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Everything posted by firepower02

  1. Why don't you just use the console to get the weapons you want early in the game?
  2. I have always used clairvoyance when I am doing a quest, it really helps me a ton because the arrow is not just that informative. However I am always stuck with only one offensive spell and I would also like to be able to use two offensive spells and have clairvoyace at the same time. Is it possible to have a dog follower that knows claivoyance? If there is an active quest, the dog will function similar to the clairvyance spell. He will lead the player to the direction where the clairvoyance spell would point if it is cast. The dog will stop and bark at the owner if he's not catching up to him. He would also stop and bark after every few feet so the player can see where he is. If it leads to a door or another loading screen, the dog would not get in the door and just wait there. During combat, he would fight like a normal dog, and his clairvoyance skill would only be activated outside of combat. There is no need for a visual effects like the spell since he would be a dog.
  3. Pls disregard my last request. I was able to make it work as a projectile area spell by changing the area to 100. So my follower does not have to exactly aim the enemy to freeze them. What I couldn't still find is the orignal base time, the time minus/hit, and the time minus every target's lvl > caster, and the time plus every target's lvl < caster. The spell cooldown as well, does the game have a setting for a spell cooldown?
  4. Ok, maybe I did it wrong. How did you add the AoE freeze hostile to a bandit? Usually, if they are cast on self spells, my followers won't use it, maybe I did something wrong. Also, where can I find to adjust the cooldown time? I only found the magicka cost, and the time it takes to cast, but not the cooldown. I want my follower to use it only every 15-20 secs, the freeze target which I got to work, he keeps using it, the only work around I was able to do was give it a high magicka cost so he would stop, but it's unconvetional, and he doesn't always hit.
  5. Hi blacksupernova, can I make one last request? I tried adding the spells to my follower, but only the aimed version worked. The AoE versions make my game crash. I think followers will only use spells that are aimed, not on self. I don't know, maybe the aimed spell that spreads out, kinda like the pacify spell might work. Can you make a version only for the freeze all hostiles, since it would be pointless for a follower to freeze my own character or my other followers. There is no unfreeze, and those that have the MagicEffectKeyword won't be affected as well. Can you pls make it a seperate file as I will using it for the follower only, not my character.
  6. It's nice that I can look at it with CK, there are many interesting things I learn. It would be great if the randomly teleporting, or intangibleness of the npcs could be solved, I've looked but I can't find where the part of it that controls it. Also, up close when freezing a talking character, they would carry on their dialogue, and upon unfreezing they would move their lips even though their dialogue has already played. It's not that bad from afar, I think it's something how the game is made, because pressing Esc key while some npc are talking, they would still continue to talk.
  7. Yes it's from a mod, but I'm not familiar with the spell. If I put it under keywords and check dispel effects with this keyword, the BISnFreezeTimeKeyword, will that spell remove the keyword from the target?
  8. If I use > 30, he would stop regardless of my distance from him. If I use < 30, he would not stop regardless of distance. What am I doing wrong here?
  9. Alright, I will try that out. How do I make the condition work so that he would stop doing it if my distance from him is 5 ft away already? So I would have GetDistance Run on Player, is it > or <? And then the value 30. Is that correct? I tried it but it doesn't work.
  10. Thanks for the info. Yes, I mean the GetDistance in the match condition, not a script. Where do I set the distance value? I want that when player, is more than a certain distance, npc would stop doing task. So I choose player since it is the player's distance from the npc that I want. I pick > greater than, let's 5 ft, he would stop doing his task. Under value, how do I know what measurement unit it uses?
  11. Hi everyone, I have looked over the internet about GetDistance function but only found very little info. I think I just want a simple condtion. What is the condition I should make so that a character would stop doing something if the player is already more than a certain distance from them.
  12. Hi SerephimKensai, thanks for joining us! I am currently studying the Target Condtions. I think one of the reasons why characters suddenly become intangible is because they get frozen again while still frozen. I have tried the freeze non-hostile, which when recast unfreezes all non hostiles, did not cause characters becoming intangible, or very rarely happens. Maybe if I can put in the freeze hostile's conditions that if they are already frozen, they won't be affected by it. And no, characters in the air don't really get buggy, I have used it on falling characters, and they freeze in the air just fine. I think the reason he left that out is because, "dragons are too powerful" for the spell, and didn't want it to be like a cheaty spell. edit: If I understood it correctly, the intangiblity issue is similar to the characters randomly teleporting. That is why they become intangible and can't be hit, because the real character has been teleported. It's true, it happens more often in four legged animals and lower lower characters. The chances of it also happening is not because of recasting it on frozen characters, but from it's initital casting. I tried casting the AoE freeze hostile just once and went near the enemy to see if I pass through, and I did not. Waited a little longer without casting the spell, and my character passes through. Also, the AoE freeze hostile spell, when recast on frozen enemies, it will make them move slightly. I added a condition that if subject HasMagicEffectKeyword BISnFreezeTimeKeyword, they won't be affected, and it works. However if I use telekinesis on enemy (custom spell) on them, they will be flung and regain their mobility, when I recast it, they won't freeze again, because the game thinks they still have the HasMagicEffectKeyword on them. Is there a different solution to stop them from moving again if they are already frozen?
