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Posts posted by humanbean234

  1. Women and cats do what they want

    Men and dogs should learn to deal with it


    Robert Heinlein, one of my personal heroes!


    (amusingly enough, RPG Designer Richard Tucholka, another of my personal heroes, uses that quote as part of his sig...)

  2. 1. The First rule of "Fight Club in Oblivion" is you don't start a thread about Fight Club in Oblivion.

    2. The Second rule of "Fight Club in Oblivion" is you don't start a thread about Fight Club in Oblivion.

    etc, etc...lol...

  3. I like that my first published "mod" (not really a mod, just a merged .esp of patches) has an average View:Download of 15% within its first 24 hours of release.

    It would appear that I've found a want to fill in the community.

  4. what did i do wrong now?




    Ah, Duncan, here's some advice... you can steal a kiss, be coy about acting like you weren't planning to kiss, do what it takes to make yourself worthy of a kiss, but the only time you ever ask for a kiss is if you're about to depart on a dangerous mission.


    Asking for a kiss just looks kinda' pathetic.

    Either the lady wants to kiss you, or you need to give her a reason to want to... don't make it look like kissing you is doing you a favor; that's a passion-killer.

  5. I like that I don't want the guys to feel left out so...I'll kiss necro too! ok,once more!...he he ...yummy!

    I like that he serves our counrty!

    I like all who give of themselves to fight evil. God Bless!!!


    Thanks, though I don't really fight evil, per se... I fight infections.

    My patients, though... they fight evil.


    I like my job... I just don't like having to actually do my job, 'cos that means somebody's got an 'owie'.

  6. wow,will all you "old farts" stop bringing me down! :whistling:

    You. My lawn. Off.


    And quit sitting on the fence !

    *I Like* when all the neighbourhood snot nosed young punks go some where else to make noise.


    Lisn said:

    "I like that I am NOT OLD..just somewhat chronologically (and gravity) challenged. HAR"


    ...heh....Then it's a shame to be so young with yer arse a draggin'....

    bite me.....lol


    C'mere and tip yer head back, and I just might! :whistling:


    (Something you may not have learned yet, Dez... the only real difference between a 22-year-old and a 42-year-old is twenty years of practice... lol...)

  7. my fav quote is


    'Veni Vidi Vici'

    ~Julius Caesar



    kinda like my own motto


    "Veni Vidi Veni"


    And there's always "Veni, vidi, vino, vomito."

    ('I came, I saw, I got drunk, I threw up.')

  8. You're only as old as reality makes you, darlin'...

    Metaphorically, the way my mind and body operate, I kinda' see myself like an 18-year-old driving a Nash Rambler that required a bribe to the State Inspector to get a sticker.


    I don't think I'm old, but I kinda' clunk a bit if I corner too sharply... :wink:

  9. Happy Birthday, and all such...


    I like being finished with a project that culminates in my delivery of a concise estimate to my Command with my name on it.


    I like that my report will drastically improve the readiness and capabilities of my entire platoon, and thus my entire squadron.


    But what I really like... is that my list of the platoon's 209 missing or broken tools and other items makes the lazy f***ers who've been responsible for this task (and failing to perform it) for the previous year look like the dirtbags they are, in the glaring light of day.


    I like poetic justice. (smuggrin.gif)

  10. Just stumbled across this one on the web...


    “The law in its majestic equality forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.”


    — Anatole France (16 April 1844—12 October 1924)

    -----Winner of the 1921 Nobel Prize for Literature


    .....and my personal favorite of the day....


    "When I hear a statement like that coming from a woman candidate with any kind of perceived whine about that excess criticism, or maybe a sharper microscope put on her, I think, 'Man, that doesn't do us any good, women in politics, or women in general, trying to progress this country."

    -----US Vice-Presidential candidate, Sarah Palin, Spring 2008


    (Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...1203225_pf.html )

  11. I like a lot of things and people, but keeping with the theme... I like everybody here with only one exception who's on my "Ignore" list (and no, it's not you Aeryn, it's someone else entirely... I also have a tendency to head for the kitchen to refresh my drink at parties when the conversation goes someplace I'm not hip on listening to... usually it's back to normal by the time I've got a new drink and refilled an ice-tray...)
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