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Posts posted by kanami24

  1. Long Loading times and Saving games, is usually script related.


    how big is the saved games, and is this issue only applicable to Far Harbour Worldspace. as a test teleport to commonwealth (preferably downtown boston, so we can get a demanding area being ideal as test) and do a save, to see if their is a difference, just to be sure that this is definitely exclusive to far harbour. also check the size of the freshly made saved games in both downtown boston, and far harbour worldspace and let us know if their is any difference in saved game size for both locations


    also list your mods. so i can get an idea on the demand you are putting on the game, since you have an excessive amount of mods, post your load order in a spoiler


    [*spoiler]Load Order Goes Here[*/Spoiler]



    Remove Asteriks * to Create Spoilers


    i did a little testing and the long save times were happening in the common wealth as well and continued to do so in boston. so I took to my mod list and did some experimenting. it wasn't theeee truly ghoulish mod but however it was surprisingly the skip dima memory mod -- despite it working perfectly for its purpose. after removing this mod, back to instant saves without having to roll back to a previous save and no save data corruption.


    I can't say that this mod was the cause of it due to it not causing this issue on my old laptop though. When I went to wyre bash to redo the bash patch it gave me a message stating that I was over its maximum mod limit of 2...34? 234 active esp mods.


    also sorry for not stating my load order, that's a lot of plugins lol would've token me days to list it all here. its entirely made up of weapons,frameworks, workshop stuff, weapon overhauls, cosmetics, utility mods such as backpacks, cheats to get around annoying parts of the game (i.e. scraping settlements, gathering mats, etc.) and ofcourse with fallout 4, a mod usually requires another mod.


    at anyrate, the issue is fixed at current -- oh, I did go back and download a few other mods to see if the issue would come back again and it didn't so that's what I am currently watching out for. I did take to nuka world after completing the far harbor DLC and the issue still hasn't came back despite going back over the bash patch's esp limit. granted I didn't rebuild the patch yet and somewhat straying away from doing so (it will disable the patch if the bash patch cannot be activated after patching all current esp's and attempting to activate all esps and the patch within itself. if it cannot it will disable random esp plugins including the bash patch esp plugin.)

  2. Just as the title says, I'm experiencing odd long save times in far harbor. I recently got a new laptop and since then fallout 4 has been running like a dream. The reason I'm stating this is because whenever I save my game, it would save in the blink of an eye. No stutters, no 1 second delays when saving. I click save, boom. game saved.


    Now, in far harbor however, when I'm in the actual world space (i.e. Not inside the nucleus or Arcadia, however outside) my laptop freezes for what feels like 5 minutes when saving. But when I do go inside, let's say, Arcadia -- back to instant game saves.


    Obviously, as any other bethesda gamer, I am using mods and I use Vortex due to it being user friendly. I do have somewhere around 338 active mods atm however the only mods I use at current for far harbor is a mod for longfellow's cabin and a Dima memory skip mod.




    Outside of that, my first thought is compatibility -- I have 0 compatibility issues as of yet. However, I don't know if there is a optimization issue with the vanilla far harbor.

  3. For a while now I've been building my settlements with shops and they've mostly have been for visual decoration. However, I recently started toying with supply lines a few weeks ago to add to the "settlement" atmosphere. With that being said, I've also seen talk about how "beneficial" supply lines are, but I have absolutely no clue as to how one would reap those benefits. What is the purpose of supply lines. What do they do for settlements from a core game mechanic level and up. And are they worth putting effort into outside of visual effects? These are some things I would like to know since the game does a poor job at explaining this.... also i'm on my second play through right now and I was going to make the mechanist's lair, sanctuary, and the castle linked to all the other settlements -- just for the visuals.

  4. Was just wondering, is there a mod that adds in some sort of.....wasteland wonderers or w/e that "pass through" your settlements? A mod that adds in npcs that will journey into your settlement and visit your shops and sandbox for a few minutes then leave? And i'm not referring to supply lines, just casual random npc's that will visit occasionally to stock up on supplies. I'm wondering because the shops are mostly apart of my settlement builds for decoration. I personally don't use them, but they are suppose to provide some sort of income for the settlements (which i'm still unsure how that works) but yet none of the settlers visits any of the shops other than the food and drink store(s).

