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Everything posted by Petemichaelbabicki

  1. Like said above, get involved in the Morroblivion's Skyblivion team. They've been working on those mods since Skyrim first came out and have made good progress, considering the hurdles. It's an extremely ambitious project, so you'll need their help. Good-luck non the less.
  2. She was actually a really cool character. Zod's armor doesn't look like it has a place in the world of Skyrim, though hers looks rather 'lore abiding'.. looks like chain-mail and steel, so why not? +1
  3. Haha.. interesting. It would work better if you horse had wings, like Pegasus, but a flying horse on it's own? I personally would love a giant eagle to ride on, but I'll +1 this anyway.
  4. Definitely another great way of going about it. Though there is still a lot to be said for simple packages; you can set all sorts of conditions (if it's raining that day they'll stay indoors, if someone has died they'll gather at a funeral pyre, etc..), but either method is a huge undertaking, and something I don't have time for either. Whoever takes this up, feel free to contact me if you get stuck on any part of the process and I'll be your mod consultant, if you will. It's a great mod idea.
  5. I'm actually rather taken back by your post and you've answered a lot of my questions respectfully, and didn't snap like many people do on these forums. I'm glad you took my post as constructive criticism, rather than just plain criticism. Rather than beating a dead horse, I'll skip right to the point that still bothers me about this project; the 'one big project' idea. I understand and actually completely agree with you that it sometimes feels 'patchwork' using so many different mods. I really do love the sound of this mod and I agree that if done right this could be an amazing project, but what concerns me is the amount and time people have already spend on individual areas of Skyrim. I think a team of people could make an all around better game, but their graphics will never come close to that of those people who have spent years improving ENB's, constantly tweaking them.. better combat than those combat mods that have been around forever and have had teams updating them on a regular basis.. or a better UI than SkyUI that has had thousands of hours of man power poured into it. I believe you can make a better Skyrim, but I think each area of your mod could have already been done by 'patchworking' as you put it.. and if you're very careful about what mods you patch together, you can actually make the game you're talking about. ..but still, I can see where you're coming from. Things get messy and you don't know which mods will be discontinued and which mods will cause your game to crash. At least with your idea you're getting one team, one mod and no issues. Probably the sole reason I'm interested and paid this thread any head to begin with. I'm happy to see you know your lore. It made me smile when you mentioned Jorrvaskr being the center of Whiterun; I'm a bit of a lore nut myself and was going to jump in with that before you mentioned it. What I will say is that Skyrim (and Tamriel for that matter) is a place of war; civil war, war against Daedra and wars against other races. A lot of these 'towns' would have been subject to war and knocked down, burnt or rebuilt over time, so their placement may have changed due to those things? I doubt it really matters. Agendas This is rather funny, because I was just talking about this in another project. It's all about the packages, if you look at NPC packages at the minute, each character has things they do at certain hours, on certain days and certain months, which is somewhat wasted, because the player won't ever sit around or follow these NPC's to find out that what they're doing is more interesting than it appears.. and having monthly packages is just plain stupid.. nobody playing Skyrim would ever notice that Ysolda visits Solitude on the 20th of Frostfall,so why include it? That all begin said, I do feel that there is room for improvement on Packages and Idle Markers.. and as I said in the other topic about this; I'd love to get involved in improving this. I'm skeptical about all this, but only because it's so broad and because you're trying to outdo too many other modders on things they've solely focused on for months or even years. It's kind of like saying 'I'm going to be the best athlete!' .. you might have a chance at becoming the best 100m runner, the best swimmer or the strongest weight lifter, but there's no chance you'll clear the board through-out. It's an exciting idea though, and you know.. what have you got to lose? I'll lend a hand if I can. I know the CK inside out, so if you need any help with any of it's functions; packages, quests, objects, weather, climates, papyrus or scripting, send me mail and I'll get back to you ASAP.
