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  1. Oh, awesome. i did a search for power and didnt see anything mentioned (didnt see this mod, might have been searching the wrong categories) so i assumed it hadnt been done yet. Thank you! Ok i looked at this mod and it seems that this is for logic gates, not for settlement powering. Im looking for a FULLY shared power grid without wires, like in Vault 88 with its wall conduits.
  2. Basically just the V88 conduits placeable at any settlement, 'connects' all the conduits that are on snapped objects and powers them as long as a generator is connected to one of these condutis also.
  3. In response to post #40297735. AND lets not forget that about 60-75% of the mods on the nexus havent been done in bethesda software, other than the game itself. FO4Edit and FO4SExtender AARE NOT Bethesda software. That would be like 3DS Max/Maya stating they own a part of every game ever becasue the models were made in 3DS Max/Maya. Or Microsoft owning any document ever written in word, or being privy to any and all information in a excel spreadsheet. Lets be honest, Bethesda F***ed up. Just like the paid modding fiasco, which Robin is right , it is on its inevitable return. Bethesda does well at giving people what they want (mostly, the map size thing with FO4... yea. It may be as big as skyrim without the un-passable mountains, BUT NOW ITS EMPTY WATER GUYS! AND A LOT OF FREAKIN OPEN, EMPTY, MOBLESS, TREASURELESS, SCENERYLESS BLOODY WATER! I mean, they do their research. They know what we want. They jsut give it to us wrong. Like i wanted a strawberry bush in a planter, and what i got was Roots in the air and a dead strawberry bush in the dirt. Anywho, lets bloody hope that they dont start making it hard and harder for non-bethesda uploaders/mods to work. I'm almost afraid they are gonna try to force the entire modding world into paid and regulated by locking the game up for any 'non-beth-authorized mods'... and thats a world i dont want to live in as a learning modder and long-term mod consumer(Wording?).
  4. I DID have this awesome, long post typed up. it was gonna be great. Long. Semi detailed. Then i found out the easy way that my Naga Mouse has a button that acts like the BACK button on it... And poof. Anyways my wrists are hurting after typing all that so im gonna do a short and sweet version this time around. Sorry if this doesnt seem very orderly, just want it typed out and posted before i accidently delete it again. I guess this one got really long too, haha. As far as the mod/mods go, i'm almost positive the bounty one will require the geck. the legendary mods, im not as sure about. Legendary Enemies: I want to see instead of just 'legendary raider' or 'legendary supermutant enforcer' i would like to see these enemies have actual ranks of special. Not that kind. Im just throwing example ranks out, some will and wont work depending on the mob and i'm not gonna come up with corresponding/related for each one. a script to add names to the mobs instead would be cool too... Blackfang the Fog Stalker Very Easy ranks (compared to other ranks, not base mob)NoviceNewbieMk IFreshInitiateEasyApprenticeMk IIAcolyteSeasonedMediumJourneymanMk IIIExperiencedHardAdeptVeteranMk IVGrizzeled (grammatically correct for old/experienced?)Very HardExpertSpecialistMk VSPECIAL rank (Bounties OR New Legendary Behemoths/Queens)Unique/Super Rare Tiered Gear drops AND decent caps (if humanoid) or body parts/meat (Animal/Abominations) for selling/craftingOf course, to go with each rank they get progressively harder and potentially spawn with non-legendary baddies. Or dogs. because who doesnt like dogs? Each rank drops legendary gear, with higher ranks having a slightly higher chance of dropping higher 'tier' gear. Optional, make it so that lower quality items (switchblades, pipe pistols etc etc) are rarer at higher tier enemies/levels so we dont get a SR/T5 Powerful