VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED. The websites below have a much more readable layout then anything I could get to work here. If you don't like that conspiracy I have another one for you guys titled: The United States is still a British Colony. I happened to have found this one around the back alleys of the Internet and it is actually one I've not seen before. Notice: And before anyone points it out, I am, well aware of the fact that theory in plural, is spelled, theories. :dry:
  21. Hardwaremaster


    You're not crazy, and there is much truth in your post. That said, when someone starts frantically connecting dots without any focus, like going from Syria to international banks to shadow governments to 9-11 then back to banks to Kennedy to monetary policy then back to Kennedy and the direction of his blood spray, then punctuate it with the phrase "crazy conspiracy theorist" you run the risk of causing anyone reading it to blow it off as exactly the rantings of a crazy conspiracy theorist. None of what you posted is entirely crazy and much of it isn't even theoretical but it does lack focus and, due to this lack of focus, will cause most people to ignore it while perpetuating the stereotype of a person who takes an interest in the history and context that lies below the surface of current events as a "crazy conspiracy theorist". Please don't take this critique personally. It is only my advice. Take it or leave it. My apologies, you know I always forget, to those who don't know what I'm talking about. I come off as a raving lunatic, so no offense was taken, as that was my fault. As I didn't properly explain as to what I was getting at, but let me stress this problem is world wide, no one exact group can be blamed for it, and generalizing it was stupid of me, as it's a machine with everyone playing their parts. So, if you'll indulge me for a minute I'll elaborate with links, information and various pieces of history. If I didin't think that my previous post was related i wouldn't have posted it, as thats a forum rule your not suppose to hijack threads or go off topic, as well as make posts without new information. And I've been debating about making a seperate thread regarding this issue. If I knew people were interested in reading it, without writing it off, before doing their own investigation into the relevant material of the post in question. And since this is a debate section i do not claim anything i say as fact, as truth is relevant to the observer, and what you preceive as truth based on the information you posses which makes sense with the situation based on: result, reaction, and consequence. Here's a good place to start, it will explain whats wrong with modern banking, and generaly the whole world right now. Read in order.
  22. Hardwaremaster


    What I think many people don't realize is Syria, has a mutual defense pack with Russia. Thats why Russia keeps sending them weapons, it also has a mutual defense pack with Iran. Now here's were it gets interesting, Iran has a mutual defense pack with China. Thats why it let China build miles of oil derricks in Iran. So, any attack on any of these countries, will be interpreted as an attack on the collective which is called BRICK, and is in all actuality a coalition similar NATO. Now, either NATO is not aware of this, which is highly unlikely or, thier trying to drag everyone into WWIII. And as far as Assad and the so called Syrian rebels go, they're not acually rebels, they're Blackwater mercenaries contracted out to destablize the country, to remove Assad from power. Then they will create a puppet government, one, that will be a loyal to the United States, and by extension NATO. If you by chance believe the news, they're saying his attacking his own people, his a tyrant, blah, blah, blah. Which is out right lies, the Syrian people love him, Syria has one of the highest education ratings in the middleeast, same go's for Iran. Which I believe if you dig into this far enough you will find, that since Iran is allied with major powers. If it wanted a nuke, it could buy one from Russia, or China. Isreal has been saying since the eightys, that it's about to immeditaly acquire a nuclear warhead, right, thirty years later, and were still waiting. Does no one remeber the lies, the George W Bush Jr: told the world regarding the nukeular weapons in Afganistan. And later it turned out their never was any to begin with. Do you know what the first thing was the United States Government did when it occupyed, or should I say conquered Afganistan. Before the power was even restored they put in a Central Bank, thats right a bank, because it didn't have one to begin with. Because in the Muslim Faith usury is illigal and is punisible by death. If your not quite getting it yet, let me elaborate. The countries before September Eleventh that had no Central Bank were, Afganistan, Iraq, Iran, Cuba, North Korea, Lebenon, Libya, Syria, Somalia, and finally Sudan. Notice, it's all the countires our governments are saying are tyrants. People haven't got a clue. Mainly because they don't care, you can find anything, and i mean, anything on the Internet if you know were to look. Kings, Emperors, Presidents, all relics of an age long past, they don't make the calls anymore guys. Their just there to absorb the public anger while the real leaders work in the shadows by names you've probably never heard of. John Fitzgerald Kennedy died soon after his speech, many thought he was talking about communism, but he wasn't. Listen to the words and the context carefully, one of the dead give aways was he said. "The office of the president has been used, to formulate a plan to usurp the American people." How would communists do that. Every president before JFK were Republicians and Democrats, but, more importantly most of the American