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Everything posted by Dkboy24

  1. You might want to try investigating some of the BOSS errors it's telling you. Not sure if they will help or not, but I would start there. Such as: Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp Active Error: SPIKE.esm is not present or is not active. Skyrim will CTD when loading if using this file without it.Or.. JSwords.esm Active Warning: Contains unexpected (or out of order) records. A compatibility patch fixed and cleaned with TES5Edit can be obtained here.Or.. MidasSkyrim.esp Active Warning: Original file was released before the Creation Kit (07 Feb. 2012) an update to the previous compatibility patch fixed and cleaned with TES5Edit can be obtained here. (Compatibility Patch)
  2. Oh yeah, and here is what I'm thinking to craft it: Leather Armor perk required Main Armor: 6 Leather (Primary source of the armor) 8 Leather Strips 2 Iron Ingots (for the scale and chain) 2 Linen Cloth (for the undergarments) 1 Silver Ingot (for the inlay) 1 Gold Ingot (for the inlay) Bracers: 2 Leather 4 Leather Strips 1 Iron Ingot Boots: 3 Leather 6 Leather Strips 1 Iron Ingot No helm
  3. Ok.. so I searched through the Nexus and unless I'm just completely daft, I could not find anything that resembles Leliana's armor from Dragon Age. I find this rather odd considering how freaking awesome this armor is!! I think it fits with the lore and would look visually stunning (it almost seems like something an Imperial scout might wear). And even if you don't think it's lore friendly.. I mean.. come on! It's awesome!! Imagine this in a nice 2k / 4k texture?? Check out the image below for exactly what I'm talking about. I implore you, oh great and powerful masters of modding. Make this happen? I would say you can have my first born but I already promised mine to Sheson. http://www.game-ost.ru/static/covers_soundtracks/3969_644044.jpg
  4. Oh man...that is EXACTLY what I was looking for!!! Thank you so much MimiTheAlchemist!!!
  5. Yeah, it's a massive mod haha. I love it, but if that's all your looking for maybe one of the awesome modders here can just whip up a selection of bandages like you said that will cover certain character slots? And I can't remember if the bandages from Immersive Creatures is one arm.. I want to say it's both arms but I'm not 100%. Either way, if someone had a stand alone mod like the one you described I would totally download it!
  6. I believe Immersive Creatures adds this to Draugr. They have arm and head bandages with dried blood on them. They are cloth only though.. but I keep a few in my bags when I'm resting after a fight, I will bandage up (purely for immersion).
  7. Hi all! I searched through Nexus and was not able to find anything like this. So maybe one of your awesome modders can take this and run with it? I've found similar mods but not exactly what I was looking for, so here it is: I would like to see a mod that simple removes the difficulty name from a lock. For example, currently it is: "Unlock gate Adept" or "Unlock chest Master". I would like the mod to remove the name "Adept" or "Master" so it simply says "Unlock gate" or "Unlock chest" without telling me how difficult it will be. This is purely for immersion as I obviously won't know how hard a lock is to pick without trying it first. I think it will also help with the immersion breaking aspect of "I just picked this master lock in one try but this novice lock has taken me five tries!" What do you guys think? If one such mods exists and I missed it, I'm sorry! But please point me in that direction. Thanks!
  8. I have been using SkyRe for quite a while now and I noticed it does level pretty fast in the beginning. I can't say for certain if something is wrong, only that I can confirm it does level fast at low levels but it will slow way down. In my experience I've found the speed at which skills are leveled keeps pace with the enhanced enemy AI and additional perks.
  9. You make a really good point Lachdonin. I never really looked at it like that and now that you say it, it does make a lot of sense. I guess he cuts your binds off as soon as you get in the tower and trust you with weapons. Hmm...I think this will open up a whole new RP area for me when I start my next character!
  10. That's because Delphine is a raging B***! She pisses me off so much! If I could, I would have ended her wretched life when she first popped off to me in Riverwood and then killed the dragon at Kynesgrove just to spite her. She has got to be my least favorite character in Skyrim haha... but anyway I digress.. I don't want to derail your post. Hopefully someone more knowledgeable than I can lend a hand here. Cheers!
  11. I wish I could offer up some help to you but sadly I have zero clue what could be causing this issue. I just had to say your post had me laughing so hard! Especially the bit about your game AI becoming self aware.. good stuff mate! And sorry you're having mod problems...
  12. From a purely gameplay perspective I like Hadvar for the free smithing supplies and armor you can get from his uncles forge. From an RP perspective, I typically will favor Ralof. Not that I like him more or less than Hadvar.. but think about it. Hadvar knew you shouldn't have been with the Stormcloaks because your name is missing from their "damned list" but he didn't do anything to even argue that you should be keep in jail rather than executed. He obviously will not disobey a direct order from the Empire for fear of his own death, so what makes you think he will not betray you the second you get out of Helgen alive? If he was caught harboring and aiding a criminal, he would have also been executed. I find it hard to so willingly put my life back into his hands after being spared.
