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I'm at a breaking point and I really just don't know what else to do. - I removed some outdated mods that could cause a conflict w/ Horizon - I set my load order per Horizon's rules - I went through FO4Edit and looked at every single conflicting mod to ensure I have everything patched correctly - I scaled down my load order - I started a new game Played for a few hours yesterday and no issues at all. Everything was running great! I exited the vault, cleared Concord, set up shop at the Red Rocket station, explored the surrounding area. No problem at all. Today after making zero changes to the game, I go to load up and it crashes immediately as soon as I start up my game. I tried that six more times and it crashes every single time. I tried loading up the next save, crash. The next save after that, crash. Finally I loaded up 3 saves ago and I was able to get in. With a big sigh of relief I walked for about 5 seconds and crash. I just don't get it. I've tried everything under the sun, spent countless hours reading articles, CTD guides, optimizing my load order, trying to keep my mods as slim as possible... I just don't get it. This is really my last plea for any type of guidance before throwing in the towel. Here is my current load order and my PC specs are in my original post:
Thank you @MightyMonte I did not realize that. I was going off the files section from Looks Menu Customization Compendium and it said to have the latest Looks Menu and F4SE installed. Hmmm I'll have to try it without Looks Menu and see what happens. I'm always happy to reduce mods in my load order if it means added stability. Currently I'm in FO4Edit and I'm trying to analyze every conflict I see. One conflict that has piqued my interest is Boston Natural Surroundings with Horizon. Horizon is overwriting Worldspace edits that Boston Natural is making by resetting the VISI - PreVis Files Timestamp back to the vanilla data (This even overwrites the Unoffical FO4 Patch). I am not very knowledgeable about PreVis Files and don't know enough if this overwritten data would cause a CTD. I did try to look on both respective mod patches for any other users comments and was not able to find anything. I feel like if it did cause any CTD issues someone would have called it out or patched it by now since those are both pretty major mods.
@bbiller You know that is a good point. In fact I was testing a few ENB's that pair with Vivid Weathers and I believe one of them required me to install just the Institute Patch for PRC. However, I decided on using Pure Atmosphere ENB and after re-reading the mod page, I don't see the requirement for the PRC patch listed anywhere so that could have come from a previous ENB requirement. I suppose I could just strip it out as I am no where near getting to the Institute, then tackle it if it becomes an issue once I actually get into the institute. Good lead. Thank you!
*Update* So I think I made some progress here. I was able to replicate the crash consistently which is pretty exciting (Considering it is much harder to chase a seemingly random crash). Now the game is crashing every time I approach the Red Rocket station by Sanctuary. When I approach from Concord right past the dead Brahmin with the two blood bugs eating it, I crash. So I did the process of disabling groups of mods to find the culprit. It wasn't until I disabled Horizon and its related addons that I was able to get to the station without issue. I then fired up FO4Edit and looked for any mods that Horizon might be conflicting with and found the only mod to be "Horizon Power Armor Overhaul - BoS - Rarity - Scaling". To be clear not saying anything is wrong with the mod itself, only that it seems to conflict with Horizon's latest version 1.8 as this mod has not yet been updated. I did disable it and I am still getting crashes in the same spot with Horizon installed... but my gut is telling me there might be a conflict baked into my save file that is creating this crash. So I feel like I just need to start another game (*sigh*) without the power armor mod installed and see if I'm getting crashes again. Just such a bummer as I feel like my mod list is fairly light weight and have taken great strides and spent many hours getting everything to work in harmony. I don't mind a crash here and there, but I live in this constant state of paranoia that at any moment my game is going to crash so I just quick save constantly which sucks, but it sucks more to lose progress.
@bbiller Thank you for your input! You know, I have to admit, there is a TON of resources and posts out there related to setting that VideoMemorySizeMb in ENBLocal.ini, I did find a STEP guide here about setting this value. I downloaded and ran the ENB Vramsize test (DX9) and it gave me a value of 27,392. According to the STEP guide I should deduct 350 from this value so I'll try setting that .ini setting to 27,042 and see if that has any impact. Edit: I also found a new .ini setting called AutodetectVideoMemorySize which I can set to true. Sounds like that might be a better solution.
