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About Lisnpuppy

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    United States
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    Skyrim, Assassin's Creed Odyssey, Pathfinders, old school RPGs and stuff
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    Bg3, Morrowind

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  1. Lisnpuppy

    New here!

    Hello and welcome
  2. Hey! Does anyone know if there is a Poser Hotkeys Plus pose mod that has a kneeling pose. I am fairly sure regular Skyrim had one (Halo maybe?) but I can not find one that adds this pose. Like a kneeling down on one knee thing. I know there is a Bow for Me mod but I am wondering if there is a Poser one? Thanks!
  3. I think mine was about $30-$40 dollars at the time too. So it really was a bargain and remains so for as many things as I download.
  4. It's the middle, pointer finger and thumb and the impingement is in the nerves in your wrist. If you have numbness on the pinky finger and ring finger it is an impingement in the elbow. My husband works in Workers Comp claims and I worked for years in medical payments claims so we learn alot! lol
  5. I got my lifetime membership back in....um...2009 maybe? It was alot cheaper then! lol That being said, I would have gotten one anyway due to being a former moderator. That is a lovely gift given for service rendered. I also hate ads so it was a win win with faster DL speeds also.
  6. Yeah, kinda need the game. That being said lots of games have these and if you are talking about a Beth game then you will be spoiled for choice. Just let us know the game and we'd be happy to help or refer you to the porper section to ask more.
  7. Here since 2008 and two stints as a moderator. lol I just turned 52 so when I came here I was 37 and my daughter was 10... Man now I feel old :laugh:
  8. I thank you, I did have a good birthday and 20th anniversary. As to your post..... I'm not really interested in trying to argue the points here (again) or if my analogies were false equivalence or not. Really, none of that is the point or ultimately important. The only facts are 1) the ToS of the site (and I helped write an older version of them so they haven't changed) are clear on this. You report and move on. I don't think the OP was only talking about the debates section though as this has cropped up all over the forums as of late. They can correct me if I am wrong (though that is kind of irrelevant also.) The debates sections have few rules and go mostly un-monitored unless a report is made. 2) Robin has made this even more clear by specifically requesting these matters be left to staff by reporting them. What else is there to know? If you do not agree that something was moderated correctly, there is recourse for that *points to ToS*. If you do not agree with the decision on how these matters are to be handled there is a way to handle that too. I like to believe I was fair in my moderation dealings with both members and mod authors, who sometimes are at odds. I tried to apply the rules consistently because I like when I am dealt with consistently. I'd hate to see someone run afoul of the rules when they were trying to stand up to something clearly wrong. This is not a "free speech" place. It is a private site and someone's membership cost only entitles them to the rights and privileges agreed in the ToS that everyone agrees to when they join the site, pay or not. I guess y'all gotta do what you gotta do. But that could be against not only the wishes of the site owner but the ToS. I also know from years of experience as a former moderator and long time member, that engaging only gives these people a louder voice and more opportunity to spew their vile words. Do I think people's time could be better spent in real world actions than arguing this crap on a gaming site? Yes. That isn't anything other than a 52 year old mother of three telling others my experience. If you think I have never raged against the machine, you'd be wrong. See, I have had 68 surgeries on my vocal cords and sound like ET with a country accent. I've fought crap people all my life. I've also learned that some time, you have to pick your battles. Sometimes a surgical strike is better than screaming into the wind. I had to learn that the hard way. I hope that none of you have to do that. I do wish to thank you, Fokke, for making your arguments in a polite way and trying to support your arguments with details and not just screaming. I really do appreciate that. However, I have said the same thing over and over and this is not a battle I am interested in picking. The rules are clear. The rest is up to you.
  9. I understand that this is a difficult situation. However, again, if you report the crap they go bye bye as do their post in general. F--K do I understand wanting to stand-up to this absolute crap. Trust me. What I do not think many of you are getting is that the site has very explicit rules about these kinds of post and what they will do about them. It will not go unpunished. However, just look at this thread from the last few days. We are, by in large, in agreement that these post are wrong and have no place here. The staff feel the same. Yet, here we are arguing semantics, for lack of a better term, over and over and over. How do you think it will go with the actual troll? For those of you that have access to the mod author forums (which to be fair is pretty hands-off by the staff BY DESIGN) we had a thread there arguing about this matter and people posted over and over and over, ad nauseam, about these things. What purpose did it serve? Was anyone's minds changed? No. Because again, these people hide behind the anonymity of the the internet. They are not interested in hearing the other side. They are not interested in opening their hearts and minds to the rights of these vulnerable communities. They just want to have some echo chamber to try and maintain their boundary maintenance and to find someone willing to agree with them so they can feel somehow justified in their bigotry. The Nexus is a private site and none of us have a right to make this our bully pulpit (no matter how right or justified we are in a matter.) The more postings that people see about it, the more trolls will also feel justified and will continue to post and spread more hate. I likened it to someone coming to your house, looking in your open window and then screaming at you they don't approve of your cute