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Posts posted by tnu

  1. This is one that has been bugging me. For the most part Jaxonz positioner does the trick but when you have an area like Cracked Tusk Keep that you want to make in to a player home all of the cobwebs and rubble piles and deadwood can really drive you mad. the standard protocol is to disable and markfordelete but that always felt a bit unsatisfying. It'd be nmice if I cold use tools or something to clean up all these varios bits of junk an debris and maybe even get some useful items out of it. now Dynamic Things already has certain objects covered like rocks nad trees to an extent but a lot of the res still needs soemthing for it. any thoghts on this idea?

  2. Philosophy and concepts of ownership aside, My character does not recognize the authority of the Jarls, the Empire, the dominion, or anybody else over any lands they have not used. He doesn't recognize the authority of man, mer, or beast. He may acknowledge their POWER but he rejects their claimed RIGHT to rule over one another in the same way he recognizes the power, existence, and nature of the gods themselves, he does not believe that they have any natural riht to dominion over mortal kind save for MAYBE some of the Aedra.

  3. Why is it that I need to always buy a deed or building permits or whatever from the Jarl or some guy named Carl or what have you in order to build a freaking home somewhatere? I don't need permission from some Jarl or King to build my estate i'm l ooking for more recent mods that reflect this. So far I've seen Riverside Shack, Millwater Retreat, and build your own home come the closest but I'm tryng to figure what comes closest to Hearthfires style

  4. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52583/?


    I would check out this mod


    I've been looking for a similar mod myself to house my outlaw characters. A fort for my maurading Nord and I'd like to use Lost Knife Cavern for my tribe of Argonians until I can get and figure out how to use the construction kit or can find someone willing to make the cave I have in mind. I've tried using Tundra Defense, but in caves like Lost Knife its buggy as hell: dragons flying through the walls, buildings that don't want to show up or move. About to test out Pocket Empire mod to see if I have better luck with that. Would still have to deal with respawning enemies but I could just explain that as a raid I guess



    how will you deal with respawning containers though? anyway you may also want to check out this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52583/?


    You can place literally ANY static from the game or any mod


    http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57335/? you can rename anyone anywhere or anythng.

  5. What would the SpecialModObject be for?


    And sadly, CellRespawns or anything similar doesn't exist.



    Could have sworn there'de be a variable to dictate if a cell respawned but basically the SpecialModObject would have acted as a token or activator that would be placed in the cell preventing it from resetting


    I wold very much like to see a skyrim version of this.




    Basically a means to gain ownership of an any area and (if applicable) prevent it from respawning. This mod




    claims to od that but doesn't actually work and it wold need to work for both vanilla and modded areas

    Part of its easy, stopping respawns might be harder. I'll look into it.




    I don't know much about scripting but could you run a check li,e if CellRespawns = True and then GetInCell SpecialModObject = 1 then set Cell Respawns to False?

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