  6. "Would it cause performance issues?" Not at all. I've had areas completely filled with them. Most of the house mods or dungeon mods I make, I always place tonnes of idle markers for your followers to use or the enemies in the area. I've never had any issues with performance concerning idle markers; lighting and movable object count however.. "Let's say there's 40 idle markers in area, some NPC's approach and start seeking idle marker at same time." There is a calculation, I remember reading about it somewhere on the Creation Kit tutorial pages way back when. An NPC evaluates their package on a regular basis to see if what they're doing complies with their packages, but this comes at an almost unnoticeable performance cost. When an NPC decides to use a chair, the chair immediately becomes theirs, so to speak, so no other NPC in the area will head for that chair, regardless of how far away from it they are, they are technically using it before they even arrive. Hope that answers your questions. You can also go into more depth with all of this, of course. If you wanted a more fluid area you could start looking into packages, here; http://www.creationkit.com/Category:Packages Packages are simple and easy to use, and once you've learned how to use them they can be lots of fun too. For example; I made an NPC in Riverwood as part of a quest mod; she had her own home and her own lifestyle. Willow (as she was named) actually had a far more interesting lifestyle than anyone else in Riverwood. Her average day was; Wake up and spend an hour in the kitchen area making food and eating.Spend another hour cleaning the house then sweeping and cleaning weapons in her armory.Go outside and pick herbs from the forest for a couple of hours, she would also hunt nearby wildlife if they approached her set radius.Sit at one of many different locations by the river and eat lunch.Go into Riverwood and wait by Alvors forge for her weapon to be sharpened (she would usually lean against the wall or sit on the fence). The weapon would also be added and removed from her inventory during this process.Practice her archery on a target outside her home.Go home, lock the door and have something to eat.Go to bed.Then on certain days (Sunday) she would go to the tavern at night and have a drink. Some Wednesdays and Thursdays she would also travel to Whiterun for supplies. You can even set events that happen on certain calendar days, so if you really wanted, you could have NPC's celebrate Christmas in Evening Star (December), or have a day of the year where they celebrate their birthday in the local tavern all day. If you really wanted to get into some serious depth, you could look at other events and rituals; for example; the ritual Serana and Valencia talk about is the ritual offering to Molag Bal, where women are offered to Molag Bal and become Daughters of Coldharbour in turn. This is supposed to be a huge ritual that takes place on the 20th of Evening Star every year, where many Vampire attend, though nothing happens on the 20th of Evening Star as it stands. Might be worth looking into! Good-luck to whoever picks this project up. I'd like to get involved myself, but I'm simply too busy with other projects and that stupid real life thing.
  7. An extremely easy and time consuming project. If you have the time to do this, it's very simple. Open the Creation Kit and navigate to the zone you would like to change; say Bleakfalls Barrow.Find the candles and either change them to their non lit equivalents, or delete them all together.Be sure to have markers toggled on (m) so that you can see any light sources and remove them too...and you're done.. one down, 40,000 remaining. If I were doing this mod myself, I'd release it in stages, as the creator of better towns did. For example; 'Dark Corners of Skyrim; Bleakfalls Barrow', 'Dark Corners of Skyrim; Highgate Ruins' etc.. Good-luck!
  8. I can help you create this update easy enough. It only requires time, not a lot of skill is involved, and no papyrus. Open up the Creation Kit and load the Skyrim.esmNavigate to WhiterunWorld and move over to the market area.In the Objects Window go to Miscellaneous, then IdleMarker.In this section you will find a large list of self explanatory markers (Drunk, DrinkPotion, LookFar, Sweep, SearchChest, SearchShelf, Browse, etc..) place them around the market wherever you like.In the Actors window find Ysolda; then move over to Packages.Here you can see what she does and when; it says she will sandbox from 8am for 7 hours within an 800 yard radius of the market place, meaning she will use any idle markers you place in that area. You can also set the ownership of each marker to a certain NPC if you like, so only they will use it.Like I said. It's a simple process, just time consuming.. though the more you do, the more thorough it will be. Good-luck!
