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Status Updates posted by humanbean234

  1. H'yo, Lise... long-time-no-see. Guess who's back?
    1. Lisnpuppy


      *waves madly* Hey you just missed me being a moderator here for the last few years. I stepped down like a week ago. Wow...if I knew that would bring you back I'd have done it a long time ago! ha ha! Welcome back!!
  2. Yah, life is goin' along right tolerable, for now. :)

    Hope likewise for you & yours, Mal.

  3. Likewise, hope the holidays were good to you, too, and a joyous New Year also. :)
  4. Merry Christmas, Micky (or whatever holiday you choose to champion). :)
  5. Merry Christmas, Dani. :)
  6. Yep, it's me. :)

    (I can't see where anyone could benefit from hacking this account... could you?)

  7. Oh, really? Then what color is my shirt?

    (lol... Hiya, Dani. :* )

  8. Heya, Dani, how goes it?

    Settled-in to my new (mostly)-civilian life, now, and figured I'd drop in to say 'Hi'. :)

  9. Still has a lot of stuff to do, but a bit more free-time. I'm back, for a bit. :)
  10. Things iz gud! It's Chusok (Korean Thanksgiving), and I've got a four-day weekend. How's life at your end?
  11. H'yo, kiddo! How's life been treatin' you, these past few?
  12. And likewise, Merry Christmas to you as well! (Teri says 'Hi'...)
  13. H'yo... what's up?
  14. You've been quiet for a while... doin' alright?
  15. Yeah, sure, SiteBot's got a lot of posts and kudos, but I invited him to this party, once, and he drank waaaay too much tequila & started hitting on my girlfriend...
  16. Eh... you can look all you like, but you know the shop rules; you break it, you bought it.


  17. It is sometimes difficult for me to remember to ask "Why?" before speaking.

    Is it possible for us to start this conversation again from the beginning?

  18. Ice cream for today was Pistachio Almond, but only because they were out of Jamoca Almond Fudge.

    If I have a secret weakness, it'd be Jamoca Almond Fudge.


  19. Thanks! The 'Wedding' part is easy; it's the 'Marriage' part that I could use the Luck on.

    Take care!

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