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Everything posted by tnu

  1. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51733/? this may be closer to what you're looking for. it will let you order some of the rarer ingredients in bulk. along with ingots.
  2. on the subject of prison breaks. I'd like to see a mod to make those more useful and viable to begin wi th since going to jail and breaking out is functionally the same as resisting arrest when it come sot how your bounty works.
  3. that may work. I haven't tested it myself as I tend ot use a lot of Racemenu's custom color options but it may work..
  4. those two don't really work together pertiuclarly well. FF requires RaceMenu and AA doesn't really work well with Racemenu.
  5. I'm looking foreward to this. I'm one of those who wanted more options for a more Hn orable thief as well. it was definatley itneresting to see a more malicious thieves guild but it doesn't work for all roleplays of hte b uild unfortunately.
  6. this is a l ittle out there b ut how about taking over hte Soul Cairn and ur ling your own realm?
  7. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36047/? unfortuantely it doesn't work wit h RaceMenue but it may be the closest hting to what you're looking for.
  8. Here's what I want to know. I've heard that in Windows 10 y ou don't get access to the game directories of games that aren't steam based. (like say the original disc versions of Oblivion and Fallout 3 which are the ones I have) so modding htem is next to impossible. is this true or am I mistaken?
  9. correct me if I"m mistaken b ut the psell mod seems to make the merchants sell new spells that were added by the mo d not exisitntg spells that were previously unavailible outside the college. also it's not an issue of too many guilds. it's more an issue that you're pretty much forced to join these guilds if you want to do anything with these sorts of playstyles. even if it conflicts with your roleplay (a more vigilante thief or Assassin for example, a reclusive independent or outlaw mage. An Assassin's Creed style vigilante Assassin) It's not that there's too many guilds it's that there's too few if any. if y ou wan tto be a thief y ou're goi ng ot have to be a th ug who extorts protection money out of people and works for a corrupt mead tycoon. If you want to be an Assassin you have no option other than a purely evil one and the college has a strange monopoly on the higher level spells. so if you're hoping for a more independent mage like Falion in Morthal than you're pretty much screwed.
  10. OK I've noticed that pretty much every build except maybe warriors and Assassins is extremely reliant on guilds. You want to be a rogue? Great now you either have to spend forever levelling your speech to get one perk to sell stolen goods or join the Thieves guild, even if it makes little sense ofryour chractar to do so. you want to be a mage? Good luck finding higher level spells without joining the college! So you're out of luck if you want to just be an independent reclusive wizard like Falion. because the court wizards and independent mages are next to useless when it comes to higher level spells.
  11. OK here's what I'm thinking. instead of just giving NPCs new places to sandbox and call "home" what if you could acutally give them jobs like other NPCs have? Say there's a town with a chopping block but nobody to buy wood? but there is an NPC aorund there who doesn't sem to do anything. you could set him up as the guy who buys firewood. or set up one of the NPCs to sell magic supplies and spells, be an enchanter, a blacksmith, a general merchant, or even a functioning independent fence for early level thieves. would this be even the slightest bit viable?
  12. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37774/?
  13. I'm not sure it's quite what you're looking for but this may be a good start. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23962/?
  14. You could use Jaxonz Positioner to pack up all the furniture and objects that you don't want or move htem around so thay suit your taste better.
  15. http://store.steampowered.com/app/211720/
  16. OK this is an idea similir to Live Anywhere - Constructable Shacks. But isntead of a shack it focuses on digging a small underground cave to take up shelter in. any thoughts?
  17. It's not a matte rof the mods being broken. he j ust made updated versions iwht additional or reworked features but never put those versions in to the merged Utilities file. anyway I found a workaround for what I wanted to do so it's not really a big deal.
  18. that's what I'm tyring to do. I want to unmerge the files in the merged file that are out of date and meerge in the up to date versions. my one concern is handling the BSA's.
  19. the ESPs are updated in their indi vidual files but I'm assuming y ou mean thay need to ahve the updated versions merged in tot hat merged file in place of hte versions that exist within that merged file?
  20. yes but that doesn't seem ot really add up a more up to date merging script should sti ll be able to merge mods that predate it yes? I'm really sorry if I'm bothering you.
  21. the script was updated after Utilities? I'm not really sure how m uch of an issue that is. I think there's some miscommunication between us and I'm sorry if I'm being difficulte to deal wiht. I have indeed met the requirements of SkyUI and an up-to-date SKSE. just to make htat clear. I'm not having an issue with the mod itself but I'm wondering how viable it would be to use that script to update the moduals that comprise that esp since it's actually a merger of the various linked m ods on that page but some of the versions in the merged file are not in line with the versions of hte individual files.
  22. I'm soryr if I came across poorly but I'm actually talking about a script that was developed independently of XEdit itself though You may be more knowledgable about this than me and know osmethign I'm not aware of. this seems to be the script that was used to make the original merges. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37981/? wouldyou know anything about tht?
  23. wait are you one of the makers of XEdit or the XEdit merging script?
  24. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/60910/?
  25. OK I love Jaxonz mo ds, I love having them all in one nice ESP to save on l oad order space. b ut since Jaxonz left there's tbeen one thing bot hering me. the versions of hte mods in the Jaxonz Utilities.esp are horribly out of date. I've tried laoding the later m ods after them but that doesn't seem to work I'm not sure if just using the xedit script is enough to update the file and I'm a little scared to mess with it. any help?
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