Switchblade from an anihilator sentry bot Mk V... Also adding in legendary Behemoths/Queens/Sentry Bots (if they arent already? Dont remember having run into one on my lvl 77 playthrough) Legendary Weapons I want to see some of the... crappier... effects get revamped/balanced out to be viable alternatives. Those effects that cant really be brought up using simple numbers could have additional effects... or use them to set them apart from a similiar effect. Some effects are just going to be better for certain situations/weapons, but from everything i have seen/heard/experienced, NO ONE wants the current versions of slayer weapons, poisoner or incendiary. Others that i rarely see/hear used are bloodied/berzerkers. Favored Enemy slaying effects should be THE BEST raw damage against that type of enemy. This means pre-crit/sneak attack. Another way to set them apart would be to add a 'Targeting HUD' effecta gains that type of enemy... so supermutants show up when you have a mutant slayer equiped, but ghouls/raiders dont. Poison just needs to be buffed. Only a couple mobs can be affected so in my opinion this should be highly effective against them. Currently 3/s for 10 seconds is horrible. change the damage to either be MASSIVE damage over a length of time (fire and forget basically) or a decent amount of damge over a shorter time (But then why have incendiary/wounding (which is better anyways as it cant be resisted!) Maybe add a slow to poisoner. Enraging could probably have the effect added to standard shots as well. Incendiary could do extra damage to targets already burning. Junkie's is just a damage boost right now, BUT what if the more withdrawals you are suffering, the more effects and higher chance for effects you got to inflict on enemies (maybe in melee only?) as well as the damage boost. Penetrating, gonna just leave a quote from the wiki hear and you'll see why i think penetrating needs a buff. Quick rundown of example damage values for perks SLAYER:50% to (30/60/90/120/150/SR200)Cavaliers: 15% to (5/10/15/20/25/SR35)Crippling:50 to (40/55/70/85/100/SR150)explosive: 15 to (5/10/15/20/25/SR35)Freezing/Plasma: 10 to (5/10/15/20/25/SR35) makes weapon mixed damage, doesnt need to be super highIncendiary: 15 tp (5/10/15/20/25/SR35 over 5 seconds) PLUS additional 5(SR10) damage if taget is already on fireInstigating: Already strong but could use some lower end x2 to (1.5x/1.75x/2x/SR2.5x)Irradiated: already good against its target 'audience' 50 to (25/50/SR100)Kneecapper: 20% to (15/20/25/30/35/SR35+stagger)Lucky: DMG 2x to (1.5x/1.75x/2x/2.25x/2.5x/SR3X)Neverending: change to ENERGY ONLY, Add (10/15/20/25/30/SR50%) chance to recycle energy ammoPenetrating: (20/30/40/50/60/SR75%)Poisoners: 3/s for 10 TO (3/4/5/6/7/SR12)/s for 10 +SLOWPowerful: 25% TO (25/45/65/85/100/SR125%)Quickdraw: 25% ap-regen (15/25/35/45/SR 65)Rapid: FIRE RATE 25% to (10/15/20/25/30/SR45). Reload 15% (10/15/20/25/30/SR45)Sentinels: I dont recomend touching it, unless to change it from TAKEN to DEALTStaggering: Add chance to knockdown at higher tiersVats EnhancedRanged: (?/?/Vanilla/?/?) hit chance and (10/15/20/25(VANILLA)/30) reduced apMELEE: 40%less ap to (10/20/30/40/50)Violent: Dmg 25% to (25/35/45/55/65/SR85)Wounding: bleed 15 to (10/15/20/25/30/SR40)The ranks could be arranged as adding to the already existing prefix, so Novice Assassin's 10mm Pistol for example. Legendary Armor Armor is already pretty decent where its at. some things could be Tiered easily, others... not so much Acrobat's: Doesnt need any changes, 2 pieces is full fall mitigationAlmost unbreakable. Wish this was a 'companions power armor no dies, but hey. its close. Dont feel that it needs any changes.SLAYERS: 15% to (10/15/20/SR30%)Bolstering: Not sure how well this works in vanilla, never really used it. Not even sure why, this must be amazing with a Berzerker weapon. Anyways, could probably be left aloneChameleon: Not sure HOW this is