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Everything posted by yerude

  1. Once i had a mod which always drained AP when shooting with automatic weapons. I realy liked it because it changed the gameplay a little bit. I cant find it anymore and i dont know its name. Does anyone know maybe? If not, is it difficult to implement myself? Maybe there is only a keyword used for it or a setting, i dont know. If it is simple i would do myself, but i think i remember it didnt change the weapons.
  2. I realy enjoyed upgrading only the necessary stats for the kind of weapons i used. In every fallout since fallout 1 you had do decide. But you just throw in a new idea without knowing it :D With perks you have the problem that every heavy weapon has the same min str requirement. I have my own weapon overhaul so i would add these keywoards for every weapon anyway(lots of work but well, its just another way to balance weapons with nerfing everything to much) For me it is helpful because i want the player to chose to use only the power armor exoskeletton without any armor parts only for additional strength. I dislike powerarmor anyway because it is op. You just threw in the weight. It would be great, if the script would compare with the weight of the equipped weapon and use a formula to check if the str would be high enough to use it. Same could be done for enegeryweapon dmg e.g. The math should be no problem but i dont know if there is a getter function for weaponweight you actualy want to equip. Are you interested in trying out? As i said i can program but i am a questing noob ^^ Starting scripts via quests is iritating for me, difficult to imagine how i may start it -.- Everyone with just a little experience and a high interest may add me in skype: Yerude (screensharing of skype is so great for learning stuff!!)
  3. Havent found anything yet via search. Is there any mod which let you only equip weapons if your stats are high enough? eg: str 9 for minigun, int 5 for lasergun, agil 6 for sniperrifle... If there isnt, i would do myself. But i would need help for the scripting because i am not familiar with quests and scripts (can program a little bit so it should be possible) Basic idea would be: Everytime you equip a weapon the script will check your stats and if the stats are to low for the value of the weapon (can be added keywoards or something similar) the script will unequip your weapon and display a message "your stats are not high enough to use this weapon" Is there anyone interested in creating such a mod together with me? (of course someone who is familiar with quests and scripting)
  4. Hmm this is strange. I found the quest for the mod i downloaded by looking into the .esp with fo4edit. But in fo4edit there are two entrys. In Geck i only found one. But whats most strange is, the quest itself has no content, no script nothing. It was kinda empty except the flagg it starts at lvl up and is repeatable. It should grant an additional perk because it is a mod for doubling the perks per level. Why is there no entry in the quest itself? How does it work?
  5. Hi, i never moded with geck, i always used fo4edit. I always enjoyed about fo4ed that you can filter and see directly what changes your esp file will do and which entrys are altered. When i started with geck i wondered where to find/filter ONLY the changes a specific .esp file does. If i only load the data of the .esp it seems geck will always load all data of the main esm anyway no matter what i chose. I had some issues with my early mods i created myself and figured out other modders were able to implement my ideas i had before. So i wanted to check their files to see what they did in geck. But i dont know how to filter my geck entrys to only find the entrys of the mods. I guess it is something simple to do but i didnt find any specific tutorial or threads about this problem so far.
  6. The white background was only because i copy pasted my thread i posted before at bethesda. Thanx for the Videos, i watched some youtube videos aswell. Too bad my Geck crashes and i wasnt able to try on my own yet but i think i will get it work in the next few days. Sure i am always interrested. I already did some work with fo4edit but what annoyed me most is, that you cannot (or maybe i dont know how) edit multiple files at once very fast. So big changes for a lot of stuff is a lot work. The same for implementing own weapons and mods. When i modded the esp files there were a lot stuff i wasnt able to change :sad: Sure i am interrested Team Bacon. Would be great.