  5. what fixed this issue for me was:

    selecting the npc (doesn't matter if its before or after this next step)

    going into console ("~" key) and typing in "help aggression 4"

    the above console command will give you a numerical name for something along the lines of "AVI"

    with the npc selected type "resetai"

    then type "SETAV" or "FORCEAV", the numerical name as said above and then "2" or "3"


    putting aggression to "2" will make the companion attack ONLY if they are hit

    putting it to "3" makes them attack any enemy in their line of sight automatically

    - the highest you can put them is "4" which puts them in a state of frenzy. they will also attack you if their aggression is 4


    following the same steps for confidence -- "confidence 4"

    for this i had put the companion's confidence to 4. doing so causes them to never run away from combat.

  6. For awhile now I've been having a AI bug with Cait. For awhile now I had Cait tag along with me and I have been trying to fix a bug in her AI where she literally runs away from any enemy to crouch and hide from the combat. I've tried a few companion mods to try to fix this but none of them did.


    It may be worthe mentioning that previously when I had first gotten Cait, I had her on farming duty in the sanctuary settlement. At the time I had just gotten Piper so I was not interested in having yet another companion with me at the time. I would say that mabye her AI switched to that of a farming settler, but even they fight back. Also I tried putting her on gaurd duty to see if it would fix her AI -- once at sanctuary, which did put her on gaurd duty but did not fix her AI and a second time at vault 88 when I had decided to pick her up again. The attempt at vault 88 did not work since it would not let me select her to assign her. At this point in time she was not actually a follower so it should have worked.


    As for other followers, Piper's AI still works perfectly. Same as Preston,dog meat, and Ada. As well as any automatrons I build -- though not entirely worthe mentioning since I believe automatrons have different AI's to begin with.


    I have also tried console commands such as:

    setconsolescopequest followers

    emptyrefalias companion

    setplayerteammate 0


    and I have also tried to re-complete her quest through console commands:

    completequest 0002074b


  7. I've been holding out on fallout 4 for awhile but when i saw it was on sell on steam for $7.49 I couldn't pass that up since I've been wanting to try the game out for awhile. With that said, I'm coming from SSE -- so in SSE, the way I would mod it, would be:

    -unnofficial skyrim special edition patch






    -quality of life mods such as campfire and various mods surrounding it

    -spell mods such as phenderix

    -perk tree and gameplay overhauls such as AGO and ACE

    and so on


    My question here is -- are there any fallout4 variants of the USSEP mod and skse? And if so can anyone provide links?

  8. Using vortex also. I refuse to go back to NMM as it is outdated now and seems to just cluster your mods together. where as vortex "SEEMS" to be a little bit more organized. In terms of moving to mod organizer or mod organizer 2 -- i've literally just spent the past 3-5 days reinstalling a bunch of crap through vortex trying to fix both SSE and skyrim LE. I don't plan on going through another overly tedious mod shift between one mod organizer and another any time soon.

  9. Hey forums, it's me again.


    So, once again I've wasted an entire day trying to fix skyrim. I've been following a guide someone had sent to me via message. I'll post it here:




    I've followed the entire guide by the letter after uninstalling skyrim and deleting all files pertaining to skyrim LE including mods. Then reinstalled skyrim. Mods. and of course while doing that, following this guide. Note, I've followed the entire guide and have already done everything in it. However, there was an issue with my skyrim LE before I had uninstalled it -- the main menu screen would be black, having the "continue" "new" and "load" options and etc as well as the little Bethesda logo in the bottom left, however there would be no skyrim logo or anything in the middle. Also, when loading into a save or a new game the loading screen would be black as well only displaying my character's level and of course the randomized text in the bottom right. While loading into the game, on the loading screen, the game would CTD. Now, however, when loading into a new game it would give me a message reading :


    From Crash Fixes

    Skyrim has crashed because an object reference with form ID: 0x8c39e, base form ID: 0xd6c27 and type: 0x22 failed to produce loaded node most likely due to corrupted mesh or other reasons.


    I've tried:

    -loading into a previous save

    -deleting all previous saves

    -deleting all previous and current saves

    -starting new game, completely clean

    -uninstalling/reinstalling skyrim LE


    I also had one, literally one, mod installed from the steam subscription thing -- deleted it. Also found out it wasn't even in the skyrim folder, instead it was in my skyrim SSE folder but yet its a skyrim LE mod. But its been deleted and I've unsubscribed in an attempt to fix this issue.


    When I went to reinstall the mods that I had used before, only one mod is new and that would be the flintlock pistol mod.

    And to give an idea of how large my load order is -- I have no clue but I only have 41 plugins and most of them are multiple plugins from one singular mod.