  9. Okay, so I couldn't find anything for the top half surprisingly, but I managed to do a mash-up for her bottom.. close-ish. http://s4.postimg.org/nn6o3800d/2013_06_14_00060.jpg Boots and Trousers; http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31813//? Waist Sash; http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20415//? Be sure to contact the author before you attempt any re-textures (if that's what you want to do).
  10. I actually enjoyed Diablo 3, though nowhere near as much as Diablo 2.. but that's nostalgia for you. No matter how good that game could have been, it would have never beaten the memories people had of Diablo 2.. but back on topic. Someone already made the Demon Hunter outfit from Diablo 3, so I'm confident someone could make this; it could probably be done from a mash-up of existing clothing actually, so long as you contacted the original authors first, but the lower half of that outfit could be done with a simple re-texture of Brokefoot's Assault armor and his West Wind Dandelion set. As for the upper half, either Bouncing Bodice or West Wind Misfit Mage (with longer sleeves). I have a whole collection of armors on my character at the moment. I'll throw a load together and post a screenshot. All you'd need to do then is get in contact with the original authors and ask their permission to do a re-texture, and get it done. Bare with me.
  11. Troll post? This must be a troll post surely? I'll bite non the less. I don't know who said Skyrim was the best game ever, but regardless weather it is or isn't; it's still a fantastic and addictive game that I've clocked more hours on than any other game in my extensive Steam library. Skyrim is definitely one of the best games out there and the amount of work that Bethesda put into this seems far under appreciated here in your post; it's an entire land filled with hundreds of people to interact with, hundreds of quests and endless possibilities (one of the reasons there are so many let's plays with thousands of views out there, each play through is different). I understand people have come to think of Skyrim as bland and boring, the same reason that I've come to find World of Warcraft boring, I've simply played it to death. Do anything enough and you'll get bored of it. The reason you find that Skyrim has such an active and talented modding community is because of two reasons; The game is actually worth modding. It has a lot of potential and people are just trying to make it better (no game is perfect, and never will be). Bethesda were good enough to supply us with a versatile and useful Creation Kit, that is far better than a lot of tools out there (I've used CryEngine SDK, UnrealKit UDK, RedKit, a host of different Neverwinter editors and a load more far simpler editors, and the Creation Kit is a great tool, regardless of it's flaws).Now I'll address your concerns and see if I can help out with some of the things you're asking.. and I do understand that you'd like to consolidate all of your ideas and plans into a single mod, but there really isn't much need; everyone has different opinions on what looks good, feels right and what good game-play is, hence why we have so much choice (I for one hate those anime style outfits and body mods with huge knockers, but I understand there is a big audience for that, and a lot of people would rather play with those mods installed; who are we to tell them they're playing the wrong way?) Visuals You mention that the colour pallet isn't to your liking or isn't realistic enough? We have a huge list of ENB's, lighting and climate mods to choose from; as well as texture mods and so on; everyone can pick and chose how they want to play their game, instead of being limited to what you personally think is 'good'. I for one love the Wilds and Bleak ENB's, but there are people that think they're too colorful, or too dark. It's all down to personal preference. I won't link any ENB's here, because there's simply too many, but you can find them on the Nexus easy enough. "The cities are planned by people who never saw actual cities" ..and being as this world is not our own, neither have you. It's a medieval setting back in a world far older than ours.. and if you go back to early demographics you'll notice the population of the world was far, far less than it is now (more people live in London alone now, than there was in the whole of Great Britain back then).. so these 'Cities' as you call them aren't far from what you'd have expected back then; small communities not connected by rail, roads or any other means. Obviously there was a few more people in your average town than 20-30, but adding generic people for the sake of it won't improve game-play (unless you plan on voicing