  13. Ok I have looked at the script it looks like this: Event OnEffectStart(Actor Target, Actor Caster) Victim = Target Timer = 0 If Caster.GetLevel() == 1 Bonus = 10 Else Bonus = 5*(Caster.GetLevel() + 1) Endif If Target.GetLevel() > Caster.GetLevel() StopTimeMod = (Target.Getlevel() - Caster.Getlevel())*2 Else StopTimeMod = 0 Endif StopTime = Bonus - StopTimeMod If StopTime > 0 bKeepUpdating = True SpellWork = True Victim.EnableAI(false) Victim.BlockActivation(True) RegisterForSingleUpdate(1.0) Else FailMessage.Show() Endif EndEvent I don't know what part to edit, where is the initial freeze time, and the time added if of higher level? And the part of the script which controls the time reduced if they get hit: Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked) StopTime = StopTime - 3 EndEvent I'm assuming it's the line StopTime = StopTime - 3, right? There are two types of them, BlSnFreezeTimeArea01Effect and BlSnFreezeTimeArea02Effect. First one is for npcs, and the 2nd is for animals, correct? So I have the option to have different durations for animals or npcs, right? Also you said dragons won't freeze, is it ok that they still get affected 5 secs tops, regardless of any conditions.
  14. Hi blacksupernova, I have been fiddling with creation kit, and I was able to find out how to edit the visual effects and the sound effects. I also found out how to edit the casting time and magicka cost. What I couldn't find is how to edit the duration and the time that would be reduced if the target is of higher level or for every hit they get. I also want the freeze target to affect non-hostile animals, but couldn't find where to do it. Also can the butterflies and insects be frozen too? I also can't find where the shift into fighting position is for the freeze target. I have looked inside the AoE spells because it doesn't change characters into fighting pose, but I could not find any difference. And is the characters becoming intangible issue not be able to get fix? Lastly, I think you should upload this spell if you haven't already, so other people can use it too. It's great in situations especially where I am outnumbered. I also use it on non-hostile characters just for fun.
  15. How do I add a condition to an npc to stop doing something? For instance, they would stop healing if my character's health is more than 100%, by using 'GetHealthPercentage' and target it on 'Player'. What is the condition if I want them to stop doing it if my character is already far away from them?
  16. It's ok, I think it is the way the game is, just like how characters will still contiue their dialogue even when they are frozen. I used a different time stop spell, the one which slows down everything around the caster, and I could still hear people continuing their dialogue. Btw, do you still have the first version of the spell? The one that has no recast to unfreeze? I have not tried it so much, maybe that version does not change targets position. And yes please, can you make the other changes? It's ok if the character gets teleported randomly, it doesn't always happen, and usually not very far, as long as the character does not become intangible, when they do, my character passes through them, and destruction spells can't harm them. Also, do you know what causes my character to pass through dead bodies? I don't know what's causing this, because I tried running the game without your mod, and my character still walks through dead bodies. I even tried running it without any mod, and it's still the same. I remember the first time I killed an enemy at the beginning of the game, the corpse move around when I get near it. Hi blacksupernova, I would just like to summarize the changes that are possible. Can you make the -2 secs into -3 secs, while playing I feel like it is a bit unfair to the enemies, I am able to kill them before they regain mobility. - remove the glowing hands effect, the projectile effect, and the spreading effect, basically no effects at all, just movement of the hands. - also remove the background sound effect while the spell is in effect. I used it to freeze everyone annoying in the room, and unfroze only one person that I needed to talk to, but I can't hear his conversation anymore because it was drowned by the background sound effect of the spell. the sound effect for the spell could just be at the time of casting, you know, just for 1 sec. - recasting both the AoE freeze spells does not unfreeze if there are still characters that needs to be frozen, only when every character in the area is frozen, the recast will reverse it's effect. (If it's too hard, or could cause problems, then recasting it won't unfreeze, I will just use the freeze target spell for unfreezing them individually.) - recasting AoE freeze hostile sometimes makes enemies intangible, and can't be harmed until freeze effect wears off. - freeze target spell could everything, including non-hostile animals. - freeze target will not shift walking target into drawing position. - Is it possible for the freeze non hostile spell to freeze including the non-hostile flying insects and butterflies, or are those not considered as npcs by the game? edit: made final changes. I really enjoyed playing with this mod. The guards of markrath keep arresting me for no reason, they won't believe when I said I was framed, so what do I do, freeze all of them, and kill them.
  17. Vilkas of the Companions will always want to tak to my character. Whenever my character gets near him, the conversation menu shows up, like I clicked talk on him. I cancel it, it keeps coming up as long as he is near.
