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Nexus Mods Profile

About babyeatingdingo

  1. If anyone else was curious, the mod i was looking for is called Crowded cities V2
  2. There was a mod I remember from a while back, where someone had made the Megaton guard towers accessible and added NPC's that would man them in shifts. Does anyone know what this mod was called and if its still around?
  3. so i can kill people that i capture with the Enclave Commander mod mafia-style :D hang them upside down and beat them like a pinatta
  4. is there any way to hang the body of an NPC or otherwise attach it to a wall or ceiling? in Oblivion, there were chains hanging from the ceilings of some of the jail cells, do you think itd be possible to have some kind of havoked rope or chain or something attached to the body of an NPC suspending them in the air? so that you could then hit them with a bat and make them jerk around without having to actually hold them up yourself?
  5. yeah thats kinda the whole point... is there any console command to make them all respawn, or do i have to go around killing and resurrecting them all?
  6. is there something im missing? im trying to make it so that all BOS troops have 100% repaired armor, but i cant make it work :/ i have gone through and found all the BOS armor leveled item things and changed them to 100%, but when i kill BOS troops in the game their armor is just as shitty as always.
  7. You have the most epic username I have ever seen.
  8. i thought it was really weird that she asks you to deliver a message at all. shes a stranger, why the hell would you ask a stranger to deliver a letter to your family in another town that he hasnt even visited (she has to mark it on your map for you)? especially in a world like FO3, where life is cheap and most of the population are cannibalistic Mad Max-style bandits? all that she knows about my guy is that hes not from Megaton, and within 15 minutes of arriving he murdered the town sheriff/mayor for his hat, and then threw the hat away because he decided he didnt like how it fit after all. and why is everyone in town cool with that now 24 hours later? at the time they all wanted to kill me, but 24 hours later its all fine. they even comment disgustedly about how i "enjoyed what i did" so obviously theyre still supposed to know it was me.
  9. yeah, those bastards with all their great mods, i was just getting pissed about that the other day...
  10. i prefer a regular assault rifle (in my game they do the same damage as a chinese assault rifle, and i like their look) and combat armor with a roving trader hat (baseball cap with goggles on top)
  11. just go into his factions screen, right click, click "New" and choose the raider faction. you might want to remove his other factions too, if he has any
  12. what i want is a mod that makes it possible to yell at/ cuss out Dad for getting you thrown out of the vault/ almost killed at the beginning of the game. i always hated that the game never gave you the option of killing or at least hating him. itd also be nice if when people ask why you left the vault, if you could tell them what actually happened, instead of "i was cooped up down there" id do it myself, but i suck at assigning dialog to the npc's :(
  13. wouldnt it only be illegal if you were making them publicly available?
  14. ive searched for one and never found it, but i know there was a mod for Oblivion that added dismemberment and made it so they would bleed to death after a couple seconds
  15. how do i change the sound a weapon makes when it hits an npc? do i have to make a custom Impact Data Set thing? what im ultimately trying to do is make a whip-type weapon for use with the FNNCQ slavery overhaul, but in the meantime im just trying to get a police baton that makes a whip-crack noise when you you hit an npc with it. i figured out how to change the sound made by actually firing/swinging the weapon, but not the impact sound.
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