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Posts posted by tnu

  1. Hey I'm loong for a mod to complete my roleplayning playthrough as well as other immersion/Roleplaying mods R&D still seems to be the standard bt s there anythng wth better compatability? Is in, either it doesn't need a patch for every other food/drink/etc mod out there or is very easy to make a compatability patch for? Becase I'd rather not clutter my game with a bnch of compatability patches

  2. Personally I think it'd be better to sacrifice aittle customization for a lot of depth in the Mothership Zeta Crew fashion. It's easier to give the feel of being a major power on par with the NCR when you go this rout instead of %100 customiization and it establishes a bit more of an identity.

  3. The more I think about it, the les sense Eden's plan makes. Given my limited understanding of how "mutation" actually works in genetics and biology It just raises one big question. Mutated compared to what?. Even the"purest" of Enclave or Vault Dwellers would still have mutated in some way over time because that's how genetics work. Our bodies often go through subtle mutations on a regular basis (mind you i'm not a geneticist or anything so maybe somebody more knowledgeable can shed light on it.) So the FEV would probably be damaging to even the enclave. If not the current generation enclave then almost certainly to future generationsof the Enclave.

  4. Ok so I recently stumbled on this




    So apparently James was originally meant to become a Super Mutant and this got me thinking ofimplamenting this in to the game again

    . I was also thinkingabout the OTHER major plothole in Fallout 3. Namely, how Autumn survived the Rotunda chamber whenit was capable of instantly killing two power armored Enclave Soldiers and thinking maybe it would beless glaring if the post-Waters of Life Autumn were a ghoul?

  5. OK, I just finished marathonng Trigun andit's given me the urge to want to play a character inspired by Vash the Stampede. Would anybody be willing to recommend to me some mods to aid in this? particularly mods that make pacifism more viable/possible.

  6. OK I'm working on making a mod that will allowyou to use the Vault 101 console toopen and close the door again after a specific quest. My questionis, is itpossible to do this usng only self-contained scripts. Whichis tosay not to edit any vanilla records? Like say to use a master script disable the old Vault 101 door consoles and then enable duplicates with different scripts.Would I also need to replace the Vault door int his instance or could I script the new consoles to open the door as well? I'm alittle uncertain on the relationsh ip between doors and activators.

  7. mainly aesthetic elements. thesound effect not being that noisy, easily seen laser, plasma, or alien blast but maybe a queiter, less perceptable version thereof or a new effect that's quieter and less visible.


    It's been a long time bny the way vforvic. are youa nd drjonas still collaborating on MRC2?

  8. OK I play a stealthy sniper type and historically I've used the "Marksmans Dream" sniper riflewhich is absolutely fantastic but over the past several years I've generally favored Energy Weapons andthis has caused me no end of frustration because I can never find a silenced energy weapons sniper rifle much less one that seems believable. Does ANYBODY know of a mod that adds something like this?

  9. OK so I'm looking for a mod I had that allowed Tercorian to continue makng Cryo Grenades and Cryo Mines after he left the Enginearing core but the only one I can find is one that enables the feature prematurely. does anybody know of a varient that uses the proper trigger to start making the cryo weapons?

  10. Sorry to bump but I wouldn't feel ri ght ab out making a new thread since this one already exists. Does anybody know of a mod like this that already exists I think devinperterson is working on something simmilar to this but i'm a little unsure. communications have been abit... sparse but yes if anyone would be so kind as to point me to a mod like this for New Vegas that is in a pretty much complete state/is still being worked on and supportedthat would be very much appriciated. hopefully somethingw i tht he same grand feel as Mothership Zeta Crew.

  11. After reading through this whole thing I do have to agree on one point. I hated that you couldn't play after the ending. it just made me feel cheated because honestly it seemed like the Battle of Hoover Dam may as well have never happened. Sure the ending slides are nice and pretty well done bu t they just seem like cold comfort compared to an actual in-game reward that I can use after the Battle.


    But yes. If anyone has a suggestion for which play after the end mod is the best I would really appropriate it I just have no idea which one I should use.

  12. OK after playing Old World Blues a few times and making The Sink my base of operations I noticed soemthing. There are no chairs. Absolutely none. there is no palce to sit down and eat a meal or read a book this is.... abit awkwerd at times givenI have a tendency to go through a daily routine of eating and sleeping.

  13. Before I start I'd like to clarify please do n't respond with something like "tgm lol" or console commands. I don't mean powerful in a gameplay sense.


    What i'm wondering is this. What mods makeyou feel powerful in a story/character sense? perticularly like being the leader/ruler of an independent power in the wasteland with access to facilities capable of rivaling House, the NCR, The Legion, and may be even the TSC. A pwoer that youa re not subordinate to but are in command of with elements that are unique and meaningful in some sense (Like how the TSC has exclusive access to Alien technology)

  14. if your only complaint is the graphics I think that says a lot. honestly New Vegas was by far the superior game. I can understand why a lot of the fans of the classic titlesw ere so bitter ab out Fallout 3 now. Mind you I still enjoy ed Fallout 3 but i was more immersed in the world, conflict, chracters, and conficts of New Vegas I found myselfmuch more able to roleplay in th is game then i did in Fallout 3 in general.

  15. For Science!


    I was thinking of this recently when playing Old World Blues along with Cybernetics - Thermal Nightvision, RobCo Certified and Project Nevada and speculating on the idea of a mod to experiment on Companions and other NPCs turn them in to cyborgs/lobotomites, Ghouls, mutants of al sorts even subtle mutations that would give perks or different attributes to NPCs (You could also handle mutation in to things like Super Mu tants and other non NPC races like Super Mutants, Nightkin, and Spore carriers via a ssytem of forced/locked equipped items) but being able ot keep the identity of the NPC instead of replacing them with a genaric Lobotomite.

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