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Posts posted by humanbean234

  1. I *like* to avoid conversations where anyone has become driven to near-fury.


    My moniker is indicative of my personality; I identify myself as "HUMAN BEING" first-and-primary, and all other traits as secondary to my existence. I become nervous and edgy around folks whose primary sense of self is identified by a differing factor of personal tastes, rather than by the common bonds that unite us all.


    I'll be on other threads for a while until this one mellows out. :dry:

  2. Chilliwack


    (OT - Domingo “Sam” Samudio, of Sam the Sham & the Pharoahs has lately been gigging as a motivational speaker, and spent a few years working in Prison Ministry after his musical career stopped supporting him)

  3. In the "Famous Last Words" department...


    Conrad Hilton was born in San Antonio, New Mexico, and began his career by renting out rooms in his adobe home. He took a job as a local bank cashier and was so successful that he soon purchased a bank of his own. He assumed control of a small hotel in Cisco, Texas in 1919 and over the next sixty years built an international hospitality empire. On his deathbed just before he died, Hilton was asked if he had any last words of wisdom for the world.


    "Leave the shower curtain on the inside of the tub."

    -----Hilton, Conrad N. (1887-1979)


    (Now, if only his idiot descendant, Paris, could produce such gems of wisdom...)

  4. I like ya-ya sisterhood!


    The first time I ever heard that title, all I could think of was the old Lee Dorsey tune



    An amusing R&B tune, whose original lyrics (reportedly) had to be re-written to get airplay.


    I like old R&B.



    Jonathan Coulton - Skullcrusher Mountain

    A fun l'il tune about an evil genius with relationship issues.




    About 2/3 of the way down the page, from the album Where Tradition Meets Tomorrow


    If you click on the little blue arrow under "Hear" you can listen to the MP3 for free.





    We now return you to your regularly scheduled evil and mayhem...

  6. I like noisy houses...sometimes...and if you all play gutiar then I am ont he drums. We have better rhythm you know.

    I like that Chesto is feeling creative.


    I have excellent rhythm, in my hands, and in my feet. Somewhere around the base of my ribcage, however, there's a rift in the space/time continuum, so the rhythm in my hands never quite syncs with the rhythm in my feet.


    That's why I play guitar.

    No feet required.


  7. *I Like* when two people prepair dinner together...each doing different parts, then both do the dishes together, then go and....um...er...ah...watch TV together. Yeah...TV.


    One of the lesser secrets to a successful relationship: Bedroom hijinks are all fun & good, and hangin' out is nice, but a couple who can work together in the kitchen without stepping on each others' toes (literally or figuratively) have a much better chance of staying together.


    I like to "boogie" in the kitchen with my fiancee, Teri.

    (I worked in restaurants for four years... darned handy with a skillet!)

  8. Eh like * I like *Ok maybe this will wakey your brain...heres many hands..by my favourite Irish singer..for this genre anyways..tis not as good as her live show,wqhere she wore, this one piece black skin tight jumpsuit, and boots..she is one sensuous singer..eyes closed, belting this out with her lovely voice, not also done justice on this video, writhing about.. her own hands all over herself on stage..quite, hot..this video only one I could find of that song.. poor quality, not bad representation of the song..and her umm duel nature..but not as sexy as the live version use your imagination......ohhhhhh yeahhhh..la :whistling:



    Goddess I hope this post does not get me trouble..I keep forgetting this isn't Ireland.. :rolleyes:


    For me, "Best Female Irish Singer" still belongs to Maria Doyle Kennedy in The Commitments, circa 1991.



    This song (her rendition of it) still sends chills up my spine.

    And I've got a 'thing' for brunettes, anyhow.

    Smokin' hot...

  9. I like that I'm almost finished with reinstalling and reconfiguring my OS, and that I was able to find the old "Rusty" skin for WMP9 (all I ever use WMP in my XP mode for is streaming radio).




    Two or three more days and I'll have Oblivion fully reinstalled and be able to play again!

    (Currently jammin' on Stevie Ray Vaughn Tightrope ... I miss that guy.)

  10. E.T. for the Atari aside (my stepfather actually bought that POS for my younger sister, and she's still got her complete set of Atari & cartridges in storage), the worst PC game I ever bought, played, and was disgusted by was Alien Logic: A Skyrealms of Jorune Adventure.


    Jorune was a very novel concept in pen/paper RPG when it came out, and I had a buddy run a brief campagn of it that I seriously enjoyed, so when the PC game was released I snapped it up... and got madder than hell when the program included a fatal error (eventually corrected by a patch) that would freeze up (requiring a complete reboot), and the gameplay essentially consisted of three minigames... the combat was just side-scroller... it was a total waste of my $15, and 20+ hours of my life.

  11. (hmmm... dials cellphone number for Dezi... the real one... I don't think the clone ever got a cellphone... yeah, he duplicated the amulet, but he can't duplicate a Sony Ericsson...)


    "Heya, kiddo'... my sources tell me you're into the... um... "hospitality" business as of late. Can I interest you in a Sam's Club membership? It'd probably save you at least 15% on your supplier for burgers and steaks... I imagine you do a pretty good mushroom-&-swiss burger on the menu..."

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