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Everything posted by yerude

  1. Most games put their files in some compiled data files. You cannot unpack some data files as simply in every case. But fortunately there are enough games where this is possible. Some crackers created some batchprograms which can pack and unpack certain data files but i think this is ilegal. These kind of data is also often created to be implementable to some engine based file library. Isnt bumpmap and normal map the same? Some engines have some kind of reverted bumpmaps but dont ask me why they do so. Animation should be editable with maya. You could just create new frames with anouther animation and save it. As i said i neder did for bethesda games but should be possible. I did for Drag... as i said, ilegal :pinch: :dry:
  2. There are AI variables in fallout4.esm I also changed them for my own mod. You can switch between dueling and flanking and can set the teamwork chances and radius. But last one shouldnt increased too much because i figured out this is realy problematic. This value defines how the enemys call other enemys to help them. If you are in a building and the teamwork chance and radius is too high, everyone in the building wants to charge you. This also results in stupid bugs. Like they cant reach you for some reason and somehow it also can be influenced by enemys out of buildings. So if you leave the building you will stay at the outer door sorrounded by 20 raiders which came out of nowhere. Wasnt easy to find the perfect values. Also flanking does work, but i dont know how it is controllable. I set almost every ranged enemy to flanking except some special ones. This is not as good as maybe expected in tactical shooters, but it works and is realy much better than standard AI. If you would like to change the behavier in a more deep way i guess you would need to change the whole script which i dont think is possible in some .esp files because you only change some variables. Programing ai is also difficult even for experienced programers. In XCOM it was possible to rewrite the ai script because you were able to read the code via Unreal Editor Explorer and rewrite it and assign the changes with hexediting the exe. This was pretty advanced for regular modding and i dont realy recomend this. I could imagine this will work for the upcoming xcom again but i hope this time they will support us with some modding tools.
  3. Apart from your discussion about german history, if you intend implementing nazis into Fo4 this must be some kind of realistic AND funny setting both. So first you have to analyse what is different in fo4 and the real world history, then use this clarification and try to adjust it to some european scenario. So first whats different: fo4: - 1945 America was splitted into 13 commonwealths instead of the USA we know - 2052 middle east raises price of oil, ressource conflicts are caused - 2077 china invaded canada for its oil and get pushed back again by american army. - 2077 as a result china declared the nuclear war called great war. (This date is no coincidence, it is a cummon date of post apocalyptic storys as Cyberpunk e.g.) ~ 2277-78 time where fallout4 series mostly take action. Most Vaultbreakouts are somewhere round about 100-250 years after the great war. In case of fo4 2278 i think. Dont blame me for +-5 years :P - Fallout4 universe has gread abhorrence about communism. - Nazis were never mentioned. As i know, the second world war didnt happen. So actually there were no nazi fashism in the fallout universe. IF there would have been one, it wasnt mentioned. But the ressource problems have also influenced europe somehow. Theoretically there could be fashists like the enclave or brotherhood of steel which is simply the same, but i dont think there are these typical religions we know. In no Fallout title ever i remember was never talked about religion except some sects like the legion or the followers of atom. So i think neither christs or jews or anything else exists in this universe. So the Nazis you want to have need to be some different kind of nazis. So i recommend to not call them nazis. (Because nazis is a word for german fashists, and in fallout4 it is simply impossible there would be german settlers around the commonwealth). You could implement some anti communism sect (like the robots of the ship) which dresses themself in the same nazi outfits. There could be some equal symbol, maybe not exactly the same. Some kind of a hakenkreutz with maybe 3 hooks instead of 4. This sect must be some kind of fashists like the brotherhood of steel. Some organisation which hates mutants, hates ghouls, hates raiders, and they could also hate all none white people for some unimportant reason. They could also be racists thinking the humanity is seperated in different ethnical races (this is already in this universe anyway). Well what could be realy realy funny (you want fallout to stay funny dont you?) Could be BLACK fashists. So the people who wear these uniforms could hate white poeple instead. To make it even more stupid, some combination that doesnt realy exist something like black skin and green eyes. So they are only a few people looking for other black people with green eyes. this could be some part of recruiment mission for some greater task. Some idiocity also nazis had, somethink like finding the holy graal like the crusaders did. Maybe you could find any good ideas yourself, i dont want to influence you too much since it is your idea and your mod. But i think the right mixture of a good and funny story will become enjoyable for everyone. Nothing against jews, just the regular discrimination of some commonwealth people. Also they should have some kind of strict order. Militaristic organized and they should be different than the brotherhood of steel. Maybe instead of collecting energyweapons and science stuff, they could collect culture like the nazis did (they collected alot art, music etc). Also they could reject energyweapons because the believe in some "strong manstop power, only heavy steel is good enough" which could state out the industry they worship. If you think about how the great war appeared and what problem nuclear weapons and energy weapons are, they could be some kind of coal approvals. This would also be some kind of typical for early german history. So everyone will understand what kind of people you want to show without doing it in a very plump stupid way you may earn only critics about.
