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Posts posted by tnu

  1. OK so I'm really hoping to be able to do a specific type of playthrough but formw hat I've seen it's either impossible or to o complicated for an ybody to want to attempt it. what I wanted to do was to have my PC take over and inhabit various locations has he pro gressed through the game (say Embershard Mine, than maybe upgrade to Illinaltia's Deep). but I'm not sure how best to go about this Dynamic things has a way to amke containers safe but there doesn't seem to be a way to reverse the co nversion of containers as fr as I can tell. than there's hte mo re pressing issue of enemies respawning if for whatever reason I find myse;lf away from the place for too long. I've heard that the best solution that exists is to go in to the CK and disable the spawn points or what have you and that aside form that your best option is to change the global reset time for all encounter zones. are these really the only viable solutions or would there be another way to help facilitate this sort of playthrough?

  2. OK htis is something along the lines of the Haven Bag where thehome itself is inside something like a bag b ut i n this case it would be a home in side a soul gem. I was j ust going through The Black Star again remembering how annoyed I was at the fact that if you didn'tg et the daedra hearts in your initial time in there (which is harder than it sounds for low level players) you were pretty much locked out of getting them. So this ti me I made an effor tot hide and make myself undetected while I was in the star, picking off deremora one by one. Than I started exploring the star before making the final kill and realized it would make a really cool home if I could actually go back there. maybe you talk to Nelacar again and he starts you on a quest or you give him Malyn Varen's Grimoire and he makes it so you are able to store your sou l somewhere and "live" there. maybe even have SAzura start to send Daedra afte ryou or something. for cheating her out of he4r artifact.

  3. No I'm probably in the extreme minority here but but it always kind of made me sad that Anise seemed to exist for many players at least. To to be killed and have her home taken over by the player. now I've been working on a playthrough that avoids killing nbamed NPCs but I'm very tempted by the prospect of SAnise's cabin as a good starter home personally I think Anise's secret should be expanded upon and involve a small quest. something hta tallows you to spare her and become on good enough terms iwth her to use her house. if there are mods that wo uld make thi s more viable already I'm not sure I'm aware of them

  4. OK so I plan on do ing a character who will take refugse in vairous dungeons as he progresses. he'll clear the dungeon and live there for a while before he upgrades to a new place. what I want to know is if my stratagy for doing this will be safe. make a mod that does one thing. sets the encounter zone of the dungeon I'm using to No Reset Zone. than when I'm ready to mo ve out of that dungeon I deactivate that esp and change it to whatever other dungeon I decide ot move in to. will this work? Is this safe given the issues with deactivating mods in Skyrim?

  5. OK I've been wanting to do a very specific type of thief playthrough. definatley not one that belongs with the guild. He's based on a thief from Ace Attorney and his MO is to steal information and secrets regarding corrupt dealings within various orginizations (the Jarls, Empire, Stormcloaks, the guard, the guilds, Black- Briars, Silver-Bloods that sort of thing) and expose this i nformation to the pubolic so for a less o bvious example. If a Jarl is involved in some corrupt or uneth ical activity his goal wo uld be to find evidance on this and expose it to the local populace same with the local guard or deeply entrenched orginizations like guilds or b usinesses. he sees exposing the truth and using it to empower and free the populace as his top priority. Im also mulling over giving him and his "partners in crime" a collective secret identity of osme sort. actually being an orginization that masquerades as a single phntom thief.


    Unfortunately most thief charactars seem to really rely on the guild and he's not really guild materiel becuase of his own ethics and code of honor. Being diametrically opposed to people like the Black-Briars. So far I use Sneak Tools and I'm thinking of using Guild Starter b ut I'm not sure. he's also going to have a laire. soemthing that's advanced. maybe something hi-tech or magic based. and I'm also working on what if any Gods he acknowledges. perhaps Zenithar, Julianos, maybe Nocturnal I don't know.


    Anyway any thoughts?

  6. OK i've noticed that the "My Content" page is showing so many fewer posts per page and only has three pages showing now when it had more before. can anybody tell me what has happened? I've also noticed my new threads and posts aren't showing up in "My Content" anymore.

  7. My main concerns are the lack of skills and the new dialogue system that seem to drastically limit yo ur options. epsecially for the creation of larger quest mods. it may be made impossible ot add more than fo ur dialogue choices which can be even more of a problem to those charactars who aleready have all four mapped already.

  8. OK this is osmehting I want to know.. I like mods like Mo thership Zeta Crew that give y ou a position of great power in the world of the game. My question is what m ods give that feeling in Skyrim? I odn't mean gameplay power like high stats or invulberability I mean narrative power like you actually have some greater position of power or authority in the grand scheme of the game world.

  9. the Goggles would be especially useful because I co uld use them as an excuse to circomvent hi s blindness. I'm also mulling over whet her I should use my craftable attunement sphe re mod so I don't have to use that Moth Priest as a middleman.

  10. I've been working on a Dwemer themed superhero for a while. Sort of a mix between Batman, Daredevil, and V with a technological/science theme. Focus on Speech, Stealth, and crafting. so right now I'm looking at various factors. first and foremost is his ho me base. I considered Sindarian's Lab, Avunchunzel, and Arkngthamz I'm definately looking for osmething with a "Batcave" feel to it somethign that looks advanced and bit of a cut ab ove the rest of Skyrim. as well as having room to build with Jaxonz Positioner and such.

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