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jojo man

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Everything posted by jojo man

  1. Vanilla: Anvil hands down Modded: Vile lair
  2. Halo 1 Half-Life 2 F.E.A.R. Neverwinter Nights 2 and Rainbow Six Vegas 2
  3. Is that the Lich King from W.O.W.? It is. Arthas isn't a standout antagonist, in my opinion. He doesn't have anything to differentiate himself from the countless "good guy gone bad" personas. I agree. His story was pretty standard. Im not even sure Arthas is still even Arthas after he made it to Ice Crown in Warcraft III: Frozen Throne He released Ner'Zul from his ice prison and I guess became a vessel for the Lich King. Not entirely sure. Technically, I believe it's a combination of the two, but it's just easier to refer to him as Arthas. Wasn't it his sword that corrupted him into the Lich king? Or was it his crown? Not really sure, I'm not a big fan of WOW so the lore isn't my strong point.
  4. I've got a dog named Harley and two cats. The female is named Scrappy, and the male is Squeaky. Actually...If I really think about it...I like my pets (and animals in general) alot more than I like most of the people I meet. Is that normal?
  5. Sins of a Solar Empire is pretty fun. Games take a LONG time though.
  6. It was the Maintenance man! He knows I like Orange----It gave me lemon lime. VERY cool bad guys Bean. They sound like perfect scenarios for a DnD game. Is that how you created them? I especially like the first one.
  7. Is that the Lich King from W.O.W.?
  8. Don't even go near a copy of Deus Ex Invisible war if you played and liked the first game. It's a prime example of relying on a popular name to make sales. Half-life2 , in my opinion, is actually an improvment on the first game. Give it a shot if you haven't already.
  9. My sense of humor must be out of date. I honestly don't get the reference. It wasn't much of a joke. Since Sol is something of an antihero, and his last name is "Badguy"; and the title of the name is "Coolest Bad Guy"... Oh, ok. I didn't recognize the character. What is he from?
  10. My sense of humor must be out of date. I honestly don't get the reference.
  11. Pretty much what the title says. Who is your favorite bad guy of all time? Maybe antagonist would be a better word but you get the idea. They can be from anything too, comics, tv shows, video games, novels, etc. Could also be an organization and not just a single person. Post a link and tell us what books, tv show, etc, that he's from too. For me it's a toss-up between Darth Caedus (From the Legacy of the Force Star Wars novels)and Artemis Entreri(From the Legend of Drizzt novels).
  12. Hey man, whats up with ya?
  13. Yeah, the boss fights felt completely uninspiring. The only interesting one was the Guardian. In hindsight Doom1 and 2 bosses didn't really employ a whole lot of uniqeness, but that was in the very early days of FPS so some diversity isn't really a realistic expectation. But the fact that they just rehashed the same exact stuff a decade later is pretty bad.
  14. The Witcher Enhanced Edition has a pretty awesome soundtrack. Lost my audio CD of it though :(
  15. Not to come across like a condescending, self-congratulating dirt-bag or anything, but I think i'm one of the 8 members on this site that actually read the forum rules before I ever made a post. They could be essentially boiled down to: 1) Be nice(first and most important) 2) Stay on topic This next one is only really necessary if numbers 1 & 2 are difficult for you to abide by: 3) Be silent
  16. Never heard of it before. Links plz.
  17. What's going on with ya buddy?
  18. In a word: Good I wouldn't say that it's light-years beyond the first, but it is a marked improvement from its predecessor. It has all the charm of the first game and a much needed(in my opinion) greater emphasis on puzzles, and generally requiring more inventive thinking. Some of the new bells and whistles are pretty sweet though, like the ability to get your minions mounts and the ability to directly control minions makes for alot of memorable moments. Can't honestly say this is a complete picture though, as I haven't even finished the game completely yet. But if it stays at it's current level of quality all throughout the game, it's definately worth the time.
  19. :D hi there. Sorry but i've been on vacation. Whats up with ya?
  20. This exactly. I <3 to roll through Return to Castle Wolfenstein from time to time, but have no compulsion to do the same with Doom3. The fact that in Doom3 you never tangled with more than like 2 enemies at a time was a serious fun-killer for me too. I seem to remember many times where you'd get swarmed by creatures. For instance the maggots always attacked in groups of 3-4, the spiders always swarmed you, and your first encounter with wraiths. Although these encounters were few and far between. There were several times later in the game that you would often find roomfuls of hostiles though. They might not have all been onscreen at the same time but there would be tons of them. I was a little dissapointed in the bosses though. The only one I thought was fun was the cube guardian. It was also kinda stupid how they removed certain guns from the multiplayer game. No BFG WTF? My Doom3 experience is based off of the Xbox version. It could be that the number of active enemies was lowered to compensate for the Boxs' lesser hardware capabilities. Not played much of the pc version, so as for what its like I couldn't say. In the Xbox version, the only types of enemies that you saw large numbers of were the floating, flaming skulls(I forget the name at the moment). The enemies would spawn 1-2(usually 3-4 with the insanely weak enemies) at at time and a new one would spawn to replace a dead one. That would happen a few times util they just stopped showing up. It wasn't really fighting multiple enemies at once, it was fighting multiple enemies in rapid succession(laughably weak enemies too, so they would only have been more than a joke if there were a dozen of them crawling all over you at the same time).
  21. :D hi man. Sorry. Been on vacation. Whats up with ya?
  22. This exactly. I <3 to roll through Return to Castle Wolfenstein from time to time, but have no compulsion to do the same with Doom3. The fact that in Doom3 you never tangled with more than like 2 enemies at a time was a serious fun-killer for me too.
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