them and adding houses for them; seeing as everyone else in Skyrim has their own house, bed or job.) The fact that you're questioning the research that Bethesda would have done seems very naive. I'm all for adding more people, but it has to be done right, which means skilled voice actors, NPC characters with their own homes, agendas, families, jobs and lifestyles, which is a far bigger job than you might think. Still, good-luck anyway. Game-play and Depth I'll agree with the towns being rather empty, just like I did in my previous statements. I'll also agree that the Dragon battles are flawed and a bit of a joke, but there are mods out there that increase town populations and another out there that makes Dragon combat 'better', though it's not something that's really bothered me too much. There are complete combat overhauls out there too. "the civil war are nothing but several lines in dialogues" This comment was like nails on a chalkboard to me and one of the reason I bit and had to reply to this. I've helped several quest mods, made quest mods of my own and spent a lot of time with quests and dialogue.. and the amount of Dialogue for the civil war is.. astonishing. There are thousands and thousand of line of dialogue in this game by not only skilled voice actors, but some big names too, and they've done so much great work. Jump into the Creation Kit; click the all tab and type 'CW' and tell me again there's only several lines of CW dialogue. As for realism.. are we honestly talking about realism in a world with Dragons, 30 odd gods, walking copses, magic, giants, time travel, vampires and werewolves? I understand there must be a basis for some realism in there, but I don't really know what you mean by lack of realism? Lack of aging? People don't go to the toilet? A single arrow doesn't kill you? Just elaborate on this point please and maybe I'll agree with you. In which case, the reason a lot of these things haven't been implemented is either because it doesn't add anything to the game-play or because it would make game-play worse, rather than better (coming from a gaming background, I'm sure you're aware of this; it's the same reason the people who made Call of Duty didn't have players guns jam on them on a regular basis like they do in real life.. or have single bullet wounds put you down for good, weather they kill you or not, you'll certainly be out of action. Sometime realism ruins the plot narrative). Enhanced Gameplay I actually agree with a lot of these points. You should be able to take over as a Jarl and do Fable 3-esque things such as manage taxes, improve the town and so on, so I'll give you a +1 for that. I'd even be willing to script that for you and join your team. Beggar and Farmer game-play would be fun for the best part of an hour tops, but it lacks depth, unless you plan on making a full blown Harvest Moon system.. and.. good-luck with that. I agree with you that Skyrim is not a perfect game, and that some of your ideas are good ones, but a lot of the things you have mentioned have already been modded for. You say skin textures, armors and bodies don't look right? There's a tonne of mods for all of those, take your pick. I also understand you'd rather have one 'super mod' rather than 20 mods made by different people; it's just not going to happen. You can come back at me when this mod is made and rub egg in my face if you like, but I'm pretty sure I'm safe. I'm glad there are people out there as enthusiastic as you are and willing to make these projects, but I've seen too many topics like this fall to bits. There's too much work involved; you're talking about doing things that would take a company like Bethesda months, let alone a bunch of amateur modders with busy lives. Start small, think small; get one of those many things you mentioned done and present it to us here to show your commitment and you'll attract a lot more attention. I'll even help myself, as I am doing with a lot of projects on here. If you want help with the Jarl project then I'm in. I'll mail you later with all the mods I've completed and helped with and my skills. Good-luck!
  12. There are none about and most likely will never be. Aging one character without aging the others will seem odd, and aging every single character in the game would be harder work than it's worth. There are however many discussion threads on here covering this, so if you would like to see it, perhaps get involved in one of those topics?
  13. It would definitely be best to have one member of the team solely working on the cells (since they take forever), so you'd be more than welcome to do those. Have you done much work in the CK? Do you have any mods up on here or Steam? If not then no worries, all help is welcome!