  7. Hi, im going to start an informatics study in a few months and i already have alot basic knowledge about programing in java and designing with autodesk products (3dsmax, Maya,Mudbox,... ). I can model, sculpt(but only beginners skill, havent sculped alot yet), texturize and rig. I didnt animated very much yet. I already studied bachelor of science, this is why i am familiar with fusion360 and inventor. But i want to learn programing in a very practical way and modding is quite some fun (already modded a little bit without geck and for other games). Unfortunately GECK seems to ask to much of me at the first view. I dont know where to start and what to do so far. This is why i would like to work in a team. Still even with some round about knowledge i feel very unprofessional. I would enjoy learning more of experienced modders and would like to join some mod team. This should be fun in first place and shouldnt feel like work for free. I am german but my english should be okay. If there is any interrest please answer here or add me in skype: Yerude cya
  8. Yes i had a working VS2013 installed and used before very often and later VS2015 which also worked well. There is an update for Xcom SDK maybe this will help, but dont have time to try out at the moment. I will tell you if i managed to solve this problem. I could imagine i have problems with it because i always use different harddrives for working so i installed the SDK on G:\ (have many harddrives) In most cases it doesnt cause any problems but i very rare cases it can. I already checkec profile settings, everything looked fine. I have no clue what is causing the problem but i still hope i will find out. Actually i am not even sure if i still have so much interest in creating xcom2 mods because i was realy realy realy dissatisfied with xcom this time :/ I like creating balance mods but i dont like to feel like beeing a free employee who actually does the balancing work without getting paid. And xcom2 realy needs ALOT work for balancing.
  9. I just installed the xcom2 sdk but it doesnt work. Everytime i start with an example project i got an error: This kinda sucks. It appears to every kind of project i want to start. Didnt find any solution via google.
  10. Nice thx. I read about some developing tools for xcom2 but didnt recognize it to be in steam tools library. :thumbsup: Downloading 43gb with dsl3000... *urgh* why is the sdk so huge? Are there some uncompressed video files or what? 12k textures? The complete Unreal4 UDK within the Xcom sdk? :D
  11. I think after playing this game a little bit more, i changed my opinion. I think the high soldier ranks are too op. So they should become promoted to these high ranks very very late. Or even the classes need to be nerfed.
  12. tested out a little bit myself but i experienced the same weird results. My rookies instantly become promoted but no matter if bUseFullXpSystem is true or false, the kills i made didnt count. Maybe it is some kind of exp OR kills? But would make no sense, how would you be able to do massive amount of kills without having enough xp? Could be usefull for some mods which intend in increasing the required XP each lvl instead of decreasing it like i want to do. Well... now i have a different issue. The balance of the game just totaly broke since i got the better armors. Now my soldiers didnt die anymore and the high tier skills are op like hell. I think the last 2 ranks should realy be difficult to obtain else the game is way to easy. Doesnt seem to be well balanced this game.
  13. Maybe this question is a bit nooby, but i never used the steamworkshop to create own mods. I didnt find any info how to publish modfiles there or how exactly it is made. So i bet, here is someone who knows :pirate: I did some .ini file tweaks and would like to use them in my steam workshop mod managing system used by xcom launcher. But i cant find where these overwriting files are located and how they are managed. So they should have some kind of infoheader or maybe the same name for the inifiles i manipulate and of course only the lines i changed. I dont want to overwrite other existing mods which alter the same ini files but different variables.
