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Everything posted by Valkasha

  1. There's shouts that open huge dimensional rifts, shouts that call forth undead dragons etc, shouts in Skyrim are damn powerful, fusrodah is simply a very, very basic shout. Which is why it's the first one you learn and pretty weak at lower ranks.
  2. Because it's a lot cheaper to upgrade regular RAM later on: Go for the 2GB video card. Which GPUs are you looking at though? The RAM is only a small part of the GPU, you can have 4GB-VRAM on your GPU and it can still be slow as hell.
  3. As far as I know even the slightest adjustment to their skeleton will rip apart their animations, they're not regular actors you can freely change things to. Now retextures and adding stuff to them is possible, and has been done by many mods. For example: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31229/ http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17473/?
  4. Knockback or knockdown is what it's called.
  5. Your PC simply can't handle it. Towns contain a ton of objects, actors and scripts being run simultaneously, which takes heavy toll on your system.
  6. Hmm I may have been wrong, but I do recall a mod like that one doing this for me.. Might have been something that got fixed later.
  7. That picture is too small.... Anyways to fix problems like these: Start disabling mods in groups of five from the bottom of your load order and work your way up till it's fixed.
  8. Which mod. Also, just inside the forge/inventory or is it also invisible when you equip it?
  9. Let me guess, you got deadly dragons installed, that mod lets dragons knock you around with every move they make. You'll like this though: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17491/?
  10. Growing up in Skyrim makes you an old man at a certain level too doesn't it?
  11. The way to install an ENB preset is of course to follow the instructions of the mod author, but every good ENB has proper instal instructions.
  12. It's fire... of course it's bright. If anything, not nearly bright enough: https://www.google.com/search?q=hot+coals&safe=off&espv=2&biw=2133&bih=1061&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=MasxVMDQA86xac2jgugH&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ&dpr=0.9
  13. Or just download the unofficial skyrim patch.
  14. It's a very large download, probably got corrupted somewhere during the download.
  15. It sure could, does it not happen on a new save?
  16. Do you have any screenshots of how it's supposed to look? CBBE comparison isn't very helpful, that's a completely different body and set of textures.
  17. Don't have much experience with it but I believe you need to paint grass-less soil over it.
  18. Use this tool to remove everything: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/7804/? Download a preset and copy paste it's full contents into your /skyrim folder. Download the latest ENB file from enbdev and copy only the d3d9.dll from the wrapper version into your /skyrim folder. That's how you install ENBs. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30936/? has an extensive installation guide
  19. Same thing. 4k means it's a higher quality picture, not that you need a 4k monitor, they're unrelated values.
  20. LOOT should be fine, I use LOOT too with the same mods.
  21. That's not how it works, a 2k image will look better than a 1k image on any monitor.
  22. This happens when one or both of the following are true: GPU is overclocked too much GPU is overheating from overexertion long story short, your GPU can't handle it
  23. This happens when one or both of the following are true: GPU is overclocked too much GPU is overheating from overexertion long story short, your GPU can't handle it
  24. Just wondering, what specific folder are you installing these mods to? Because if your mods are in the correct folder there is absolutely no way for them to not show up ingame.
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