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Everything posted by tnu

  1. That makes sene. personally I always figured it was a case of showing the guilds level of desperatin and how low they had to sink just to get by
  2. love the idea. Hell you could probably convince the whole of Honorhall right off the bat considering what they say after Grelod is dead.
  3. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29249/?
  4. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22330/? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12683/? If you you use one of these mods to build around your homestead it could achieve the same or simmilar outcome.
  5. this is already present actually each of the three can be dealt with without fighting.
  6. OK so i'm building a homestead in Falkreath and am undecided as to what additions to get but that's not really the heart of my question. WHat I want is an opinion on whether it would make any roleplaying sense to build the upstairs beds if I decide to get the bedrooms in the west wing.
  7. oh thank the eight and one. I was gettign worried I would have to start over with this char again.
  8. I have a game that's about 41 hours in, level 42 and the size is around 9.92 megabytes I do have quite a few items hoarded in m,y house which may have soemthing to do with it but this doesn't seem to add up. Can anyone tell me if my mods may be causing bloat and if so which ones? Masters for Save 946 - Shido Kage Lakeview Manor Cellar 41.00.59.ess: To add some more perspective my first save on this profile wasa bout 6 Megabytes I could be wrong btut that doesn't seem normal to me.
  9. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29836/? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36328/? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9717/? Keep in mind that Better Vampires is a comprehensive overhaul of vampirism and that all of these mods require SKSE (Skyrim Script Extender) and two of them require SkyUI. Both of which I highly recommend. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/3863/? http://skse.silverlock.org/
  10. Actually a more accurate translation would be Dov - Dragonkind Ah - Hunter Kiin - Born Or Born Hunter of Dragonkind
  11. I'm not sure how bg an undertaking this would be but we all know how wealthy a player can get in game and I just had an idea! Instead of using all that gold to just buy that potion or trinket or what have you why not use it to help skyrim? Turn the warrens in Markarth in to somethng livable, give the local beggars of a given area more then a pithy one septim per day! Provide people with homes and jobs possibly built in a Hearthfire style or Home Construction and Decoration! Maybe even re purpose some dungeons like halted stream camp which boasts a working iron mine, forge, and wood chopping area just to name a few in to functioning businesses where you can hire people. Particularity the poor and destitute of skyrim, to work for you. Even give gifts like medicine to the sick beggers of the world. Oh and investing in projects like making the Markarth warrens livable and turning it in to a small thriving community wthn Markarth. Now I understand this is probably quite an undertakng and couldn't be done in a day but if anybody would be interested I imagine this could turn in to something great. Also this thread can be used for brainstorming if anyone has any ideas or suggestions I haven't brought up please mention them.
  12. Is there a mod to add certain things from Dragonborn in to the main Skyrim area? Like the Bound Dagger spell tome?
  13. thanks a bunch though I'm not sure what to do with Wasteland capes to make them usable in New Vegas and on a closer examination I can't seem to find any of the items i'm looking for in these packs. Maybe i'm just not seeing them or looking right but the aside from a few of the packs having hoods and kind of having masks not seeing much of what i'm looking for. Thanks though.
  14. I'm doing character based on certain archetypes. Mainly Daredevil, V from V for Vendetta, Anarky, Batman, Zorro, Aiden Pearce, and the various protagonist's of the Assassin's Creed series basically as a vigilante freedom fighter/revolutionary and i'm really trying to look the part. So if anyone can suggest mods to help this image. Like the aformentioned clothing items (hopefully able to be worn over base armor) and various high tech gadgets as well as gameplay tools to aid in a pacifist run. If anybody knows of anything and could link me it would be very much appriciated. Also also if any of the capes/cloaks are modders resources. Some pics for reference. Anarky http://st-listas.20minutos.es/images/2012-10/346308/3761619_640px.jpg?1362349338 http://www.gpdesenhos.com.br/imagens/dccomics/anarquia2.jpghttp://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090203195802/batman/images/3/31/Anarky.jpg V
  15. I'd love to see soemthing like this but allowing you to cruicify enemies instead.
  16. tnu

    search markup

    This has been something i've been wondering about. I know quotes allowyou to search exact wording but I'm curious if there is any other search markup like the option to search for part of a word rather then the whole word.
  17. Doesn't really make much sense cnsideirng the Legion want to get rid of all technology and the Brotherhood are obsessive technophiles.
  18. I like this argument. It would explain a lot, like why would the Courier dare approach the Legion in Nipton and not just bug out when the Courier saw the massacre, why the armies are letting Courier into their camps and why the Khans and the NCR are using the Courier as a mediator. I would say this has a rather simple answer. Rule of the caravan wastes. Never $%^# with the man who delivers your mail.
  19. Just some thoughts. I know you say you don't have plans to do anything with the DLCs but I can see some pretty big potential for incorporationg those. for example Old World Blues ending states that the Courier eithe racted as a custodian of BIG MOUNTAIN releasing tech as it was needed or used it him/herself There's also the bad ending to Dead Money wherein the Courier and Elijah use the Madre and the Cloud to conquer the Mojave. There's even a mod already ine xistance htat expands that ending. http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/48388 Then there's of course the big decision at the end of Lonesome Road to consider.
  20. this is driving me3 insane. I keep going to the triggers, even try just going to the bunker and have her open it but Veronica's qust simply will not start! Ae there any files or plugins to fix this? I've tried doing the suggestions on the wiki and none of hte ones i've tried have really worked. any help at all\ would be nice. whether its a link to a mod that will fix this bug or whatever. I just need to gewt this quest going.
  21. If thi sis possible it owuld be so cool. mainloy as a means to leave custom calling cards in the wasteland.
  22. I found some great mods for the DLCs that may help the progress of VivaNV if you want me to linkt hem.
  23. any tutorials on hbow to make a staff?and how to make it use decent animations then?
  24. I'm not denying the likely lore behind it but my chracter specifically calls for martial arts and stick fighting techniques (Along with being in the Mojave Wasteland) and I was really wondering if there were any mods to address these needs for roleplaying purposes.
  25. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stick_fighting This has been a matter of annoyance for a while. I want ot make a character that uses Martial Arts and Stick fighting techniques. My main problems in this endeavor are Animations and a lack of weapons. Any stick weapons for example have the same problem as other two handed melee weapons in that they are held more like a greatsword or club rather then a proper staff. The Unarmed combat also holds the problem of looking more like a brawl then anything. There is also a severe lack of stick weapons. Staves, batons quarterstaffs, Bo staffs, and swordsticks (I can understand the latter as I can imagine it would be a nightmare to script) The only weapon that comes to mind in fact is Old Glory from Lonesome Road (and the Pool Cue but really what use is that?) Would anybody be willing to point me to ny existing mods or projects to rectify these problems?
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