  14. - No moving (or less moving as an option) for revealed aliens. - A new round system as some standalone mod which would include a new action order depending on an initiative value. This also would allow weapons to increase or decrease your initiative so the choice which weapon you may want to use is more diverse - A mod which automatically adjust expected voicepacks for the country they come from (maybe it is correct in the us version, idk. In the german version every soldier every soldier has a german voice pack)
  15. bUseFullXpSystem=false does it mean RequiredXp[0]=0 RequiredXp[1]=1 RequiredXp[2]=70 RequiredXp[3]=160 RequiredXp[4]=305 RequiredXp[5]=520 RequiredXp[6]=825 RequiredXp[7]=1250is used because the "fullXpSystem" isnt used? Anyone tried out? There are required kills stated out. So do i guess wrong, that even if your xp is high enough, you wont be able to lvl up? Well i am not sure because the full xp system is set to false. Wha i dont want to try all this s*** out, did someone alread did that? KillMissionXpCap = 1.00f KillXpBonusMult = 0.25f NumKillsBonus = 0.25fSo killmissions xp is capped by 1. But what exactly or how excatly is this one capping the limit? 1.00 for 100%, 100% of what? Same question for other values, 25% bonus for what? I guess this bonus only applys in kill missions so each kill grants 25% more experience. IS this a multiplicative bonus for each kill? Lets say i kill 3 aliens my soldiers will get 75% xp bonus for the kill and if he kills 6 aliens he will earn only 100% xp bonus because it is capped on 1.00? Or am i thinking completely wrong?
  16. Ah i found it myself. I was just blind :laugh: For everyone else who might be interrested: DefaultGameData_XpData.ini But something is interresting: In this file we have some 20s arrays too. Do anyone knows if the forcelevelxp array influences the other arrays? And by the way, are there any tools which i can use for going throgh the code? In Xcom1 we used unreal editor and hexediting but for xcom2 there were official modding tools announced. I would realy enjoy coding stuff without these stupid annoying hexbullshit. BaseMissionXP[0]=0 BaseMissionXP[1]=0 BaseMissionXP[2]=0 ... (why everything 0?) BonusMissionXP[0]=0 BonusMissionXP[1]=49 BonusMissionXP[2]=55 BonusMissionXP[3]=59 BonusMissionXP[4]=64 BonusMissionXP[5]=69 BonusMissionXP[6]=73 ... When do i use which bonux xp? Is it the sum of missions my soldiers did? MaxKillscore[0]=0 MaxKillscore[1]=120 MaxKillscore[2]=120 ... why is this one capped at 120?
  17. Hi, is the max lvl i can lvl up each mission capped by 1? I never had a rookie in my team which became lvl 2 after a mission no matter how many bigfishes he killed. Also did they changed the xp System? Do i get 1XP for each kill or how does it work? Also i wanted to make a mod which increases the xp so i can let my soldiers die more often without becoming frustrated. Xcom2 is more difficult than xcom1 and i realy dislike save n load all the time. I dont want to change the game to make it a piece of cake, just dont want to care so much if one of my best soldiers die. I found ForceLevelXP[0]=0 ForceLevelXP[1]=7 ForceLevelXP[2]=8 ForceLevelXP[3]=9 ForceLevelXP[4]=10 ForceLevelXP[5]=12 ... what does this one control? but i didnt want to try out yet because i am playing vanilla first. Firs i thought it could be the xp table but whats confusing me, every soldier will lvl up the first time they kill something. ForceLevelXP[1]=7 <- 7 doesnt fit. This table must be something different. Anyone knows where i can find the real xp table? And what is this array for?
  18. If skyrim and fo4 have the same data files, shouldnt it be possible to copy a bow of skyrim and use it in fo4? Of course some adjustments are necessary.
  19. The combination of Win10 , using Gimp and least tidy desktop i ever saw may be the problem. Just kidding, but hell, your desktop realy is a mess. *ehem* *hustle* this could be solved by using steam instead of torrent downloaded games *hustle*
  20. Ah k. Well i dont know what is most common, but i think i would always prefer helpers for positioning. Also a good way to scale it directly. I should realy do more modeling import on my own. Last time i worked on some projects others did all the implementation, i just created, animated and texturized models myself. My friends work with unity engine but i started with some UE4 basics. Unfortunately i wasnt able to spend so much time with it yet.
  21. There are also 2 different kinds of accuracy. Weapons with accuracy legendary stat do not decrease recoil and do not automatically influence your aimmodelconedgree. The accuracy mentioned there is the accuracy of your weapon in vats. This has nothing to do with hitting a point if you aim for it.
