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Everything posted by Valkasha

  1. Do you have a mod called FNIS? If so, run the FNIS generator, if not, are you sure FNIS isn't a requirement for the mod?
  2. Some things that are known to cause incompatibilities you could look to remove: -ETaC (be sure to remove compatibility patches as well) -moonpath -those sexlab and penis mods you got aren't supported
  3. Illegal versions are not allowed. Buy the game on steam it's on sale for like three dollars.
  4. You probably didn't look at the before and afters then, the difference in quality is very noticeable. For example my ebony armor retexture, it went from looking great and shiny to looking bland with weird green spots. I suppose the higher the quality of textures you use the more noticeable the *optimization* will be. That tool doesn't just optimize textures, it normalizes the file size which causes huge reductions in quality.
  5. I wouldn't recommend optimizing textures, it really makes high quality armors look horrendous.
  6. By the way, freezes are caused by overexerted hardware (usually your GPU) and filled up memory (VRAM) Run the skyrim performance monitor, play for 10-15 minutes and post the log it gives you here.
  7. Did you re-run the FNIS user generator after uninstalling that mod?
  8. No one pays attention to it because it's not a vanilla bug, it's something you messed up yourself.
  9. More RAM is better than getting an SSD, 16GB RAM is optimal for Skyrim. Also you don't need a CPU that strong, an old sandy bridge CPU like the 2600 is already overkill for Skyrim, it's the GPU that matters the most.
  10. Wtf no way this setup needs 850 watts, 600 watt is perfect. Anyways, that setup is a lot better indeed, which specific CPU does it have? Oh and I wouldn't get frustrated if someone younger than you knows more about PC's, my nephew knows almost as much as I do and he's 14...
  11. Simple, it's a different person everytime, someone random that saw you perform the shout.
  12. Your own GPU is about as fast as these other two. Honestly if I were you I'd buy components and upgrade your pc bit by bit, start with a better CPU.
  13. 25 unknown mods: Use LOOT, it's the new and upgraded version of BOSS. BOSS is no longer being updated.
  14. Both of them have a shitty GPU, but at least the CPU is a decent upgrade.
  15. There's plenty of mountable animal mods around the nexus, why don't you take a look at how those authors did it?
  16. One of your mods may have reverted the changes, did you clean your mods with tes5edit? Anyways, have you tried finishing the first kill the leader quest first?
  17. Posting examples of other games that got converted to multiplayer doesn't make my statement less true. Skyrim online exists, and it works as well as a skyrim online game will ever work. The reason skyrims engine doesn't work with online play, is because of the damn lag. You are forced to play on ultra low graphics because every data has to be shared, skyrims engine is already inefficient in solo play, adding more people to the mix is simply not viable.
  18. Don't run on ultra? It's very unnecessary, stick to high and you won't notice a significant difference.
  19. This website doesn't support mods like that, go to l*v*rsl*b.c*m
  20. Does this happen with other followers too if you set their follow distance to around 500+? Because Sofia has her own set of AI packages which might be conflicting with EFF.
  21. There aren't supposed to be any rieklings outside windhelm, they're high level monsters, obviously you are using mods that don't fit SkyRe.
  22. Do you have a bounty?
  23. Brass control axe Aetherial Pulse Axe Steam Splitter The Disassembler The Unmaker
  24. What I like in player homes: Some sort of quest to obtain it, preferably somewhat challenging. No building materials or gold required, that's just time consuming not challenging. Beauty > usefulness but I think the basics should be there: smithing stuff, alchemy stuff, enchanting stuff, storage. Also, don't leave it too empty and don't make the rooms too large, a cozy home with lots of interesting ornaments (preferably custom made to keep it interesting) The interior also shouldn't be too large or else lighting becomes difficult.
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