  14. I've been thinking back to some of my favorite games as a child (which some of you might be too young to remember), but games like Dungeon Master; more recently you could compare this to something like Dark Souls perhaps. It got me thinking anyway, how about making a stand-alone game separate from the world of Tamriel, just using the Creation Kit, where the player selects their gender and then starts with nothing; not sword, no armor.. just some rags and an ominous dungeon/prison cell. The Idea Dungeon Crawling atmosphere not for the weak; the game-play will be extremely testing; enemies will be tough, puzzles will give you migraines and the sorrowful setting will break you down bit by bit.New items, armor, weapons, herbs, loot, potions and so on.. basically just duplicating Skyrim weapons in most cases, but renaming and changing values, to fit this new world more.New perk/skill tree; since you can't out right make new skills, we can change Blacksmith, Alchemist, Speechcraft and Enchanting into more useful dungeon crawler perks.. like more Hand-to-Hand, Athletics and Acrobatics.A lonely place, with new music; where the story isn't driven by character interaction, but by your constant need to escape this nightmare.Accessing the Mod Just warn the player not to load this mod with a currently character, instead they would enable the mod and start a new game, where the player would be instantly presented with the character creation screen; (no race selection, just a human male or female). From then onward they would have to fight bare hand (or avoid enemies all together) until they find some form of weapon to defend themselves with. Armor and weapons, as well as potions and clues would all be extremely scarce, and each enemy would be a matter of life and death (skeletons perhaps?). Then once in a while you could maybe find a safe room. A place where enemies cannot attack you (with a gate or portcullis), where you could refill potions (or water maybe?) and recoup. Torches would also be a must in a lot of these area. And I'm unsure on magic.. maybe, maybe not? Removing magic all together would present us as the creators with a tonne of extra skill trees to use. As a Community It's just an idea I had at the moment. I'm still finishing my currently projects and won't be able to work on this for a week or so, but I'd like input and help from the great minds here on the forums. If anyone wants to lend a hand I could certainly use it (between work and other things I don't have tonnes of time for modding, but I could do all the grunt work). Also, any ideas that might make this idea a better one, I'm all ears; as it's all very up in the air at the minute. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
  15. Okay, I'll give you (or whoever wants to tackle this mod) some insight into the easiest way to do this.. or at least how I would tackle it. The Dragonborn The idea of having the Dragonborn going around completing quests and so on is actually rather easy.. just time consuming. You make a character, place him in the world, then set up a tonne of packages for him to perform in a set order; for example; have him travel to Riverwood, stay there for a day or two, then on a certain date have him move over to Whiterun to speak with the Jarl.. all along you could have the main storyline quests being completed as he does them (just remove the notification, so the player isn't constantly updated on his progress). Once the Dragonborn has gone from Riverwood > Whiterun > Bleakfalls Barrow > High Hrothgar (or whatever order the main quest goes in), and completed all that, you could have him wandering around or actually seated at a home somewhere? All of the Dragonborn stuff is very simple, with very little papyrus. Just time consuming... and you as the player would be able to see him at certain locations.. though he'd have no dialogue. The Problem How people interact with you is the problem. There is SO much dialogue that is Dragonborn specific towards you, that it would take forever to remove it all.. I take my hat off to anyone who manages it, but.. for those of you who love pain and misery; here's the best way; Go into your Character > Quests tab and go through all the dialogue trees.. anything that seems Dragonborn-ish, simply remove it.. or if you're feeling creative, you can set conditions up for each branch, so that instead of saying these lines to you, they would say them when in close proximity to the actual Dragonborn... though messing with vanilla dialogue quests almost always ends in tears, and what seems simple, creates complex and unpredictable problems; (I made a vampire child who shared dialogue with Babette, and although my vampire spoke perfectly, Babette went all silent on me, then suddenly out of nowhere began talking again). Anyway, thought I'd share my method. I might have made it appear a lot more simple than it really is. You should definitely do your quest research before attempting this mod.
  16. Definitely.. and it really is a great idea, but only a pipe dream unless people get on board. I'll say +1 and if you need help making this mod, count me in.