@Melvinius, Thanks for your advice! I always thought cleaning masters were essential for a modded play through and I don't know if I ever have played without them cleaned? I'll definitely give your guide a read through.
Here is my load order (Sorry for any typos.. I manually typed all this out from my Vortext list! Yikes!)
Hey all, Honestly posting here was my last resort as I fully believe in finding the answers myself and the art of Googling. However I'm at a point where I am just utterly stuck. I have been modding now and part of this community for about 7 years from Skyrim, Skyrim SE,and Fallout 4. I just recently bought a new computer with high end gear and I wanted to give Fallout 4 another play through. Here is my hardware: AMD Ryzen 9 3900 12-Core 3.09 GHz 32 GB RAM 2 TB SSD RTX 2080 Ti 11GB As you can see, I have a decent rig. So excited as I was, I wanted to kit out Fallout 4 with some sweet textures mods and an ENB and actually play at a decent frame rate. I am not new to modding so I did all of the general work. Cleaned my masters using the FO4Edit Script. I am using Vortex to install but I do know how to set a load order when LOOT gets it wrong (Horizon is a good example). And of course I follow every install instruction I can and read each mod page description and sticky. I have made minimal .ini edits other than the mods that I have installed have instructed. I am really not even running that many plugins. I have 91 total plug ins and that includes the core master file and all of the DLC. (I'd post my load order but I have not yet found a way to simply export my load order and post it here). I have also set my VideoMemorySizeMb in ENBLocal.ini to 37000 mb. So fast forward to getting the game running. I always do a test run to make sure the game is stable before I start to mod it. Got into the opening sequence where you run to the vault with your family annnnd....crash. I was floored. How could Fallout 4... a game that came out in 2015 possibly crash with my hardware? I must be a fluke right? So I fired her back up and sure enough... crash. I nearly lost it. But... like a good modder I took to the internet once again to find out what the hell. Turns out the RTX 2000 series cards don't play nice with Fallout 4 and having "Weapon Debris" turned on. Great... love spending tons of cash on a top of the line rig to introduce more bugs. But I get it. This card did not exist 5 years ago so I'm not unreasonable to think newer hardware could introduce more bugs. This is a Bethesda title after all. So I turned off weapon debris and that seemed to fix the issue. Got through the vault and back onto the surface with no problems. So I crack my knuckles and get to modding! Painstakingly reading each mod install instructions to hunt for little requirements or special instructions / conflicts. Checked sticky posts and installed them one at a time. Fired up the game to make sure I didn't blow it up and everything was looking good. Finally ended up installing the ENB to test my FPS and got it at a solid 45 FPS with lots of 2k textures, ultra graphics, and ENB. Needless to say I'm pretty happy with it! I also run my mods through FO4Edit.. but I have to be honest. While I know how to apply a filter for conflicts and I get how I can tell conflict looser vs. winner... I really don't understand each edit of every record. Sometimes I see data overwritten by another mod and I think "Well... I'm assuming that is not game breaking?" But I don't know what magic lens I need to look through in order to figure out what is a normal conflict (I.e. Mod X does one thing and Mod Y does another and overwrites it) and what is a game breaking conflict. Most of my conflicts are to be expected (Horizon overwrites a lot of data as so patches which is what I would expect a conflict winner to do). So I start a new game so I can venture once more into the wasteland. I'm playing Horizon so I do a lot of scavenging in the surrounding areas. I'm in the back near Vault 111 looking for scrap annnnnd..... you guessed it. Crash. *Sigh*. Well... any modded game is going to crash and I can handle them so long as they are sparingly. I fired her up and went out to Sunshine Tidings. Cleared it, worked my way back to my home base at Red Rocket and crash. Loaded again... and crash as soon as I get near Red Rocket. Fast forward about 30 mins and lots of cursing. Crash. Crash. Crash. Over and over again. I cannot get anywhere near Red Rocket without crashing. I am at an utter loss now. So here I am. With my hat in my hand asking the community. Because at this point, I'm pretty done with Fallout 4 which makes me super sad. Thank you to all the community members for being awesome, even when I'm feeling defeated. Cheers