    Other than that, this is a fairly new problem that I encountered while trying to actually stabilize skyrim LE the last time I bothered to try to play it. It may be worth mentioning that when I had encountered this bug, It was after I had accepted the fact that if I'm going to play this $40-ish game, I'm going to be crashing every 5 minutes and also a high possibility to crash when attacking a random enemy. I went, logged in for a few minutes. Ran past the enemy that had caused me to crash everytime I tried to hit him and fought Harkon. Afterwards I saved, and exited the game.. Then the next time I tried to play LE (after the new skyrim SE update literally f*#@ed everything up to the point of no return a few days ago of this post) that is when I encountered this issue. Also worthe mentioning, the enemy that caused me to crash was killed by the dawnguard blueberries while I fought harkon. I walked outside the castle and shot fish with my bow for a few minutes before actually logging off.


    If anyone has a fix for this, please be sure to share -- until then, I refuse to play a Bethesda game. Every day, I spend all day or my entire free time trying to fix skyrim LE or skyrim SSE. I don't even get to play the game, instead i'm reading walls of text and trying different/multiple methods to fixing one or the other. Atleast with SSE, before the recent update It was dependant on a coin flip whether or not I would run into zero issues during my playtime. But now, i'm just saying fk it I'll rather waste my time looking for a refund. And I know some people will say "why don't you play it vanilla?" because vanilla sucks _ss and you know it. If it weren't for mods, skyrim wouldn't be as relevant today to the point where tod uses it as his personal get-out-of-jail bait card. And playing skyrim LE as vanilla doesn't mean it will be free of CTD issues, it only makes it worse.

  10. But then again I don't really have a huge arsenal of mods on both games. Infact my mod setup is almost entirely the same between LE and SSE. The only difference is some small mods here and there that i love on LE but isn't available on SE. Then there's bodyslide files -- on LE I use UUNP and on SSE i use a mixture of CBBE and TBD or entirely use one or the other every now and then. Also mods like additional techniques and gypsy caravan -- those are for LE but then , for instance, some mods I use in SSE that ARE available for LE only works for me in SSE like the timelost dwemer mod. For the life of me I couldn't find out why my game was crashing when I installed it on LE. But for SSE -- I'm always a dwarven sniper elf with tons of animulculi [robots].


    Then there's mods that work on both platforms, but in some scenarios the mod just...simply performs smoothly and much better on LE than it does on SSE and vice versa. Also, bods and weapons. I didn't even know UUNP was a thing until i looked away from SSE and went to check out regular skyrim. And then mods like flintlock rifles, the rifles perform much better on LE (there's always an annoying delaying when you shoot -- the bullet spawns out to fly a few seconds later on SSE) and they're animated on LE. Also LE has dwarven sniper rifles -- actual sniper rifles. Which yeah, aren't lore friendly (until you remember that a fancy fantasy version of gunpowder has already been made and used in the skyrim universe) but... they are so much fun.

  11. I have both LE and SSE. it's just that every now and then I like to hope between em because of the available mods. That and mods on LE are for some reason better. Performs better too, where as in SSE there's always some sort of delay. The only thing that SSE really has over LE is that SSE NEVER crashes or has any issue -- well most of the time it doesn't. Where as LE -- you'll CTD if a frostbite spider so much as farts in your direction-- can spiders fart?

  12. Just like the title says. I know there's plenty of guides out there but all of the ones i run into includes the whole enboost process. I've done this process. Skyrim still crashes and ive been going from passively to actively continue working on stabilizing the game for a few months now just to be able to mod it and not ever crash -- basically at this point developing it for bethesda. Recently I was told that the enboost method is now out dated, so what is the new method? Because this is not working

  13. I've been following a mod porting tutorial lately in order to port the gypsy eyes caravan mod to sse so that i can actually use it.

    here's the mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33219


    and here's the tutorial page: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17990


    There's a little back story as to why I'm doing this that I will type up at the end of the main topic.


    Now, so far I'm only on section A of the tutorial where you extract the archive and the BSA and I've done that for the BSA. I didn't know whether or not if I should do the animation portion since I did not see any animations. At the moment I am attempting to transfer from section A to section B however I am unable to find this creation kit that is spoken of. The creation kit is suppose to help with repacking the BSA in a format that SSE is able to read, afterwards there's section C where I must convert ESP's and ESM's. however I cannot continue without the ability to repack the BSA in the proper format?