  17. It's a great idea that's been mentioned many times before. I've even thought about it myself.. I know how to do it, just not the time or the patience. The problem with this idea (like a lot of ideas on here) is that it's far too ambitious. A lot of modders out there (including myself), spend days.. over a hundred hours creating something as simple as a player home. That's one house with very simple scripting; what you're looking at making is many homes, shops, stalls, a large Jarls Longhouse or structure, new voiced NPC's, quests, dialogue and a lot of frustrating papyrus. It's not a bad idea.. and if you could get a dedicated team together I'd definitely be interesting in lending a hand; but starting small is key. Get the framework up and running; a bare plot of land with a handful of homes, a tavern, a blacksmith and a Jarls Cabin/Longhouse/Castle.Then work on simple building mechanics using x markers (much like Hearthfire), and upgrading things for a price.Look at getting a bunch of voice actors and prepare yourself for many, many hours of creating dialogue for your NPC's.If you can do all that, then well done.. you can then move onto more complex structures, like quests within your town, bandit attacks, taxes, etc... Oh, and if there is anyone who already has experience in this area, it's DarkFox127. You might want to give him a buzz.
  18. You're looking at hundreds of hours.. and it would be extremely messy as someone already pointed out. The main problem is that you'd have to start removing and changing existing quests (quests in Skyrim are also used for dialogue, among other things). This would result in ruining existing save games for yourself and others, and lead to many frustrating CTD. I'm not saying it couldn't be done.. I'm saying it would be so frustrating and painstakingly slow, you'd quit before you ever finished it. Still, if you're dead set on making this mod, then I won't stop you; I'll even point you in the right direction. The main thing you'll need to learn is how quests work in the CK.. you can find some basic and advanced information here; http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Planning_the_Quest
  19. I get itchy fingers too whenever I'm doing something and getting impatient.. perhaps it's because I've played the game so many times that I feel I don't need to travel on foot anymore.. or do the companion quests I've done many times before.. so I cheat. I believe I built my entire Hearthfire Home within the hour, simply rattling out console commands for the materials. My only suggestion there.. (which is a rather funny suggestion), is to pop the ` key out of your keyboard. Haha.
  20. Erm, try Millwater Retreat out.. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36033//?
  21. Great work on the helmet so far. Make sure you add it to the existing Ysgrammor in Sovngarde too, so he can look just as cool.
  22. It's actually one of the easiest mod requests I've seen on here. Skyrim uses 6 different climates; Bloated Man (red moon scene werewolf quest), Blackreach (underground), Kathspire (heavy fog and saturated), Sovngarde, Skyrim and Default (though I'm not sure the difference between Skyrim and default), I think they just used default as a base, seeing as it isn't used. All it would take is for you to open up the creation kit and alter the SkyrimClimate entity to whatever you wanted. You can change the moon phases and select what brightness and colors are effecting the landscape when and where. You can also add your own weather patterns and screen effects. If you want to get a bit more adventurous, you can also select different weather for different regions. I've done this for one of my unreleased mods, when I wanted a snow storm in that location. Play around with it. It's really not that hard to do, and since you're keen to see it, I'm sure you'll have the time to perfect it.
  23. The ground looks a bit flat and unrealistic, but I guess you're just trying to do it all WoW style. Personally, if I were making the map, I'd make it look better than the original.. since WoW runs on such a poor and outdated engine, you have an opportunity to make it more aesthetically pleasing to the eye; (more land textures, more types of dead trees, shrubs, weeds, etc.) Another thing is that the original Karazhan pulled a massive tardis (small exterior for a huge interior). Usually this is fine, and they even do it from time to time in Skyrim, but Karazhan is on such a massive scale; it will take a player 5-10 seconds to run from the front of Karazhan to the back, but on the inside you could be running for 5-10 minutes back to your group.. absolutely ridiculous, it must be on a 1-100 scale or something. Make it bigger, better and more interesting. If you're going to do it, then don't just do a carbon copy, because there's no point. Make it as though Blizzard were remaking it using the Creation Kit. Aim high! ..and good-luck!
  24. There are scars already in the game that strike through the right eye, and there is also an eye combination that gives that eye a glass eye.
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