Hi everyone, I was really hoping to not add to the millions of "Why is my game crashing?!?!?!?!" posts that are out there, but I've tried just about everything and I'm desperate. Was missing Skyrim after playing FO:4 so I decided to uninstall and do a fresh install with a fresh set of mods. Wanted to keep it semi-lightweight and my main goal was stability. I read just about every stability guide out there to ensure I had a nice play through. Nothing breaks immersion like a freaking CTD... - I carefully read each mods installation notes - Enabled the memory patch in SKSE with the memory blocks log to check that it's working - Installed Stable UGrids to load - Installed Skyrim project optimization - Followed Slothability's guide on installing DSR along with Immersive Animations and XP32. Ran FNIS to enable animations. - Ran a TES5 Merged patch - Ran a Bashed patch for leveled lists - Adjusted my video memory settings in my ENB.ini - Made no other .ini tweaks outside of what my ENB said to do and my grass mod (even installed low res grass and kept it at 50 for the .ini grass setting) - Cleaned all dirty mods with TES5 - Used LOOT to sort my mods and made some manual adjustments based off mod recommendations - Merged Plugins together for mods that have a lot of plugins (such as AOS and CoT) using the TES 5 Merge script Started a new game... got my bindings cut in Helgen, Immersive Armors 8 started to configured then BAM. CTD. I narrowed it down to IA V.8 as when I took that out, my game ran fine (at least at that point). I uninstalled IA V.8 and put back in IA V.7. Started a new game just so I didn't have any rogue scripts. Wanted to start 100% fresh. All went well, got through Helgen, got to Riverwood, then on the road to Whiterun. BAM. CTD. I just gave up last night after spending about 10-12 hours just getting the game to work.... I'm really at a loss. I can't figure this out and need the help of the community. Am I running too many mods? Am I crashing due to script lag? Is it too taxing on my graphics card? I figured at least my FPS would drop before the game would crash due to graphics... I run on average 45 - 60 FPS (I set my ENB.ini at 60 cap). Here is my system info: Rig: i7 - 3820 CPU / 3.60 GHz running on Windows 7 8 GB of RAM GeForce GTX 770 with 4 GB of VRAM Load order: http://pastebin.com/yMCscEnt ENB ini: http://pastebin.com/vekQNJ2e Skyrim ini: http://pastebin.com/c35LNmG9 Skyrim Prefs ini: http://pastebin.com/mLMjM5ce Graphic mods: (I never go above 2k textures) - AMidianBorn - all - Project ENB - AOF HD Tree LOD - Cover Woods - Dawn of Dawnguard 2k textures - Design of the Nords - Detailing Eldrich - Improved NPC Clothing - High Res - JazzJR's Argonian Rextures - Lorkhans Vision night sky - Rugnarok 2k - Rustic potions 2k - Rustic windows 2k - UNP / SG Female Textures for woman - SkySight skins - ultra HD for male - Alternative Snow - SMIM - Unbelievable Grass Two - Vivid Landscapes - Rocking Stones and Mountains Two - Moss Rocks
In response to post #28581794. #28581864 is also a reply to the same post. I second 43deadwood's comment! I love the idea of an indicator to let us know which mod's we've donated to. Maybe in our download history how there is an endorse reminder? Maybe there could be a donate reminder as well? Like a check box to let us know which mods we've donated to. I've also wondered about proper donate amount etiquette. I'm sure any amount of cash would be appreciative by the mod author, but at the same time I don't want to give an insulting amount for someone's time and tireless dedication. I've donated between $10-$20 depending on the size (I look at it like how much I would have paid Beth if it was their DLC) but again, not sure here.
Good news! Glad to hear it worked out for you. Happy modding!