  18. When I go to the spell list tab, I could not find the custom spell I downloaded. Is it possible to create a follower that has a custom spell? How do I add the custom spell to the follower?
  19. Thank you so much! It is perfect now. I'm glad you kept the recast to unfreeze on the freeze target spell version so I can still unfreeze an enemy if I want. The cost of the spells is great! The freeze target spell still can't freeze non hostile animals, but it's ok there is an AoE spell to freeze all non-hostiles now. The AoE freeze non-hostile can't freeze flying insects, but it should not be problem since they don't move fast. The freeze non hostile AoE spell does not make the characters shift into drawing position, but the freeze target still does. The freeze hostile spell, when recast will make the enemies change poses, I think they still change pose when first cast. One thing I notice is my character will walk through dead bodies. Sometimes when I freeze an enemy, they will move to a different spot, when I froze a bear, and froze it again, it went up in the air, but this only rarely happens. Lastly, is it possible to remove the special effects of the spell? Like for freeze target, the hand will not glow and there wouldn't be a flying light ball towards the target. The AoE spells would not have a glow on the hand too, and there wouldn't be something round that spreads out. edit: Here's how the incident happened, when I cast freeze hostile AoE spell the enemy freezes, and then I cast it again while it is still frozen, my character can walk through the enemy, and attacks like fireball won't lower the enemy's health. When the enemy breaks free from the spell, that's when I can attack it again. This only happens to real enemies, not to friendly characters that turn hostile when attacked. I tested further, and different things can happen. When I cast the freeze target version first, the enemy freezes, and then I cast the AoE freeze hostile spell while it is still frozen, the enemy stays the same, casting the freeze hostile spell a 2nd time while the enemy is still frozen, the enemy will change pose, casting it again while still frozen, the enemy will change pose again. I keep doing it until it moved up high in the air, frozen. I cast freeze target to unfreeze it, and it fell down and died. lol!
  20. No worries blacksupernova, and thank you so much for making the changes, you're so nice. I tried them again in-game, here is what I found. The spell books are still named the same, but once my character learned the spell, the spells have the new names. No worries about that. Can you still please make the cost of the spell even lower? Like the freeze hostile spell AoE version to be like 30-40. The cost of the freeze target is ok. I don't think it would be too powerful, since there is still a catch that higher level characters don't freeze for too long. Can you also make an AoE version to freeze non-hostile only characters, and at lower cost, same as the AoE freeze hostile. Btw, the recast to undo the spell, when I use the AoE to freeze enemies, and then another enemy comes, I cast it again, the new enemy freezes, but the other one unfreezes and attacks me. Is it possible to not yet unfreeze the enemy while there are still unfrozen enemies? Only when every enemy in the area is frozen, that the recast will undo the effects, but if there still moving enemies, it will still keep freezing. Or maybe just have the unfreeze work for non hostile characters, since unfreezing enemies would be useless. Just wondering, what happens when I freeze a flying or falling target? I have not tried yet, will they fall down, or stay in the air? edit: I tried the spell on a falling spider, and the spider indeed froze in the air, after killing it, it fell down. I also tried it when an enemy flies across when hit by the last hit, and they froze in the air, and they remain frozen forever, even when recasting to unfreeze. Dead enemies on the ground will also be immovable, and they won't be moved even when hit with a fireball. It's not a problem anyway coz my character can just walk through the dead bodies. I tested it again for several hours, when a character is walking, and I use the freeze target spell, they will shift into something like a draw weapon position instead of freezing in their current pose, but it's ok, it's not really a big issue. If they are doing something like chopping wood, they freeze right away without shifting a pose. I tried it on non-hostile animals and it doesn't work, it works on hostile animals though. I would be fun to freeze those bunnies before they run away.
  21. Thank you so much! They work great! Can you please make the cost of casting the AoE version lower? It cost too much mana, like almost half of what my character has, and it also takes long to cast. Maybe same amount as the target version. I tried re casting the spell on a frozen target but it doesn't unfreeze them. Is it possible to not have another spell coz it would take up space, but just the same spell recast to reverse its effects? Can the gases effect on frozen targets be removed? edit: I just checked, the target version cost 70+ and the AoE version costs 100+, can you make it lower like only 30+? It is also named freeze time and time wizard, well since it won't be a time that is frozen, can you name them as freeze target and freeze hostile?
  22. I am ok with that. I actually wanted to ask you to make followers immune to the freezing spell, so it's good only NPCs freeze. The targets that scream when frozen is funny. Is freezing neutral character considered as an attack? that makes them report? or only when they are actually attacked? If they report crime when they are just frozen, maybe I should just avoid freezing them. They will not report crime if I freeze only hostile characters, right? Btw, can you make it an AoE type of spell, instead of one target per spell?
  23. Hi blacksupernova, I'm just wondering if you're still willing to take this request for me?
  24. Can you please tell me where to find Moss Mother Cavern?
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