implemented but it seems to work pretty well. would be better if sitting still in dark areas made you nearly undetectable, but hey? Thats what perks are forSPECIAL Armors: Decent enough as is, mixed with many underarmor's giving SPECIAL stats already, plus eyewear/nonhelmet head gear... this would be too op if buffed, and you cant really nerf it...Duelist: Cant speak for balance on this one, havent EVER used it. 10% could probably be bumped up a bit though... (5/10/15/20/25/SR30%)Freefall=AcrobatLow Weight: This is amazing, unfortunately i have never seen a natural piece with this on it. Recomended add to leveled lsit if it isnt, or leave it alone.Martyr's: This piece is a decent "Oh Crap" Armor effect. Had it save me a couple times that i wasnt watching my HP and have actually beena ble to dodge a grenade or missile with it before. COULD it be buffed... Yea. Does it need to be? Not really.Piezonucleic: Power Armor. Was great for a runt hrough the glowing sea... but honestly, how often are you gonna sit in rads at the same time that your fighting something? Unless ghoul/radscorp damage triggers it. Would need to gut the effect to make it better, so its fine as is.Poisoners: Their are like 2 things in the game that poison. If we still had to deal with Cazadors, barkscoprions, radscorpions, stingwings AND i believe the new bloatflies do a poison, then it would be a big deal. As far as buffing it... (20/30/40/50/60/SR100)Powered: HAVE used this and its jsut fine how it is... maybe buff it by adding a flat AP pool boost?Punishing(change name to Spiked?): 10% to 5/10/15/20/25/sr35)safecrackers: Not sure on math/codingSprinters: 2 of these is OP. Honestly, could be left alone OR tiered as this (3/6/9/12/15%)Titan/Sentinel: Recomend leaving it alone. Paired with Sentinel on a weapon, having 7 equiped pieces of TITAN/SENTINEL gives total damage reduction while standing still (According to wiki anyways)VATS Enhanced (Armor): Pretty good as is, could be left alone or changed. (5/10/15/SR25%)----------- Bounty Hunter Missions/System In fallout 3 their was a pair of perks, i can't remember the name of them now BUT im suprised Bethesda hasnt reused or revamped the system a bit. I expect this one would DEFINATELY have to wait for the GECK to come out. Factional System Since our character CANT be a real raider as far as i can tell, this is mostly faction vs faction/raiders system. Factions and their 'enemies' they pay will pay for your 'proof of kill' (ear, scalp, dogtags, TATTOO PATCH [raiders/gangs]) Pays per bounty 'kill right' Minutemen (pay in supplies for crafting) Super Mutant ears Raider tattoo patch DANGEROUS animal parts [Deathclaws, Yaui Gau, Mirelurks) Diamond City Security (pays in caps) Super Mutants ears Raiders tattoo patches Triggermen (suit clips maybe? they dress fancy...) GoodNeighbor (good neighbor was founded by criminal exiled from Diamond City) Not sure what item Goodneighbor (pays in chems) Diamond City Security Badges Raider Tattoo Patches Triggermen (Hancock is already paying for their deaths, See Whitechapel in Third Rail) BoS (pays in small random Ammo) Super Mutant Ears Ghoul Scalp Synth Component(ID chip maybe?) Institute ID Badge Institute (not sure what to pay with... Advanced materials maybe?) BOS Dogtags Railroad armor Patch Railroad (Pays in random ammo/caps) BoS Dogtags Institute ID Badge Along with these general and small paying bounties, harder enemies can be found that drop special loot and a high-payout bounty 'right' to turn into a bounty broker of your choice for a higher quality reward OR Legendary item (with a chance for Super Rare Tier piece of loot). OR a bounty system where you are actually sent to clear a named enemy, and clear the area that its in as a bonus (for example). This type of bounty would be given by a Broker/Bounty Board.
  5. Favorite cosmetic mod in FNV, hands down. Except when the light liked to glitch, but *dramatic pause* WE HAVE HEADLAMPS!