I started exactly like you. I went Steam Workshop first because it was easier and to be honest, I was intimidated by the Nexus (Having never modded a game ever). I found this video by Gopher and it is a series of video tutorials for begining modding Skyrim through he Nexus. My main issue with Steam Workshop is trying to manage your mods and how it auto-updates every mod each time you start the game. Sometimes, updating a script heavy mod mid-play through can destroy a save. Modding through the Nexus gives you full control over when and how you update mods and once you get the hang of it it'll be easier. Once you get an idea of what you're doing, this will help you mod your game and make it stable enough to actually play: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/56894/? Most beginner modders (speaking from personal experience) will download every shiny mod we can get our hands on only to deal with script errors, bugs, and crashes (the worst!). Or overloading your textures so much your framerate looks like a slide show. These tools will help you mod the game to your systems limits while making it stable and playable. Good luck!
So you're looking to just delete those specific lines of audio and not all of their comments? Because with FCO you can turn down their frequency to 0% which means they will never comment about anything, effectively eliminating the annoying "I'm still here" comments over and over again.
How to Let's Play?: A newbie's quest for information
Dkboy24 replied to Dkboy24's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Haha, VolkiharFiend! Story of my life :P I have this perfectionist side of me that will delay a project I want to do because I want to start it off 100% perfect. Hence me waiting this long to do an LP of Skyrim. I'm not too worried about a ton of people watching it really. I'm not looking for a large crowd, really just for me and anyone else who wants to join me and my character's story. I tried using the free version of FRAPS just to try it out. It allows you to record 30 secs of gameplay. Problem is, there was a very noticeable drop in performance due to me recording my already performance intensive game. I know some of the popular LP'er like Gopher use a secondary hard drive to record as to not slow down their games, I'm just not sure if it's as simple as plug in the USB and set the recording to that drive. -
Pick up this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52019/? which allows you to set the percentage of how frequently your followers comment. You can even set it to 0% if you just want them to STFU and be your silent companion :P Don't forget to endorse and support the mod author!
How to Let's Play?: A newbie's quest for information
Dkboy24 replied to Dkboy24's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Boombro, thank you for your reply! Any little bit helps. I've found some good guides, but before I make an investment in gear I was just hoping to consult with someone who's actually done it to make sure I'm on the right track. I will continue my quest though! Thanks again :) -
Yup, assuming you have a legit copy of the game, your Steam will auto update it. If you didn't get it through Steam, you don't have a legit copy and need to go purchase the game.
Hi all! Okay so I watch a TON of let's play videos... mostly Skyrim. And I've always wanted to do my own. I know Skyrim LP's are a dime a dozen.. but I want to do it more for my enjoyment and anyone else who may want to join in my adventures. But... I have NO CLUE how to set up an LP. I've done some research but if anyone with any LP experience can look at this set up and let me know how it looks, I would really appreciate it! 1. Recording software: I was thinking Dxtory but if there is a better one for Skyrim let me know. 2. Video editing software: Ideally what I would like to do is record it on an external hard drive and once I'm done recording, edit on my MacBook using iMovie as It's better than the default Windows one. Any other recommended video editing tools? 3. Get Audacity to record my voice as a separate channel from the game audio. 4. Get a good quality microphone. I have no clue here... I've tried to look but there are so many I get lost. Any suggestions? 5. Pick up an external hard drive for the recordings. I don't want to slow down my game or FPS at all and since I run a lot of graphics mods and an ENB I don't want to affect performance. Tell me if I'm just completley not understanding this process but I believe I can get an external drive and set my recordings to save to that instead of my normal drive. Any recommendations for an external? Am I missing anything? Please feel free to point out any glaring lack of knowledge here as I said before.. I know F*** all about recording LP's. Thanks in advance!
