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Posts posted by humanbean234

  1. Actually this is a small private reunion, a 10-br house on the river has been rented, and my husband and I arriving by boat, not the crab boat, but our Cris Craft. And I don't often obsess about my weight but I'm 45 years old and a still a bit vein, I admit. And I've gained a few pounds in the last couple of years and I want it off anyway.


    On another note here's me with my bike, I tried to find a better one of me actually riding it but i couldn't! And by the way that is a FUGLY pic of me, no makeup and heavy, but I love my bike.



    Lady, I know from Fugly, and you ain't it. Your husband's a lucky fella'.


    Pardon my drooling.

  2. I like a woman who doesn't obsess about her weight (my fiancee weighs around 158, and I happen to find her delightfully cuddly). :biggrin:


    What's the big trip with hoping to impress people at a HS class reunion? Most of the bozos I went to HS with, I don't really care if I ever see again.

  3. (reenters from ULC, dusts off chair, sits)


    Hmmph... well, the upside of a myconid army is that manure is cheaper than Zombie Chow, and we don't need to equip them with night-vision goggles for night ops. Downside is that they shrivel up in sunlight... now I've noticed that the zombies also have a tendency to spazz and just mill about when exposed to direct sunlight also... I sense some possible problems with our first plans of attack, with a serious loss of effectiveness at around 07:30am. We'll need to work on this.


    Okay, boss? Got a question regarding your 'Souls' request... how much soul can you wring out of an average zombie?

    Is this project more reliant on quality over quantity?


    Next question is about securing "haunted" real-estate, but I think we should table that issue until after the 'souls' thing has some kind of plan in place.

  4. What... tha'... hell...


    I leave for a few days, we've got some agendas for taking over the world set, proper evil plots and all such... and I come back to this?!?! :blink:


    The lair reeks of pachouli, there's King Crimson and Pink Floyd blaring out of the intercom speakers, half of you are just sitting around giggling and staring at nothing, and there are zombies tracking cottage-cheese all over the floor! What tha' hell is going on around here?




    (exits again, ULC)

  5. (*pokes head through conference-room door*)


    Umm... hey, people?

    I'm not entirely sure just what's going on with the boss, but he's down the hall in the t-junction with Corridor #3, spinning in little circles in his motor-chair, and he keeps singing the chorus to Allman Brothers' Whipping Post, over and over.


    I just got him to sign-off on a salary-increase request and three expense-account vouchers I'd been holding onto... if you're quick, you might be able to do likewise. Just approach him slowly with a big smile, and try not to get your toes too close to the chair-wheels. Good luck, and Sheila will be covering me for next-week's meeting... I will be investigating potential base locations in Cancun for a few days, thank-you-very-much!

  6. (sidebar: I've been given a six-hour span back in cantonment, away from the Field Exercise, to launder uniforms after an unfortumate incident with an open bucket of motor-oil left in the truck carting our rucksacks)


    Carth: I'll avoid the sappy "T'is better to have..." cliche, and just say that I've been there, yeah it sucks, and yeah, you're likely to be a little gunshy in relationships for a while, but it does get better eventually.

    Your friends will still be here when you return, and will still be happy to see you.

    Until such time, bro...

  7. Same... have Sheila put it in my inbox.

    Don't factor square-footage for mushrooms into the estimate; we've still got nearly a quarter-mile of maintenance tunnel that's largely clutter-free, dark, damp, and perfect for setting up middens in. Just make sure your tray-rigs are on wheels, or are narrow enough to allow two minions or one attack robot to pass between them and the conduits.


    I'm going to have to leave for my ten-o'clock meeting with Vlad... wait... who'd you say you replaced Vlad with? Well, I've got to meet with the section chief of Procurement, I've got at least six new projects in my inbox already, and I still need to check with the cafeteria on the catering for that "Club A Baby Seal" team-building exercise in Accounts Receivable. Any questions, issues, or MI-6 agents invading the base, you know where to reach me.


    Tomorrow morning, then, people?

    (exits again, up-left center)

  8. If you haven't seen Dezi flirt yet, than you haven't been paying any attention these past few, have you?


    I like being astute enough to catch most of it.


    Flirting is a lot more fun when it's subtle.

    When it's a blatant come-on (like many spammish "Friend" invitiations on MySpace, for example), it ain't.


    Dez: You go, girl. :thumbsup:

  9. (Note to self: Avoid the salad-bar at the employee cafeteria from hereon...)


    Planning a party, are you? Some of that stuff is native to the area, isn't it?


    Okay, I failed botany in high school, and I was never much for helping my mom with her garden, but some of those plants are obviously going to need a greenhouse... which means construction costs... and materials... and pesticides... why can't you just kill them with pesticides, and cut out the middleman?


    Okay... yeah, I know, there's an "art" to all of this... Christ, I hate to think of what all those grow-lights are going to do to our overhead costs on electrical.


    Figure out how much square-footage you're going to need, and prepare to sacrifice at least 30% of your requested. This will have to go onto the mid-range calendar... can we discuss this further, at next week's meeting?

  10. It won't take long to get his next clone up-&-moving, but the two weeks we'll lose him during New Henchman Orientation are gonna' be rough, people.

    It's not easy to find someone who does all his own stunts.

    I think we can get Jon Lovitz to play him, in the film.


    Meanwhile, somebody call the temp agency.


    (Bravo! :biggrin: )

  11. Can do. What should we do in the unlikely event that the movie execs don't like the proposed screenplays? Blackmail? And I'll see if we can't get Kilmer in on the film. He jumped onto the 1995 movie: Batman Forever without even reading the script, so maybe we can sucker him into it(assuming we have to resort to that).