presidents were around before, and indeed, way before Communism even existed. But, the video wasn't what got him killed, nope, what did, was him wanting to print American dollars called Greenbacks. Instead of borrowing the money from the Federal Reserve Bank at interest which was causing inflation to rise and America to go into debt. Here's the real trick though, if your in debt, that usally means a person loaned to money to you, the question is who. But the first thing Vice Lyndon B Johnson did when he got in office was revoke the Greenbacks with an executive order. I wonder why. Does anyone remember what happend to JFKs brother, you think he might have known something? You guys want to find out who shot JFK, look at the video, watch the direction the blood flys out, anyone who has played an FPS will notice what I'm talking about. I'll give you a hint, it's in the car. But i guess Im just a Crazy Conspiracy Theorist. :D Edit: This website won't let me use the GIF extension. Huh. :dry:
  23. Hardwaremaster


    I'm going to chim in here, since yesterday I've done a lot of digging, and TRoaches is standing right on top of it. The following video features Hillary Clinton candidly acknowledging that America created and funded Al Qaeda as a terrorist organization in the heyday of the Soviet-Afghan war. Back then they we're called the Mujahideen, interesting enough they've been removed from the terrorist watch list. And if you really feel like digging further check the bottem link, it leads to a server with a ton of links, that I'll have to check out later when I have the time. Further more if you have the time check out the Snowden thread, I've stumbled across a mess and my fingers hurt from all the typing lol. But suffice it to say were are being lied to every day.
  24. Microsoft has compiled a fact sheet detailing all the important information you need to know if you didn’t watch the XBOX ONE announcement Live Stream earlier. Ripped from Microsofts own Website. Also, as I'm relatively new, how do I do a Spolier Drop Menu to aviod clutter? THE INTRODUCTION Xbox One is the all-in-one games and entertainment system for the living room of the 21st century. Xbox One puts you at the center of all your entertainment, giving you instant access to TV, games, music, movies, sports and Skype, all in one place, without switching TV inputs or waiting for slow updates or lengthy downloads. Xbox One will launch in markets around the world later this year. Features include the following: Live TV – Navigate and watch live TV through Xbox One. All your entertainment is now available in one place and is easily accessible on one system. Always know when your friends are online and ready to play your favorite game, even when you’re watching TV. Gone are the days of switching inputs. Snap – Use Snap to do two things at once. Talk to friends on Skype, and watch the big game together. Follow what people are saying about your favorite show by surfing the Web. Listen to the music of your choice while playing the latest blockbuster game. Jump back and forth instantly between experiences without a loss in performance. Skype – Display full HD, 1080p Skype video calls specially designed for Xbox One and, for the first time ever, have group Skype calls on your TV.2 Split the TV screen to join a multiplayer battle while hosting a Skype video chat with friends and family. Home – Wake up your Xbox instantly with the words “Xbox, on,” and you’re welcomed to a personalized Home screen with your favorite games, apps and content. Pin movies, music and more for instant access to the things you love the most, right where you want them. OneGuide – Find TV and entertainment quickly with voice searches for names, networks or times, presented in an easy-to-use and tailored program guide. See what’s on your favorite channels and the content that’s available in your entertainment apps, and quickly find the latest action movie or when the big game starts. Trending – Still can’t decide what to watch? See the entertainment that’s popular within the Xbox community or with your friends. Trending is a great way to stay on top of what’s hot in TV, games and entertainment and to stay connected with friends in new and social ways. THE HARDWARE Xbox One was designed from the ground up to be the centerpiece of every living room with modern hardware, and it features the all-new Kinect, the new Xbox One Wireless Controller, a 500GB hard drive, an eight-core, x86 processor, wireless networking connectivity, HDMI, three super-speed USB 3.0 ports, and a high-speed Blu-ray disc player. Features include the following: Xbox One Console – Designed with the 21st century living room in mind, the Xbox One console features a premium design with a gloss black finish, horizontal orientation and a slot-loading Blu-ray disc player. Updated wireless controller – Enhanced with more than 40 technical and design innovations, the new impulse triggers offer precise haptic fingertip feedback and a newly engineered D-pad delivers greater responsiveness and control. An infrared LED on the front of the controller allows Kinect to automatically recognize you, making it easier to pick up and play. Redesigned Kinect – It includes a 1080p, HD camera that captures video at 30 frames per second. All- new, active-infrared capabilities increase precision, allowing it to work in nearly any lighting condition and expanding field of view to accommodate a greater variety of room sizes. Microsoft proprietary Time-of-Flight technology measures the time it takes individual photons to rebound off you to create unprecedented accuracy and precision. The new noise-isolating multimicrophone array filters ambient sounds to recognize natural speaking voices even in crowded rooms. GAMING ON XBOX ONE Gaming on Xbox One immerses you in bigger, more cinematic worlds that look