new youtuber i do a lot of skyrim mod overview's
Dkboy24 replied to applefruit1198's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Agreed. I always like to support new YouTubers for Skyrim mods but I could not find you either mate. -
For me, I find the ultra high graphics, fully modded out to make it look as real as possible really helps add to the immersion of my game-play experience. Due to graphical mods, when I'm in a musky inn and can see the flecks of dust in the air and the rays of sunlit pouring in through the windows, it really draws me into the game. Don't get me wrong, I do highly value gameplay, but I found that if my graphics are amazing, my imagination can sub in anything lacking in the story or plot. Whereas the other way around, bad graphics can take away from game play (for me at least). And just to clarify, I'm not talking about bad as in "aged" graphics but bad as in simply poor design or low resolution, nasty blocky graphics mixed with really well done graphics. Almost like the designers put extra attention to certain areas for the game-play trailer but then rushed through the rest. As an example, I can still play FF7 to this day and fully enjoy it due to the amazing story, despite the aged graphics. To comment on the original point of this topic, I'm not exactly qualified to give an insightful opinion as I never played any previous TES games. I started with the original Fallout series, skipped FO:3 and then got into Skyrim. After which I played through FO:NV. I have to say, if I'm comparing FO:NV to Skyrim, Skyrim is a step back if we are talking about the level of difficulty. I LOVED FO:NV's hardcore mod. I LOVED getting into a fire fight and crippling away bleeding and wounded because a piece of shrapnel hit my leg. There is a fist sized glob of dried blood on Doc Mitchell's front door from me banging on it to get patched up again. With Skyrim, I would have loved to see that attention to fight realism because I hate their version of increased difficulty. I find it immersion breaking when all it does is add extra health and damage to a mob. If I shoot a shirtless bandit in the face with an arrow, he should go down, no matter what difficulty. On that side token, I should go down (just like FO:NV) if I take a headshot and am not wearing a helmet. Viking combat was violent, bloody, and brutal. I can't imagine the Nords would be any less. I do see it was very apparent the violence was toned down to increase their market share to the "Konsole Kiddies" But I also think Skyrim took steps forward in other areas. It's sheer size (especially when you opt not to fast travel) was jaw dropping. I would get lost just exploring the depths of the terrain they built for us. I love the diversity from the dark rainy pines of Falkreath, to the snowy drifts of Dawnstar. I also liked how your speech checks were kept hidden whether or not you would pass them. In FO:NV it was either you have the skill or you don't. I like that level of mystery where you think "Maybe I can sweet talk my way out of this?" I know it might seem trivial to some, but I love the camera in Skyrim compared to FO:NV. I hated the camera in NV so much... I found it clumsy and difficult to fight in third person. Another thing I think Skyrim did better was simple movement animations. I found the movement animations in FONV to be clunky at best. It felt like I was "ice skating" through the wasteland because my foot steps would not match the speed at which I was running / walking. And lastly, another step forward with Skyrim was it's character creation. The FO:NV creation was over-simple and just plain ugly. I'm not the type of gamer who wants the barbie glam girl as his character, I actually prefer a gritty, dirty, scared, character. But beyond that, FO:NV character creation (without mods) was pretty bad... All and all we can't really stop these companies from dumbing down their games for the kids. Money will win every time, despite our want for the difficult old style RPG's we all grew up with. All I ask is they give us crazy hardcore RPG'ers extra options to add that level of immersion and/or difficulty/ gore to our games like FO:NV did. It probably won't happen... because you know... deadline and fiscal reports etc. But I can still hope! XD
The main quest line will never force you into completing it in one day. You can return the Delphine, get the horn, and tell her to sod off if you want. She'll wait for you until you are ready. Then you can return to the Grey Beards. But even still, assuming you follow Dephine to fight the dragon, it won't make a diff. You can always pause between sections of the main quest and work at your own pace. I will do a segment, then go off and quest for a day or so, then come back and chip off another chunk of the main quest. The thing I like about it is that you can complete it at your own pace. And because I run so many tough dragon mods and make combat extra deadly... I won't be able to complete the main quest at low level, even if I wanted to.