  6. I found a workaround for now, Fake Fullscreen... Still like any help that can be givin.
  7. I have a 36' tv as my monitor and was able to play skyrim just fine until i upgraded my Mobo and CPU... Now after a fresh install (and fresh windows install) i can't play skyrim in fullscreen. Order of events to date: 1.Installed skyrim 2.Started skyrim to get the ini and initial setup outof the way 3.didnt actually PLAY the game 4.Installed NMM and mods, ordered and regulated by boss (most are texture/mesh mods, SKui, bettervampires, racesmenu) 5.Start up skyrim to play in fullscreen, it stops before any intro sequence on a blackscreen and stops responding with no sound. 6.change to windowed mode just for the hell of it and it runs fine, except in a 800x400 window on a 36' screen normally running 1366x768 7. rollback video drivers, no help here 7.5. get mad (lol) 8. move entire data folder and verify game files (so other than SKSE files, nothing but vanilla game) STILL wont run in fullscreen. 9. uninstall and reinstall 10.Fresh, completely vanilla game runs FINE on fullscreen. 11. Re-install SKSE and mods, Wont run fullscreen anymore... 11.5. Getmadbro again... 12. post on steam forums AND Nexus forums looking for help. DxDiag as of a couple minutes ago. I can post a mod list too if needed.
  8. So i was putting new ironsights onto the Survivalist's Rifle... got the new mesh working fine (finally). Except now, when i have the rifle equiped its floating about 3 inches off my right arm pointed at the ground, when i fire it warps backwards and shoots behind me. when aiming in 1st person, the gun is coming out of the left side of my screen in ironsights mode (instead of bottom like normal). Honestly, since i was applying a new mesh that i didn't do anything to but merge and move the ironsights to be a spike sight instead of a crooked service rifle style... i didn't think i'd have any issues. But so far this has been one of the biggest PITA projects of mine.
  9. I realize this thread is completely dead by now but for anyone still modding FNV perks... I added the GhoulRadHeal or w/e it is called to my custom perk and now i do not take any radiation whatsoever (I stood in devil's gullet or w/e with the unique minigun, eating and drinking food AFAP... no rads kept.
  10. t-51b with T3 Replacer. Also found the real name of that program. Proccess Lasso. Basically lets you set priorities for your PC, among other things.
  11. Screenie two. Tried to get them smaller so i can multi-attach but too much smaller and its gonna be harder to see what i mean. This is a NON-power armor. The idle stance is still kinda wide but not as 'half-***ed jumping jack' as the power armor. I will have a pic of what normal armor looks like so you can see what i mean.
  12. I'll get that screenie in a minute, I dunno why i didn't think to grab one last night. I'll also grab my DxDiag. As for the Willow Vs SInnuendo, its supposedly only causes conflicts with the packages she uses as a follower, which i figured i could easily enough resolve if i noticed which i haven't. Rather have Willow the gun firing, singing bad*** than SI anyways, if it does come down to it. Never played with FNVedit other than to load it up and see if i could tinker with the merged patches when i did have some major conflicters, but i make near daily backups of my data folder anyways so it wouldn't hurt to play around with it further. FNVPlugin, never heard of that one... Might give it a shot with the 30+ clothing/armor mods and then the weapon mods... none of them conflict in location, i JUST realized i never checked the leveled lists though... G36 and CFWNV both use leveled lists and i still have both weapons on NCR troopers for example. Otherwise it comes down to manually merging some mods... which thinking about it sounds like enough fun that i could not want to ever do it again for several thousand lifetimes... lol.
  13. Have 2 questions, one is performance based the other is pose/animation based. Im currently running 121 mods and my fallout seems to be bogging down now, im using the 4gb NVSE.EXE and im running 16gb ram (not that that really matters past 4 with FNV), AMD Radeon HD 6570 and havent really had performance issues until recently. Issue: Near Nellis or any location with sentry bots (its terrible, take almost 10 seconds for loot window to come up) my game starts chopping in and out, acting almost as if it is freezing. I have already gone through and streamlined any conflicts mentioned on the mod pages of the mods im running, most of which are armor/clothing/weapon mods, major exceptions being ARES, Run the L38, Willow, SInnuendo, Increased Wasteland Spawns (set to medium, not super high) and Nevada Skies. I dont remember where i saw it but something about a program like 'resource lasso' or somesuch... saw it weeks ago and didnt thinka bout it. Would this help at all? Animation Question: Why do NPCS wearing powerarmor stand in a half-***ed jumping jack position when staying still? Im noticing it with ARES project powerarmors and the vanilla sets with replacers from http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/44711/? . Could this be because of the Type 3 body or am i missing a file somewhere? Because honestly something so small as their idle stance is irritating me as much as the performance issue.
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