  4. I never used the railway gun, but in some youtube videos it always looked like it would shoot straight in a line. Is this correct? But there are guns with ballistic physics ingame. Cryo gun i.e. and also the junk jet. So i am pretty sure it is possible. Of course arrows stucking in bodys like with the railway gun is also a great idea. edit: ah you mentioned skyrim, good point. Copy and Paste existing Bows :laugh: I sometimes forget it is the same engine haha
  5. Dont take it personaly. I am just a little bit allergic because i am german i dislike getting accusations "being german" sometimes which is kinda annoying. In this case it is difficult to understand why so many people like to bother so much about this nazistuff. But i am not as intollerant about it as i might sounded before. Do it your way :P But Iron Sky was quite a funny film and the idea of nazis behind a moon or nazis riding dinosaurs is always a good joke :laugh: If your mod would become very funny and fits well into the 1950s fallout flair, why not.
  6. I read an article about 5.6mm ammo which became nato standart. There was also described that they used this ammo because of its lesser weight, almost half weight. So modern guns try to componsate the lesser manstopping with faster flying bullets and higher fire rates. In close combat like urban warfare this is workable well, but on open fields you have a lesser range. Because the ammo weight is halved, you are able to use bigger magazines and can carry more with you. I think if you take this in consideration, high fire rate can still be helpful in hasty situations. I am not a gun expert but i think it is comparable with a paintgun match. There you waste a lot of paintingbullets to supress the other team while a teammate can try to go to the Flag/Buzzer. Of course in ware there are flags or buzzers you need to push and it is not sports, but if you supress your enemy your teammates are able to flank them. This could have more tactical reasons why machineguns with high fire rates and alot ammo will be used very often. I dont think you need an additional operator for 5.6 machineguns even if you have 100 or even 200 round magazines. 100 5.6 ammobox only weights ~1.3 kg. Of course it is heavy if you carry it around the whole day. But you wont need any help for using it. If you are using an ammo belt another person will be of great help. He can take care your weapon wont jamm while you could concentrate on aiming and firing. Especially for the m249 i think this realy makes sense. But for the assault machine gun hybrids (in most cases assault guns with a different barrel and bigger magazines) you wont need it. I am glad i am not a soldier, i would have problems to decide what is best :laugh: But i think this is difficult to implement in fallout. - AI can be set that your enemys will flank you(there is a switch of flanking and dueling), but there is no realy good working teamwork ai. Teamwork settings only have some kind if radius which indicates if the enmeys will try to help each other. Raiders have less teamwork so you can shoot them one by one. - It wouldnt fit in the fallout atmosphere where most people are some kind of selfish and selflearning gun rookies. In fallout there not many people who would be something like professional army or spec ops etc. Even the gunners are only some kind of a gang. - by default enemys have unlimited ammo. Well i dont know how diffcult it is to change, but if you have some mod or know how to change this, i would be interrested in it aswell.
  7. Omg is this realy neccessary? Why dont you just play wolfenstein? It is so american requesting this stuff...
  8. What datatype uses bethesda for its bone files? .fbx? (i guess it will pe packed somehow and need to be unpacked) If you could edit the animation file it would be no problem. I guess with 3dsmax and maya you wont have any problems, they support almost all cummon filetypes. Creating meshes for a stupid bow is no problem.