Name: Ghor'Za Race: Orc Perk focus: Alchemy, Ranged, One handed, Destruction, Alteration, Restoration, Wayfarer (PerMa), Blacksmithing, light armor. Description (Short): Ghor'Za is an orphaned Orc shaman who's home has been destroyed by a dragon. She fled to Skyrim to seek a neighboring stronghold when she was captured by the Empire and taken to Helgen for execution. She now fights for the glory of the Orcs and hopes that Malacath will deem her his champion as she slays dragons. Description (Long): Ghor'Za grew up in the secluded Orc strong hold of Nazrbur'Yal in the mountain range between Hammerfell and Skyrim. She always had an affinity for tuning into the earthly powers of Nirn and became adept at drawing upon the destructive nature of the elements. The wise woman taught her how to harness her powers of frost, fire, and shock magic, while teaching her to become as hard a rock, summoning light when there was none, and channeling her magic through her axe. Ghor'Za became efficient at mending the wounds of her Orc brothers and sisters with restoration magic. She was allowed to join the hunting parties at a young age where she learned how to use a bow, track, skin, and butcher her kills. She learned of plants and used them to create deadly toxins she would apply to her arrows. She could also crack rock with the best of the Orcish miners and was not too bad around the forge, though she preferred to work with the leather of the hides she would tan. She found light armor allowed her to channel her magically abilities better than heavy armor could afford and used it to make her a deadly, yet versatile warrior-shaman. Though she had a promising future, here skills were still young and needed more practice. Sadly they were of little use when the sky turned dark and a massive black dragon flew overhead and laid waste to their stronghold. She was convinced this was a sign from Malacath who was telling her "Only the strongest survive, even against the most powerful threats" She found herself buried under a pile of rubble and after surveying the hold, all she found were the corpses of her fellow Orc-kin. She took this as a sign that she must hunt down and destroy this dragon to earn the favor of Malacath. She packed up what little belongings survived and headed to the mountains, tracking the beast. She traveled for days through the winding mountain passes, hunting and foraging, until she came across a mighty sabercat. These sabercats where not found near her stronghold and this was the first time she had seen one. Her arrows did little to kill the beast and within moments, it had pounced on her, clawing her face and leaving three deep gashes in her skin. After a short melee with the creature, she managed to push herself upwards and both of them rolled down the side of the sloped hill they were fighting on. Crashing and tumbling all the way down, breaking bush and branch, while the two fell. After a few moments of regaining herself, she stood up to find the beast dead at her feet. But before she could reveal in her victory, she found herself surrounded by Imperial soldiers with their swords drawn and pressed against her neck. They accused her of being a "Stormcloak" spy, although she had never heard of this term before. She refused to answer to any human and spit on the ground in front the accusers feet while drawing her war axe. Before she could swing, the soldier behind her slammed his sword pummel on her head and knocked her out. As Ghor'Za was loosing consciousness she overhead them say "Put her on the cart with the rest of em', we'll sort her out in Helgen when we arrive". What seemed like days later Ghor'Za awoke in a cart full of humans, stripped of her gear. The human across from her spoke, but she remained silent. As the human rambled on about horses and some place called "Rorikstead" she heard a familiar beastly roar echo through the distant valleys. Ghor'Za knew exactly what that sound was and knew the beast was coming back for her. She smiled, looked up at the other humans and said "You're all going to die. Malacath give me strength....nobody bests an Orc..." http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/images/110/6588603-1418836474.jpg
First time using SKSE and mods in general
Dkboy24 replied to DudeSittingDown's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Are you opening the game using the SKSE launcher? You can tell if you have SKSE installed when you hit ESC and look in the lower left hand corner of the screen. It will show your current SKSE version along with your current version of Skyrim. If you're unsure, look in your Skyrim folder with the main game .exe file and you should see another Skyrim launcher titled "Skyrim (SKSE)" Make sure you are always launching the game from that. -
I felt really bad for the dead girl you come across after fighting bandits and loot some enchanted jewelry. Then you read the note from her body that says she's going to hunt them down for taking her family heirloom. It must have been important to her as she went out hunting bandits with little more than a dress and a crude iron dagger. I felt so bad for looting the necklace I placed it back on her body so she could at least rest in peace with what she died for.
So, once again I failed my Thieves Guild playthrough.
Dkboy24 replied to TeofaTsavo's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I can only play the TG and DB quest lines if I'm playing a specific role playing character. But even still, like so many others have said, it just makes me feel "dirty." I find it very difficult to role play a cold blooded killer or a petty thief. I have gone through both quest lines in full, and I have to admit, there are some really cool parts of both lines. I especially enjoyed Delvin's voice in the TG. Of course I normally play Orcs who follow the code of Malacath which prohibits stealing and senseless murder. I only attack if attacked...etc etc.