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Everything posted by tnu

  1. are there instructions for how to make Windows XP recognize the additional RAM?
  2. I've been thinking about upgrading windows because Windows XP 32 Bit doesn't seem to recognize all of my RAM. My dad who worked with computers for a long time said that I should stick with a 32 bit operating system. But from what I gathered here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa366778%28v=vs.85%29.aspx No 32 bit OS supports mroe then 4 gigs of Memory. Can somebody help clear this up?
  3. fixed it sorry I don't know how that happened. i'll take a look at the guide. oddly enough the video crd and maybe the OS are the only thigns that are really "low end" about my computer.but yeah I should have looked in to what those ini tweaks were for.
  4. But...the high resolution pack IS disabled. Unless it requires mroe then disabling the ESPs to disable that perticulR MOD. aS FOR MY NATIVE RESOLUTION i'M NOT SURE WHAT THAT WOULD BE. i HAVE IT SET TO 800x600 because thats the easiest for me to see with my eyesight problems As for MultiThreaded Forces is that anything with "MultiThread" in the name?
  5. General instability. Crashes rather often, scripts don't seem to be working properly (Frostfall is reporitng heavy lag in the games scripting or something) saves becoming corrupt and causign crash on load errors, INI Prefs INI Version: Settings: Low Quality windowed mode. most of my mods are nexus but some are Steam Workshop. I launch with SKSE. AMD FX-8350 Eight-Core Processor that runs abt about 4.0 GHz OS: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (build 2600) RAM 16 GB though due to my OS its only registeirng abotu three GB. Video Card: GeForce 8400 GS
  6. Is this normal for a modded install of Skyrim? this seems quite large for a new game just being made. If anybody could point me in the right direction of if maybe certain mods are cuasignthis or if this is just normal it would be greatly appriciated. My laod order is thus. Masters for: Save 227 - Shido Kage Prison Cell 00.08.31.ess I'm experiancing a lot of instability even with a tweaked INI. and i'm thinking it may be due to save bloat.is there anyone who could help me pinpoint it?
  7. I gave it a look and it doesn't seem to be what i'm looking for. as it requires a lot of crafting right off the bat withotu access to crafting facilities.
  8. Hello, i'm looking for a decent starter house mod for skyrim that has all craftign amenities/stations but also doesn't just "give" you the home. Making you earn it in some way instead. Whether it be via quest or purchase.
  9. I'm looking for some mods to make speech less of a chore to level up. I'd be perticularly itnerested if there were a mod to implament a Morrowind style persuasion system in to the game to raise and check the disposition of NPCs. (including taunt and insult options as a means of inciting them to attack you) and anything else that raises speech while doing a minimall ammount of edits to the base game. (Like, no mods that edit shouts or apply scripts to books.)
  10. I'd acutally really like to see this. Especially the optin to place the tower in Skyrim as a really unique playe rhome.
  11. Would anybody else think it'd be cool to have the "Knights of Good" from the webseries "The Guild" as possible followers
  12. Yeah Hehe sorry about that. htat was my oversight in not noticing the new workignsofthe search features.
  13. I tried going ot "Advanced search" today on both Skyrim Nexus and Fallout 3 Nexus and for some reaosn whenever I clicked it or even tried to get their form a search engine it would redirect me to the main page of the respective Nexus. Is anybody else expeirancing this problem?
  14. Can you give me more details pls. Maybe describe a situation :smile: Just a summonable dragon that I can use Bend Will on when I want that I odn't have to go thorugh the whole main quest to get. So I can, for example, call him in and rid ehim during a Civil War battle
  15. Are there any mods that allow me to get a convenient summonable dragon to use "Bend Will" on?
  16. I disagree. Elder Scrolls has alwyas beenabout the individual ahciving grteatness rahter hten some collectie. It's why the hero sucedes where armies and raiding parties fail.
  17. Yes, that's a relatively recent aspect attributed to vampires if you read works such as Dracula, Varney the Vampire, Carmilla, The Vampyr, and other works of Victorian and pre-Victorian eras You will find it nowhere in vampire fiction. It started in the 1922 film "Nosferatu" which postdates all of the works I listed so its actually not even one hundred years old as a notion.
  18. yeah why doesn't Bethesda want our money!?
  19. Because she is wearing a hood :happy: Nah, it is for the same reason you wouldn't die if you catch vamprism (or as a vampire lord), Sun doesn't kill vampires in this game but it weakens them. Is there a mod that turns vampires into ashes when exposed to the sun?I personally preferr the way they did it in Skyrim. It's closer to the way that vampires were in the 19th century
  20. With a few exceptions I couldn't bring myself to care about any of the NPCs in the game. The Dark Brotherhood and Serana beign the only real exceptions. maybe some of the Companionsbut that's iffy. and I guess it could be said that I had a complex relationship with Ulfric Stormcloak, Titus Mede, and Nezeem.
  21. Farewell Skyrim. I so wanted to defeat the Thalmor once and for all and see myself crowned the new ruler of Tamriel.
  22. Huh. I alwyas thorught 0 hours disabled it and it only worked for up to one hour.
  23. Hello, I'd like ot ask if there are any mods or other methods to make it more likely that a dragon will spawn at hte start of a civil awar battle. I would really like tobe able to have a dragon spawn at the start of a battle so I can use Bend Will on it and use it during the battle.
  24. They're not alwyas chaoitic evil in later games wheras Tolkain Orcs are
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