  9. There are two versions for Bursts in real life. One is like Verz said. Games are realy unrealistic. I dont even know a single game where this is done correctly. Maybe there are some, but neither in arma nor in ghost recon this is made very well. In reality there are several weapons you can empty a 30 round magazin in a second. For example even slower weapons. With a fire rate of 1200rps, which is not that special anymore, you will shoot 20 shots in a second. How do you want to do a 3 burst with it? And thats not even the fastest gun possible. It is more "modern standart" Because 1200 rps is not practical for assault rifles (because their caliber has stronger recoil), assault rifles often have slower rate of fire. But even an assault gun with 800 rps shoot 13 bullets in one second. There are some few assault rifles (very old ones) like the AK with something like 600 bullets per minute, with it it would be possible to do 3 round bursts manually. The g36 has 1200 rounds per minute (in theory) and there are alot even faster ones. Reasons why burst makes sense in real life - you can shoot bursts semi automatic, which is some kind of a better controllable rate of fire - less heat (because most conflicts are in high temperatured countrys, this is important) - no waste of bullets - lesser recoil - in most cases the bullets will be shoot very frequently so the intention is a very little upward recoil. At high distance you aim for the body, and even if you aimed a little bit to low, you will probably hit body, neck and head. So hitting targets is alot more comfortable. - more accurate than a full burst of course. (Fan already said) So actually the question should be, why dont have all weapons burst mode instead why do some have it.
  10. I dont know either, but i recognized raiders have a much lesser accuracy as gunners. Is there any value for KI accuracy? It could be, that laserguns are very precise. But precision is also depending on camera, but if every actor itself has its own camera, it should be possible that these values also influence the recoil and accuracy of ki. How was it in Skyrim in Geck? Fo4 is the first time i am modding a bethesda game, do enemy actors have their own camera? When i create actors in UE Engine i always give monsters cameras even if they are not in use (You never know if you want to use it some day for something like kill cam or whatever else)
  11. Well i am actually testing one of the hunger and thirst mods but i am very disappointed. First you can only see these addictions if you watch your statistics in detail (which i didnt even know how to do before i googeled how, lol..) and then this mod is quite senseles. It deletes health regeneration of food, so there is noo need to eat anymore. And if i dont eat, i wont get addicted by food. And if i would become addicted because i am dumb, i just cure addiction , because nobody is as dumb ,and i wont need to eat anymore ever. Same for thirst. Any ideas how to get used to this problem? For thirst i had a quite working idea. I set average AP lower, and gave water and dirty water +AP Boost and a little ap regenration boost. Anyone knows how i can display a message like "Your total amount of AP has been buffed"? Would be great as addition. This is a good change, works well and influences gameplay in a great way. So we might drink water much more often. (i remember having 300 dirty water + 100 clean water in vanilla with lvl 50 because i never used it so far) So i though about what to do with food. I thought about boosting max health but thats stupid because if you eat different kind of food, your max health will become to op. Changing health regeneration too low, you might dont want to use it anymore. With some perks on stimpacks (80% stimpacks are enough) you wont need food anymore. So there must be some other way to give food a usefull buff. The best buff i have in mind is some max weight limit increase. Of course with a higher duration. Strenght would be op again, so max weight could be a well working compromise. What do you think? But also changing all food, it is just so much work. I realy dont want to do it :pinch:
  12. my mod is in a current state where i could release it. It is not completely done but most important things are done. There is only one problem, i had to retranslate it to german because i had some issues with descriptions and names. But i would like to release it also in english, but i dont have the english language in fo4 edit. How do i get the english language? Retranslating with Fallout4 translator is no real option because the german language uses ÄÖÜß which results in names like "Höhlenpilz" so translating german to english seems to be difficult via autotranslating. With an english fallout4.esm i could restore original names and description (but some descriptions i made would be gone, so players must find out alot on their own)
  13. Most annoying is the whole begginning sequence. I had to run it several times for my overhaul mod i create atm. :sick:
  14. Skyrim mods are very chaotic. Even with modmanager you cause crashes very often with many mods. I was very frustrated with the steamworkshop for a very long time. I think both Skyrim and Fallout have some small gameplay disadvantages which must be changed with mods. But maybe it is the quantity of mods. It is also difficult to find the realy good ones. Maybe i played skyrim too early. But it has the same problem in vanilla as fo4. Both games are reidcously easy. Even on highest difficulty.