    Now, the reason why I'm doing this is because I like the mod. But it's not available for SSE. I know, some people may say "if you've played with the mod, then why not just play with it on regular skyrim instead of skyrim special edition." And to that I say, 'because regular skyrim becomes stupidly unstable before and after you install your first mod -- atleast for me it has".


    I started out playing skyrim special edition. Immediately started modding after playing the vanilla version for roughly a millisecond -- great game just painful as fk to play it unmodded. Literally if someone betted me to play it unmodded I would probably fus ro dah them in the head, stand over their corpse, and say "I win" instead. And I would say it in tod howard's voice too. But no, at the time I saw all of these cool mods but they were for regular skyrim, not skyrim special edition. After a few months of modding and all that jazz I cracked -- bought regular skyrim and the dlc's just to play skyrim with the mods I wanted, atleast until they eventually got ported to SE.


    First mod, was crashing non - stop. I had put up with it for a long while and just started manually saving the game a lot more to avoid corrupted saves. That and because the mod "Additional techniques" isn't ported to SSE for some god forsaken reason. Atleast not yet. But my breaking point was -- the final part of the dawnguard DLC, where you fight harkon. So, you know the vampire cafeteria area right before you fight harkon? yea. Killed all the vampires there except one, he's in the tiny room with all the coffins downstairs on the left side of the vampire cafeteria. Hit him one -- boom CTD. loaded back in, saved the game right before I went to that room. Hit him once again -- CTD. Loaded back in, let serana and harkon go down there, they hit him once -- I CTD'ed again.


    It wasn't all of the constant crashing that broke me. It wasn't having to run programs and most literally develop the game myself with enboost and all of that other stuff -- having to go into files and tinker with things for weeks trying to get the game to a point where its stable to run ON MY BRAND NEW LAPTOP BTW --with PLENTY of MEMORY to SPARE.


    no..no… it was this. single. enemy. causing. me. to. CTD.


    But you know what, mods like additional techniques, gypsy eyes caravan, and some of Elysees mods that are still for some reason not ported literally made me happy with regular skyrim -- that and I finally managed to get body physics to work on regular skyrim :V


    Now, I know some people are gonna say, "there's dragonkiller cart" -- stop.

    As of right now I did redownload special edition and I actually took the steps to convert from nexus mod manager to vortex mod manager properly. Which, btw, feels like the smartest thing I've down if anything at all yet. It's just so much cleaner now -- my load order. Not much of a need to run wyre bash or loot or anything with vortex. However, I do have dragonkiller cart redownloaded in my SSE mods. Now, before I had even went to regular skyrim back when I was using nexus mod manager, the cart worked however I had to ride my horse while my horse was hitched due to the cart spazzing out non - stop, making it practically unusable outside of having more storage and a portable blacksmith anvil. Now, it won't even hitch onto my horse -- and yes I do have the harness in the horse's inventory under the systems tab in the actual caravan itself. And when I encounter issue after issue with this cart, all I could think about was how smooth the gypsy caravan worked -- it actually felt good to use it. riding across skyrim -- granted I was ctd'ing every 5 minutes but still.


    At anyrate -- I got fed up, looked around for a possible port of the gypsy eyes caravan mod and additional techniques. hadn't found one, and i'm not going to wait 30 years to find out that the mod authors had actually left skyrim. So, I would rather port them over myself and actually play the game for once :V

  14. simple.


    take the entire alchemy combat system from mabinogi. slap it into skyrim.


    it'll give alchemy in skyrim an actual purpose and make it a considerable combat alternative in skyrim.


    I understand this sounds easier than it may actually be to make, considering all of the alchemic resources in skyrim.

    But there's also resources already in skyrim as well in terms of "this combined with this combined with this makes.... a alchemic summonable frost atronach" or "deathbell combined with this flower combined with this flower makes a crystal stored in your inventory. when selected alongside the cylinder you shoot out a toxic cloud (basically the flame spell but toxin damage and its green flames :V or smoke)"

  15. So...this bug... ok to start off I don't use any combat mods that affects stamina [i.e. combat overhauls] however I do use A.C.E but only for the archery perk tree and smithing perk tree. Neither affects stamina. I do however use the dynamic magicka and stamina growth mod which increases stamina and magicka the more you use it [i.e. sprinting increases stamina stats (100 stamina to 120 stamina and so on the more you sprint) / casting fireball or invisibility spells increases magicka]. The weird thing is, I looked all over the web and couldn't find a fix, only possible causes and while this sounds weird -- I don't think it is the dynamic stamina and magicka growth mod only because I used this mod from the start to end of my skyrim special edition experience. However I also think that this may be the cause because well this isn't special edition.