and feel more lifelike, featuring more believable characters and richer stories. Game worlds come alive through the unlimited processing power of Xbox One and the cloud. Features include the following: Smart Match – Estimates wait times for multiplayer gaming and lets you enjoy other Xbox One activities including live TV, Skype or sports experiences while waiting for a new game to begin. On Xbox One, your Xbox Live reputation fundamentally matters and helps you find the best match based on skill, game style and language for a deeper online multiplayer gaming challenge. Expanded achievements – Allows for new achievements powered by the cloud and offers more ways to earn, more frequent updates and the ability to share wins with friends. An expanded achievements system captures videos of gameplay and continues to grow achievements over time, and Gamerscores carry over from Xbox 360. Living Games – Leverages the power of the cloud so games can evolve and learn from actual players, letting you play against your friends’ shadow. Dynamic, living worlds evolve and improve the more you play, and games stay in sync with what’s happening today — real-world events can be instantly added to games, and the latest stats can be automatically added to sports titles. Game DVR – Captures and saves in-game highlights and epic moments to the cloud. Use editing and sharing tools to post game footage to your Xbox Live profile and social networks. XBOX LIVE – THE NEW GENERATION The new generation of Xbox Live is completely redesigned to harness virtually unlimited power to connect, save and store personalized profiles, games and entertainment so they can be accessed anytime and on any Xbox One console. Connecting to Xbox Live makes accessing content effortless by installing games in segments so that playback starts quickly and updates happen in the background. Features include the following: Xbox SmartGlass – Turn smartphones or tablets into second screens that intelligently interact with Xbox One and serve extended experiences for games, TV shows, movies, music, sports and apps. Navigate with touchscreens, pause or rewind a movie, or swipe, pinch and tap to surf the Web on the TV using more devices than ever before. Multiplayer gaming – Enjoy a smart, quick and intuitive gaming experience in which multiplayer gaming has been enhanced to support playing with friends with no waiting in lobbies, and matchmaking features such as Smart Match and reputation let you architect your personal, favorite matches. Apps – Discover and download a variety of Xbox One apps using simple voice searches. Pin favorites to the dashboard and jump in and out of apps instantly, or Snap them side by side to do two things at once. Web for the TV. Explore the Web with Internet Explorer for Xbox One. Use Kinect and voice commands to browse your favorite sites with ease. Use Xbox SmartGlass to control your experiences with a swipe of your finger and send websites from tablets and smartphones to the biggest screen in the house. Sports – Watch live games, highlights and replays in HD and with simple voice commands. Xbox One provides game-changing features with a personalized channel guide and the ability to dig deep on schedules, rosters and stats when making fantasy sports picks. Xbox Live Gold – Existing Xbox Live Gold Membership for Xbox 360 will seamlessly carry over to Xbox One, becoming more valuable than ever. ------------------------------------------------------------- Oh my god, that screams public relations, or as i called it propaganda. No mention what so ever of the otherside of the Xbox One. So allow me to list them for you guys. I don't quite get how corporations can keep doing this and not expect some sort of people outcry, It's like they don't care, even though the public is the only reason these companys don't end up dead and in the gutter. It doesn't make sense for someone to do this. Or as Franklin D. Roosevelt said. "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." So, is it a safe bet that the Game Industry is the same way. Because for me, it makes sense that there's to many people in the industry, to screw up all at the same time. CONFIRMED: -24 hour DRM: Meaning if you don't login in twenty four hours, you're locked out of your own system. -1 hour DRM if you bring your game to a friends house: Meaning if you don't pay the fee in one hour your locked out of the game. -Mandatory Kinect: That also never really turns off because it requires a voice command to turn on even though it's off. -No renting, no loaning. No private sales: Unless selling to someone who has been on your friends list for thirty days. -Broadband Internet connection required: Goodbye rural people. -Trade-ins are up to the publisher and only at participating retailers: Yeah, what publisher is going to do that, they're the ones who want this stuff. -You can give a game to a friend only if they have been on your friends list for thirty days: Here's the catch though, you can only do it once. -Up to ten family members can play your games from any console at any time you & one other at a time: Except you can already do that now which the proper hardware and software. Also, where is the guarantee that majority of publishers won’t restrict me from letting my friend borrow a game or letting me sell the game if it sucks. What if live servers or down or get hacked, like the PSN did and Xbox Live. @jim_uk: It wouldn't suprise me, i heard both Activision and EA are both owned by Vividia. So any competition between them is a false dichotomy. But don't quote me on this, as I've not checked, and I've been wrong before. With all I've listed, I'm begining to wonder too, considering how bad this has been for them. And a company as large as Microsoft, this had, to be a conscious choice, the real question is why if they knew this would happen.
