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Everything posted by BlackShruikan

  1. Like vram1974 said is load order issue. You have two or more mods that conflicts between You should try to use TESVEdit and see if you have red records. It's a pain I know but it's the only way. Load you load order and see the mods that conflicts. Good Luck.
  2. The number of the mods for Skyrim is huge and still increasing. Neither Oblivion can claim such numerous community for modding Skyrim. Hence I think the number of players of Skyrim is huge. When will came out TES VI well this is a different story.
  3. Sometimes is happen because the mouse is not precise. Do you using a different mouse than usual. This is happen to me once but it wasn't fault of the CK. Try using "Verify Intergrity of game cache" in Steam as well.
  4. Noortje has said a good ENB and I advice if not was obvious ClimatesOfTamriel and Skyrim Flora Overhaul
  5. In my first gameplay I've joined with stormcloaks. Not a bad choice but in my opinion is better joining with the Empire for NOT few reason. The Civil war not only weaken the Empire but Skyrim and the Thalmors gain from that. For this reason I always joined to the Empire in all the playthrought that I've made. Ah, I still remember the sacrifice of Martin Septim for saving the Empire from Oblivion Crisis, one of most epic moment of TESIV. Joining to the Empire means honor his memory of that sacrifice.
  6. The magic is only way to survive...
  7. Thank you for the answer ! I have take a look at Brittleshin Pass which have two entrances. The static that I needed it was CaveGLHallEntrance02. I had to much to learn on kits.
  8. Sometimes happen. Did happen very often ?
  9. Have you looking for immersive patrols and organized bandits in Skyrim ?? (This has an hell edition if I remember well)
  10. Well with Requiem you've need of followers. You can also use Extensible Follower Framework for multiple followers. However there is a problem your followers never heals you or your team.
  11. I don't know 3ds max 2015 but 3ds max 2010 (I use this) does NOT export to .nif directly. You have need of a external plugin for this. Textures files (.dds extension) can be edit with GIMP and photoshop with the appropriate plugins.(add these at your programs for texturing).
  12. Are you using NMM or MO ??? MO in my opinion is better for this. However Move the entire Skyrim folder below steamapps in an external hard disk (if you have it). Run Skyrim. Should be work without any problems and Backup your save file too and then move in your new hardrive the save files in C:\Users\User\Documents\my games\skyrim\saves\ Please let me know If you've problems.
  13. I'm making a tunnel that connect Skyrim to a new Worldspace that I've made. While I found the cave entrance "CaveGLHallEntrance01", I've not found the exit. I'm using the cave kit, LargeHall section.
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