pink curtains or that another person on the property is wearing a hateful t-shirt and you screaming into the window about it. It is not your home, you are a guest here at best. The pittance one pays for premium membership only grants one the rights that the "homeowner" gives. If you go to a friends house for a dinner party and one guest becomes unruly, will you fight with them when the homeowner has asked that they handle the matter? No, you would not. You would let them handle it or you would leave the situation (or both.) This is not different. Robin has made the ToS of the site and the rule is report and move on. I know it is difficult to come to a place you maybe love, that you have felt comfortable or safe and not be able to fight back. I can not EXPRESS how much I get it. But these are the only allowed choices. Now, I am not telling anyone to get the hell out of dodge so do not say that. When you do not report these things and engage in behavior that is also against the rules it serves no purpose and will get you no satisfaction. Again, you simply provide these bigots with a bigger voice than they would otherwise have. It may also get you a formal warning for breaking the ToS. No one should be above the law (or the ToS in this case.) Just like in the real world if you disagree with someone and punch them in the face, no matter how right you are, no matter how deserving they are of getting their face re-arraigned, what will happen to you? Likely, something you do not want, did not intend and it just allows those trolls to feel even more justified when they are able to see that formal warning (cause you don't have to be a member to see that) that you have gained yourself. THE RULES ARE CLEAR. Think for a moment about the larger picture here. It is one thing to go to staff if you have reported post and nothing has been done for a long time (the staff get tons of reports-I know since I moderated here two different times) and it takes some time to weed through the crap. They do get to it and will take care of it. But if they do not, absolutely start a POLIET dialogue with them with your concerns. Please, use this righteous anger and direct it into more meaningful ways. Ways that you can truly effect change in the world. Make these people look you in the damn eye. That is not fighting with some bigot who does not care what you think, that hides behind the anonymity of the internet, whose opinion you will never change in this context and will likely just have more opportunity to spew their vile thoughts by responding to every post you and others make. These things ALWAYS become a free-for-all. You would be surprised how many people have engaged in these good fights and forget to report the breathing turds. Ultimately, none of this matters. The rules of the site are clear. Report, report, report and let the "homeowner" handle the matter.
  10. I'm turning 52 in 2 days...ugh
  11. I can understand what you are saying here. But I also agree with the person you responded to (JediMaster) in that this is a private site. I am going to look at this as a former moderator for a sec. When you engage with some troll, or hate-speech lover or whatever, what purpose will it serve? Trust me, I have gotten in trouble more than once here and in real life for fighting the good fight. Sometimes though, you have to pick you battles. The site rules about "not feeding the trolls" and being a forum vigilante have been in place since I got here in 2008. When you go in swinging, no matter how right you may be, it really only allows the trolls to keep on talking. Sometimes the best thing is to take away that voice by just letting the moderators handle it. I realize this is more personal to you that to others. I think you know from a certain other forum topic, my views on this kind of thing. I also know form being a moderator twice here and just being an old lady (I'm turning 52 in 2 days) that you really have to pick those battles and with peopled such as this, no amount of internet posting, no matter how well written or thought out will change their minds. I mean they are posting anonymously after all, so do they really care what we think? These people are vigorously practicing boundary maintenance. Engagement is futile. I know it is hard when you know something is wrong. But this is like someone's private home. You must respect their rules of behavior. Report the crap out of these things and then, go out into the real world and fight the fight where it is most valuable and effective. Be social and politically active. Make them look you in the face when they say their hate, then it is much harder to keep that boundary maintenance intact. Fighting that fight here, it serve not the greater good and just gives those who are spreading that hate more opportunity to do so. They REALLY hate to be ignored. Report it and move on to more important things, like the real world and the social and political action where you can actually push for real change. Best to you, Nepiah.
  12. oh I thought my account would be banned. Good to know. I would suggest you ask a moderator directly, not ask in the debates section.
  13. I was able to use mods with script extender manual install until recently and now the mod manager does not recognize it is there. I know where it goes. Everything is updated but a mod author asked me to try it using the mod manager to download and install the script extender. This tools option is and always has been greyed out for me. I posted on the BG3MM site but have gotten no response. Does anyone else have this issues? I have old saves stuck without use of certain mods. I can still play but I can't use the Bag of Holding Weight Reduction which will cause me to lose a TON of crap. I also can not use any mods that still need the extender (like 5E spells) as it will not let me play the game AT ALL with one of those mods in my load list. Thanks in advance for any help
  14. I do not use Vortex so I can not speak to that. Is it giving you any errors at all? You only updated that list and not added any of those as new? Your game itself is up to date? (I know these may be silly questions but I have to ask.) I'm hoping someone else jumps in here that uses Vortex that can help you further. It may also be worth checking those updated mods and some of the bigger ones (Like ImprovedUI and 5E spells) to check for similar issues. Also did you save when you started a new game to see if it would load in ok?
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