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Everything posted by tnu

  1. I'd say make it more in line iwth Hearthfire. soi you can add furniture form Hearthfire, Dawnguard, and Dragonborn to capitalize on their unique objects as well. S8uch as ovens, Butter churs, staff enchanters.
  2. the trick is preventing the corpses from vanishing. carrying them is the easy p0art and has been done before.
  3. I say it'd fit perfectly given the nature of
  4. I was wondeirng how viable or difficult it would be to do a retexture of bears so thay look something like this? http://media.tumblr.com/47faab0355749a29691cb2d3c98b5896/tumblr_inline_mradkh0SRx1qz4rgp.png
  5. Wait wh ich of y our m ods has it for individual items? I never saw that function in MHIYH only the cell ownership one (whihc I also tend to abuse hwen I want to move my self or osmeone else in to a cell or fix some broken onwership issues like in Lance's show Room)
  6. I tried storing the Butcher's corpse in Hjerim and he vanished after a few days so it seems player homes stil l aren't safe.
  7. I think wha t he's suggesting is soemthing that's not q uite so limited basically it would allow you to select any destination and automate the travelling wit hout actually skipping hte jou rny.
  8. maybe an option to gain the support of the vairous guilds and factions? Like in New Vegas? Rally the Companions, the Brotherhood, Thives Guild, College House Televani? maybe teven the blades and/or the Greybeards?
  9. that would be pretty cool. I have been hoping for something similar to this mainly to add more mystery, crime, and detedctive fiction aspects ot the game. maybe if you have the right skills you can do an autopsy report or osmethign that will helpf ind the killer
  10. I was actually hoping for a way to have ROggbvir spared iw tho ut having ot kill anyone else. the idea of this is to avoid anyone dying.
  11. OK, this has always both ered me that ther eare ve yr few peaceful options ot certain issues. Just to give a few examples. The Forsworn Conspiracy - Either you kill Weylin or he kills Margret and than is killed by the guards Blood on the Ice - not counting the initial victim. You need to kill the Butcher to properly solve the quest. Entering Solitude -Roggvir MUST die? He deserves a trial at least. Give the poor gu y a chance. Arvel the Swift - Maybe he could be captured and brougth to justice? Bandit Leaders and Escaped Criminals - Same maybe capture them and br ing them to j ustice? These ar ejus ta few examples. but in general it'd be nice if there were more peaceful op tions for various quests, encounters, and events.
  12. SkyUi compatability would naturally be a must.
  13. Based on what we've seen I'd say thay're pretty well founded. based on what we've seen it looks like in order to add dialogue we'de have to replace existing dialogue o ptions somewhere along the tree. I'm not sure how you see it working any differently to be honest. Try adding more than fou r choices at a time and see how that works out. or try having multiple mods adding dialogue to the same charactar at the same point in the game and not just that but having m ore than three or four mods do it at once. This limited dialogue system should not be universal and does not belong in every RPG mu8 ch less every game. Will yous top with this false dichotomy that suppsoeldy if someone doesn't want eveyr RPG or every game to go with a voiced protaganist or a limited four-choices-at-a-time system tha tsuddenly we want the medium t o just never advance and activley want it to go back to the 8 bit era or something? It's a tired strawman that has no merit and y ou know this. you're just using it to demonize those who don't think this is the best thing ever and don't want it in every game as jsut some natural point of "progress".
  14. I'm sure some of these ideas mainly those revolving aro und caputre and imprisonment aren't too fargfetched comparatively.
  15. Yeah but what if the four buttons are all already mapped? submenues doesn't work for that and you could even have submenues wiht the old system without having to compeltely rework the exisitng options. I odn't see that happening here. The steps needed to create submenues to begin with would be a comparability nightmare and would basically mean multiple mods couldn't add dialogue to the same NPC. I'd much rather scroll sthorugh long dialogue optins than get these poor minimalist "options" that have to cope with the limitations of a voiced PC.
  16. wellt her eARE NPCs who do and have comitted crimes, such as an attempted murder in Blood on the Ice or as soon as you walk in to Markarth, or the various crimes that had been comitted by NPCS in the past like the Black-Briars and the Silver-Bloods. but I"m asusming you mean my idea for having random crime events wouldn't work yes?