  15. I have no clue of scripting. Never did so far. But with .esp editing i think it is impossible. I am not able to comsume materials when equipping a mod i already have. It is always for free and i didnt find any gamesettings or whatever entries in the fallout4.esm
  16. Perk PowerArmorPerk is already ingame and you will get it when you use a power armor. There is no need to create another one. Also there is no need to run a script because the game already recognizes if you are wearing a powerarmor or not. Yes PA pieces can be equipped. But you would need to edit every single piece of power armor, which is a lot work. You also will get PowerArmorPerk if you use a power armor frame with no armor pieces equipped, which i think is better and more logical if you think about the frame as something like an exo sceletton. But yes, i think all variations of solutions will work. It is more a question which is less work ^^
  17. I am also new to modding, maybe other people could imagine better ways to do so, but the first thing i have in mind are consumable items like drugs which are unlimited. You could put these consumables to your hotkeys and have something like a skillbar. Using AP could be some kind of Mana, every used consumable could use some AP. Also every consumable could cast the spells you want to have, but each must be created seperately. This is where i cannot help much anymore ^^ But it should be possible. Force push could be some invisible projectile with no damage but force dmg. Force explode something similar. Saber throw as a grenade could be possible, but you still would have your saber in your inventory. Should all be possible, even if i cannot do it ^^
  18. Did anyone ever tried creating other seeking projectiles than missiles? mod_MissileLauncher_Scope_TargetingBox does only override the standart MissileProjectile to MissileProjectileSeek. The only difference of MissileProjectileSeek is, it has no Default Weapon Source and it has another Flag (in my case <Unknown: 13> So i guess the flagg changes this projectile to some kind of seeking projectile. I was thinking about creating a plasmagun with seeking plasma projectiles. Anyone ever tried or know about other modders did that?
  19. Most weapon mods increase the weapon dmg of all weapons, especially of the 0.50 caliber weapons. The problem of implementing "new" weapons is, that you also have to put it into the container files which is realy alot of work. It is possible, but i think there are only few who want to do all the work everytime for each item. I guess most people are waiting for geck. I wouldnt do it neither because editing the regular sniper rifles is less work.
  20. Hey i am also a 3d artist (not a professional, just hobby) but in 2d i am only capable of photoshop. I just started painting a little bit with a digital pen for some more conceptional work, but i am just a beginner with it. What software did you use for your 2d textures? I realy like them, i like the style. I would enjoy trying this too. Just for fun.
  21. If i would be a survivor i would build a popato canon with stones or pieces of metal inside the potato =) Or some self build shogun because you only need a pipe, something to blow up (propane , hydrogen , ethanol or gasoils whatever) and some razor edges inside the pipe. Put some wax in it and you have a realy dangerous gun. I think the pipe guns already existing in fallout are realy cool.
  22. i already managed to make my mods dont show up with conditions ^^ The main problem stays. If you have a mod, you can always use it no matter what. Maybe i will give it up :*( But i did well so far, i think my mod will still be fun.
  23. Unfortunately not. Using weaponmods you already have does not require any perk. So it wont help if the perk level requirement is higher. This is why i need to find out how this adding a weaponmod to a weapon is build.
  24. Does anyone know how to disable "assembling" weaponmods for free, if you already have the mod? example how it is in vanilla: You have a 10mm Pistol + 10mm long Barrel mod in your inventory. You want to assemble the barrel on your weapon and you dont need to pay any materials because you already have the weapon mod. what i want to achieve: disable crafting weapon mods (already did, works well, thx to Darkangel for help) use materials for assembling the weapon mod. (of course lesser, maybe just 2 screws and a tape) example how it should work instead: You have a 10mm Pistol + 10mm long Barrel mod in your inventory. You want to assemble the barrel on your weapon and you have to spend 2 screws and one tape for it (instead of nothing). If you have a rocket launcher + 4 barrel ammo and want to add it to your rocket launcher, you cannot because your charackter is lvl 16 only and the mod requires lvl 24. so you always need to pay some screws and tape everytime you want to change weaponmods even if you already have the mod. What i would like to achieve in the future: Crafting weapon mods require high lvl and more mats. (already did) Assembling mods require low lvl and less mats. (In vanilla you can always equip your weapon or armor mods no matter what lvl you have, i want a little bit more control about high tech mods beeing realy high tech for high lvl charackters.)
  25. If you copy the ability of the ring and put everything on a perk which will be granted to the sync automatically when the turret hits it, shouldnt it work? You seem to already managed to only hit synth. I dont have the ring so i dont know whats inside the ring .esp It should be possible.
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