    It is worthe noting that I have been spending the past few weeks trying to stabilize skyrim as well. I was crashing non stop (still hadn't started the main questline however I just recently finished the companions questline while trying to fix my skyrim).


    recently I did the whole ENBoost thing, stable grids to...load thing/mod? I ran the directX10, dotnexfx , and vcredist programs. basically all that stuff. the only thing I hadn't done yet was fix the underwater green screen bug only because I hadn't went to see if I have that bug yet -- at anyrate doing all of this may be the issue for this stamina bug.


    I also recently moved all of my mods from nexus mod manager over to the vortex mod manager since there's some sort of API issue with nexus mod manager and I really wanted to try out BD's armor and clothing conversions for all DLC's which ironically enough, I did this because we don't have it on special edition... but then we JUST got it on special edition =-=.



    I didn't like NMM anyways due to the API issue... that and the overall look seemed a bit clustered. Vortex fits my taste -- more organized and there's no API issues. But -- I also suspect these actions to be the cause of the bug. Not to mention Vortex automatically runs FNIS. I just ran FNIS manually to try to fix this (as well as some animation issues I noticed) however I do not suspect this to be a fix for a stat bug since FNIS is only for introducing and fixing and maintaining animations within the game.


    It is worthe noting that I am one out a cuptribillion individuals that are lucky enough to have an un-tucked up VERY recent save so I will be rolling back to that save upon loading in again, however I highly doubt this will fix the issue as well.


    Forgive me if you've made it this far, I forgot to mention how I encountered this bug. So like I said earlier I just did the werewolf companion quest line and I have been making a unusual great effort to stop from CTD'ing (for a game). I walked outside of CTDrun (whiterun) and got ambushed by some silver hand folk. Me being an archer (the reason why I have the A.C.E archery perk overhaul, that and because it was also the only perk overhaul I had in special edition outside of the time lost dwemer mod) I pulled out my bow and aimed. When I had aimed my stamina drained down to 0 in a second (had over 1k stamina from the dynamic stamina and magicka growth mod) and since then I had no stamina. Or rather unlimited stamina since it is current NaN. It honestly wouldn't bug me so much if....well... any archer would know you need stamina to zoom in...right? or well to aim...which zooms in -- anyways, because of my stamina's current state -- while yes it is unlimited, it is also nonexistent. So I could sprint infinitely if I wanted, but on the other hand I can't aim while using archery.... I can do power attacks too.


    So it could be a number of things -- corrupt save as well but I checked under wyre bash and loot, no corruption and no mod incompatibilities. and also vortex...which has a built in warning thingy -- whatever. But if anyone has a fix for this, a mod to download or some simple steps and changes to make in skyrim.ini or something. That would be great since I am nearly brain dead from working on NOT CTD'ing (crash to desktop just incase anyone doesn't know) from the past week.. well I started a month ago but its just recently when I started to seriously work on it since my skyrim special edition so loaded with mods and i'm too lazy to go back and delete all of them individually to have a fresh modding start again. would totally go back to special edition though since even after modding I most literally never crashed -- well until recently when I started CTD'ing during loading screen but that's another story for another day.

  16. Since posting this I have went through my skyrim files and all files are present. I have also tried the mods Loud crash, SSE plugin loader, and engine fixes for SKSE64. the only thing left to do is to reinstall the game entirely, which I want to avoid doing since I think I will loose my saves/characters/progress.

  17. A week or two ago my game began to crash on the loading screen when entering the game. Not much of another way to describe the event that takes place. It would crash without a error window popping up. I went through my load order, ran FNIS, tried using LOOT and SSEDIT, uninstall a crap ton of mods I don't use/ need. The issue started after uninstalling an extra XP32. I had two installed -- both being the same version. So I uninstalled one and reinstalled the other then ran FNIS. Afterwards I closed my laptop. The next day, game started crashing on the loading screen when attempting to enter the game. If anyone has a solution, it would be much appreciated.

  18. Is there a console command that allows you to completely replay a dlc from start to finish? I don't want to start a new character lol I would much rather replay the dlc on my current one. Also is there a mod that allows me to get multiple quests from the companions? I had a quest for vilkas and he died to an guard in white run as I was walking to him to complete it, which failed it. Since then everyone still thinks I'm doing said quest. I tried some commands to bypass/auto complete it but still no fix.
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