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  1. Could you perhaps use a memory trimming utility and see if that helps? There's one in Process Lasso, though that may not have a Win10 version yet.
  2. Have you tried going back to a previous save that didn't have the problem?
  3. As i mentioned in the other post, you also need to make sure the fps really is capped to 60 regardless of whether you think vsync is on or not - vsync may not be working in Skyrim despite what the driver setting is saying (perhaps skyrim is running as a full screen window rather than true full screen). Enb can display fps, as can MSI Afterburner or similar.
  4. That's probably because vsync still wasn't turned on (despite it being on in the driver control panel - it could be you were running skyrim in a window rather than true full screen - eg via Onetweak). The way to tell in game would be to display the fps (using either enb, MSI Afterburner etc), and if it caps to the monitor refresh rate, then vsync is on. The actual problem with game physics (and associated issues, including, weirdly, the sound of being underwater) is caused by an fps higher than 60. If vsync is turned on and there is no other fps limiter, the monitor refresh rate must be set to 60 hz (a higher refresh rate will still result in physics issues if the fps goes over 60 despite vsync being on). I have vsync turned off (in Skyrim ini and enb) but limit the frame rate to 60 using Bandicam (or MSI Afterburner, or the nvida/amd setting in the drivers). Keeping vsync off results in less stutters (but not completely since stutters in Skyrim can come from a variety of sources - loading textures, models, overloaded script engine etc).
  5. There really isn't a good reason to deliberately cap the number of esps to 255. It's just finding a justification for a technical issue that should be overcome in any modern engine. Asserting that there is no reason why we need more than 255 esps sounds a little like saying there is no reason why anyone should need more than 640kb of memory. Many esps do not cause instability - an unstable modded skyrim is a result of the mods themselves and the changes they are making and how they are interacting with each other, not necessarily due to the number of mods. Plus there are a lot of mods that can cause instability but don't have esps. Besides which, the fact that people are merging esps indicates there is a real demand for there to be more than 255.
  6. It's so mod authors don't have to reinvent the wheel. It saves time and effort to build on what has already been done to create something new than to do it all yourself from scratch. In many cases, each modder brings different knowledge and expertise to the end product that would not have been possible by themselves working in isolation.
  7. Getting back to the loss of the Uploaded Files forum, I also used this a lot to keep myself updated on mod discussions as well as being a way to come across older mods that I don't have and which people are saying good things about (or otherwise). It was a good way to keep up with the current status of a lot of mods easily. Suggestion: If there's a way to get a list of mods sorted by last comment, clicking on which will redirect to that mod's comment section, that should be sufficient I think. The file list should also be viewable in compact list form rather than the larger image tiles as it is currently.
  8. It probably left something behind when it uninstalled. Which is why I use Mod Organiser - it doesn't mess up the Data folder when installing or uninstalling mods.
  9. Edit: here it is http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65227/?
  10. I think someone has done a game of pong in the loading screen. Whether it's possible elsewhere - eg extending the inventory menus etc, I'm not sure. It probably can be done (at least, in a limited way) if someone put their mind to it.
  11. Or you could check with SkyUI team to see if they're considering this for SkyUI 5? I would like to see a coloring scheme similar to, say, Diablo - normal items being white, blue magical, gold unique etc.
  12. Apart from the Nexus top files, I also just browse through the Uploaded Files forum to see what people are saying about new (and old) mods. It helps keep you current about interesting mods to look at as well as potential issues with mods you already have.
  13. But... Back to the original query, I would also like to know if anyone has experienced any issues in upgrading to Windows 10.
  14. You could also try DynDoLOD for more distant object detail. For water, I use Realistic Water 2 and Watercolor for ENB. Then there's SMIM and various hires texture packs for clutter, food & potions etc, and various effects (steam, clouds etc).
  15. I don't know about 'most realistic', but out of: ELFX, ELE, RLO and RS, I use ELFX.
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