  22. You realy should read all posts, then you wouldnt need to generalize so much. Well to the point:raiders. I think raiders are more likely punks. Instead of giving them nazi stuff i would like to see more anarchy paintings and stuff like that. They are more some kind of full anarchy guys of films like mad max. Just typical for some post apocalyptic rebeling people. So they dont follow any orders or laws. Sure they could wear some uniforms without knowing whats it about because they wont be very well educated. In this case, it would also be even more logical if they would also wear communists stuff and everything they will find. So they are most unpolitical and have no sensitiviy for ethnic or religions. They just dont care about anything. Using brotherhood of steel for your ideas will be the best way in my opinion. Lots of other people also shared my opinion. So you have heared our suggestions, it is up to you now :tongue:
  23. After you resized the model what indicates where the weapon will be put in hand? Is it the point of origin, a helper, or something else? I never implemented custom guns just asking because im curious. Stanley dont spend too much time on youporn :laugh:
  24. Fo4 doesnt mention any global settings because the sea is radiated and radiation corrodes metal. So in this case the ships cannot cross the ocean because almost all ships are scrap. Also in my imagination of fo4 there would be some kind of sea monsters. Fo4 is always crazy. Robots driving a ship with rockets, thats typical for fo4. I dont say your mod wont work, of course not. I dont want to set you clear with any german beeings it is just not very fallout typical. Fo4 is only seperated in "american lifestyle" and more historical "comunism lifestyle" (which does not exist anymore). But you said for yourself your idea, it is more some kind of an own story for an own game. Something like Homefront where Korea invaded America. Or wolfenstein itself. If you want to do it for fo4 hmm ... of course you are free you can do whatever you want but i just guess i am not the only one who believe this idea doesnt fit well to the fo4 universe. I played Fallout1,2 Fallout tactics, Fo3, NV and Fo4. And in NONE of the games, nazis were part of any quest, holoband or somewhere else. Maybe there is no need for because the enclave is very similar to it. It is the self declared police, the order which want to recreate their own world. They are brutal and kill people which do not agree with their politics, militaristic and anti everything. I mean, give the brotherhood of steel some nazi outfits and you are done with your mod. Call the rename the zeppelin to Hindeburg, rename the Brotherhood boss "Führer" and create new ranks. I mean, they already call themselves knights and paladins... they have the same medieval aligment than the real nazis. As i said earlier, nazis indetified with the crusaders and idolized old historian warriors like "Brunhilde" and other things like their castles. I mean, Wolfenstein already captured all these elements very intensely. Maybe this is why so many people like it. I mean there must be a reason why so many people, not germans, sympathize with them. Ever child likes medieval heroism. It is just i dont think your idea is very easy to do very well because the setting is difficult on its own. If you dont want to earn shitstorm your mod must have some great story. So you have to wait for geck, could create own sidequests. Doesnt need to be so many. If i would like to do this kind of mod like you described it so far, i would just do an brotherhood of steel overhaul with nazistuff and make them automatically hostile when they arrive with their zepellin. Then i would create some more sidequests to have a use for the already existing npcs of it. Also i would change the powerarmor for something more ss like. The powerarmor could have skullhelmets and instead of laserguns i would give them flamethrowers. The scholars could get some uniforms and instead of laserweapons i would give them assault rifles. Well i wouldnt because i have no interest in such a mod but you could do easily. And no you couldnt create an own game instead because modding is much more simple and not close as much work as you may think. Sure it is work, but it is not to compare with a full game. Also you could find some people who like your idea and create a team with them. Just ask the people who uploaded all this nazistuff they may like your idea.
  25. You talked about homing... i tried out to create some homing plasma projectile but i failed with it. Do you know how to do maybe? The "always homing missile" is because the targeting computer overrides the projectile.It sets projectile to homing rockets. You can create your own projectiles, i duplicated the plasma projectile and set the homing keyword but it didnt work. I still think this is possible. Maybe instead i should have copied the homing rocket and changed the projectile for it.
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