  13. Fear not.. this is actually one of the easiest issues to fix. Like jjc71 said, one of your mods is trying to load a master that is not there. Normally when you click on a mod in your load order in the Nexus Mod Manger, on the right hand side it will tell you what masters the mod needs to start. If it lists a master file that you do not have in your load order, your game will crash. Our hero Gopher goes more in depth about it here. In fact if you are new to modding, I highly suggest watching Gophers beginning guide to modding series in it's entirety. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhc9ayxti2M&list=PLE7DlYarj-DdhDG41roBVJfNCqvO5MmKP&index=14
  14. Frostfall has a really cool, immersive way to start the mod. In fact, you should have an active quest in your log that says to look up at the stars between 7PM and 7AM (If I remember the times correctly) and it will auto activate once you look up at the stars long enough. If you do not want to do this, you can simply go into the MCM menu and activate it. Once activated, when you deploy your tent (by dropping it) a menu should automatically pop up asking if you want to place or drop it. When you select the place option, you will see the image of your tent and you can move it until you are happy with it, then hit your activate button and it will set up the tent. If you are near a heat source such as a campfire, the tent will glow yellow instead of blue, indicating that while in the tent, it will keep you warm. RN&D needs to be activated from the MCM menu as Rusey mentioned above. For a more immersive experience, I disable shrines curing diseases and I enable food spoilage. I mean....that chunk of bread in your bags is not going to last that long before it becomes hard as a rock! :) Good luck and I hope you get your mods working!
  15. Okay, I've never done anything like this.. but thought it would be fun for all you creative types out there. Let's write a Skyrim story! Here are the rules: 1. Add onto the latest post in this thread. The goal is that we each add to an ongoing story. 2. Keep it lore friendly. So no space aliens blowing up Whiterun. 3. Keep the end of your add on open ended so the next poster can easily add their bit 4. Feel free to add companions so we can get a mix of genders and races in here 5. Have fun! (let's not get crazy on correcting each other grammar.. it's about the story, not the writing skill!) Dark, heavy clouds hover threateningly over the marshland of Hjaalmarch. The sound of thunder echoes through the valleys and carries itself across the land. A lone figure lie, passed out on a patch of moist dirt, surround by tall weeds. One bootless foot slightly submerged into the stinking, stagnant pool of swamp water. His clothes are tattered and dirty with dried blood and mud caked-up on an otherwise simple garment. Cuts and gnashes criss-cross all over his body and the mixture of blood and dirt add to the already crimson color of the man's skin. He begins to stir, letting out a rough and agonizing moan. With one filthy hand, he raises it across his brow and pinches the skin above his nose while squinting his eyes shut even further than before. Slowly, he sits up, each slight movement causing him more pain. He struggles for a bit to maintain his balance as he opens his eyes to meet his new surroundings. As he examines himself, he notices his grotesque tunic, ragged pants, and the lone single boot that covers only one foot, while his other, shoeless foot remains in the murk. He brings his leg out of the pool of water and shakes off an eager insect who decided to make his exposed skin a meal. As his blurred vision returns, he makes out a few surrounding items strewn across the ground. A small, chipped iron dagger, an empty leather satchel, and a worn book about the history of the Dragonborn. As he takes in the scenery and the peculiar situation he is in, he struggles to remember... something... anything. He could not. His mind was as dark as the clouds above him. He could not even remember his own name or how he got in the painful, sorry state he is in. Just as he tries to make sense of things, he hears rustling in the tall weeds near him, and a matted black-fur Skeever juts out toward him. Both yellow jagged front teeth exposed and two red beady eyes centered on the injured man who it surely thinks is his prey......
  16. Ooooh! I want to jump in here too and tip my hat to you wonderful modders. I was thinking the other day what it really takes to release a mod to the public. Not only does it require technical knowledge but being able to assist the folks who enjoy your work but may have technical issues and dealing with the occasional wanker. You have single handedly created an entire new experience for me in Skyrim and I owe my 900+ hours of Skyrim gaming to you and the things you have done. **Raises a frothing mug of ale in your honor**
  17. I can relate in a way to this post... this type of hobby can be frustrating at the best of times if not down right insane at the worst. I have clocked over 900+ hours on my PC playing just Skyrim. I have tried hundreds of mods, have read a books worth of forum posts, tweak guides, etc. I have purchased two new GPU's just for the sole purpose of playing Skyrim and have obsessed over "why are these shadows still blocky?!?" or "I don't quite like the way this minute texture looks." Fair to say it has become almost an obsession of mine (Thankfully I have a gamer girlfriend so she understands!). I guess what I'm getting at is the way you have to look at it. I don't see it as merely me playing video games on my PC. If I wanted to just play games for the sake of playing them, I would still game on my Xbox. This type of PC gaming is a hobby, and like most hobbies, it requires dedication, time, money, and involves lots and lots of stress at times. My girlfriend jokes that I spend more time modding than I do playing the game! And she's right :) But I find the challenge of it all the most intoxicating aspect of the whole thing. Why do we do it? Each person is different, but I do it for the thrill of solving a complex problem. Striving to make my game exactly to where I want it to be and making the most out of my investment. But it certainly is not for all and if you realize in the end it just isn't worth it, it's good that you knew when to take a break and step away. Maybe you'll revisit this hobby in days to come? Or move onto something else? Who knows! But for me, I'm very excited to see what kind of modding, upgrading, or even game breaking adventure I'll go on next.