  17. OK this is going to be a very disorganized series of ideas and thorughts so bear wi th me. the sorts of things I'm looking for are the following > A more immersive prison experience servingout sentences, possibly facing execution, > Make prison break s much more worthwhile. As it stands there is absolutely no reason to attempt to break out ofyour cell or escape the prison because that just leaves you wher eyou were when you had thebounty on your head in the first place. There is no reason whatsoever to attempt a prison break and absolutley nothing to be gained from it. You're better off just coming back foryour stolen gear onc ey ou've served your sentence. > Citizens arrest: if you catch a criminal in the act comitting the ir crime (say the guy at thebeginning of Markarth or the Killer in Blood On The Ice or one of those random thieves) you can immediatly confront them, subdue them, and see that thay make it ot a nice warm cell. alternatively if you encounter incriminating evidence against someone (Say Maven Black-Briar or Anise) you can present it to them and either subdue them or persuade/intimidate them in to coming quietly. Report to Guards: similar to citizens arrest but this involves y ou reporting the incriminating evidance and your findings to the Guards so that thay will confront and arrest the suspect NPC Prison Sentences: if an NPC is subjected to a citizens arrest or is reported to the guards than they will serve out an allotted sentence. After which they will either be executed or returned to their original location. Subdue and Capture, and Kidnapping: this owuld provide y ou the option to capture friendly or hostile NPCs using some of the mechanics in game used against the player and DB victims in "With Friends Like These" Such as blindfolding them, binding htem, gagging them, tying them up, and chaining them to a wall (like the torture victims in Dawnstar) as well as imprisoning and leaving them in a location ofyour choosing. maybe even the option to execute them by making them interact wiht a chopping block and having you activate it to play the execution animation. Or perhaps you're a vampire capturing cattle, a vigilante who feels the need to take justice in to his own hands perhaps even sell them in to slavery or have htem join you in exchange for their freedom. Or you could get information from them say if you capture osme random Thalmor and torture, intimidate, or persuade informatin out of them it will point y ou to either a Thalmor base or a radient thalmor encounter of some sort. same with o thers orts of NPCs. Investigations and Trials: maybe there could be special quests where you or other NPCs are put on trial where you may have to investigate the truth and clear your name or the framed parties name and ensure the guilty party faces justice perhaps being able to play as a lawyer, guard, or private investigator. this would natrually require some good locations for the trials. Whistleblowing: an alternative optionf or if you find incriminating evidence against osmeone, you can send it to a courier or publisher to get the information released to the public. Mayble you leak Maven's dirty secrets for all the world to see, or make sure the whole province knows about Grelod's abuse, or even expose corrupt guards and Jarls so that the public will potentially overthrow them. (sidgear and Maven come to mind). Restorative Justice: this would be a certain type of thief playthrough that would go hand in hand wi th the Whistleblower idea. basically it involves someone contractingyou to steal somethign that was taken form them. maybe you're taking back Tax money from the Jarl and returning it to the people, maybe a dock worker or farmer was cheated out of hard earned mo ney or a precious item so you need to steal it back and return it to them.
  18. That fixes the problem of ading dialogue with new NPCs. However it doesn't fix the issue of adding dialogue with existing NPCs and breaking the "four choices" limita tion that the new system has. Maybe it's possible to have one of those choices lead to another set of four and so on, wading through them would be a pain but it's a way around it. That would probably entail having to replace one of the existing options which, given what I have played of Mass Effect seems like it would be a compatibility nightmare. an issue which dialogue based mods have historically been able to avoid largely due to how the dialogues were structured it was easy for multiple mods to add new dialogue even to the same NPC if wanted. now this doesn't seem like a viable option.
  19. That fixes the problem of ading dialogue with new NPCs. However it doesn't fix the issue of adding dialogue with existing NPCs and breaking the "four choices" limita tion that the new system has.
  20. I guess you have never played Mass Effect, have you? Working around this so called 'issue' is child's play, I could work around it in my sleep. I have in fact played Mass Effect. however Fallout 4 is even MORE limited given that Mass Effect relied on a wheel that had up to six possible o ptions usually whereas Fallout 4 appears to only have a max of four options at a time. it could theoretically work ifyou could use keys or shoulder buttons to "shuffle" through diologue o ptions but I don't see that happening. what is your workaorund for this?
  21. while the limitations of the PC being voiced are an importnat co ncern I"m most concerned ab out haivng only four dialogue options max when interacting with NPCs having such a limited selection is something I would NOT go to a Fallout game or any Bethesda game for. it would be defeatring a large chunk of my motive for playing such a game. it makes mods that add dialogue nealry impossible (such as the mods to recurit anyone as a follower or that add a special diologue o ption to an NPC or ot a ll NPCs that adds more features)) this is too much of a problem for modders and players alike as it severely limits o ptions for both of them.
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