  25. Well, after a day of digging it seems Associated Press has a strange relation with various news corperations. Now according to Wikipedia it says its a non-profit organisation that has no direct owner. If thats the case then how is it getting a revenue of 627.6 million, its operating income is 34.2 million. Which if I'm understanding this correctly means it only costs that much to keep running, which also means its making a profit, now i read a article on the web that says it doesn't do donations. If thats the case how is it still running, especially considering it has to pay it's employees somehow. Unless it's a volunteer system, but i can't find anything that says it is. Another interesting situation is that it has no owner, which doesn't make sense for an operation of it's size. CNN, ABC, FOX, BBC, and more get their news from Associated Press. Which means at some level their has to be a leader of some sort. I was talking to some people who said all corperations non-profit or otherwise, have to have registry, bonds, stocks, and various other things that make it an actual company. The other thing I know a guy who does console gaming: understands tech, business, corperations, pretty well from what i gather. And we got to talking about the Xbox One debacle, which inevitablely lead to talking about the Connect Sensor. He said that Microsoft has stated you can turn it off like anyother device, but heres the rub it takes a voice command to turn it back on. Which means that it's actually "on" eventhough it's "off". Then finnally he pointed me to an article on the web, be warned it's a weird website, and I'm not sure how much of its BS. However i try to keep on open mind regarding these matters. However take it with a grain of salt, the guy who wrote it claims to he used to be a government employee. He told me to try to find who owns Associated Press, I told him about the Wikiarticle, he says its BS: "like running a government without a King." I don't know if this is what he was refering to, but it appears that Associated Press, does indead have a CEO and a Board of Directors. If you click on their names it gives some background into their connections, education, history, etc. And if i had a resume like some of these men I dare say I could land any job I please. I'll ask around see what people say about what the capabilities regarding to modern technology. I'll update this post if i find anything else out. It makes sense to me, however, I'm not gullible the Internet is usally full of trash. But i also can't deny this situation is borderline werid. With regards to the Intelcore V Pro: i need someone who's Techsavy to verify if what the article says is legit or complete rubbish. ------------Assciated-Press-Articles------------- http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/private/board.asp?privcapId=1249808 ---------------The-Wierd-Website---------------- http://jimstonefreelance.com/corevpro.html http://jimstonefreelance.com/nsaedward.html --------------------Backdoors---------------------- http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/nsa_backdoor_windows.htm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NSAKEY -------------------Corperations---------------------------- http://www.forbes.com/sites/bruceupbin/2011/10/22/the-147-companies-that-control-everything/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nestl%C3%A9_brands ----------------------------------------------------- Edit: Okay I was just fowarded this Hyperlink about back doors. Edit: It's on Wikipedia as well. Edit: Found something else thats interesting I'm beginning to wonder how many things are vasslized so to speak. Edit: So let me try to sum this up, we have on record, the CEO of CNN has siblings or a sibling, in the Whitehouse as do many other news outlets covering for each other. We have a backdoor in Windows 98, that even the head programmer of the project didn't know about. We have Associated Press which on Wikipedia says no one owns, even though it has a CEO and Board of Directors which are also known as Chairmen. Meaning they hold most of the stocks effectivly making them the investors, meaning they effectively own it. And i read online that Reuters bought Associated Press, back in the eightteen hundred and it hasn't switched hands since, can't find a solid article though. And until someone can confirm or deny the Intelcore problem this does not look good.
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