  18. Okay.. I took some screen shots on Steam. Here are the links. http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/796310898281914155/A83B6A05D5695AB184DBC88FB32C9FFDC2C082C0/ http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/796310898281916534/DC7D1C919D3961767A2BA69742D6492BF6DF7EA0/ It seems to be torch light that is causing the issue. Also, I noticed that patches of the ground are not illuminated by torch light either. They will remain black while the grass and objects around it are illuminated. At this point I think I may have to do a complete uninstall :(
  19. So I just uninstalled an ENB I had and I'm having a very strange light issue. It looks horribly bad now. I still do have the CTD and ENBoost mod so I have an ENB, just not for video settings. Issue: Exterior light seems waaay over saturated and bright. There is almost a greenish tint to it and it seems to drown out all detail from a characters face or wood grain. I took a few screen shots but they are too large to upload to this post. The lighting mods I have are: ELFX COT Realistic Nights I use BOSS to sort their load order and I never had this issue before I installed the ENB so I think I screwed something up (Even though I just reversed the install direction). I also unchecked each of my lighting mods one at a time to see if any of them were causing the issue, and even without all three of them I'm still getting this horrible night light issue. This only seems to happen at exterior location. Interior locations look great. I have attached a few screen shots for you guys to check out. I reset my ini files just to be sure and I still had the problem after the reset. It seems it is shadow related because it will blot out deep shadows completely (Like the eye sockets of my characters) and the sky looks way over saturated. Any ideas? I've been searching the web for hours now but have come up empty handed :sad: Thanks all!
  20. Thanks KeeperFiM, Yeah, I just ordered the 770 today so now I have to play the waiting game... UGH Haha Can't wait to taste that sweet sweet 4GB of VRAM! I LOVE hi-res texture mods so I'm excited to see how it will preform once I get it installed :)
  21. My thoughts are: Either you do not have high enough skill in smithing to upgrade, or you put an enchantment on them and you don't have the arcane smith perk so cannot upgrade.
  22. As promised here is the update to this thread. Good news: I picked up the 2nd GTX 760, hooked them both up and fired up the game. It ran perfectly! I rarely dipped below 60 FPS and had almost zero stutter issues. It even seemed to make my game more stable. I even went and installed my first ENB mod to put some more strain on it and it seemed almost unaffected. Awesome...or so I thought... Bad news: After about four hours of gameplay, I exited the game and fired up EVGA's Precision tool. My bottom card was running at about 80c!! That is waaaay too hot! The main problem my mobo has is that the only two available PCI ports are right next to each other. So my two cards were pretty much sitting on one another. The way the fans are mounted, my top card was blowing hot air directly onto my bottom card, and my bottom card had only maybe an inch of space between the metal housing that holds my PSU to vent. I knew just then and there that I could not continue with that set up. No way could I risk blowing up my GPU's with that kind of crazy temp so sadly today I took the 2nd card back. I ordered a PNY GeForce 770 4GB card as I read nothing but rave reviews on it. I'm hoping the extra 2GB of VRAM will help load hi-res textures faster and I'm hoping I will still continue to see smooth gameplay and a solid FPS.
  23. Derp! So sorry about that Werne!! So I think I figured out what to do.. going to try the SLI config with 2 760's and see what happens. If it doesn't pan out the way I'm hoping and causes more problems than it resolves, I will donate the extra card to my girls rig since she needs an upgrade anyway. Ordered my SLI bridge today and I should have the card by next week. I'll report back to this thread and update when (or if..) I get it working. If Skynet crashes and a robot army takes over mankind... it probably means I screwed something up.
  24. Thank you for your feedback Criminal Scum! You bring up a lot of valid points.. in the event a game is not set up for SLI, will it simply only use one card? Or will it try to use both cards with errors?
  25. The MB is set up for SLI, but my concern will be that when I hook up the 2nd card, they will be so close to each other they may even touch. I worry about air flow... I mean, the 760 has good airflow but I'm not sure how it would react to have another card sitting on top of it. Maybe if I hooked up an extra case fan to point at the GPU's?
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