    You know the drill; we shop one of the screenplays to one studio, and if it doesn't sell, than we wait for the movie to be produced, and use the other two screenplays to file lawsuits for plagiarism. At best, people will think I look like Val Kilmer. At worst, the studio will settle the suits out-of-court, and we get an extra two or three million to add to the Time-Machine budget.

  12. Rhs88: In the field of industrial espionage related to your pet project, there, you should consider getting an agent to infiltrate these guys. They've already done a lot of ground-breaking work in that field, and I'm sure you can make good use of what you find there.




    I don't hear any 'Nay' votes, so Jojo? Get busy on it.

    You know the standard deal... talk to Sheila about using one of the pre-arranged shell companies, and get three of your brain-boys to submit screenplays similar to your proposed plot. Two months later, you get to pull the actual job, and then once hollywood has recovered from being held for ransom, we work on optioning the movie rights.

    Talk to me again once we're into the optioning phase... I wanna' see if we can get Val Kilmer to play me, this time.

  13. Just have Sheila leave it in my Inbox.


    Okay, so I think Jojo's idea about the fake nuke in the San Andreas has some potential; should be good for at least two billion, and the free publicity alone is probably worth another three. That's the great thing about any scheme that threatens Hollywood.


    Jojo thought it up, so I'd say he's the natural to head-up that project.

    All in favor?

  14. You wanted an SF187. Why would you want an SF187? You're not in the proper information sphere to even SEE an SF187! Tell me, how many Loyalty Pointz do you have?! I'm considering reporting this to Lord Garett!


    I believe you're thinking of an SF 178 (Interrogation Session Summary Report). I'm talking about an SF 187 (Budget Prospectus), which if you submit correctly, is always worth your time.


    I made that mistake myself, a few weeks after I started here.

    The scar from that damned tracker implant still itches.

  15. What's-her-name from the uranium company went Stockholm-syndrome about two months back, and she's been working in the steno pool down in Procurement since.


    Ricky, remember you also need to forward a copy of the finalized to me, along with a triplicate copy of Standard Form 187 and a DNA sample from your two Lead Researchers to get budget allocation and lab space.


    I'm thinking we may want to shelve the ectoplasmic baguette line for a while; the field offices in France and Belgium have been reporting some setbacks.... maybe naming 'em "Ghost Toasties" wasn't such a hot idea, after all...

  16. Rhs88, I am shocked. SHOCKED. I have not felt so betrayed since it turned out that that guy who runs through here laughing has a better salary than me.


    Does anyone remember Tammy? The girl who used to work in Human Resources, up until your aforementioned bear-trap incident? She thought 'knock-knock' jokes were hysterically funny, and when Laughing Boy had his interview with her... well... she thought he was seriously flirting with her. That's how he wound up with a salary that big, and Tammy following him around for a while until she stepped in one of your traps.


    Also, humanbean, don't forget to pay the gas bill tomorrow, as I'm really using the incenerators alot lately...


    What gas bill? We've been holding the meter-guy's daughter in cell 58 for months, now.

  17. Good news everyone! Ive found out a brilliant way to fund our evil organization. It seems alchemist in the middle ages were right about creating gold from lead but didnt have the right technology. It seems that you can make lead into gold simply by adding protons, neutrons, and electrons to the lead's atomic structure until it matches gold.


    Your not burning either, dezi


    I applied the sun tan lotion like you told me


    Well, this will make my job a bit easier.

    (Man, am I glad I'm not the Science guy... if he screws this project up, or runs past a deadline, it's volcano time for him.)

  18. The X-COM games (the strategy ones), as far as I'm concerned, are the best games ever made. Enemy Unknown and Terror from the Deep were turn-based and Apocalypse could either be played turn-based or real-time. I play Apocalypse once a year.


    Heroes of Might and Magic 1 - 4 are brilliant turn-based strategy/RPG games and HoMM 5 was OK, if not a little too cartoony for my liking.


    Ditto from me on the X-Com series! They were great fun, and delivered many hours of great gameplay (on a 386 processor, no less!)

    Chryssaloids... damn, I HATED those things.

  19. Hmmm... (inspects the mess left on the floor)... no terrific loss. That's muenster, not swiss.


    Well, you needn't worry about the volcano thing, lady. Once I'd gotten the pizza, I calmed down a bit, though I did have a bit of fun at your expense... You know that jet-powered motorcycle you were so fond of for speedy getaways? The one with the remote controls? The one you used to own?


    I traded it to the pizza kid for his Vespa. He seemed really thrilled with it.

    At least, up until the point where I had the operator take control of the cycle, and steer it full-throttle into the wall of the delicatessen. You should see the film-footage... it's a hoot.

    But since I'd paid for the pizza with my credit-card, and the receipt was destroyed when the cycle's fuel tank ruptured...


    Your new Vespa is currently down in the garage... the mechanics are still trying to figure out how to fit it with a nitrous oxide kit.

  20. (returns, wiping his mouth with a napkin, takes seat)


    Okay, I'm back... what'd I miss?




    Boss has put out another memo... hmm...


    By his definition, I'm technically Supply, but I'd prefer to title it "Finance and Logistics," since I'm doing double-duty, here...


    (Hmm... probably just be better to put my title up above the door, and if the boss asks, insist that he's the one who thought of it. Last guy who directly questioned the boss got that laser-in-the-walking-cane treatment... hmm... where's my Maalox? That pizza is already starting to talk back to me...)

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